Huayu: The director just wants to save money

Chapter 310 Husband, please say something!

Chapter 310 Husband, please say something!
"Police Stories" experienced a week-long surge, and just as the eighth day of the holiday ended, it began to fall back to normal.

But the negative reviews appeared during this period of time, as if the audience had finally discovered Zhou Mo's "bad intentions" in making the movie, as well as the movie's poor quality, causing the number of viewers to plummet, and the movie would soon die.

"Director Zhou, should we arrange some internet trolls to bring back the reviews? It's not a good idea to let negative reviews continue to spread for a long time, as it will definitely affect the final evaluation of the movie." The manager asked Zhou Mo for his opinion.

Don’t think that posting good reviews will definitely lead to failure.

Compared to a small number of "fussy" red and black fans, most viewers don't actually care whether there is really a problem with the score.

They just habitually look at the scores and a few comments.

If the movie starts with a low score, and the top likes and latest comments are also relatively low, you will lose interest in watching the movie, even if the quality of the movie is actually good.

This is the fundamental purpose of posting good reviews.

It is not about fighting against negative reviews at all, but about maintaining the impression among passers-by and potential vote banks.

Of course, this process will inevitably be discovered and announced by others.

But that's not a problem.

As long as the film company does a good job of public relations, or even just pretends to be dead, once the storm is over and the box office is maintained, they can continue to promote how good the quality of the film is.

You can even directly go into history books and say that many of the negative reviews were caused by sniping and that those were all black fans and so on.

As long as the promotional content is not particularly exaggerated, it will generally not go wrong.

Unless a main member of the crew makes a mistake and causes trouble, the onlookers will spontaneously start digging up history and restore the truth one by one.

In this way, all the image promoted before will be wasted.

Roll call means...

Forget it.

The examples are too numerous to count.

However, just as the manager began to think about the follow-up public relations, the deputy manager came over and brought another bad news.

"Director Zhou, someone is backstabbing our crew."

"Oh? How do you mean?" Zhou Mo was curious.

"He's from Xiangcheng. He was introduced by Cheng Long. He posted a message on their online platform, saying that you forced them to make comments they didn't want to say on the set many times and even asked them to write a letter of guarantee. It's as if you didn't treat them as human beings and didn't respect them enough..."

Zhou Mo glanced at the tablet handed over by the deputy manager.

In the video, an actor was crying about Zhou Mo's "atrocities" on the crew, which sounded quite real at first.

"Yo huh?! That's pretty real... Did he mention the cage in the video?"

The deputy manager shook his head.


Zhou Mo smiled: "Good fellow, you have learned how to play the art of war, and you even know how to make me and Cheng Long conflict. It's a pity that you just don't have enough brains."

Not to mention that Cheng Long and he share a common interest.

Even if he and Cheng Long had conflicts of interest, on such occasions the two would appear to be of one mind in public.

Want to cause conflict between him and Cheng Long.

I really think too much.

The voice just fell.

The cell phone rings.

As soon as the call was connected, Cheng Long's apology came through.

"I'm sorry, Director Zhou, I really don't know..."

"Don't worry, Brother Long. I understand." Zhou Mo tried to persuade him. Whether it was helping to warn people or taking the initiative to express the stance of "One China", the people were leading by example. At least they came back to bring people to work. A few words of comfort would be enough.

Hearing that Zhou Mo didn't take it seriously, Cheng Long breathed a sigh of relief.

"But Brother Long, I'd like to trouble you to issue another statement on this matter. We both need to be of one mind at this time."

"Don't worry, Director Zhou. I'll send you a video and a message in a moment." Cheng Long assured immediately, and then changed the subject: "This bastard, I gave him a chance, but he came to trick me..."

It was rare for him to swear in front of Zhou Mo, and it seemed that he was very angry.

Zhou Mo chuckled and imitated Liang Jiahui's tone and said:

"Why, Brother Long, are you going to use the Jianghu Female Killing Order on that person?"

Cheng Long also felt a little more relaxed.

"I don't have that ability... and even if I did, it would be too disgusting. Forget it."

The joke is over.

Cheng Long asked another question.

"By the way, Director Zhou, how are you going to handle this situation? I guess you have already investigated that the ones who hired Internet trolls to discredit you are mainly some drug addict groups here, as well as some people in the tourism industry and the film industry." Cheng Long sold out the so-called "own people" very cleanly.

"Don't worry, the influence of that group of people won't be that great." Zhou Mo didn't explain too much.

Anyway, in two days, everyone will know the matter without any explanation. Cheng Long thought Zhou Mo had already arranged a public relations team and did not think much about it.

Hang up.

I briefly explained to the manager some follow-up promotional work.

In this way, Shanhe Company temporarily chose not to respond to recent public opinion.

as predicted.

Twenty-four hours later.

The lack of response immediately caused an uproar. Those who were trying to stir up trouble thought that Zhou Mo was a coward, and added the excuse that "Zhou Mo was in the wrong" to the rhythm, believing that Zhou Mo's conspiracy had been exposed and his pain points had been hit, so there was nothing to say.

Some fans who had high expectations for Zhou Mo also expressed their dissatisfaction accordingly.

They were used to Zhou Mo fighting back immediately whenever he encountered trouble, as if he was going to kill you within three seconds and he would lose.

But this time, Shanhe’s silence obviously disappointed them.

Zhou Mo did not immediately stand up and attack people like he did before, nor did he come out to explain, which really hurt this part of his fans.

They gathered under Zhou Mo's personal account, hoping that Zhou Mo could give an answer.

Of course, there are also some fun people among them.

Leave a message under Zhou Mo’s account.

The tone is very much like a couple who have emotional problems——

"Husband, please say something. When did you change your taste?"

But even so.

There was still no news from Zhou Mo, as if he was really speechless.

Many people who had grievances against Zhou Mo applauded.

Aren’t you, Zhou Mo, arrogant?

Isn't it about arguing about this and doing that?

Is there ever going to be a day when you, Zhou Mo, stop talking?
Among the large group of people, Lu Chuan was the one who danced the most happily.

Ever since Zhou Mo kidnapped Qin Lan, Lu Chuan, whose heart was broken, had been separated for more than a hundred chapters. Finally, he gathered himself together, stood up, and mocked Zhou Mo.

“Some people should be more humble and not think they can accomplish everything. The result is that Wangwang has everything.

People must learn to be respectful. There are many things that you may think you are doing well, but in fact you don’t understand them at all. Young people should not be too arrogant.

To use a phrase someone once said, are you qualified to question something? If you are qualified, send it. "

However, even though Lu Chuan had already taken advantage of him to this extent.

Zhou Mo still didn't respond.

As a result, the box office of "Police Story" dropped by an additional 10 million yuan that day.

Until three days later.

October 10.

While people were arguing online about whether "Police Stories" was made with bad intentions or whether it was a deliberate smear campaign, a piece of news instantly shocked the entire entertainment industry.

That morning.

Several drug addicts rushed into the military building, holding flags and shouting "Get out".

It is very similar to what is described in the movie, except for some details.

The specific situation has been reported.

Countless people were truly shocked.

Really rushed?
Really shouted?
Absolutely impossible!
In the movie, there were at least six of them. With just a few of them, do they really dare to attack the military building?
Go crazy.

That's exactly what he said.

The world is so crazy that even mice serve as bridesmaids to cats.

Things that seemed ridiculous in the movies actually happened in real life.

So is it that reality has also become ridiculous, or are they even more ridiculous when they mocked the movie for being ridiculous?
No one can tell.


Zhou Mo, who was previously considered by the audience to be shooting blindly, now became the only one who didn't talk nonsense.

"This really makes you a fortune teller."

"I told you not to rush. Zhou Mo never fights a battle without preparation. I knew from the beginning that he must be planning a big move. Now you believe it, don't you?"

"New fans are still in shock over what happened, but old fans have already started to settle accounts. Kill, brothers, it's time to counterattack! Brothers, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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