Chapter 242: Grave Digging
"No can eat this meal, I won't take it away."

Feng Qin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The person at the side and back is none other than Feng Baobao, a temporary worker in the North China Region and a key figure in the Jiashen Rebellion.

Previously, the impression she gave to Feng Qin was that of a silly but occasionally witty person.

Now that I have met her, I understand that I was looking at her from the perspective of an audience member.

Only when you see Feng Baobao with your own eyes, you will understand that the five senses are of no use to her.

I don’t know how the other party knew that I was breathing and eating normally, yet I could blend into the environment.

To normal people, she was just a sloppy factory girl, nothing surprising about her.

Only the stronger the extraordinary person is, the more he can discover her extraordinary qualities.

Feng Qin felt that in the entire Tang Sect, there were only a handful of people who could have discovered Feng Baobao just now.

Anyway, my own master Zhang Wang definitely can’t do it.

Don't be fooled by his age and think that he is proficient in everything. In fact, the strength of his five senses is only at the upper-middle level among teachers.

Feng Qin secretly examined himself and found that he had completely trusted the judgment of his five senses naturally.

If no one is found, it will be considered as no one.

This is a big no-no.

If the other party was from Quan Xing, Feng Qin would be seriously injured if not dead.

Once you leave the Tang Clan and enter the circle of extraordinary people, your life is in the hands of yourself. Any negligence may result in death.

"Why are you panicking, kid? We are all on the same side. Let me tell you, last time the Mu Tan Sect tried to stop you in Tianjin, I dealt with it. So just trust us."

Xu Si used the rearview mirror inside the car to look at Feng Qin, who had a vigilant look on his face and even immediately made a self-examination.

He was secretly surprised that this kid from the Tang Sect had accepted Feng Baobao's strength in such a short period of time and began to reflect on his behavior of letting down his guard.

Many people were surprised when they saw Feng Baobao before, either because of her concealment, her inexplicable Qi flame capacity, or her fluctuating strength.

There are many surprising things about Feng Baobao, but the first thing people do after being surprised is to doubt whether they have overestimated her.

You have to know, that sloppy image, coupled with the stupidity that is clear in his eyes, he doesn't even have the culture of a college student, and all he says is dirty jokes or extremely vulgar words.

It is difficult for people to associate her with the word "expert".

Feng Qin is the first person who, after seeing the baby picking her nose while eating lunch box, still recognized her ability.

" do you know this?"

Feng Qin was a little surprised. Even from his own Tang Sect, he didn't know that some of them couldn't tell right from wrong and chose to bully him.

How did Xu Si know?
"Of course. As early as after the mission was over, I had already been on guard for you against the Shangsanmen, Mutanmen, and the group of strong men from Yuanxiang."

Xu Si said proudly, "I have beaten up many disciples from other sects. No one knows better than me how the older ones come to pick a fight after I beat up the younger ones."

Feng Baobao swallowed a mouthful of rice and nodded seriously:

"It's okay. He often takes me to knock on disciples from various sects. We anticipated those old ones who wanted revenge."


The driver tightened his grip and said unhappily, "Baby, don't always hang out with Xiao Si. What are you doing all day long? We are a serious company."

The driver was wearing square glasses and was Xu Si's brother Xu San.

"What are you talking about? If I didn't have many years of experience in beating up other people's younger brothers, our Tang Sect junior brother would have to suffer in Tianjin."

Xu Si did not feel ashamed, but felt honored.

Xu San called him a hooligan, and he just laughed it off.

However, Feng Qin could see that he was so kind to help solve the trouble in Tianjin, not out of kindness, but because he didn't want him to get hurt in Tianjin.

Otherwise, not to mention the difficulty in dealing with the Tianxiahui, they will also be held accountable for their connections.

So as long as he left Tianjin, he didn't care whether the other party would take revenge or not.

There aren't that many kind-hearted people in the alien circle, but there are many people who are full of passion and ready to fight and kill at any time.

"Are you really not going to eat something? This fast food restaurant is really delicious. If you like, it's just around the corner."

Feng Baobao ate a piece of chicken fillet in one gulp and politely suggested that Feng Qin eat some as well.

Xu San sighed, feeling that the other party came to the North China region and ended up serving him fast food, which was somewhat a disgrace to North China.

"How about we go to the next restaurant and talk about the plan."

"Fuck, time is running out. If Feng Qin hadn't arrived a day late, I would have treated him to a full-service job."

Xu Si urged Xu San to park the car on the side of the road. Regardless of whether Feng Qin was willing or not, he directly got up three boxes of lunch and stuffed them in front of him.

"Don't be disgusted, time is a bit tight, let's eat while we go."


Feng Qinzhen had a sense of déjà vu as if he were entering a factory.

A van with an old interior, a few boxed lunches, and the music playing in the car are still the hits from the 1960s and 1970s.

It forms a sharp contrast with the brightly lit big city outside.

"Come, take a look first. This is the grave we are going to dig tonight."

Feng Qin had just taken two bites of rice when a tablet was handed to him.

Above are three pictures, showing the grave hills in various villages, with simple tombstones and small mounds of earth on them.

There are also more complex ones, built with stones together with the earth pile.

Looking at these three pictures while eating makes me feel 20% full.

Fortunately, Feng Qin knew that food is like steel, and he would be busy later, so it was especially important to have enough food. Therefore, he tried his best to integrate into the style of Xu Si's gangster team, and then ate his meal.

"All the graves in these three villages will be dug up. Don't worry, you are an outsider and no one will recognize you with a mask on."

Xu Si had already shown off his lunch box before turning around and saying seriously:

"Also, this is someone else's grave, don't do what you did before. If you encounter Quan Xing or the enemy, leave immediately. You don't need to guard anything."

"Remember, your goal is to dig graves. If you see an enemy, run away. You must not get hurt."

At first glance, I thought he was concerned.

Feng Qinming was eating and nodded in response.

In fact, I carefully looked at the tombs in these three villages, and the more I looked, the more I saw…

The more I feel something is wrong.

These graves looked very ordinary, and many of them contained the surname Zhang, but no one noticed there was a person named Zhang Xilin.

The picture is not particularly clear, especially this one, which was taken under the moonlight. Some of the tombstones in the distance are not very clear, and Feng Qin has not concluded that there are no tombstones in these three villages.

The reason why he noticed something was wrong was not because he couldn't find the suspicious point of Zhang Xilin.

Another place is...

In my impression, information that is everywhere cannot be obtained by digging grave by grave with a shovel, right?
They said they sent him to find a grave, but it was more like...

Let him be a cover.

(End of this chapter)

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