Chapter 115 Going South
"It's really hard to explain this question. To put it simply, it means 'upstairs and downstairs, electricity and telephone'."

Du Shaojie smiled. If he looked at things from the perspective of his two lives as a human being, many goals that seemed unrealistic at the moment would be realized quietly in the future.

The future is bright, but the road is tortuous. However, he couldn't explain it clearly to the two little kids.

In fact, the two sisters are not young anymore. Xiaomei is now 15 years old and is currently in the third grade of junior high school. Xiaoya will be 12 years old after the Chinese New Year and is currently in the fifth grade of elementary school.

By the fall of this year, Xiaomei will enter high school and Xiaoya will enter junior high school.

After finishing the New Year's Eve dinner and cleaning up the mess, Du Shaojie and his two sisters went out to set off firecrackers. This year, people were very enthusiastic about buying fireworks and firecrackers. As long as they didn't cause a fire, they could set them off as they pleased.

Staying up all night, the family sits together and plays "Upgrade".

Wang Yuxiu played against Xiaomei, Du Shaojie played against Xiaoya, and they played until almost twelve o'clock, then everyone went to wash up and go to bed.

Before going to bed, Du Shaojie took stock of his gains.

【Bound chef: Du Shaojie】

[Level: Level 3 Chef]

[Current works: Sweet and sour carp, braised spareribs, stir-fried kidney and liver, stir-fried lamb with green onions, shredded pork with fish flavor, mapo tofu]

【Overall evaluation: Medium】

[Bonus: Simulated Chef Skills Competition Duration (240 hours)]

[Rewards: Exchange points (24 points), simulation training time (240 hours)]

[Special Reward: None]

[Exchange points: 42 points\42 points]

【Duration: 560 hours\2976 hours】

Today's New Year's Eve dinner was good, with no surprises or surprises. However, the duration and exchange points were increased, which is a kind of consolation.

The next day, which was the first day of the new year, Du Shaojie rode his bike to the bureau first.

Starting from Chen Jizhou's home, he went to the homes of Huang Yicheng, Zhai Yucheng, Jiang Yong, Wang Bin and others, and wished them a happy new year. It was just a matter of sitting for a few minutes, and he just had to be polite.

Liao Yongxin and Wang Liwen were not here. Liao Yongxin went back to his hometown to visit relatives, while Wang Liwen went back to her hometown to celebrate the New Year while on a business trip. The meaning of their conversations was similar.

After leaving the unit, Du Shaojie rode his bike to Director Luo's house.

Director Luo still lived in the same place, but his home was deserted and no one came. Director Cai had been transferred to another place and there was no one around him who could be used.

"Xiao Du, thank you for remembering to come and see me. I have almost made my case clear, and we will have a conclusion after the new year. I haven't done many good things in these years, but I haven't done many bad things either, so I should be able to get through this smoothly."

Director Luo looked much calmer than before, with a hint of indifference towards everything.

Du Shaojie briefly explained his situation and then said goodbye and left.

On the third day of the New Year, Qi Yan invited Du Shaojie, Su Dapeng, Xiaomei and Xiaoya to her home for dinner.

"Yanzi, if you are busy with your work, you'd better take some time to review your lessons. I have a feeling that the resumption of the college entrance examination will not be far away. You have not given up your lessons in the past few years. It would be a big loss if you don't give it a try."

It's a rare occasion for everyone to get together, and the atmosphere at the table is good.

Du Shaojie also drank two more glasses, and then took advantage of the alcohol to reveal a piece of news to Qi Yan.

Of course, he could not confidently say that he knew the general trend and could only rely on his mysterious "premonition".

Qi Yan didn't say anything yet, but her parents agreed. Qi's father often said in private, "Learn math, physics and chemistry well, and you won't be afraid of going anywhere in the world." He also believed that the current talent selection mechanism would definitely change.

Recommending admission to university is obviously unreliable. From the perspective of fairness, it still has to be the "college entrance examination".

After her parents finished their long speeches, Qi Yan said, "It just so happens that I also need to strengthen my professional studies, and I have not fallen behind in reviewing my high school courses. Shaojie and Dapeng, do you have any ideas?"

Su Dapeng hurriedly shook his head: "Forget it. I didn't learn much in school before, and now I have already given it back to the teacher."

"Our situation is here. We have both officially joined the workforce, so we may not meet their requirements. Besides, I can't give up my salary to study, right?"

Du Shaojie had thought about this problem a long time ago. After much consideration, he realized that the realistic conditions did not allow him to take the college entrance examination.

Qi's mother said to herself, "What a pity!" and changed the subject.

After the holiday, Du Shaojie thought he would have some free time, but he ended up being even busier than during the Chinese New Year period.

Liao Yongxin had not returned from his hometown to visit his relatives yet, and Tang Li from the second kitchen was promoted to a full-time manager, so he and Liu Wenhui from the third kitchen were the only chefs left in the entire canteen.

Liu Wenhui was a person who just went along with the situation, so Du Shaojie actually became the backbone of the group.

However, no matter how busy he is during the day, he will take time to continue learning and honing his cooking skills. After 500 hours of simulation training, most of his dishes can get a "medium" simulation evaluation.

When there were only 60 hours left, he plunged into the A2 group of the simulated chef skills competition.

This time, he successfully won the championship of "Simulated Chef Skills Competition Group A2", which gave him a new understanding of his cooking skills.

He set a goal for himself, to pass the second-level chef exam before the end of this year!

[Duration: 10 hours\2976 hours] The remaining time is about to reach the bottom, and he is forced to rest for two days before getting replenished.

However, improving cooking skills is something that can be done over a long period of time, and there is no need to rush for it.

That morning, Du Shaojie was busy in the kitchen when Wang Bin walked into the cafeteria with two strangers. At first, he didn't pay much attention to them, but when Wang Bin kept waving at him, he realized that the strangers were related to him.

He put down what he was doing, said something to Liu Wenhui, and walked over.

"Master Du, these two are comrades from the province. They have some information they need to know from you. Please cooperate with them."

After Wang Bin finished speaking, he pointed at the two strangers and motioned Du Shaojie to follow them.

Du Shaojie was a little puzzled. What could he possibly have done that was worth the other party making a special trip? However, he did not ask any more questions and followed the two people to the small meeting room in the office building.

When I walked in, I saw there was another female comrade inside. She had already prepared paper and pen, and it seemed that she was going to make formal records.

"Comrade Du Shaojie, we came to you today because of Comrade Luo Zhiming's matter. We hope you can answer the questions truthfully. First of all, can you tell us what is your relationship with Comrade Luo Zhiming?"

It's not an interrogation, it should be considered a formal conversation.

After listening to the other party's opening remarks, Du Shaojie immediately realized that the other party came for Director Luo.

"Director Luo and I have an ordinary comradeship. I am a chef and have gone to Director Luo's home to help cook a few times. That's all."

"Oh? As far as we know, Luo Zhiming thinks highly of you. Whenever he needs to entertain important guests, he always asks you and Liao Yongxin to come to his house to cook. Then let me ask you, do you know who he has invited to his home for dinner?"

"I don't know! Every time I go there, Master Liao and I are always busy in the kitchen. We are not needed to serve the dishes. After we are done, we simply eat and leave. We have never seen the guests you mentioned."

"Oh? According to the information we have, Luo Zhiming treated you very well. Including your secondment to Xijiang Hotel and Kunlun Hotel, Luo Zhiming instructed Cai Jing to handle it.

After that, Cai Ning went around trying to help you transfer to another job. So tell me, is your relationship really just an ordinary comradeship as you said?"

"I don't know the reason for the secondment. I went there as soon as the notice was given to me. As for the transfer, I did ask Director Cai for help, but it didn't work out in the end."

There were questions and answers, and it really felt like an interrogation at the end.

However, Du Shaojie insisted that he and Director Luo had only an ordinary relationship. After all, he had stayed in Laolonghe Farm until the policy was implemented.

In fact, he was telling the truth.

Du Shaojie had never been on Director Luo's boat, and knew nothing about other people's important matters.

Therefore, the people who came to investigate did not get the desired results after asking for a long time. Then they asked Du Shaojie to sign the conversation record, and the three of them left in a hurry.

"Director Luo, is this going to fail?"

Du Shaojie couldn't find out the inside story and could only guess.

After Liao Yongxin came back from visiting his relatives, he quietly asked the other party. The other party didn't know the specific situation, but told Du Shaojie not to worry. It was said that someone above was determined to get Paul Zhiming.

Afterwards, Liao Yongxin was also called in for questioning, and there was no follow-up to this matter.

One day at the end of March.

After get off work in the afternoon, Du Shaojie and Liao Yongxin walked out of the cafeteria chatting and laughing. A jeep parked in an open space not far away suddenly honked twice.

The two of them looked over subconsciously and immediately saw Cai Jing sticking her head out of the car window.

The other party waved his hand, motioning the two to come over.

"Get in the car and follow me to see the director. Of course, if you find it inconvenient, forget it and just pretend I've never been here."

Cai Ning looked a little tired, with dark circles under her eyes, obviously she didn't get enough rest.

Liao Yongxin was about to retire, and was not afraid of anything, so he got on the jeep. Du Shaojie was similar, and it was too late to draw a line between him and others until now.

Seeing the two of them get into the car without hesitation, Cai Ning nodded with satisfaction.

"The director is leaving Xijiang. Before he leaves, he wants to treat some old friends to a meal, so he needs your help. It's a sudden event, and there won't be many dishes tonight, so you two will have to work hard."

Cai Ning did not treat Du Shaojie and Liao Yongxin as outsiders and told them in detail about Director Luo's recent situation.

Director Luo almost didn't make it this time, but someone from above spoke up for him and he finally made it through. He couldn't stay in Xijiang anymore, and his destination was Guangdong Province.

The rank remained the same there, but it was just a sinecure.

"Director Cai, what about you?"

Du Shaojie felt that Director Luo was still lucky. After all, not only did he land safely in the end, but he could continue to contribute his remaining energy.

Then he asked about Cai Ning's whereabouts.

"I will probably leave too, but a few months later. If I leave, I will go to the south. Alas, I am a native of the northwest, and I don't know if I can adapt there."

Cai Jing answered with a smile, and soon the jeep drove into a retirement home.

(End of this chapter)

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