Chapter 183 Restlessness
Fan Qingqing looked at the handsome chef curiously. She glanced at him twice and quickly turned her head to look away. After a while, she glanced at him again secretly. He was quite interesting.

After all, Qi Yan had studied in college in Beijing for more than two years. Just by looking at Feng Qingsong's aura, she knew that he was not an ordinary person.

Liu Ying felt the same way. She was wondering, although Du Shaojie was very talented in cooking, he shouldn't know such a person, right?
But reality is reality, and you can't refuse to accept it.

Du Shaojie ate half his fill and then stood up to toast Feng Qingsong.

Liu Ying also went over to join in the fun, and later the three of them simply shared a table and chatted while drinking.

The nights in the mountains were a little chilly, but no one cared.

Feng Qingsong's wife helped the old man back to rest. Fan Donglin didn't smoke or drink, and couldn't chat with these people, so he went upstairs to watch TV.

Instead, Fan Qingqing and Feng Qingsong's two children came up to Qi Yan, Xiaomei and others.

When they learned that Qi Yan and Xiao Mei were both college students, the attitudes of the little guys changed immediately. It can be seen that college students are still very valuable these days and are respected wherever they go.

After Feng Qingsong drank a few glasses, he suddenly felt relaxed.

"Master Du, I'm curious, why do you have a special liking for real estate?"

According to Feng Qingsong's knowledge, Du Shaojie owns four properties.

Among them, there are two courtyards in Chunfeng Lane, a small two-story building near the central blood station, and a two-story building under construction on Hongshan Road.

The building in the staff quarters of Guangyuan Hotel does not count, as it was allocated by the unit and the current property belongs to the unit.

"I can't save money and I spend money lavishly. It would be better to turn it into real estate so that I can leave something behind."

The reason why Du Shaojie likes real estate is definitely because he was scared of being a "house slave" in his previous life.

He didn't have any lofty ideals or ambitions to become a worldly hegemon. The world was so big, and he wanted to see it all after Xiaoya went to college.

The days of financial freedom are so damn good!

But he couldn't tell anyone these things, so he could only make up an excuse to cover it up. Fortunately, his reasons were justifiable, and no one would delve into it.

"Tomorrow morning we will go to the alpine ranch to have some fun. We can fill our stomachs there first, and when we come back, we will ask Master Du to show us his skills."

Liu Ying took over the conversation and talked about tomorrow's arrangements.

The alpine ranch is deep in the mountains, and you have to take the mountain road No. 25 from here. However, there is a simple road that can be driven by car.

"No problem, I like the view."

Du Shaojie clinked glasses with the two of them again, and the bottle of wine was just empty.

By the time they were done, Feng Qingsong's two children and Fan Qingqing had already become friends with Qi Yan, Liang Meiqin, and the sisters Xiaomei and Xiaoya.

The next day.

Everyone got up early, had breakfast in the cafeteria, and then took a bus to the alpine ranch.

The scenery in the deep mountains is even more beautiful. When they arrived at the ranch, someone received them and took them to a large felt tent.

The host had prepared snacks, fruits, cheese and beef jerky in advance, and served us fragrant milk tea as soon as we sat down.

"Boys and girls, go ride horses. Don't be afraid. These horses are ponies we specially picked out. They are very gentle."

The host arranged a program for the young people, and Qi Yan, Xiaomei and Xiaoya were extremely happy.

Fan Qingqing and the Feng siblings were also very happy, only Liang Meiqin kept her head down, looking unhappy.

"Mikoto, let me help you walk around here. This place is so picturesque. I'll tell you about it."

Du Shaojie asked Qi Yan and others to go out and play. He supported Liang Meiqi and walked out of the yurt and strolled among the green grass.

Liang Meiqin's mood immediately improved. She asked Du Shaojie to carefully describe the surrounding scenery. She quickly sketched out a landscape painting in her mind.

The two of them slowly moved away from everyone's sight and walked down a gentle slope.

"Let's sit here for a while."

Du Shaojie was afraid that Liang Meiqin was tired, so he helped her sit under a pine tree.

"I'm sorry you didn't go riding in order to keep me company."

The two sat side by side, and Liang Meiqin leaned on his shoulder naturally, feeling at ease.

Although she usually appears to be very strong, after being blind for such a long time, she has actually become sensitive and fragile inside.

"When can't we ride a horse? Mikoto, don't think too much, let's just sit for a while and then go back."

Du Shaojie couldn't help but feel a little restless as he could truly feel the other person's body temperature.

"No. Didn't you say there's a small hill in front of us? Can you help me up? I want to feel the breeze on the hill and pick some wild flowers to take back."

Liang Meiqin refused to go back so early, so Du Shaojie had to pull her up the slope.

The terrain of the hillside is relatively flat, and there are winding paths, so it is not very difficult to walk up with Liang Meiqin.

The top of the hill was very flat, and was covered with wild chrysanthemums, red, yellow, white, and in all their splendor. Even Du Shaojie couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Afterwards, he told Mikoto about this scene.

Liang Meiqin started laughing as she listened: "Thank you, Shaojie, you took me to see a different scenery today. I'm really happy."

"Shouldn't there be some reward?" The words came out of his mouth without thinking.

Du Shaojie doesn't usually speak like this. The times are different. Most people of that era are very simple and honest, especially when it comes to men and women, they are more conservative.

Liang Meiqin didn't care at all, and even moved closer to him: "What reward do you want?"

Du Shaojie naturally embraced her in his arms, hugged her gently, and said in her ear: "Go to Hong Kong and get well treated. Don't think too much. Do you hear me?"

It was the first time he was so close to her, and he suddenly discovered that Mikoto had a very plump figure.

"Yeah, I know."

Liang Meiqin's face turned red, from her cheeks to her neck.

Du Shaojie then let go of his hands and sat on the ground with the other person.

The sky was blue with white clouds, the grass was green and the flowers were wild. A breeze was blowing. The two people sat there quietly, and no one spoke.

When I returned to the yurt later, the herdsman had already slaughtered a sheep. A large pot was set up outside the yurt, and it seemed that they were going to have [boiled mutton] for lunch today.

He did not interfere, and he was not used to the other party's authentic approach.

What's more, when the meal started, he ate a piece of meat and drank a few sips of soup, and the taste was unexpectedly good.

"Uncle, do you have any tips for making stewed lamb?"

Seizing the opportunity, Du Shaojie asked the herdsman for advice.

Feng Qingsong and Liu Ying both heard this and looked at Du Shaojie in surprise.

The herdsman uncle is not a chef. With Du Shaojie's cooking skills, why does he still need to ask for advice from him?

"Haha, there's no trick. We don't even use much seasoning when making this."

The herdsman was very happy. It felt great to be recognized by the guests.

He then told Du Shaojie a few key points in making [Braised Lamb]. Du Shaojie nodded, and he felt that he had gained a little.

After returning to the sanatorium in the afternoon, Du Shaojie started to get busy. The canteen sent two young men to help him, and he handed over the rough work to them.

There are more girls at night, so a dish called "Sweet and Sour Pork" is a must.

Feng Qingsong prefers lighter tastes, so he is sure to like the [Assorted Vegetarian Dishes] and [Chicken Soup with Wild Mushrooms].

There are also [Da Qian Dry-fried Fish], [Beef Stew], [Braised Lamb Chops], [Tiger Skin Eggs], [Fish-flavored Eggplant Pot], [Dry-fried Green Beans] and [Braised Pork].

Based on the inventory in the sanatorium canteen, Du Shaojie quickly put together 10 dishes.

The conditions in the sanatorium were good, but there were no delicacies from land or sea. The only rare thing was wild dried mushrooms, which made the most delicious soup, especially when stewed with old hens.

"It's time to eat!"

10 dishes were a little too few for so many people, but Du Shaojie specially increased the quantity, so each dish was quite filling.

For example, for Daqian’s braised fish, he cooked two pieces of fish so that each person wouldn’t have to take a bite and then have the whole thing gone.

After two days of fun, this was the only meal that looked decent.

Fortunately, the dining table on the first floor is big enough, otherwise it wouldn’t be able to accommodate so many people.

Everyone enjoyed the meal very much, especially Feng Qingsong. He had been quite busy recently and had no time to visit Du Shaojie, but his appetite had been raging for a long time.

"Yum! So delicious!"

Qingqing and Feng Qingsong's two children witnessed Du Shaojie's real cooking skills, and they looked at Du Shaojie with stars in their eyes.

They had heard of each other's names before, but they didn't care much. But today, after eating so many delicious dishes and seeing that the other person was young and handsome, it seemed like they had found their idol all of a sudden.

"This guy's cooking skills have improved again! Mikoto, have some fish. I've picked out all the fish bones."

Qi Yan muttered softly while taking care of Liang Meiqin.

She now has no idea where Du Shaojie's limit is. As a college student, she seems to be increasingly unable to stand up to him.

Liang Meiqin didn't say anything either, she just ate silently with a smile on her face.

"This is such a delicious meal! Master Du, come, let's have a drink. After this drink, I'll leave first. You can stay here tonight, and there will be a car to take you back tomorrow."

Feng Qingsong rarely has two days off and originally planned to go back tomorrow, but the phone call had already reached him and he had no choice.

Du Shaojie raised his glass to gesture, but the two were a little far apart and couldn't reach each other to clink glasses.

"I'm leaving too, Master Du. You and your family and friends can enjoy one more day. There will be a car to take you there tomorrow afternoon."

Liu Ying also had things to do at work, and since Feng Qingsong was leaving, she didn't want to stay here any longer.

Only Du Shaojie seems to have no choice, but the scenery here is beautiful and very quiet, so what's wrong with playing there for one more day?
Later, a service staff led Du Shaojie and others to the main building of the sanatorium. After Feng Qingsong left, it was not suitable for them to live in this courtyard anymore. It would be better for them to move to another place where they would be more comfortable.

Three rooms were arranged for them, one for Du Shaojie, one for Liang Meiqin and Qi Yan, and one for sisters Du Xiaomei and Du Xiaoya.

The so-called sanatorium wards are actually the same as hotel rooms. Each room has a bathroom and you can take a shower. They look quite clean.

(End of this chapter)

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