Chapter 162 Eight Wonders
Before anyone arrived, Tang Wenlong roughly cleaned up the mud along the way.

At least people won't be able to find blood in the muddy footprints at first glance.

This successfully avoided a riot.

The letter in Yuan'er's hand was sent yesterday.

But because Feng Qin almost always went out early and came back late these days, the person in charge of delivery couldn't find him and had to ask Yuan'er to do it for him.

This letter is a commission letter, which is usually sent by Nadutong to various sects. The sects will then conduct a difficulty analysis and then assign the commission to disciples who meet the difficulty standards.

There is only one exception, which is when the client specifies which sect and which disciple.

As long as Nadutong and Tangmen review and approve it, the difficulty of the task will not exceed the ability of this disciple.

It will then come into the hands of the disciple, and he will decide whether to go or not.

This is how the letter of authorization came about.

The only difference was that the person who delivered the letter specifically asked Yuan'er to convey a message, saying that it was the eldest lady of the Tianxiahui, and strongly requested Feng Qin to go over.

It would have been fine if this hadn't been said, but once it was said it caused a sensation in most of the boys' dormitory.

It was different from the last time when anyone could kill him due to hatred.

This time everyone looked like an apprentice, hoping Feng Qin would give them guidance.

How can I get involved with the girls from the Five Immortals Sect and the Tianxia Society?

Feng Qin snatched the letter away and said, "We are just friends. I met him when I was doing a commission before. Don't think too much about it."

After much persuasion and sending them away, Feng Qin thanked Tang Wenlong.

If he hadn't cleaned up the bloodstains, he would have been called over by Zhang Wang, Tang Qiushan and others.

"Why are you being so polite? Just look at the commission. Generally, such commissions that mention specific names are more difficult. You'd better do it according to your ability."

Because naming names means that the other party believes that ordinary disciples of the sect are not enough to solve the problem. This is both a recognition of Feng Qin and a challenge.

Feng Qin thought that this kind of commission sent to the Tang Clan in the open, no matter how difficult it was, would not involve life-threatening situations, like the incident with Sun Suyu, which was purely an accident.

Moreover, even if an accident happened, Jin Yi and Jin Ren from Biyou Village would not kill them. Even if the other party had the upper hand, at most they would take away the magic weapon, but would never harm their lives.

After opening the envelope, what was written inside was indeed as Feng Qin had thought, without any danger, but...

Feng Qin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Investigate a commission regarding the descendants of an alien.

The commission stated that there was a dilapidated wooden house in Xiyan Village on the outskirts of Tianjin, which might have been where the former friends of the Tianxiahui lived.

The commission is to find the details he left behind, preferably to locate him.

However, no information about the alien being sought was mentioned in the commission.

What Tianxiahui wants Feng Qin to do is also very simple.

The first task is to find evidence that the original resident of the cabin was an alien.

The second is the direction they left, and as for the other discoveries, they were all extra gains.

The commission amount was very large. The original price of one order was 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but this order named a person and the price directly reached 80,000 yuan.

Even if there is no discovery at all, you can still get a 50% profit.

Although a certain percentage needs to be deducted for Nadutong and Tangmen.

But 80,000 is still about 40,000.

This means that a college student can earn a year’s internship salary from just one order.

It is no exaggeration to say that Tianxiahui is wealthy and powerful.

Only Feng Qin was hired for this commission, and it only took three days to complete.

Beep—the phone vibrated, Feng Qin took out his phone and took a look.

Fengshayan sent a message.

"Have you received the commission? Don't refuse. Come to Tianjin and I'll take you out to play."

"Of course. It's too much money to refuse."


After Feng Qin replied, he put the letter away.

"Remember to tell the director about your commission."

After Tang Wenlong peeked at the contents of the envelope, he put on his shoes and prepared to go out to practice.

The commission will start from tomorrow and last for three days, ending regardless of whether there are any results.

This was the first time Feng Qin had encountered a situation where the time was set so accurately.

If you want to land in Tianjin tomorrow, you have to set off before 5pm today.

He decided to ask his own master first.

Morning is the busiest time for Zhang Wang as the director of the foreign school, so Feng Qin went to class first, and after lunch, he went to the weapon refining room to wait for him to come back.

Once he finishes his work at the outside school, Zhang Wang will come to the weapon refining room.

Since Feng Qin took over Yang Huang, he would run to the weapon refining room every day when he had no classes. As the master, he naturally had to come and teach him hand in hand.

"Hey, you're here today, you bastard? Why don't you take the opportunity to go on a date early after accepting the commission?"

He already knew that his apprentice had been entrusted with the job, so he was somewhat surprised to see Feng Qin still there.

He also heard that it was the eldest daughter of the Tianxia Society who personally named the person.

Although he didn't know how he knew him, he was very pleased to know that his apprentice was so capable.

Feng Qin felt like he had entered a sports school or a class like the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department.

The class is full of boys, and as long as one of them has the slightest connection with a girl, people around him will imagine a whole summer of drama for you.

"Master, I came here today to ask if there is anything special about this commission."

Having said that, he handed over the envelope of entrustment.

This is just a formality, because as a master, he has the right to consider in advance what the content is.

As a master, he had the best criteria to judge Feng Qin's ability, so it was Zhang Wang who nodded that the envelope reached Feng Qin's hands.

In the past, disciples who had figured this out would go directly there, and would not come all the way to ask like Feng Qin did.

Zhang Wang did not take the letter, but walked up to Feng Qin, smiled and nodded:
"You probably asked because you saw that the time limit was so tight."

Feng Qin nodded. It was true that he knew the Tianxiahui, so it was normal for him to be named, but the timing was really unreasonable.

There are no such regulations for commissions like those in Tangzhong.

"Since you asked, I have to remind you that this is an unwritten rule in the alien circle. Whoever discovers this place first will have priority in investigating. After the commission is over, if you are still at the mission location, the danger will increase significantly."

"Who knows, Quan Xing might intervene as well."

Feng Qin's eyebrows jumped, and he asked curiously:
"It's just a wooden house, how come it looks like a fairy's palace?"

According to the content of the commission, this is just the wooden house where the stranger lived. Those who can live in such a house are usually unscrupulous. Could it be possible that they could leave behind any legacy?
Zhang Wang shook his head slightly. "There is definitely nothing valuable in the cabin, but things that are valued so highly... are likely to touch important people."

"You may not have heard of this person who was once famous in the alien circle-"

"Eight Wonderful Techniques."

(End of this chapter)

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