Huayu: The director just wants to save money

Chapter 468: Darkness in front of my eyes!

Chapter 468: Everything went dark!
Late December.

Zhou Mo and Da Tiantian returned to Yanjing.

The two of them took a day off, and as soon as they returned to the company the next day, the manager rushed over to report the situation.

In addition to the promotion of "The Great Wall" itself, and some company affairs.

What remains is the news about The Taiping.

"After the preview of 'The Crossing' received unanimous praise, so a large amount of money was spent on publicity and even the screening rate was increased?" Zhou Mo's tone was a little strange after hearing the news.

"Yes, Director Zhou, do we need to make some preparations in advance?" The manager frowned, treating "The Crossing" as a formidable enemy.

"No need. The Taiping is completely over. The two Wangs and Wu Baige brought their own deaths upon themselves. We just need to do our own thing."

The manager nodded without asking any further questions.

In this kind of situation, it’s always right to listen to Director Zhou.

After the manager left, Da Tiantian looked at the information and said, "To be honest, I watched the preview of The Crossing and the reviews were quite high for it. The people who did it were also of high status, and some of them were even veterans in the film industry. Shouldn't we be more careful?"

"It's just because of their seniority that they don't use it. These people are really incompetent at anything." Zhou Mo's face was almost filled with disdain.

In his previous life, he had a very serious filter for these people.

They are either the president of this association, the dean of that university, or some super experienced review experts.

Regardless of his status or the honor he has, how could such a person go against his conscience and say that a piece of shit is good?
Certainly not
This was Zhou Mo’s initial thought in his previous life.

Until later, as these people failed again and again, and those well-known directors suffered Waterloo again and again, these ideas gradually became blurred.

But what completely shattered his perception of these people was that legendary movie.

"Pure Mind, Chasing the Dream of Show Business".

So many influential people, professors, and presidents in the industry came to support Director Bi and praised him as someone who is rare in heaven and on earth.

But what is the result, those who understand will understand.

Since then, Zhou Mo not only distrusted that group of people, but even developed a mentality of directly excluding all works that were strongly recommended by this group of people.

Don't even look at it.

Back to the present, Wu Baige's voice this time is far less than that of Director Bi, but it is not small either.

After all, Huayi is a big company and the people it calls here are of high status.

"You seem to disapprove of those people." Da Tiantian replied.

"Of course I don't agree, Tiantian. You can imagine, we've had so many premieres. When have I ever called out those people?"

Da Tiantian looked up and thought for a while, and indeed there was none.

"Anyway, just don't trust these people. They can't give us any help, whether it's commercialization or winning awards." Zhou Mo said casually.

Da Tiantian nodded.


January 1st.

"The Taiping" made its grand debut.

The gongs and drums are loud, and the firecrackers are all fired.

Then, the box office on the first day was 30 million.

The box office the next day was 20 million.

On the third day, the box office dropped directly below 20 million, to a level of more than 17 million.

Compared to the wildly declining box office, the film's reviews are pretty good.

Rated 8.2.

There are many positive reviews.

But only people within Huayi and Wu Baige knew that these positive reviews were fake.

And it can only be posted on Weibo because the cost is low.

On platforms like Lizhan Entertainment and Xiaolanshu, which only allow buyers to review, even brushing up is not possible.

From the very beginning, these platforms had four words for The Crossing:

"You can call this a movie? This is a stinking history."

"I see. Wu Baige felt that he was the only one who was disgusting after the filming, and he wanted to call on others to be disgusting as well."

"No, so many professors and presidents praised the movie to the skies, but this is the result. Is it my problem or theirs?"

"I'm sorry, I can't appreciate these highbrow stories. Stinky history is just stinky history. It makes me sick. Wu Baige is an international director? That's it."

In just three days, the reviews of "The Crossing" completely collapsed.

I won’t talk about the Little Blue Book, it was rubbish from the beginning.

The key point is that even Weibo couldn’t withstand the overwhelming negative reviews.


Both the big and small kings are going crazy.

There are too many negative reviews.

There are really too many.

Even when they saw the negative reviews on the first day and predicted that something was not right, they had already asked the publicity department to work at full capacity on the promotion.

But it only lasted three days.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Have you figured out the problem? Is it a problem with the movie, or with Shanhe, or with the internet trolls bought by other companies?" Xiao Wang felt like the blood vessels on his forehead were having a party and were about to jump out.

The person in charge of publicity was also sweating profusely.

"We have contacted everyone. They have received some trolls to smear us, but it is far from the current level."

"In other words, the negative reviews of "The Crossing" online are the true reflection of the audiences?" Xiao Wang slammed the table.

The person in charge gritted his teeth and nodded.


The big and small kings looked at each other and were both numb.

The overwhelming negative reviews from netizens mean the film is a complete commercial failure and there is no way to save it.

The king felt dizzy.

He put so much effort, energy, and face into "The Crossing", and put all subsequent plans on hold.

And now, the market actually told him:
"The Crossing" is just a piece of rubbish, just forget about it.

How could he bear this?
Besides, now it’s not a question of whether he can bear it or not, but whether others will make his life easy in the future.

How is he going to explain to his shareholders that the movie is such a flop?

How can a movie town and movie park open?
How do you recover your costs?

What should I do with the money that I owed to my superiors some time ago, which I managed to get with great difficulty?
The king suddenly felt pain in his chest and gasped heavily.

Seeing this, Xiao Wang hurried over to help pat his back.

After a long while, the king finally recovered.

"How are you, are you feeling better?"

The king waved his hands, his eyes turning red.

He really didn't expect it.

Why is "The Crossing" so bad?

He had obviously done research.

The market's support for Wu Baige + Huang Silang is obviously very high. As long as these two people work together again, everyone is willing to buy tickets for it.

You were screaming and shouting when you were talking about it, why don’t you buy the ticket now that it’s in front of you?

Just then, Wu Baige pushed the door open and walked in, his face full of anger.

"Boss Wang, how could there be such a big problem with my movie? This is an intentional attempt to discredit us. We must fight back now!"

When the big king and the little king heard this, they both felt dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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