Under One Person: I am alone, reviving the Tang Sect

Chapter 530: Let’s take the hot road today!

Chapter 530: Let’s take the hot road today!

Does this count as offending the weapon refining circle?
These old guys are so petty. If I claim to be a master of refining weapons at the Luotian Grand Ceremony, they will be so angry that they will die.

Feng Qin almost couldn't figure out this logic.

"Then Senior, do you see me like this too?"

"Not really. Look, I don't even respect magic weapons, so why would I care about titles?"

As he spoke, he knocked on his crutches. Tong Keliang was so angry that he looked around and suppressed his dissatisfaction.

Shang Guoyuan was almost knocking just by looking at Tong Keliang, and was specifically teasing him for his obsession with magic tools.

After entering the Qi Sect, there was a huge three-legged tripod standing in the middle of the gate. It was at least three stories high and twenty meters wide. Standing underneath it, it was so huge that it was hard to breathe.

The entire space behind the gate only has this big cauldron. Behind the big cauldron is the interior of the Weapon Sect.

Such a huge tripod stands on three legs, with a height of five to six meters at the bottom. It blocks out light and sun, and exudes a cool feeling.

Feng Qin raised his foot and planned to pass under the tripod, which happened to be right in front of the gate, so he didn't have to take a detour.

When he stretched his foot under the tripod, Tong Keliang stopped him.

"My friend, if you do this, the Tang Sect will no longer be able to hold its head up among weapon refiners."


Is there any rule as to which foot should step in first?

"This is a cauldron for refining instruments. Long ago, the unconventional used kilns to forge iron and make instruments, while the big sects used cauldrons to burn fire to shape them. So the bottom symbolizes the 'fire road'. Walking under it is like being burned by fire. At the very least, it is unlucky. At the most, you are destroying the feng shui of the Instrument Sect."

"Feng Shui?"

Shang Guoyuan couldn't listen any more, and waved his hand, saying, "It's nothing more than that I feel that since you destroyed the fire path, the fire is flawed, and the quality of the magic tools inside is naturally worse."

"But to be honest." Shang Guoyuan said proudly, "If you really believe in this crappy metaphysics, don't learn to refine weapons, just set up a fortune-telling stall as soon as possible."

That being said, he did not step into the fire path.

No matter how dissatisfied he was, he was old after all, and it was not convenient for him to argue with others. He was alone, and it was indeed not easy to offend Qi Zong. What if others really believed in Feng Shui?

Such a huge tripod is placed in front of me.

Shang Guoyuan hesitated for a long time and finally chose to take a detour, muttering, "People are like this. They set all kinds of rules, as if this would make weapon refiners truly noble. In the end, aren't they just entering someone else's door and getting paid to do things?"

Tong Keliang thought this was unpleasant to hear, but he did not refute it, because he was also paid by Jiajia Village. Of course, if he were to say it, he would say that Jiajia Village specially invited me to take charge and serve me as a guest official.

As they walked and talked, they noticed a lot of discussion around them and couldn't help but turn around to look.

Feng Qin was marching with a group of disciples through the middle of the tripod. The cool breeze was blowing and they felt very refreshed.

On the other hand, although the others were all extraordinary people and did not sweat all over due to the scorching sun, they were not comfortable at all. The reflection of the strong light on the floor tiles made it difficult for them to open their eyes.

In comparison, the Tang Sect seemed to be walking in an exclusive passage, while they were walking in the miserable ordinary passage.

"How rude."

"The Tang Sect has produced some excellent weapon refiners, but how come they didn't teach them any rules?"

"If you really make it big, you will lose your roots."

"I remember that the current weapon refiner of the Tang Sect is an elder. He didn't come this time. Could it be that he is too old and just found a successor?"

"I don't know, but at least the Tang Sect is declining in many aspects."


The old guys around didn't hold back when they spoke, but the younger generation showed envy.

The disciples from Jianxian Sect, Lingyin Temple and Hongmen praised Feng Qin in a low voice.

"I'm so jealous. My cultivation is so poor that I'm sweating."

"My pants are all torn." "It's a pain not to walk on such a good shady road."

"Who made our team leader so stubborn and unresponsive..."

The teacher in charge glared back and everyone shut up, especially the Hongmen.

They call themselves Hong Kong people, not inland people, so there is naturally a certain generation gap between them and other sects. Therefore, when they come here, they pay special attention to the etiquette of other people's beliefs.

"Can't you see they are being pointed at? Yet they are walking on the popular road. Just go around it."

The teacher in charge scolded them and led everyone to take a detour.

This is not just a show of strength from the Weapon Sect. The big cauldron is a display of respect. Many weapon refiners have similar small ornaments in their homes.

For a moment, the Tang Sect became the target of public criticism. Chai Jiaxing stepped forward with some concern and asked, "Junior brother and teacher, we seem to have taken the wrong path. Should we withdraw now?"

"Outside, just call me teacher. Also, I joined later than you."

"...Teacher, this isn't the point right now."

Chai Jiaxing really was used to it. Everyone called him "junior brother" and "teacher". When they were chatting on weekdays, it would be so abrupt if he just called him "teacher".

It's like everyone around you is chatting in their local dialect, but you're the only one speaking Mandarin, and the feeling of being torn apart can make you feel isolated.

"Don't worry, they've long been fed up with me. If we bypass this damn fire road, they'll also say that it was Senior Shang who reminded us, otherwise they wouldn't understand anything."

"Teacher, they don't like you, but they don't like us."


Feng Qin punished him by making him copy Zhang Wang's thoughts engraved on the bronze ball ten times, on the grounds that he did not regard the Tang Sect as a whole.

As for everyone's rude remarks, that was exactly what Feng Qin wanted to achieve.

Blindly following the crowd made the Tang Sect seem to have no attainments in refining equipment and went into decline.

Anyway, I really don't know anything, and my master has never emphasized the special etiquette of these weapon refiners. This shows that a true master will never stumble over such small details.

Those old guys who are always criticizing others have grown old and haven't been able to earn any fame, so they create this reputation for themselves.

Between two points, the straight line is the fastest.

Feng Qin led the Tang Sect and became the first group to enter the Weapon Sect today.

As soon as he entered, he attracted everyone's attention.

In the Qi Sect, there are too many outer disciples to count, even more than the outer disciples of the Tang Sect.

With just a quick glance, even without the aid of an observer, one can see that many disciples can only gain entry level skills in their entire lives, and cannot make even a single step further in their studies.

I just want to get the identity of a weapon refiner and live a rich and prosperous life in the circle of extraordinary people.

Even so, they can still chat enthusiastically with people coming from afar by relying on the professional vocabulary they have learned, as well as all sorts of anecdotes and insights.

The teachers were still instructing their disciples in refining instruments. There were tables and platforms with tiled roofs and spread out on both sides, just like the sheds where candidates answered questions during the ancient imperial examinations.

The innermost is the inner door.

The exchange meeting is tentatively scheduled by Qi Zong as the only day each year when the inner gate will be open to the public for visits.

An old man with white hair and nearly two meters tall looked at everyone who came in with a smile.

"I'm sorry for not welcoming you here. It's true that the Qi Sect's luck has dispersed, and it has just gathered a little bit. I don't have the energy to welcome you. I'm really sorry."

He did not say a word about the incident of walking on the fire road, and did not even show the slightest disdain. Not only that, he even looked at Feng Qin twice more.

"Seeing so many young people, I'm already looking forward to the future of weapon refining."

These words were almost directed to Feng Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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