Huayu: The director just wants to save money

Chapter 327: Lost on Journey: The Concept of Lost in America

Chapter 327: Lost on Journey: The Concept of Lost in America

"what happened?"

Da Tiantian saw Zhou Mo was stunned.

Zhou Mo took a long time to come back to his senses, and said hesitantly: "I suddenly thought of a script."

"Script, what type?" Da Tiantian's eyes lit up, and she turned back to look at the Rick and Morty that was playing, "Is it a sci-fi movie like this?"

"No, it's a comedy."



"What's the content? Tell me about it." Da Tiantian became very curious.

This was the first time she heard the term "comedy script" from Zhou Mo.

Zhou Mo did not speak the script directly.

Instead, he asked Da Tiantian a seemingly irrelevant question.

"Tiantian, what do you think of Lost in Thailand?"

"Hasn't this been discussed many times? A movie with guaranteed quality, aimed at the audience, and worthy of the audience."

Da Tiantian said casually, and suddenly realized: "You want to shoot Lost in Thailand? No, that's not right, not Lost in Thailand, but the Lost on Journey series."

"The one who knows me best is Da Tiantian." Zhou Mo praised her.

Da Tiantian chuckled but did not agree immediately. Instead, she asked a question: "But there is one thing you need to pay attention to. Where is the background of your "囧" series going to be set?

Some time ago, Xu Zheng said that he had plans for the next "Lost" and that the location would be set in Hong Kong. If you really want to shoot it, you two should stop clashing. "

Zhou Mo smiled slightly.

"There will be absolutely no conflict. If I want to shoot, I will just shoot Lost in America."

Da Tiantian:?

She felt as if she hadn't heard it clearly.

Beautiful embarrassing?

Is this the beauty she perceives?
"Just set the background in Eagle Sauce?"

"Not entirely."

Zhou Mo explained: "To be precise, it starts from Guba and sets up four protagonists. Everyone has dreams and hopes. They help each other and finally reach the field of hope - Florida. There are laughter and mutual help along the way."

Da Tiantian: ???

I know every word, but when they are mixed together I can't understand them.

"No, wait a minute... If I heard you correctly, you are going to make a road movie, with Guba and Yingjiang as the starting point and the destination respectively...

This, this doesn't make sense, this road is so awkward, these two places aren't even connected."

"That's easy. Just ship it by sea."

"What about the historical context?"

“In the 1980s.”

Da Tiantian had not yet realized the strange tone in Zhou Mo's voice when he said this.

She thought for a moment and asked in an uncertain tone: "I don't know much about history, but I know that Cuba should have been in an opposing camp with Eagle Sauce in the 1980s. This should be common sense.

The movement between opposing camps should not be allowed. If this is the case, how can the people of these two places be filmed into a road movie? "

After listening to what Da Tiantian said, Zhou Mo stretched out two fingers.

"Tiantian, there are two things you got wrong.

It’s not common sense that Cuba and the Eagles were two different camps in the 1980s…well, at least it’s not common sense in the entertainment industry.”

It's a bit too much to expect a bunch of people who lack common sense to understand this.

Da Tiantian was about to refute, but after thinking for a moment, she found that she really couldn't refute it.

Looking back on the past, she was actually not much better than this group of people.

Later, it was only because Zhou Mo held his head down and taught him a lot of tricks that he gradually learned some information, so that he would not fail to make the right decisions when asked about certain things.

Therefore, Da Tiantian does not have much hope for the average level in the circle.

"What about number two?"

"Second, under normal circumstances they really can't move between each other, but the 1980s were special. I can't explain the Mariel incident in one sentence. You can check it out yourself."

Da Tiantian did as she was told.

Zhou Mo took out his equipment and began to write the framework of the script.

This is the end.

He already has a clear idea of ​​what he wants for the new film.

It was the Mariel incident of that year.

The beginning and end of this incident was that in the 59s, in order to sanction Cuba, the United States introduced a bill that allowed any Cuban immigrants who arrived in the United States after and lived in the United States for more than one year to obtain legal American citizenship.

It was not until the 1980s that Cuban leader Castro simply lifted restrictions on the port of Mariel and personally packed up all the criminals from the country's big gangs who were originally in prison and sent them onto ships, and eventually to America.

Later, these people settled in Florida, Miami and other places.

After several generations of reproduction, these people integrated into the local society and, in turn, deeply influenced the local behaviors and styles.

The reason why Zhou Mo wanted to use this time to shoot "Lost in America" ​​was purely because if he used this group of people as the protagonists, there would be no need to spend a lot of time paving the way for the behavioral logic of the protagonists of the movie.

After all, “Florida doesn’t keep idlers.”

If you have a little understanding of the characteristics of this group of people, you will have an expectation in your heart:
It's no surprise that these people would do anything outrageous.

at the same time.

Da Tiantian also finished reading the Mariel incident, raised her head, and looked at Zhou Mo with an extremely strange look.

"You're going to use these people who were sent aboard by Castro as the protagonists, a bunch of criminals, including but not limited to death row prisoners, mental patients, lawbreakers, and gangsters?"

"Yeah, isn't this a good idea?" Zhou Mo nodded, even feeling a little regretful.

If it weren't for the fact that the Griffin family in "Birthplace" had children, and they were white, he would even have used this whole family as the protagonist.

"But wouldn't that make everyone a villain?"

“What we want is all villains.

Anyway, I have played enough positive roles, so I can play a villain this time." Zhou Mo's eyes were full of eagerness. He actually had no objection to the "sublimation, awakening, and family fun" in comedy movies.

Like in "Kung Fu", Ah Xing almost killed Huoyun Evil God in seconds, and said "If you want to learn, I will teach you", and the emotional expression of Huoyun Evil God lying on the ground in pain was just right.

But it's like the forced family fun in "Lost in Russia".

Zhou Mo definitely won’t take a picture.

He wanted to make a comedy, not an educational film.

If Zhou Mo wanted to make a movie like "Charlotte's Troubles", it would not be impossible to do some sublimation.

Because of the tone of the movie.

Sublimation is a natural progression.

But since the background of "Lost in America" ​​is set here, doesn't it feel like peacekeeping when a bunch of "evil forces" are having a family reunion?

Since we are going to do the opposite, we might as well do it all at once.

The protagonists were scheming and deceiving each other throughout the whole process.

The reason they are able to cooperate is that there are other people in the same boat who are watching them closely.

Once the crisis is over, they immediately start scheming against each other again.

That's the tone of this movie.


The next morning.

Da Tiantian got up early and put on makeup.

I knocked on Zhou Mo's door with breakfast in hand.

As soon as the door opens.

As expected, Zhou Mo's originally handsome face became extremely decadent.

"All night long."

"Well, I thought about writing part of the script."

"I knew it. I bought you the premature food. Eat it while it's hot. The prices here in Eagle Sauce are outrageous. You can't buy many vegetables, but beef and other things are very cheap.

Fortunately, the hotel we stayed in was nice and had a wide range of food. If you don’t pay attention, it’s really easy to gain weight. No wonder there are so many people with extreme weights here…”

Zhou Mo went to the bathroom to wash up first. When he came out, he found that Da Tiantian had already started reading his draft.

One night is not a long time, and he just wrote a basic framework.

Including the general plot, the character of the protagonist, possible plot conflicts, etc.

As for the dialogue, it needs to be filled in later.

Da Tiantian turned to the first page.

The movie title is written in six large characters.

"Lost in America: The Notorious Ship".

Da Tiantian:?

She raised her head and looked at Zhou Mo who was eating breakfast.

The sunlight at a forty-five-degree angle hit his hair, adding a touch of quietness to it.

"Are you sure the title of your movie isn't meant to cue Wu Baige?"

Zhou Mo curled the corners of his mouth.

"Yes, I was cueing him."

The crew of "The Crossing" has just started filming. With the help of Huang Silang, Wu Baige's confidence has increased greatly. Contrary to his previous humble attitude when apologizing to Zhou Mo, he started to fire in front of the media again.

"Young people should not be too xx."

No names were mentioned, but you knew who it was talking about as soon as you heard it.

Huang Silang is a little better than him, but not much better.

Although he did not directly lead Zhou Mo as he did in the past, he still followed Wu Baige's words and made a sarcastic remark or two in front of the media.

"I believe the movie will be successful in the end and I'm not afraid of any competition."

The speeches of these two people are also interesting.

As the saying goes, a dog relies on the power of its master.

Some dogs can only be taught hard when they are on a leash.

Both Wu Baige and Huang Silang changed from being timid before to becoming more assertive because of each other.

This change was called "conjugated master" by netizens.

Zhou Mo had anticipated the changes in these two people.

Who doesn’t eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year?

After all, it's the honeymoon period and they haven't entered the stage of getting tired of each other yet. It's normal for these two people to cooperate with each other.

But everything has a price.

Show affection and die quickly.

The better the cooperation is now, the more fierce the conflict will be when conflicts arise in the future.

Despite this, Zhou Mo still had no intention of letting the two of them "freely fall in love" without distractions.

"The Crossing" is such a good opportunity, it would be a big loss if I didn't take advantage of the box office.

It is still a voyage, and it also praises the "greatness of human nature", praises "human beings' yearning for a better life", and depicts the insignificance of human beings in that era.

Who says "Lost in America" ​​and "The Crossing" are not the same type of movies?

In this case, Zhou Mo simply added an "Uneasy Wheel" to the name of the movie and increased the tempo to full throttle.

Just tell Wu Baige clearly.


Hurt each other.

(End of this chapter)

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