Chapter 30 Eating Meat
Du Shaojie didn't have to do anything along the way, but he became busy after he came back. He led a few people to skin and cut the fish, and then handed them to Qin Xiaomei and Li Guixiang to clean.

After cleaning, I kept some ribs, tenderloin and front leg meat for stir-frying, and put the remaining meat and bones into a large pot to make soup.

"Master Du, this is the Codonopsis pilosula I picked in the mountains before. Do you need it?"

Yellow mutton cannot be stewed in the same way as clear mutton. More seasonings should be added during stewing.

Chu Xiaowei ran to the back hall and showed Du Shaojie a handful of Codonopsis pilosula.

Yellow sheep meat is a warming food, and the effect of pairing it with Codonopsis pilosula is surprisingly good. Du Shaojie didn't bother to be polite with the other party. After thanking him, he took the Codonopsis pilosula and started to wash it.

The canteen’s seasonings were incomplete, so he took out some private goods from his own “small warehouse”.

Two large pots were steaming, and after the water boiled, Du Shaojie began to skim off the blood foam. After the blood foam was completely skimmed off, he added various spices and codonopsis pilosula, and simmered slowly over low heat.

Because yellow mutton is relatively old, it takes longer to stew, at least two and a half hours.

The side dish is yellow radish, which should be added later and not too early to avoid it being overcooked.

The reserved lamb chops and mutton were blanched, drained and sprinkled with salt. They will not go bad even if left for a day or two. Then you can make braised yellow mutton, which is expected to be delicious.

Du Shaojie worked until late at night, then sealed the stove to keep the mutton soup warm.

He then brought a blanket from the dormitory and slept in the cafeteria for the night. Zhao Dajun had said that Du Shaojie was in charge of the cafeteria, and he didn't want to cause any trouble, so he came to keep watch in person.

Don’t underestimate the sequelae of long-term lack of meat and oil. I don’t know how many people on the entire farm can’t sleep because of greed.

Silent all night.

The cafeteria was crowded early in the morning.

Many farm workers have families with them, and the same goes for the people in the farm office. Under normal circumstances, there are definitely not so many people eating in the cafeteria.

However, today Zhao Dajun said that no matter whether they were from the farm, farm workers or people who came to work or study, everyone could come to eat meat and drink soup this morning, and they could bring their families.

Two yellow sheep, including bones and meat, weighed 50 kilograms, and when divided equally among nearly 250 people, each person would get at most 200 grams. Moreover, Du Shaojie had left some lamb chops and mutton, so it would be good to ensure that each person could get grams of meat with bones.

To be fair, Zhao Dajun asked Du Shaojie to be responsible for serving the food.

Du Shaojie put a piece of meat bone and a few pieces of yellow radish in everyone's rice bowl.

The person carrying the meat soup then went to Li Guixiang to get the steamed buns. There were not enough tables and chairs in the cafeteria, so many people squatted outside the cafeteria to eat.

Du Shaojie couldn't be partial in public, so Chen Jizhou, Zhai Yucheng and others only had a piece of meat and bones in their bowls. However, their piece of meat was bigger, that's all.

After finishing his work, he started to eat.

The stewed yellow sheep meat is delicious, not so delicious, after all, a lot of spices are added. But the heat is definitely enough, crispy and tender without being dry and boneless.

"You can only taste yellow sheep meat now. In a few years, yellow sheep will be protected and you won't be able to eat it even if you want to."

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Du Shaojie’s eating manners are not much better.

But he ate very slowly, chewing carefully and savoring the flavor of the yellow sheep meat.

However, through this incident, he had a much better impression of Zhao Dajun. He was a man of character, quick and fair.

Zhao Dajun finished his meal with a slurp, then walked over to Du Shaojie with the empty rice bowl.

"This is a delicious meal, Master Du. Your cooking skills are far better than Old Sun's. This is definitely it!"

Zhao Dajun gave a thumbs up. He was impressed by Du Shaojie's cooking skills, as he could stew yellow mutton so deliciously.

Du Shaojie himself was also very satisfied. He did not stick to the method of [Braised Lamb] before, but integrated his own understanding on this basis.

Dishes are fixed, and chefs need to make choices during the cooking process based on changes in ingredients.

"Xiao Du, a simple dish of stewed yellow mutton has become a delicacy in your hands. You made this dish with your heart, so it has soul. I will probably never forget it even after many years."

Chen Jizhou also came over, said a few words and went to wash the rice bowl.

The people around him were thinking, but they still couldn't figure out how a dish could have a soul? Praise was endless inside and outside the cafeteria, but Du Shaojie knew his own business. He was just starting out on the road of being a chef.

Now no one calls him "Master Xiao Du" anymore, but "Master Du" to show respect. In public, only a few people, such as Chen Jizhou and Zhai Yucheng, call him "Master Xiao Du".

During the lunch break, Du Shaojie checked his harvest.

【Bound chef: Du Shaojie】

【Level: Apprentice (third year)】

[Current work: Stewed yellow sheep]

【Overall evaluation: Next】

[Bonus: Soup Stewing Techniques (Part 1)]

[Reward: Fishing tools (one set)]

[Special Reward: None]

The stewed yellow mutton he made today received an overall rating of "poor".

The reason why he was rated so highly was because of his initiative to innovate. Although this was not enough to trigger the conditions for a "special reward", it also made him very happy.

Fishing tools are not just for decoration. There are still many fishery resources in the Laolong River. You can try fishing when you have time.

the next day.

Du Shaojie also made a dish of braised yellow mutton and served it with large pieces of green radish, which once again made the people on the farm feel like it was Chinese New Year.

However, this dish was just average, probably because the ingredients were not fresh enough, so the dish was not very good.

Although there was less meat and more radish, everyone was still very satisfied with the meal.

May Day came in a blink of an eye, and Du Shaojie went to Zhao Dajun to ask for leave, planning to go home.

"No problem, just arrange the work in the cafeteria. However, I'm afraid some people's stomachs will rebel when you're away for a few days."

Zhao Dajun agreed readily and made a joke.

"I'll leave on Thursday afternoon and be back next Monday morning, so I won't be late for anything. By the way, Director Zhao, the cafeteria is planning to buy a noodle pressing machine, how about I bring it over?"

The food in the cafeteria was very monotonous, and Du Shaojie wanted to add some variety, so he applied to buy a noodle pressing machine to make steel wire noodles.

The field has already agreed to this matter, and he wants to take the opportunity to get it done when he returns home.

"You are in charge of the cafeteria work, so take care of it yourself."

Zhao Dajun waved his hand impatiently and let Du Shaojie make his own decision.

Du Shaojie said no more and left the site.

On Thursday night, Du Shaojie returned home.

This made Xiaomei and Xiaoya very happy, especially Xiaoya, who wanted to hang on him and hold on to his sleeves and not let go.

"Xiao Jie, you've become darker and thinner. Is it hard over there? Can you get used to it?"

Although Wang Yuxiu didn't show it on the surface, she was genuinely happy to see her son come back.

She looked her son up and down, feeling a little distressed.

"It's OK. The conditions on the farm are OK. We even ate yellow sheep meat a few days ago."

Du Shaojie responded lightly without saying much about the situation on the farm.

There's no need to worry your family.

(End of this chapter)

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