Huayu: The director just wants to save money

Chapter 203 Boring, I want to see a river of blood

Chapter 203 Boring, I want to see a river of blood

Xu Zheng moved very quickly.

Coupled with the cooperation of Wang Changtian.

Just three days.

News about "Wen Zhang living off his wife and children" began to spread all over the Internet.

After all, Xu Zheng is an old hand who has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years.

When it comes to really getting people down, his methods are as smooth as flowing water.

at first.

It was a so-called "insider news" that triggered the attack on Wen Zhang.

"Breaking news, breaking news, the latest news is that after a male celebrity in the Shanghai circle became rich with the resources of his wife, instead of thanking his wife, he repeatedly complained about her being too controlling during drinking parties..."

"One more thing to add: this male star has appeared in urban TV dramas and movies, and he was the leading male role."

The entertainment industry is really small.

In the Shanghai circle, a male star relies on his wife and plays the leading role in urban TV dramas and movies.


Basically, the candidates were decided by some people who frequently visit the entertainment industry.

People who meet these five characteristics at this stage.

Who else could it be other than Wen Zhang?
The Internet environment in 2013 is not what it will be like later.

The label of "living off a gigolo" is even more negative than "being a big shot".

After the news spread, many netizens began to leave messages under Wen Zhang's account.

And suggested that Ms. Ma divorce.

Wen Zhang’s team actually responded very quickly.

The day after the news broke, his team began to clarify on Weibo, saying that they did not believe in rumors or spread them, that Mr. Wen and Ms. Ma had a very good relationship, and warned those with ulterior motives that they would use legal means to protect their rights.

It’s a pity that just a Weibo post obviously can’t stop the enthusiasm of the onlookers.

Just a few dozen words of warning.

Everyone eats melons all year round.

What kind of storms have you never seen?

The warning words on Weibo even directly aroused the rebellious psychology of some netizens.

They began to expose their previous experiences with Wen Zhang on the Internet.

"This guy is always putting down others and praising others. He has a bad temper and speaks harshly."

"I ran into him in a restaurant last time and wanted to take a photo with him, but he didn't even raise his head..."

"I worked as an assistant in their team for a while. I was asked to work overtime every day. The key is that the salary is very low. They even asked me to use my autographed photo to pay my salary..."

Some of the news is true, some is false.

A lot of news can be seen as fake at a glance.

For example, Wen Zhang not only lived off his wife, but also committed domestic violence.


In private, Wen Zhang and Ms. Ma were so close that, let alone domestic violence against his wife, he was lucky enough not to be raped.

It’s a pity that when faced with such obviously fake news, Wen Zhang’s team had no way to refute it.

Because the people who spread this kind of fake news are well versed in the essence of "setting the tone".

Every fake news.

It must be accompanied by some real news.

From my own personality to some things that happened in Wen Zhang’s crew.

That's a lot of detail.

It was as if the person who sent the message lived by Wen Zhang's side every day, doing nothing else but watching Wen Zhang's every move and recording it.


This farce did not last after all.

Just when netizens thought Wen Zhang would be in trouble, a Weibo post quickly saved him from the quagmire.

Ms. Ma spoke.

"Life between husband and wife is not always smooth sailing. There are bumps and bruises, and getting along with each other is the key to a long-term relationship. In my heart, he has always been a very responsible person, both as a husband and a father."

Ms. Ma's recognition interrupted the fermentation of negative news about Wen Zhang on the Internet.

After seeing these remarks, netizens no longer wanted to pursue the matter further.

The real person has spoken and said that he will not pursue the matter.

What’s the point of these outsiders chanting?
Shanhe Company.

Da Tiantian looked at the information on the Internet and felt a little disappointed.

She had been enjoying the melon-eating these past two days, but it suddenly stopped.

"It's boring, I want to see a river of blood!"

Seeing that she was still unsatisfied, Zhou Mo said with a bit of amusement: "Tiantian, you really enjoy watching the fun. Why haven't you had enough of the melons these past few days?"

"Of course I haven't eaten enough!"

Da Tiantian wrinkled her nose: "I thought the story between Wen and Yao would be exposed, but this is it?"

Zhou Mo poured a basin of cold water on her.

"Then forget it. Xu Zheng will never expose this matter. If he really does, Wen Zhang will definitely fight with Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng himself has a dirty background to begin with. If he really exposes this, the result will only be a lose-lose situation. Xu Zheng is such a good businessman that he would never do such a thing that would hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt himself by eight hundred."

So far, Xu Zheng's actions are just to make an example of others.

Instead of making mortal enemies with others.

Therefore, the best option for Xu Zheng was to send some news to let Wen Zhang know what was good and what was bad, and then quit while he was ahead.

Da Tiantian reacted.

"You mean the nightclub door?"


Zhou Mo nodded.

Da Tiantian thought about it, but still didn't quite understand: "What about Ms. Ma? Why did she come out to support Wen Zhang so quickly?

If she hadn't done this, she would have been completely invincible and innocent in everyone's eyes. But when she spoke out this time, instead of getting more support from netizens, she was scolded by many people."

Zhou Mo explained to Da Tiantian.

"Tiantian, you don't understand this. Being married or not is a completely different world for celebrities. You've never been in that circle, so it's normal that you don't know.

Combinations like Wen and Ma usually sign huge contracts and have to establish a loving persona in front of the audience. Once their behavior makes the audience feel that the two of them are broken, they will face sky-high liquidated damages.

And it's not just Wen and Ma who are like this, many celebrity couples in the circle are also like this, including Xu and Tao, who may also have similar contracts.

So you understand why the fight between these two people seems to be so grand, but in the end it is just a brief battle, with much noise but little action. "

The entertainment industry is actually a pile of coal where crows fly.

It's all black to the eyes. No one is cleaner than anyone else.

After hearing this, Da Tiantian’s eyes widened.

Originally, before Zhou Mo explained, her thoughts were:

I've seen all sorts of mess.

After listening to Zhou Mo's explanation, her thoughts were:
I've never seen a single guy like this.

She still felt a little regretful after saying this.

“If only it could continue.”

Zhou Mo thought about it and added: "It's not certain that we can continue."

Da Tiantian raised her eyebrows and said, "Didn't you say that Xu Zheng wouldn't continue this?"

"Xu Zheng will not continue, but the same cannot be said for Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons. Don't play tricks on me. The investors of Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons are all big and small kings."

Da Tiantian heard the names of these two people.

frown slightly
"Who will Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons promote next? Luo Xiaozhu?"

Zhou Mo shook his head.

"No, it should be Huang Bo."

Da Tiantian: “But if Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons promotes Huang Bo, isn’t that the same as promoting Lost in Thailand?”

Zhou Mo spread his hands: "What you said is indeed correct, but the problem is that Luo Xiaozhu can't stand the publicity. This guy is actually more extravagant than Wen Zhang. The difference is that Luo Xiaozhu is not married."

The title of Time Assassin is too shocking.

It is impossible that the crew of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" did not know about this.

At present, Wen Zhang’s incident has already hindered the promotion of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" a lot, and it can no longer bear any other losses.

Therefore, compared to Luo Xiaozhu, it is safer to promote Huang Bo.



Huang Bo did not expect that in just less than a week, he went from being the second-leading actor in two movies to being the center of publicity.

What a surprise.

Let’s not talk about “Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons”.

There is no other choice but to promote Huang Bo.

As for “Lost in Thailand”.

Then the price Xu Zheng paid for his action appeared.

Although he had deliberately controlled the intensity of his attack on Wen Zhang before, online public opinion is not so easy to control.

It was the fifth day after Wen Zhang’s accident.

Some things about Xu Zheng’s past were also circulated on the Internet.

"Nightclub incident, hugging waist incident..."

Although Xu Zheng and Wang Changtian quickly launched public relations.

Still couldn't completely suppress the message.

In desperation, Xu Zheng had to adjust his publicity strategy and spend part of the publicity funds on Huang Bo and Wang Baobao.

As for Huang Bo, he was worried about the competition between the two films during this period.

Whether it is "Lost in Thailand" or "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

He is always the second male lead.

And there are quite a few plots.

On one side is Stephen Chow, the faith of a generation of movie fans.

On one side are the iron triangle brothers, and behind them stands a big director.

No matter which side you help, the other side will have opinions.

Even Huang Bo, who has always been praised for his "high emotional intelligence and master of balancing things", felt quite uncomfortable facing this situation.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry now.

There is no need for the two movies to compete with each other, they are both promoting him anyway.

Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons
Zhou Xingxing: Huang Bo is the best candidate for "Sun Wukong" in my mind. His talent in acting is no less than mine.

Xu Zheng: I thought about the actors first, and then the script. It was because of Huang Bo that the script of Lost in Thailand came into being...

Huang Bo was still immersed in the publicity center and couldn't extricate himself, but when he saw the promotional content of the two movies about him.

He panicked.


Wang Changtian's office.

Zhou Mo patted Huang Bo's shoulder with a smile on his face: "Brother Bo, congratulations, the future comedy king is none other than you!"

Wang Baobao was also full of support: "Yes, Brother Bo, you are really amazing. Both Stephen Chow and Director Zhou are praising you, and the audience is praising you too."

"Praise? What the hell!"

Huang Bo complained to Wang Baobao with a frustrated look on his face: "Can those words on the Internet be called praise for me? I think they want me to die. In just a few days, I went from being the successor of Stephen Chow to being the number one in contemporary comedy movies. Some people even call me a comedy master...

Do I deserve it, Jiba, I deserve it."

Huang Bo pointed at himself and was so excited that he even said Qi Lu's inverted sentence.

Zhou Mo continued to tease: "Brother Bo, don't be afraid when you encounter this kind of problem, use your invincible emotional intelligence to think of a solution."

Huang Bo had a bitter face.

"Director Zhou, please stop making sarcastic remarks. Help me think of a solution. Can we adjust the promotion strategy of our movie and stop focusing on me? Even if it means giving me less traffic!"

Zhou Mo spread his hands.

"You shouldn't say this to me. You should talk to Xu Zheng. He has always been in charge of the film's promotional strategy."

I thought the storm was over, but I didn't expect there would be a second one.

Huang Bo followed Zhou Mo's words and glanced into the office.

Shake his head.

"Forget it then. I don't want to offend Xu Zheng right now."

the other side.

in the office.

Xu Zheng's face turned black.

His brows were furrowed.

This wave of rhythm really exceeded his expectations.

The pace of the online situation was originally good, but how come it suddenly turned to him?

"Boss Wang, have you found out the source of the rhythm?"

(End of this chapter)

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