Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 140: Make a concerted effort to defeat the Level 1 chef

Chapter 140: One-shot victory over a first-class chef

"Oh, you have a high fever. Hurry up, I'll take you to the hospital. You need injections and medicines. You can't just hold on like this."

Liao Yongxin's forehead was burning hot and he kept coughing.

Before Du Shaojie came, he wrung out a cold towel and put it on his head. He was already feeling drowsy while lying on the bed.

Regardless of whether the other party was willing or not, Du Shaojie directly carried the old man out. Liao Yongxin was in such a state that he couldn't ride a bike, so he had to use his own bike to carry the old man to the People's Hospital.

Of course they went to the emergency room at night. There were not many patients in the hospital, so it was their turn soon.

The doctor on duty first listened with a stethoscope, then wrote out an order for tests and X-rays, and finally confirmed that it was acute pneumonia and required hospitalization.

Du Shaojie ran up and down and finally sent Liao Yongxin to the ward.

"Xiao Du, you've been tired for a long time, go back and rest."

After the injection and the medicine, Liao Yongxin's spirits were obviously better. His body temperature was also slowly coming down, so he asked Du Shaojie to go back quickly.

Du Shaojie chatted with the doctor on duty for a few words and confirmed that Liao Yongxin was not in any danger before leaving the hospital.

The next morning, he came to the ward with some millet porridge, two boiled eggs and some pickles.

"Master Liao, sit up and eat something. I brought you meals during the few times you were in the hospital. You should have a good rest and don't worry about anything else."

Liao Yongxin doesn't need a caregiver, but he still has to eat three meals a day.

He was the only one in the area, so Du Shaojie took on the job of delivering meals. You can order meals from the hospital cafeteria, but the quality of the food is simply hard to describe, and Liao Yongxin probably can't eat it.

"Yeah, if you have time, you can send it. If you don't have time, I'll order food from the cafeteria. Alas, after all, I'm old. I caught a cold and it turned into pneumonia. I can't say anything, I can't say anything."

Liao Yongxin was deeply touched but could not say it out loud.

Du Shaojie waited for the other party to finish eating before leaving the hospital with the insulated lunch box and hurried to work.

In the morning, he called Wang Bin and asked for leave for Liao Yongxin. Only then did people in the unit know that he was hospitalized.

Taking Liao Yongxin's actual situation into consideration, Wang Bin consulted Director Chen and then sent someone from the cafeteria to the hospital to take care of him. Three meals a day were also provided by the cafeteria.

Although Du Shaojie didn't have to deliver meals, he would take time to stay in the ward for a while after get off work every day.

Obviously, it is impossible to ask Liao Yongxin to help with the wedding banquet. Even if he is discharged from the hospital soon, he still needs to recuperate for a while.

He thought of Dong Yunxian, but the hotel’s Chinese restaurant had no days off, and it seemed impossible for the two chefs to be absent at the same time.

After thinking it over, he decided to give it a try and called Zhong Fuxiang of Xijiang Hotel.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Du Shaojie mentioned the wedding banquet, the other party immediately agreed: "Sure! Tell me the time and place, and I will be there on time."

Du Shaojie was overjoyed and told the other party the necessary information, and the other party hung up.

Liao Yongxin stayed in the hospital for five days before being discharged and went home to recuperate. Fortunately, it was the early stage of pneumonia, and the disease came and went quickly, but it would take some time for the body to fully recover.


Du Shaojie arrived at the wedding banquet early in the morning and happened to meet Zhong Fuxiang at the door.

"Morning, Master Zhong!"

"Good morning! Let's go in quickly. I'll take a look at the menu first, and then hurry up and get ready."

Zhong Fuxiang is still as taciturn as ever, but he does things very carefully.

The two of them went in and met the host, counted the food, ingredients and other supplies according to the list, and started to get busy.

There are four people doing odd jobs, which is enough manpower and the preparatory work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Today's dishes are still the mainstream dishes for wedding banquets nowadays, which emphasize heavy use of oil, salt and spicy flavor. It is almost not difficult for the two of them to prepare them.

It was a bit tiring for one person to take care of ten tables, but in the end I managed to complete the task successfully.

"Xiao Du, your [Dry-fried Fish] and [Stir-fried Kidney] today were very good. Just based on these two dishes, your cooking skills have already reached the threshold of a top-class chef."

During the meal, Zhong Fuxiang rarely praised Du Shaojie.

To be honest, Zhong Fuxiang was surprised by Du Shaojie's improvement. His progress was too fast, and at such a young age he had already mastered the skills of a top-class chef.

With more training, I'm afraid there will be another special level 3 chef in the city.

"I don't dare to think about becoming a top chef yet, but I have signed up for the first-class chef exam. I hope I can pass it."

Du Shaojie and Zhong Fuxiang didn't have much personal relationship, and this was the first time they worked together to prepare a banquet outside. The feedback hadn't come in yet, but they were both experts and knew that today's dishes were all excellent.

At this time, the host and seven or eight relatives and friends came over.

"Master Zhong, we didn't expect that Master Du invited you here. We are really flattered. You are a leader in the catering industry, and Xiao Du is a rising star in the catering industry. Today, everyone has seen what real cooking skills are." These people ran over to toast Zhong Fuxiang and Du Shaojie with a warm and respectful attitude.

The level of today's wedding banquet opened the eyes of the guests. They didn't realize that an ordinary table of dishes could be so delicious!
Some of the guests knew Zhong Fuxiang. He was cooking before and could not be seen by outsiders. But when he finished cooking and came out to eat, he was seen by others.

Upon further inquiry, I found out that the other young chef was actually the winner of the special prize in the national competition. Wow, two high-level chefs were invited to a wedding banquet.

Everyone spoke highly of the wedding banquet. The host was very proud and brought some people over to express their gratitude to the two of them.

"You're welcome, you're welcome! If there's anything I haven't done well today, please forgive me."

Zhong Fuxiang doesn't like dealing with strangers, so Du Shaojie has to step in to deal with him.

Fortunately, the host just came to express his gratitude. After three glasses of wine, the group of people left.

The host pulled Du Shaojie aside and forced him to pay 160 yuan, two packs of cigarettes and two bottles of wine, refusing him.

Du Shaojie couldn't refuse, and he was too lazy to argue anymore, so he accepted the thank-you gift from the host.

"Master Zhong, the thank you gift from the host is 160 yuan, two packs of cigarettes and two bottles of wine. You and I will split it in half. I am grateful for your help today. Thank you!"

After leaving the wedding banquet, Du Shaojie took out 80 yuan and handed a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine to Zhong Fuxiang.

Zhong Fuxiang took it without even looking at it. He put the money directly into his arms, then hung the bag of cigarettes and alcohol on the handlebars.

"Today is paid labor, why are you being so polite? If there are good things like this in the future, remember to notify me and I will definitely come."

After Zhong Fuxiang finished speaking, he rode away on his bicycle.

Du Shaojie was stunned for a long time before he rode his bike home. He knew that he might have misunderstood Zhong Fuxiang. In fact, he was not aloof from the world, but just introverted.

After finishing the wedding banquet, Du Shaojie turned down all chores except work. Even when Su Dapeng asked him to make "Dezhou Braised Chicken", he refused.

He was wholeheartedly preparing to become a "first-class chef" and spent almost all of his free time in simulated training (competition) scenarios.

[Exchange points: 975 points\1004 points]

【Duration: 480 hours\22456 hours】

Both the exchange points and duration have increased significantly, but the time consumption is also very high. Before the exam, the remaining time should not exceed 480 hours.

The cumulative time has reached 22456 hours, which means that Du Shaojie has spent almost hours on simulation training (competitions) in recent years.

Assuming 300 days a year and working 8 hours a day, Du Shaojie has accumulated more than 9 years and nearly 10 years of cooking experience in simulated scenarios.

So, Du Shaojie’s rapid improvement in cooking skills did not come out of nowhere, but was the result of countless sweat and hard work.

There is a reward for every effort. Before the exam, Du Shaojie finally won the championship of "Simulated Chef Skills Competition Group B3", which means that his real strength has reached the level of a special third-level chef.

On the day of the exam, Du Shaojie met Zhong Fuxiang again.

Zhong Fuxiang was the leader of the "First-Class Chef" examination review group this time. In the practical examination, he was also the only judge who was not interested in Du Shaojie's high-level performance.

Zhong Fuxiang had witnessed Du Shaojie's current level at a wedding banquet a few days ago.

A guy whose comprehensive strength has already crossed the threshold of "special chef" now takes the exam for "first-class chef", what's there to see? He can pass the exam with his eyes closed.

The dish for today's exam is [Fried Double Crispy Ingredients in Oil], which is a traditional Shandong dish that requires very high knife skills and control of heat.

The two crispy dishes provided in the exam are "pig tripe" and "duck gizzards". The ingredients need to be cut into patterns when they are cut to make it easier for the dishes to absorb the flavor. The ingredients are not complicated, and the seasoning is also simple, but it is extremely difficult to control the heat of frying.

It can be said that if you stir-fry this dish for one second longer, it will be overcooked, and one second less, it will not be cooked.

This dish still belongs to the category of pork offal, except that it contains duck gizzards. The cooking principles are the same.

Du Shaojie is well versed in this, including dishes like [Stir-fried Kidney], [Stir-fried Pork Liver], [Stir-fried Kidney and Liver], and this [Stir-fried Double Crispness]. He has no idea how many times he has fried them in simulated training (competition) scenarios.

So, he finished the test like a flowing stream and then raised his hand.

Zhong Fuxiang was the first to come over and took a pair of bowls and chopsticks to taste Du Shaojie's work. The taste was simply amazing, "crunchy" in the mouth, and it was endless aftertaste.

"This kid! He's just a freak."

Zhong Fuxiang secretly gave Du Shaojie a thumbs up, but also criticized him in his heart.

The dish [Fried Crispy Kidney] made by the other party today showed some improvement in cooking techniques compared to the [Fried Kidney] made at the wedding banquet that day.

The other judges also tasted Du Shaojie's works, and the expressions on their faces were absolutely wonderful.

To be honest, some of the judges present may not be able to cook this [Deep-fried Double Crispy] dish so perfectly. Just based on their control of the heat, they deserve a high score.

Du Shaojie passed the chef grade examination calmly and became a true first-class chef.

(End of this chapter)

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