Under One Person: I am alone, reviving the Tang Sect

Chapter 142: The Magical Instrument for Eliminating Dark Force

Chapter 142: The Magical Instrument for Eliminating Dark Force

"Of course, you don't have to decide so quickly."

As the sunlight gradually faded, the silvery moonlight began to dominate Biyou Village. Ma Xianhong, dressed in pure white, was also illuminated. He attached great importance to Feng Qin and said for his sake:

"Besides, you are from the Tang Sect. It is a bit unrealistic to ask you to join us. Why don't we make a deal?"

"When you have time, come to Biyou Village and help me with my research. I can give you the highest level of refining equipment, [Divine Machine Hundred Refining]."

Supreme... that's the wrong word, it should be called causing chaos, going against the will of heaven.

Feng Qin knew very well that none of the Eight Wonders were orthodox. They were powerful but one should not be too obsessed with them.

But these words also made Feng Qin feel regretful. He had thought that with his basic knowledge of weapon refining, he would be able to make Ma Xianhong hand over the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements at first sight.

Because in Feng Qin's impression, he is such a simple-minded person who can give you anything as long as he thinks it can help you.

Otherwise, the magic weapons would not be stolen so often and he would not be deceived by people like Zhao Guizhen.

After all, he is indifferent to anything other than the self-cultivation furnace, and will treat others wholeheartedly because of a little opportunity.

But that was five years later. He had just established Biyou Village and the self-cultivation furnace was not yet complete. Obviously, he did not plan to pass on the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements so quickly.

In other words, in his heart at this moment, the weight of the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements is still very significant and it is not a useless thing that can be picked up by anyone at will.

Feng Qin was silent for a moment. "It can't be considered a deal. I am very interested in your methods, but this does not conflict with whether I help you or not. It's just that... you have to at least let me see how the thing you mentioned is going, right?"

Since the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements could not be obtained in the first place, Feng Qin did not intend to argue with him, but turned his attention to the Self-cultivation Furnace.

Since the core is not yet completed, it means that the focus of the president is built around the self-cultivation furnace.

Recalling the large-scale arrests of disciples from various sects by the Yaoxing Society, it goes without saying that the scene around the Xiushen Furnace at this moment must be something that Ma Xianhong does not want to see.

There was a scene where someone died for his self-cultivation furnace.

Ma Xianhong's fate is that he cannot handle the self-cultivation furnace, and it does not only refer to the chaos that will occur in the world after the self-cultivation furnace is completed.

It also refers to the process of refining the self-cultivation furnace and the number of people sacrificed.

It’s just that Ma Xianhong never knew and never sought to know, so he could dream of his dreams coming true with peace of mind.


Ma Xianhong cast his gaze towards the high mountain on the side of Biyou Village without hesitation, frowned and said:

"I'm afraid it will take some time, maybe a month at most. My sister said that I'm not allowed to go up the mountain before the core is completed, so..."

Feng Qin's [five senses] suddenly appeared, and he paid close attention to Ma Xianhong's every expression and movement.

He...is hesitating.

In 2010, Ma Xianhong had not yet been brainwashed too seriously by the president. This can be seen from the fact that in 15, he still questioned why his "sister" had the means of blue qi flame.

His personal thoughts are quite strong, especially now 10 years later.

Feng Qin took advantage of his hesitation and immediately interrupted him:
"Even if you just want to take a look, you can't do that? If you think I'm the kind of person who would want to take your magic weapon, how about I trust you first, you tie me up, and then secretly take me up to take a look?"


He saw Feng Qin stretch out his hands in front of him, and the hesitation in his eyes became more intense.

In fact, he also wanted to see what happened to the core. After all, the self-cultivation furnace was the magical weapon he most wanted to create in his life. It would be a lie to say that he didn't care at all.

When Liu Wukui had reached a high level of aptitude, he had mentioned that he wanted to go and take a look, but she had not forced him at that time. Seeing that Ma Xianhong had refused for the first time, she did not mention it again.

After all, Liu Wukui's main purpose was to cure her brother's illness.

She didn't care what the self-cultivation furnace looked like or whether it was as magical as people said.

As long as the disease can be cured, it is enough for her.

Now Feng Qin was the first person to make such a strong request to go and see the self-cultivation furnace. Ma Xianhong really didn't want to refuse, so he could only say from his heart:

"Okay, but we have to go in the early morning so that we don't disturb my sister."

It doesn't matter when you go, even if you say tomorrow is fine.

Because as long as the core is not formed, no matter when we go, we will just catch them in the act.

Feng Qin nodded considerately, "You have the final say. I just want to see if it's as magical as you say."

"Why do I feel like you, Brother Feng Qin, have already believed it..."

Ma Xianhong thought to himself, you don't seem surprised at all, nor do you question it at all, you act like you know it all.

But he wasn't that serious and couldn't figure out anything based on the expression.

We could only agree with each other to gather at two o'clock in the morning and go to the mountain together.

Feng Qin also knew that he had a straightforward and generous personality, so he didn't pretend and didn't deliberately show confusion or shock.

Because the more generous and straightforward a person is, the more sensitive he is to a person's disguise. Such people have a strong sixth sense and feel an indescribable discomfort when facing hypocritical people.

This is also the reason why Ma Xianhong, even though he has been with the president for a long time, still felt deep distrust when he discovered the blue qi flame.

"Before you look at the Self-cultivation Furnace, if you have any magical instruments that you like, I can give them to you as long as you like them."

Ma Xianhong had accomplished what was on his mind, and he felt extremely happy.

Like a spoiled kid who clearly wants to go play but refuses verbally, and only feels comfortable when others drag him to go.

As for the person who pulled him in, Feng Qin, his favorable impression was unprecedentedly high.

I wish I could give him three or four Ruhua to play with.

"Ha, no need for that. My master has been studying your protective magic weapon to death, but he can't find anything valuable."

Ma Xianhong was quite proud. After hearing what Feng Qin said, he said with great momentum:

"Of course, no weapon refiner can see through my moves. Even if I refine them in front of them, they can only marvel at them."

Feng Qin nodded in denial, but then he changed the subject and asked again:

"Then again, since you are so good at refining magical instruments, is it possible for you to refine one that can eliminate the dark energy in the body?"


Ma Xianhong frowned frivolously. When it comes to eliminating the hidden energy in the body, everyone's first reaction will be drugs.

But what the other party was talking about was a magical weapon, which really aroused his interest.

"You mean, to create a magical weapon that can absorb the dark energy in people's bodies?"



As the successor of the Shen Ji Bai Lian, what he likes most is to create magical instruments that do not exist in the world. Even the protective instruments have to be different from ordinary ones.

For example, the Three Treasures Pearl is a magical instrument he invented that has self-healing capabilities.

And eliminate the dark power...

This idea coincided with the effect of another magical weapon he had thought of before.

That is——【Thieving Beast】

(End of this chapter)

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