Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 285: Retribution is coming, no one can escape

Du Shaojie opened the mall and found that the exchange rate had changed again.

1 exchange point = 50 USD
1 exchange point = HKD 360
1 exchange point = 100 yuan

So he used 4 exchange points to exchange 200 million US dollars and deposited it into his personal (US dollar) account.

[Exchange points: 28918 points\302066 points]

【Duration: 40.60 million hours\547.30 million hours】

"Mikoto, these are for you. Open them and see if you like them?"

After returning to Guangzhou, Du Shaojie took the time to deliver the things for Liang Meiqin to Donghu New Village.

When Liang Meiqin opened it, she found the dress very much to her liking and couldn't help but kiss it.

"I like the clothes, cosmetics and handbags, Shaojie, you have a good taste. You must be tired from the journey. I'll give you a massage to relieve your fatigue."

Liang Meiqin pulled Du Shaojie into the bedroom and did not come out all night.

The next day.

Du Shaojie woke up from his sleep and Liang Meiqin had already gone to work.

He then got up, washed, had breakfast at the entrance of the community, and then went straight to the old street.

After returning home, he took some small gifts he bought in Hong Kong and went to Uncle Chai's place. It was almost the New Year, so he came to see him. Unexpectedly, he saw a large group of people as soon as he entered the yard.

"Ajie, sit inside."

Uncle Chai gave a helpless smile and then pulled Du Shaojie into the house.

The people outside were chatting animatedly and no one paid attention to him. It seemed that they were all talking about business.

"Uncle Chai, your place is really bustling, are you doing big business? I brought these little gadgets back from Hong Kong, they can be used to entertain the kids during the New Year."

After Du Shaojie entered the house, he handed the bag in his hand to Uncle Chai.

Uncle Chai did not refuse and said with a smile: "Thanks, Ajie. What big business can I have here? A bunch of people are idle and dreaming, talking about tons of goods, but in fact, I don't know how many people have passed through their hands."

Du Shaojie understood it immediately.

This year, the country has just implemented a dual-track pricing system. There is a big price difference between planned materials and unplanned materials, and many people have smelled business opportunities.

But only a very small number of people actually have and need the goods, and a large number of middlemen play the "short selling" game.

Very few people can really accomplish anything.

But this does not hinder everyone's enthusiasm for making money, just like the people in Uncle Chai's yard, all of them are blushing and extremely excited.

Du Shaojie smiled and shook his head. It was just a daydream for ordinary people to make money by reselling.

"Uncle Chai, I'm going to have a holiday on the 28th of the lunar year. I'm going to go home for the New Year in a few days. I won't come here until after the New Year."

It was just a small incident, and Du Shaojie didn't care about it and immediately changed the subject.

"Hey, Ajie, ask them to make some roast meat before the festival. I still can't forget the roast duck, roast goose and white-cut chicken you made."

Uncle Chai is a rich man who lives a simple and comfortable life.

His biggest hobby is eating, and he wants to try all the delicacies in the world. However, he cannot eat spicy food, but even so, he always goes to Xichuan Restaurant several times a month.

When he saw Du Shaojie this time, he remembered some of the delicious food that the other person had made before and missed it very much.

"That's easy. I'll make some roast duck and send two to you later."

Du Shaojie couldn't help but smile. This little thing was just a piece of cake for him.

He had bought his own grill before, and later when he opened the barbecue restaurant, he placed the grill in the backyard of his home.

Du Shaojie did what he said. After returning home, he asked the employees of the barbecue restaurant to buy 20 white-striped ducks, cleaned them and started marinating them.

The grill in the backyard only needed a little cleaning before it could be used. The employees of the barbecue restaurant helped with the preparations, and he then started grilling.

"Not bad, the skills haven't fallen behind."

When the roast duck came out of the oven, Du Shaojie tasted it himself and felt very satisfied.

He sent five roast ducks to Uncle Chai and invited his old neighbors to have a taste as well.

I kept one for myself and took the rest to [Xichuan Restaurant] as gifts for large purchases.

It was just a small thing he did casually, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

Who knew that people would always ask about the roast duck afterwards. Customers who have eaten it all said that the roast duck made by Du Shaojie has a authentic taste and you can't buy such delicious roast duck on the market.

"Boss Du, why don't we stop cooking Sichuan cuisine and just cook Cantonese cuisine?"

Liang Meiqin, Liao Yongxin and others made fun of Du Shaojie, but in fact, everyone admired his talent and his ability to cook any dish very authentically.

Du Shaojie smiled and shook his head, then said, "I'll make some more [roast duck] in the next few days, and you can make some braised dishes here, and then ask Meiqin to arrange for them to be delivered to our relatives."

Opening a business involves many aspects, and no aspect can be neglected.

Liao Yongxin and Liang Meiqin nodded and began to prepare.

Du Shaojie took time out to visit Director Luo's home in person. After retirement, Director Luo became interested in calligraphy. He exercises and practices calligraphy every day and lives a very comfortable life.

The twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

[Xichuan Restaurant] All stores were closed, and the catering company also went on holiday. Du Shaojie, Liang Meiqin, Chu Linlin and others flew back to Xijiang together.

People like Xiao Jianjun, Zhang Yufei and others asked for leave in advance. They had to take a train for several days, and if they waited until the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month to leave, it would be too late.

The majority of employees did not go home for the New Year this year. For example, Liao Yongxin, Dong Jun, Yu Jianxin, Bai Cheng, Tian Feiyu, Feng Bin and others all stayed in their local areas to celebrate the New Year.

All stores will be open on the eighth day of the first lunar month. Those who live close to home can make it back in time, but those who live far away will have to spend nearly 10 days just on the road (round trip).

Not everyone has the financial means to fly.

Du Shaojie could not stay at home for a few days. He returned home on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month and returned to Guangzhou on the 5th day of the first lunar month.

The meaning of all the trouble is that the whole family can have a reunion dinner together, which can make my mother happy, so it is worth the hard work.


Old street.

As soon as Du Shaojie entered the door, Feng Bin appeared out of nowhere.

"Happy New Year, boss!"

"Happy New Year! How's the situation? Have you found anything?"

Du Shaojie waved his hand, Feng Bin closed the door and followed him upstairs.

Feng Bin immediately went to boil water to make tea. Du Shaojie put away his luggage, washed his face, and then started talking about business.

Feng Bin was not idle during the entire Chinese New Year period. He took two reliable people to visit the hometown of the fired buyer and just returned yesterday.

"That guy went home for the New Year and returned to Yangcheng yesterday. He went to Shuxianglou early this morning and stayed there for an hour before leaving. I have already figured out where he stayed, and two people are taking turns to keep an eye on him."

Du Shaojie was still brooding over the last incident with problematic meat. He wanted to find Zhang Yufa's flaw, so he thought of finding a loophole through the fired buyer.

According to Feng Bin, the buyer and Zhang Yufa must have colluded with each other long ago.

"Good job! Wait a minute, I'll make a phone call."

The previous buyer disappeared for a long time. Maybe he felt that the limelight had passed, so he came to Guangzhou again.

Du Shaojie immediately called "Lao Jiao" and provided this new clue.

"Boss Du, you are quite capable. I admire you. However, I don't have enough manpower these days. It's best for us to show up when the buyer meets Zhang Yufa."

Lao Jiao did not shirk responsibility. In fact, he had already intervened in this matter a long time ago, and he was the one who captured the group of people who were the source of the problematic meat.

Du Shaojie understood what he meant and hung up the phone.

"Feng Bin, keep a close eye on him. If you see that guy go looking for Zhang Yufa again, tell me immediately. Got it?"


Du Shaojie immediately gave Feng Bin 2000 yuan. The previous expenses had not been reimbursed yet, and after the matter was over, everyone would receive a considerable bonus.

Noon the next day.

The buyer went to Shuxianglou again, stayed in for a while and then walked out.

Shortly after he came out, Zhang Yufa also left the restaurant, and then the two went to a small restaurant for dinner.

Feng Bin quickly called Du Shaojie, who then informed Lao Jiao. Lao Jiao led his men to stop the two men outside the restaurant and took them back for a trial. The buyer confessed everything.

Lao Jiao again interrogated the group of people who were the source of the problematic meat. When he mentioned the three words "Zhang Yufa" in front of the group's leader, the man's psychological defenses collapsed instantly and he confessed the truth.

After obtaining the key evidence, Zhang Yufa had to admit that he was the one who planned the "problematic meat" incident.

Du Shaojie was very happy. It seemed that his previous judgment was correct. It turned out that Zhang Yufa was behind the scenes and wanted to harm him.

In order to thank everyone for their help, he personally cooked a banquet for Lin Zhiyuan, Jiao Hongtao and others at Xichuan Restaurant. Jiao Hongtao is "Old Jiao". If it weren't for him, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly this time.

"No wonder people say that business is like a battlefield. I have learned a lot."

Lin Zhiyuan was deeply moved after hearing the details of the incident.

Jiao Hongtao also agreed with this. In the business world, people are killed without spilling blood, and the various means used are simply unimaginable.

"By the way, Captain Jiao, why did those people refuse to give Zhang Yufa away even at the cost of his life?"

Du Shaojie and Jiao Hongtao clinked glasses and then asked about the doubts in their hearts.

In fact, Zhang Yufa had been in collusion with the leader of that group for a long time, but after the leader of that group was arrested, he never implicated Zhang Yufa, which is quite strange.

"He doesn't dare, because Zhang Yufa has evidence that the other party is selling a large amount of problematic meat. It can be said that, Mr. Du, the incident in your store was caused by someone trying to frame you, but the number is really small. The number of people involved in that group of cases is hundreds or thousands of times more."

Jiao Hongtao did not elaborate because some things needed to be kept secret for the time being.

I thought I caught a small fish, but it turned out to be a big crocodile.

Zhang Yufa also had a lot of questions, but he didn't raise them, so Du Shaojie, Lin Zhiyuan and others didn't ask either.

"Come on, come on, eat. It's getting harder and harder to eat dishes cooked by President Du himself. Just eat once and be content."

Lin Zhiyuan spoke up to adjust the atmosphere. Everyone praised the dishes today and toasted Du Shaojie.

As a result, Du Shaojie drank a few more glasses, and when he saw Lin Zhiyuan and others off, he was a little shaky when he walked.

He was going to go to the office upstairs to rest for a while before going home, but just as he turned around, a new task came unexpectedly. (End of this chapter)

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