Chapter 90 Satisfied
Liu Shishi actually knew that what Zhou Mo said was true.

But she was a little hesitant.

"Sister Cai has always been very nice to me, I can't afford to offend her...

Zhou Mo looked at her timid face and finally understood why this girl had such a relationship with the sugar man in her previous life, and why she ended up just breaking away from the sugar man.

I feel a little sad. After all, the fighting power of young actresses like Liu Shishi cannot be compared with that of the older actresses.

Even now, Liu Shishi has filmed two works in a row, "The Myth" and "New World", and her net worth has skyrocketed.

If the same conditions had happened to any one of the Four Dans and Two Bings, they would have probably thought of finding a way out for themselves long ago.

Maybe they have even become independent.

You know, Pang Bing established his own studio four years ago.

At that time, there was no young big director to play with her.

Several other people of the same age also have their own development paths.

In comparison, even after a few years, the development of young actresses will not be able to compare with that of their current predecessors.

But Zhou Mo also knew the reason.

The two generations of female stars are at different stages of development, so naturally they develop different personalities.

For example, the generation of big actresses were able to stand out from many stars, and their ability to fight against heaven and earth had long been trained.

Tear up colleagues, tear up the company, tear up the crew.

Zhang Ziyi was still on the set of "Dangerous Liaisons" a few days ago, and she asked the crew to give her more scenes because the crew wanted her to play a supporting role to Zhang Baizhi. Zhang Ziyi was not happy about it, and informed the crew that she would not shoot if they did not give her more scenes.

This is tearing up the crew.

As for the conflicts among peers, there are even more.

Pang Bing and Zhang Guoji had an appointment to go to Bass Fish Restaurant together, and the two of them were almost cursing at each other, it was really like a fratricide.

After all, the two were working together on the same movie at that time.

In comparison, Liu Shishi's generation is much worse at tearing.

Apart from the fact that his ability to tear apart his peers with one hand is still well retained.

Other abilities are almost non-existent.

Of course, Zhou Mo also knew that blindly asking Liu Shishi to be bolder might actually harm her.

Being timid also has its advantages.

At the very least, they won't be used too fancy means and then be used as a typical case, where they will be beaten to the point where they can't recover.

"Shi Shi, you really should think carefully about the relationship between you and Tang Ren in the future. Tang Ren has too few resources. With your current worth, it is difficult for Tang Ren to provide you with more help."

"But the problem is, if I don't stay in Tangren, where can I go? Huayi? I can't be the top star there, so I might as well stay in Tangren."

"Why do you have to find someone else? You can open your own studio. In this way, if you take on projects in the future, it may be more convenient and there will be less possibility of being controlled by the sugar man."

After hearing this, Liu Shishi felt moved.

But after a while, she shook her head.

"Although opening a studio gives me more autonomy, the risks also increase. If I stay at Tangren, at least things will go more smoothly on weekdays, and Sister Cai will take better care of me."

Among the new generation of young actresses, Liu Shishi is one of the less career-oriented ones.

When faced with an unknown territory, her first reaction was to stay in her comfort zone.

To this end, she started stabbing herself with the knife without hesitation.

"Zhou Mo, please stop trying to persuade me. I know my own abilities. If I really had the ability to open my own studio, I would have listened to you a long time ago. But the problem is that I just don't have the ability."

Seeing her lying down on the bed with an attitude of giving up, Zhou Mo didn't force her any more.

It’s okay to not want to change.

People are forced out.

One day in the future, when Liu Shishi finds that Cai Yinong no longer takes care of her, and instead requires her to constantly work hard to carry new people, her thoughts will probably change.

When Liu Shishi needs help, he will come out to assist.

It is estimated that by then, Liu Shishi's favorability will be maxed out by him.

Liu Shishi turned over and asked, "But speaking of which, Zhou Mo, can you explain to me in detail the game between artists and companies that you just mentioned? I am somewhat interested."

Although she didn't want to leave the sugar man, she was still quite interested in the little tricks to improve her status.

Which artist doesn’t want to maintain his or her position in the company?
Zhou Mo gave her a metaphor.

"Shi Shi, the relationship between the company and the artist is actually dynamic. You can think of it as a sports game that can only be played by two people. If one party's position is high, the other party's position will be low."

Liu Shishi felt that Zhou Mo was driving.

And she has evidence. Blushing, she patted Zhou Mo.

"What are you talking about! A game played by two people...this description is too embarrassing!"

Zhou Mo: "Is this metaphor embarrassing? Didn't many people play that game when they were young?"

Liu Shishi was confused: "Many people played this when they were young?"

"Yes, the seesaw. Haven't you played it before?"

Liu Shishi: …

Sorry, she just thought too much.

Her face flushed, ashamed of what she had just thought.

Zhou Mo's voice sounded in my ears.

"Shishi, I was talking about the seesaw. I don't know what you were talking about just now?"


At this moment, Liu Shishi lowered her head, wishing she could stuff it into the little ball.

It’s a pity that the interval of more than ten centimeters has become the longest distance in reality.

She couldn't reach it.

Just as I was trying to find an excuse, I glanced at the mirror and found that Zhou Mo had a smirk on his face.

been played!

Liu Shishi reacted suddenly and was about to take action, but Zhou Mo turned over and clamped her in the opposite direction.

"Shi Shi, your thoughts are very unhealthy."

"Bah! It's obviously you who misled me."

Zhou Mo chuckled: "I don't like to hear that. What do you mean by misleading? If Shishi didn't have those messy things in your mind, would you be led astray by just two words from me?"

Liu Shishi had nothing to say, she gritted her teeth and tried to turn over.

It’s a pity that the arm is not as strong as the thigh.

Before he could move twice, he was suppressed by Zhou Mo's slap.

The sound is crisp and the feel is soft and elastic.


Liu Shishi groaned subconsciously, with a mixture of grief and anger on her face: "Evil villain, if you have the guts, let me go, and we will have a 300-round battle."

Zhou Mo laughed: "Did you say that?"

"I said."

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Zhou Mo immediately drew his sword.

Liu Shishi noticed the movement behind him and was horrified: "Zhou Mo, what are you doing? Didn't you tell me to get ready before coming?"

"Wrong! I was the one who set up the battle array, and then you fought me for another three hundred rounds."

Zhou Mo argued convincingly.

After a while.

Zhou Mo ate breakfast happily.

Behind him, Liu Shishi was wrapped in a quilt, staring at Zhou Mo with a perverted look.

Seeing that Zhou Mo was not tired at all, but looked energetic, she said silently.


"Thank you for the compliment."

Zhou Mo swallowed the last bite of the bun and said, "Okay, don't just sit there. Wash up again, and then we'll go to your crew."

Liu Shishi then remembered that she still had some final things to deal with on the crew today.

Although her scenes have been completed, it does not mean she has no more tasks to do.

"It's all your fault. I was supposed to be there at ten o'clock today."

She hurriedly got up and ran to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

All my makeup is ruined after the exercise just now.

Zhou Mo changed his clothes in no time and quietly enjoyed the spring scenery before him.

(End of this chapter)

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