Chapter 119 Fame
Du Shaojie nodded silently. After all, Wang Liwen was a genuine graduate from a medical school, and it was indeed a waste of her talent for her to stay in the infirmary.

He is also very clear that with the development of the times, some institutions with social welfare nature will be separated from their original units, such as kindergartens, children's schools, subordinate medical institutions, etc.

"Sister Liwen, your idea is not wrong. However, working as a doctor in a hospital will be very hard. You have to go out for further studies from time to time, and working night shifts is also common. You have to think carefully."

"I've thought it through. Suffering a little is nothing. It's better than hanging around in the infirmary."

Du Shaojie saw a hint of "stubbornness" on the other person's face. This beautiful woman was actually very strong-willed.

Wang Liwen's facial features are very three-dimensional, and people at work often joke that she is a "second-rate person". But few people know that under her charming appearance, she hides a heart that is unwilling to be ordinary.

"Then I support you! Once you have established yourself in the hospital, I will take my mom for a thorough physical examination."

Du Shaojie gave the other person an encouraging look, and Wang Liwen smiled sweetly. She was really happy.

The reason why she asked Du Shaojie to talk about this matter shows that she cares about his opinion on this matter. What she is most worried about is that Du Shaojie will misunderstand that she wants to avoid him before transferring to the unit.

"Okay, I'll take Aunt Wang to do all the checkups myself then."

The two walked forward aimlessly, chatting a lot along the way, and walked away unknowingly.

In the end, Du Shaojie rode his bike to take Wang Liwen back to the dormitory, and he returned home just as it was dark.

Wang Liwen's job transfer went smoothly. The People's Hospital was originally short of professional doctors, and the Electric Power Industry Bureau agreed to release her, so the transfer was settled in just a week.

On the day of moving, Du Shaojie borrowed the canteen's tricycle to help Wang Liwen deliver her luggage.

The hospital was very kind and allocated a bungalow to Wang Liwen. It didn't have a yard, but it had a separate kitchen and two rooms. The walls of the room had been repainted with lime and the ceiling had been renovated.

However, there was not much furniture in the room. The hospital's general affairs department provided a wooden bed, a washbasin rack, a desk and two chairs, and nothing else.

Wang Liwen had two large wooden boxes, and Du Shaojie helped her order a row of clothes hangers on the wall. For now, they could only make do with this. When there was a chance, they could add some more furniture to make the room look less empty.

"There's no rush for furniture. I'll go buy some pots and pans in the next two days so I can cook."

Wang Liwen clapped her hands and felt very satisfied with her current living conditions.

She went to make a cup of tea for Du Shaojie and brought it over, then pointed to the kitchen with a smile.

"You still have time to open fire? I remember you always eat in the cafeteria."

Du Shaojie took the teacup, somewhat disapprovingly.

Wang Liwen didn't say anything either, just stared at him with a smile.

"Okay, okay, if I have time, I'll come over and make you a delicious meal."

Du Shaojie was helpless. Was he being blamed by others?
Of course, he was willing to do it in his heart. After all, they were friends in need, and they had washed his clothes and sheets for so long, so it was only natural for him to come over and cook a meal occasionally.

After drinking tea, Du Shaojie rode his tricycle back to the unit.

"Master Du, Master Du"

After parking the tricycle, Du Shaojie just walked into the cafeteria and heard someone calling him.

Turning around, it turned out to be Zhao Dajun.

"Director Zhao, when did you come up?"

Du Shaojie walked over quickly and greeted the other party with a smile.

Coming from the farm to the bureau is called "coming up", and going from the bureau to the farm is called "going to the farm", and everyone has become accustomed to this term.

"I just arrived not long ago. I heard from Master Liao that you went to help Doctor Wang move?"

Zhao Dajun is now in high spirits. Following the bumper harvest of winter wheat, the spring wheat is also growing well. It is estimated that the upcoming autumn harvest will bring another surprise.

In addition, the vegetable greenhouses have also achieved good profits throughout the winter, so the farm will have a much better time in the future.

"Yes, Dr. Wang was transferred to the People's Hospital, and I helped her deliver the odds and ends there."

The two chatted for a few minutes, and then Zhao Dajun winked, signaling Du Shaojie to go out for a while.

Du Shaojie understood what he meant and walked to a secluded place outside the cafeteria with Zhao Dajun.

"Master Du, I'm so sorry to bother you again. Professor Sun and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences have been a great help to the farm. I was thinking of sending them some [Dezhou Braised Chicken], see..."

Zhao Dajun had a big smile on his face. To put it bluntly, he just wanted Du Shaojie to help him make some more [Dezhou Braised Chicken].

Du Shaojie didn't care, but now it was not like when he was on the farm. He couldn't make it in the office cafeteria, and he had to purchase the raw materials.

"It's a small matter, but my family's conditions are limited. I'm afraid I can't do too much. Please understand."

"Not much, not much, just help me make ten. I'll prepare the white-striped chicken in advance and send it to your home on the weekend. You need to count the other materials and cooking costs, and I'll pay you later."

Zhao Dajun was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

Since this is the farm's business, not his personal business, the money that should be paid should be given, and others should not be asked to pay out of their own pockets.

Du Shaojie nodded, and the matter was settled.

After Zhao Dajun delivered the white striped chicken to his home, he took out a few more chickens from the storage space and started making it according to the process. The previous steps were easy, but the stewing was more troublesome and required two soup buckets.

Fortunately, the kitchen had two stoves, which was barely enough. The next day was Sunday. Zhao Dajun came over in the morning and gave Du Shaojie 10 yuan for the processing fee, then took away ten chickens and ran happily to the Agricultural Science Academy.

Du Shaojie then sent a [Dezhou Braised Chicken] to Qi Yan's home and Liang Meiqin's home respectively. Qi Yan's and Liang Meiqin's mothers both made great contributions to Xiaomei and Xiaoya's admission to No. 1 Middle School.

At the same time, I also sent one to Wang Liwen and Su Dapeng respectively, as a side note.

Taking stock of the harvest at night, he found that the quality of the [Dezhou Braised Chicken] he made was still stable.

【Bound chef: Du Shaojie】

[Level: Level 3 Chef]

【Current work: Dezhou Braised Chicken】

【Overall evaluation: up and down】

[Bonus: Simulated Chef Skills Competition Duration (60 hours)]

[Rewards: Exchange points (6 points), simulation training time (60 hours)]

[Special Reward: None]

[Exchange points: 168 points\168 points]

【Duration: 1120 hours\5496 hours】

Du Shaojie felt very satisfied, but he didn't know yet that the [Dezhou Braised Chicken] he made was already famous. Word of it spread far and wide, and people often asked where they could buy it.

Of course, it’s useless for him to know this. Can he open a store specifically selling [Dezhou Braised Chicken]?
It'll be about right after a few years.


The "National Science, Technology, Culture and Education Work Conference" was held, and at the meeting quite a number of participants proposed the restoration of the college entrance examination.

It was said that the higher-ups were ready to adopt this suggestion, and various versions of the rumor spread. Some believed it, some didn't, but regardless of whether others believed it or not, Qi Yan's family believed it anyway.

"You know what, Shaojie is definitely a man with vision. It's a pity that he was dragged down by his family and couldn't go to college, otherwise he would definitely be able to make a name for himself in the future."

Qi's father praised Du Shaojie highly and also urged his daughter to review her lessons well.

There is still some time before the start of the school year, so Qi Yan locked herself in her room and continued to strengthen the important knowledge points of each subject. The experience of substitute teacher allowed her to sum up a new set of learning methods, and her learning efficiency has been significantly improved compared with the past.

Xiaomei and Xiaoya are also very hardworking. Du Shaojie helped them borrow the textbooks for the first year of high school (first year of junior high school) so that they would not think about playing all day long and should take time to preview every day.

What should I do if I encounter a problem I don’t understand? Just go to Qi Yan, there is a ready-made teacher there, and it won’t take more than ten minutes to go there.

Besides reviewing, Qi Yan was also happy to answer the two girls' questions. While helping them, she also gained something.


When Du Shaojie got home from get off work, he found that there were guests at home.

"Xiao Jie, this is Aunt Zhang, do you remember her?"

The person who came was a former neighbor, but he had moved away. Du Shaojie still had some impression of him.

After politely greeting Aunt Zhang, he was about to go back to his room when Wang Yuxiu stopped him: "Aunt Zhang came here specifically to see you today, so don't leave yet."

"Aunt Zhang, just tell me what you want to say. We are old neighbors, so don't be polite."

Du Shaojie had no choice but to find a stool to sit down, then asked with a smile.

"Shaojie, what's going on? Xiaoliang is getting married next week. I heard that you are a very good cook. I wonder if I can ask you to help with the wedding banquet?"

Aunt Zhang is in her early forties, and both she and her husband are state officials.

His son Zeng Mingliang is a few years older than Shaojie. He works in the municipal supply and marketing cooperative, and the family conditions are pretty good.

Du Shaojie didn't expect that his reputation would reach the ears of his old neighbor. Since someone came to his door to invite him, he naturally would not refuse.

After a moment's silence, he nodded and said, "No problem!"

Aunt Zhang was very happy and immediately started discussing the wedding menu with him.

After the various dishes were finalized, Du Shaojie made a list and listed out the items needed and the quantities.

Aunt Zhang left happily, and Wang Yuxiu felt very happy. Her son had indeed made great progress. Even the old neighbors came to her house with a smile and asked him to host the wedding banquet. She was so proud to tell others about it.

Du Shaojie didn't care much about it. On the one hand, he was confident in his cooking skills. On the other hand, no matter what happened, as long as he got used to it, he wouldn't have any emotional fluctuations.

There are still 10 days left before Aunt Zhang's wedding banquet, so he can make some preparations.

Before going to bed, Du Shaojie entered the simulated training scene and made all the dishes for the wedding banquet in a targeted manner.

Wang Yuxiu kept nagging him all night, asking him to make sure the wedding banquet was a success and not to disappoint the neighbors. Du Shaojie was a little amused, but also took it seriously.

Therefore, he decided to practice the dishes for the wedding banquet when he had free time in the next 10 days, to make sure everything was perfect.

Sometimes things just happen by coincidence. The next day at noon, just after he had lunch, Su Dapeng suddenly ran to the unit to find Du Shaojie. He was shocked and thought something had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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