Chapter 459: Deceiving
Article .

Wu Baige smiled slightly.

"The third point is, of course, the concept of the film. Let's talk about the two recent films of Shanhe Company. Can you two tell us what the concept of "Singing" and "Entertainment Circle" is for you to enjoy together?"



Wu Baige shook his head, and the smile on his face became more mysterious.

"What you two said is actually quite good, but these are not the most important. In my opinion, the most profound intention of these two movies is reflection!"

Wu Baige slapped the chair and stood up, which scared the two Wangs.

But he no longer cared about these things and said passionately:

"Entertainment Circle is a reflection, a reflection on the chaos in the entertainment circle, the hearts of people in the entertainment circle, and the dark history of the entertainment circle.

We can see this clearly in the ending of the movie and Wu Yue's choice. Although Apple has had problems, the development of the entertainment industry is still the same. This is a reflection!"

Having said that, Wu Baige took a long breath.

I'm old and my lung capacity is not enough.

After listening to this, Xiao Wang pursed his lips.

Logically speaking, there seems to be nothing wrong with what Wu Baige said.

But his intuition told him that something was wrong.

"Director Wu, but I remember Zhou Mo himself once said that the audience doesn't really like this topic, and he won't film it, because the audience watches movies to relax..."

Wu Baige's face straightened.

“Mr. Wang is right. I thought so at first. I also thought that domestic audiences don’t like reflective movies at all.

But after my research, I found that audiences don’t dislike reflective movies, they just don’t like to reflect on themselves.

But this is normal, no one likes to reflect on themselves.

But if you reflect on others, this problem does not arise.

Who is "Entertainment Circle" reflecting on? It's the celebrities, artists and entertainment companies. These people are not ordinary people, so when Zhou Mo turns his target to them and makes their endings more miserable, it will naturally reap good box office results.

Because when the audience watches such a movie, they feel a sense of empathy.”

Wu Baige said he understood everything.

The people don't care about anything.

Whenever they see people who are better off than them getting into trouble, having a miserable life, or having problems, they will naturally applaud and give them money obediently!

I have seen the truth of these two movies.

Xiao Wang was convinced and nodded.

"What about our The Taiping?"

"That's right!"

Wu Baige clenched his fist, as if he had grasped the whole world: "Our "The Crossing" is also a reflection, and the reflection is more powerful and more advanced than the two films of Shanhe.

What we are reflecting on is war. Love peace and stay away from war. War will destroy all good things. Cherish peace! "

Wu Baige felt like she was about to cry.

Rethink the war!
Embrace peace!

What an excellent idea.

And this is the film he conceived for this memorial, which contains all his hard work.

On the other side, the two kings also nodded, which showed that they completely agreed with Wu Baige's statement.

But the king added: "But Director Wu, you should also know that even though "Singing" broke the box office record for art films, the final box office was only around 600 million..."

"I know."

Wu Baige said that everything was within expectations: "It is indeed not easy for pure art films to carry the box office. Times have changed, and audiences are increasingly demanding on technology, and the standards for visual effects are becoming more and more stringent.

Just like the movies Zhou Mo shot in the past two years, "Chu and Han" and "Cold Wind", the audiences were very impressed and supportive of the big scenes in them, and were willing to pay to watch them several times.

It is precisely because of this that when filming "The Crossing", I spent a lot of money to create real scenes, and strived to make every frame of the picture special.

You two can rest assured that I have spent every penny the company has given me wisely, and I will definitely shock every audience member when the time comes."

Hearing this, the king waved his hand and said, "Director Wu, don't worry. You don't have to care about what the shareholders said before. Since we have chosen to cooperate with you, we naturally have no objection to the investment."

Wu Baige nodded, feeling much better.

The conversation just now naturally had a hidden meaning.

During the filming of the movie, he heard a lot of nonsense.

Blame it on the high cost of filming and the real scene being too expensive.

The special effects requirements are too high and the production is too expensive.

and many more.

In order to make the movie, Wu Baige endured it all.

But tolerating it doesn't mean that you don't have any objections.

Today, I took the opportunity to vent.

Obviously, the king also heard it and made a promise.

The bad things were said by the shareholders and had nothing to do with these two innocent bosses.

Everyone knows the real situation.

As long as it's acceptable for the sake of face, that's enough.

Speaking of which, his status in Huayi is getting higher and higher, and he has Zhou Mo to thank for that.

It was Zhou Mo's successive blows that put Huayi into crisis, which led to the company becoming more dependent on his movies, which has caused the Wangs to treat him much better recently.

Of course, the thanks will not be real.

Not only will he not thank her, Wu Baige has already thought about it. When the movie starts to be promoted in December, Zhou Mo will also be tied up for promotion. At this stage, which director has the loudest voice and the most traffic.

Without a doubt, Zhou Mo.

The box office is guaranteed, and the main focus is to be worthy of the audience.

I just happened to have a conflict with him.

Wouldn't it be a shame not to use such a useful target?
Wu Baige has now figured it out. He was indeed a little too proud in the past, which led to a deviation in his judgment of the market, which led to him being beaten by Zhou Mo in the public opinion field.

But it doesn't matter.

If you know you are wrong, correct it. There is no greater good.

Now, it was his turn to use Zhou Mo as a cushion.

Zhou Mo, just wait for the revenge for the many humiliations you suffered last year!


On the plane, Zhou Mo sneezed and scratched his nose.

"What's wrong? Are you catching a cold? I told you not to wear something thicker last night." Da Tiantian heard the noise and muttered while using the back of her hand to feel the temperature of Zhou Mo's forehead for a while.

"No, that's okay."

"I'm actually fine, my nose just itches. Maybe someone is talking about me again."

Da Tiantian snorted: "That must be someone who has a grudge against you."

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe someone has a crush on me."

"Impossible. Why did you go to America in advance? You don't know what's going on. I have a crush on you, but I'm glad she didn't mean to you."

Zhou Mo twisted his neck and changed into a comfortable position.

"Go ahead. You were so happy when you were spending your own money, but now that you don't have enough money you start complaining. What were you doing earlier?"

As the "Entertainment Circle" incident has continued to ferment over the past few days, more and more people are beginning to feel a sense of crisis.

Once the momentum builds, anyone will start to panic.

Panicked, he went to sort out his belongings.

After sorting it out, I realized why I only had so little money.

After a careful calculation, I realized how much I could spend.

Money given to the company, money given to the agent, money given to one's own team, money given to the internet army, gift-giving and receiving, money for expenses when leaving, and one's own high consumption.

I don't know, I was taken aback.

Although the amount of assets is certainly larger than that of ordinary people, it may not be enough to fill the hole.

So, resentment began.

I hate Fan Qiaoqiao, I hate Zhou Mo, I hate Han Sanping.

I hate them for being inhuman, why should I lift the lid, why should I interrupt their drunken life.

While I hated it, I also wanted to use my connections to see if I could pay less or pay later.

I didn’t dare to look for the person who was really in charge, so I could only look for people like Zhou Mo.

Call, if that doesn't work, text.


Then I'll find you offline directly.

You caused this, so you should at least be responsible for it.

It sounds illogical.

But reality doesn’t follow logic.

They also have their own reasons:

As a representative of the industry, Zhou Mo, as you said, you should have the responsibility to maintain the image of the industry and promote its development.

Now that you've caused so much trouble, you can't just kill him and not bury him.

It affects the audience's industry image and the industry's plate, and ultimately you will be affected as well.

This sounds shameless.

But in fact, it does have its practical logic.

So, this is why when something goes wrong in so many industries, managers’ first reaction is to cover it up.

Even if sometimes they have no actual interest in this matter, their own interests may even be damaged.

If there are mistakes, correct them, but don't make a big deal out of it.

Making a big fuss means you are not capable.

You can do anything, but you can't let others think that you are incompetent.

Fortunately, since Zhou Mo dared to make a movie and expose this matter, he made preparations in advance early in the morning.

"Those people probably thought I would surrender obediently. Tsk, if you are stubborn, then just wait and see."

Da Tiantian: "They are trying to force you to submit."

"Just give in. Do I need them to force me? Do you really think that everyone is the same as them? Many people have come to me with tax issues recently. Have you found them?" Zhou Mo curled his lips in disdain.

I looked at the time and it was almost time.


at the same time.


Shanhe released a message:
It is suggested that the tax department conduct random inspections of companies, studios, actors, etc. in the entertainment industry from time to time. In order to show its stance, Shanhe Company is willing to set an example and invites staff from the tax department to come to the company to inspect taxes.

(End of this chapter)

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