Chapter 455: The Second Half
The movie is now more than halfway through, and the content that appeared in the previous trailer has also appeared. It does not affect the main plot and has not been discussed in detail.

Therefore, all the guests present breathed a sigh of relief and began to observe the reactions of the several parties involved in the movie.

Let’s not talk about Zhao Yanzi and Huang Xiaoming.

Fan Qiaoqiao, on the other hand, always looked calm and composed, and from a certain angle, one could even see the curve of her mouth.

as predicted.

It's special.

Before coming to the premiere today, Zhao Yanzi was actually in a very relaxed mood.

Although the promotional video released by "Entertainment Circle" caused quite a stir in the entire entertainment industry, she didn't really care about it.

For her, the black market of celebrities in the promotional videos is actually a thing of the past.

Her real income now does not come from those, but from real financial and capital operations.

She even deliberately gave up some low-end industries for those operations.

But giving up doesn’t mean you haven’t tried it.

Having done it means there will be traces.

Who would have thought that all of this would be revealed in the movie.

Zhao Yanzi looked at Huang Xiaoming, and the meaning in her eyes was very clear:
You have made a movie and know the script, why don’t you tell me?
Huang Xiaoming wiped the sweat from his forehead.

What does it mean to be on pins and needles.

This is called sitting on pins and needles.

Facing Zhao Yanzi's gaze, he shook his head and responded with a gaze:
do not know.

really do not know.

Zhao Yanzi narrowed her eyes, seemingly not quite believing it, but after thinking for a moment, she looked away.

Huang Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew his gaze.

At that moment just now, he really used his acting skills to the fullest.

He actually knew the situation.

But knowing doesn’t mean being able to speak it.

Before joining the crew, the director told me that the most important thing for this movie is confidentiality.

If you tell it to others, you will definitely offend people.

Besides, even if he told others about it, Zhao Yanzi might not thank him much.

Between negative and positive, any fool would choose.

Fortunately, Zhao Yanzi's rhythm has passed, because there are more than one person involved in the movie. There are also several others who can compete with Apple on the same stage, and even surpass Apple.

After reading the conversation between Apple and her agent, Da Tiantian asked, "Come to think of it, I remember that the script for this part of the story was not written like this. Now, in order to highlight the changes in Apple later in life, you changed it to the dark history of a few specific people?"

Zhou Mo said, "What if I tell you that I didn't change this paragraph?"

"You didn't change it?" Da Tiantian suddenly realized, "Then it was Jia Nu who changed it. Jia Nu is quite domineering. She came up and took off the lid."

Zhou Mo still shook his head: "It wasn't changed by Jia Nu either."

Da Tiantian was stunned, and instantly thought of an outrageous idea, and murmured: "It can't be what I think."

"It's exactly what you look like."

Da Tiantian immediately turned her head to look at Fan Qiaoqiao who was not far away. The other party always looked very relaxed.

"Did Sister Qiao Qiao really bring it up? This is too exciting."

"What do you think? For her, it's a rare opportunity to strike a blow to her competitor. Moreover, it's an opportunity that could potentially allow the other party to take her away. How could she let it go?"

You should be ruthless to your competitors.

The year when Sister Bayi got into trouble, a lot of people stepped on her.

"Aren't you afraid that those people mentioned will blame you?"

"Why should I blame this on you? I'm not the lead actor, and I didn't make the movie. Besides, after the movie is over, they won't have the chance to blame others. They should think about where to get the money first."

Da Tiantian thought about it and it made sense.

I guess the entire entertainment industry will be in turmoil for the next month, so there won’t be time to look for other people’s business.

The movie continues.

On the timeline, Apple has become one of the most popular female stars in the entertainment industry.

Surrounded by flowers and endless compliments.

She finally began to touch upon some slightly deeper levels of economic and capital operations.

This segment seems to be a professional introducing Apple, but it is actually an explanation to the audience.

Among the series of operating methods listed by professionals for Apple, Apple chose one of the money-making models with slightly lower risks.

Yin-Yang contracts and tax fraud.

When the Yin-Yang contract came out, many people in the theater changed their expressions instantly and broke out in cold sweats.

Are you kidding me?
How dare she bring this up so openly?

Why would the review allow such content to pass?

Why didn't the river crab beast swallow the movie?

The guests in the audience, those with better self-control were just sweating coldly, while those with average self-control had already begun to twist their bodies at the same time.

It's like a massage chair turned on.

Of course, not everyone is like this.

For some experienced people who think deeply, when they see these eight words, the first thing that comes to their mind is the background and plot of this movie:

Zhou Mo, who had just cooperated with the police some time ago.

Mr. Han, the former boss of China Film, the largest film company in China.

Plus the movie with the same name as the TV series.

If you still can't react, then you've been working in the entertainment industry in vain.

Some people feel that they have seen the truth clearly.

What a trap this is.

Use celebrity agents as a cover to divert everyone's attention to unimportant matters, and when things are ready, lure people in and kill them.

It seems that the higher-ups have decided to deal with this matter?

It’s a pity that no one will tell them the answer at this time.

Because in the movie, Apple finally started its own rapid and powerful development path.

The first artist to open an independent studio, he topped the artist traffic list every year, opened a chain of inns, cooperated with real estate companies, and ranked first on the Forbes list every year...

Everything shows how successful she is on this road.

The scene is so prosperous, but not everyone is immersed in it. A former Apple partner also raised this question:
"We are so high-profile every year. Anyone with a keen eye or a little experience in related fields can see our problems at a glance. Is it really okay to do this?"

Fan Qiaoqiao's answer was also very simple, just four words.


It's not like she's the only one doing this.

Many people in the circle do this.

She was just one of them, just walking higher and faster than the others.

If everyone has problems, it means no one has problems.

It's impossible for the higher-ups to kill so many people at once.

Apple’s analysis is not completely unreasonable.

The law does not hold everyone responsible and it is indeed applicable in many cases.

Moreover, in the previous life, it was indeed not the higher-ups who took the initiative to open the lid. The person who really caused the big explosion was Xiao Cui.

But she forgot one more thing.

The law does not hold everyone responsible.

But killing the chicken to scare the monkey does exist.

So, when Apple was at the height of its popularity, something happened that everyone knew about at first sight.

Such a brave and fearless warrior, who was already suffering from mental stress, was repeatedly made fun of by others and even made into a disgusting movie.

So the warrior gritted his teeth and started charging.

Then, Apple was affected.

That's right.

He was affected and died.

Because this warrior was not really going for Apple in the beginning. He was going for the company behind Apple and the company's top director.

Who knew that when the city gate caught fire, the fish in the pond would be affected.

The stones on the gate tower that were broken by the battle fell down and directly crushed the big fish Apple to death.

So, all the procedures were completed, the dust settled, and the punishment was imposed.

All the fines added up to 800 million.

Eight hundred million!
What a terrifying number.

Even though Megatron could lose tens of billions of dollars at a time in the future by promoting products in another world, that would be 20 years later, and the value of the entertainment industry has not yet expanded to that level.

So Apple had no choice but to start the journey of selling everything it had.

Get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Sell ​​what can be sold immediately.

Finally, she paid the money back.

I thought that after doing this, everyone would be happy. Even though Apple lost money, it only lost money. She still had her past achievements, the relationships she had left, her face, and her fans.

The world is still uncertain, but you can still make a comeback.

However, reality soon gave Apple a big blow.

Do you think losing money is just losing money?

After losing money, there will be endless bans.

It was not until then that Apple suddenly realized that all the conditions that had enabled it to make a comeback were only effective on the premise that it was not banned.

But once it is banned, all of this will be nothing but castles in the air.

After being banned, there is no chance to maintain the relationship, fans will gradually leave, and achievements will gradually become history.

She is finished.

But giving up just like that is unlikely.

Apple tried every possible means and finally found a way out.

Go abroad and continue to strive in the international market.

Apple believes that with the foundation it still has at this stage, it can still achieve some success if it shifts its focus to the international market.

However, reality soon slapped her in the face again.

She is not as famous as she thinks.

On the one hand, her being banned in the country is actually equivalent to losing her own support.

It is difficult for people without support to be taken seriously.

On the other hand, because she chose the path of being a black-and-red when her popularity was at its peak, and took on many bad films and shot many rubbish works, her international reputation is not as strong as imagined.

Boomerangs always hit people on the head in an unexpected way.

So, in the next plot.

She made many attempts and worked with well-known directors, but could only play supporting roles.

I went to a film festival as a guest, but I had very few shots.

He even lowered his status and made some niche movies with others, but they failed at the box office.

But these things still don't stump Apple.

She is still trying.

Abroad, she can't get up.

She was banned in China.

In that case, why not just invest more resources to find a spokesperson for your own?

So she found a young man who looked very similar to herself.

Her name is Wu Yue.

Wu Yue had once been her stand-in, and Fan Qiaoqiao was very kind to her.

In reality, this person does not exist. The character Wu Yue is actually taken from the name of the character played by Fan Qiaoqiao in the movie "Cell Phone".

It was also this movie that caused Xiao Cui and Xiao Gang Pao to become enemies.

So, naturally, it was played by Fan Qiaoqiao.

It's an easter egg.

ps: I'm late, sorry everyone. I'll make up for it in the second chapter this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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