Chapter 515 Shutdown
After all, the quality of the several local films participating in the competition is really poor.

Among the seven selected films, the high score is not considered high.

The low score is really low.

Fortunately, Zhou Mo's speech at the Palme d'Or restored a lot of dignity for the organizer.

The person in charge of public opinion monitoring was pleasantly surprised to find that with Zhou Mo's joke, the number of negative reviews on the live broadcast had actually decreased by more than half at this point in time.

Instead, there was praise for Zhou Mo and "JERK".

"This guy is truly a talent."

“I liked his speech.”

"How could someone make a mistake in making a box? This director is really interesting, but only someone like him could produce such an interesting movie."


The people in charge were already troubled by the public opinion on the Internet, although when it came to awarding awards, they didn't actually care much about the audience's evaluation.

But this doesn't mean they like being scolded.

The person in charge finally got some good reviews and was cheered up. He thought for a moment and called his subordinates to give them some instructions.

Since the outside world is very satisfied with Zhou Mo, let's promote Zhou Mo more.

He couldn't do anything else, but it was very simple for him to give Zhou Mo and the "JERK" crew more publicity resources, just as a way of returning the favor.

This is also a hint to the outside world that Cannes is not blindly protecting local films this year. From the winners of the Palme d'Or, we can see that the organizers and the jury are still very fair and just.

the other side.

After the Palme d'Or, tonight's awards ceremony has officially come to an end.

Zhou Mo took Da Tiantian down from the podium.

Robbie stood up and gave Da Tiantian a hug.

"Congratulations, Tiantian, you are now a Palme d'Or certified gold medal producer."

Da Tiantian also patted Robbie on the shoulder.

"You too, the Palme d'Or heroine."

The two of them praised each other for a few words, and when they turned around, the other three male actors had already started studying the trophy.

“This stuff is really good.”

"Hey, Kobe, which one is heavier, this or your championship trophy?"

Kobe used his palm to measure the size of the Palme d'Or trophy. Compared with his palm, which was the size of a palm leaf fan, the shoulder of the Palme d'Or seemed a little small.

"In terms of size and weight, of course the championship trophy is bigger. It's several dozen centimeters long, but the price is not certain. The championship trophy is silver inside and gold outside. The entire Palme d'Or is gold."

Reynolds took the Golden Palm and looked at the golden leaves on it, his eyes sparkling.

Palme d'Or, what a great honor.

From now on, when he walks outside, he can say that he is the leading actor of the Palme d'Or film.

The media acted quickly, and by the time the award ceremony was over, the news had already spread.

Regardless of whether the timing is normal or not, maintaining the timeliness of information dissemination is a basic work quality of media workers.

Early the next morning.

Calculate the time.

It should be dark in China now.

But as soon as Zhou Mo turned on his phone, all kinds of text messages, phone calls, and WeChat messages came in.

While walking on the road, Da Tiantian looked at the message alerts and caller ID on Zhou Mo's mobile phone screen.

"Answer it?"

Zhou Mo shook his head and silently turned off his phone again.

Receive message?
There are so many messages, if you only answer one, you will have to reply to all the others.

Instead of this, it’s better to put it all aside.

Wait till tomorrow.

After returning to the room, Zhou Mo changed his clothes first.

No matter how good formal wear is, even if it is custom-made, it is not as comfortable as casual clothes for long periods of time, let alone pajamas.

After changing clothes, washing face and returning to the room, Da Tiantian was still lying in front of the table, staring at the trophy with a silly smile, looking dazed.

Zhou Mo’s comment was that it didn’t look like acting.

"Hey, you idiot, stop laughing. Your saliva is almost flowing out."

Da Tiantian sat up straight and gave Zhou Mo a blank look.

"You're drooling."

"Hurry up and wash up, and get some rest. You still have important things to do tomorrow. If you don't conserve your energy, you will be sleepy tomorrow, and there will be a time for you to see the trophy."

Da Tiantian looked at the trophy reluctantly for several more times, then staggered towards the bathroom.

Zhou Mo returned to the table, touched the trophy, took out his camera and took a few photos. Then he reluctantly pushed the trophy to the foot of the table, as if something unexpected would happen to the trophy if he didn't do this.

Finally, the Palme d'Or has been won.

He finally completed part of his plan for the three European golds.

As for the other two, the Golden Lion and the Golden Bear, Zhou Mo has not yet formed a particularly mature plan as to whether or how to strive for them in the future.

From the very beginning, his absolute goal was Cannes, which was highly commercial and most suitable for him.

As for Venice and Berlin, there aren't many films suitable for him to shoot.

"In My Song" actually had a chance to win the Golden Bear, but due to conflicts in time and awards, it ultimately chose to give up the bid.

"Forget it, let's just enjoy the Palme d'Or for now, and we can talk about the other two later when we have the chance." Zhou Mo thought silently.

Although he has won the Palme d'Or, it does not mean that his journey at the Cannes Awards is completely over.

It is foreseeable that the ownership of "JERK" will be controversial.

Although it won the Palme d'Or and the director and producer are both Chinese, this film is ultimately a film set in the American cultural context. Its story, protagonist, and conflicts all take place against the backdrop of America's culture.

The connection with mainland China is not particularly deep.

Personally speaking, Zhou Mo also wants to make another movie set in China one day and use this movie to compete for the Palme d'Or.

However, he has no plans for such a movie yet.

As he thought about it, Zhou Mo felt his eyelids getting heavy.

These days, in order to work on "JERK", he hasn't had a proper rest for a while.

Although we have rest every day, the effectiveness of any rest will be greatly reduced due to the tense nerves.

Now that everything has settled, he can finally have a good night's sleep.

However, it didn't take long.

Just when Zhou Mo was drowsy and about to fall asleep, a slippery yet warm body leaned over him.

Zhou Mo shuddered on the spot.

What happened? !
Looking down, I saw a big smiling face in the quilt, with rippling waves in the eyes.


I never expected that being a best man would be so tiring. It was my first time as a best man and I had to stick things on the manhole cover. I worked there all night and collapsed from exhaustion.

Sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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