Chapter 32 Treat
"We should show our appreciation. The three of them have helped us a lot during the time you were away from home. I'll buy some meat and vegetables this afternoon, and you can cook then."

Wang Yuxiu nodded repeatedly.

She felt very relieved that her son's idea showed that he had learned how to behave.

No one in this world owes you anything. Only with a grateful heart can you stay with your friends for a long time.

"I'll prepare the meat and vegetables, you just rest at home."

Du Shaojie said it was more convenient for him to go shopping by bike, and Wang Yuxiu said no more.

He then shredded the potatoes, minced the pork, and cut the sour beans into small sections. He then cracked the eggs into a bowl and stirred them with chopsticks.

Prepare the onion, ginger, garlic and chili peppers as condiments, and then start heating the pan.

The first dish is [Stir-fried Sour Beans with Minced Pork]. Pour a little oil into the pan. When the oil temperature just rises, put the minced meat in and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the onion, ginger, garlic and chili peppers and stir-fry together. Finally, add the chopped sour beans.

Next, stir-fry quickly over high heat, season with soy sauce, salt and a little MSG, then you can serve.

The second dish was [Fried Eggs with Scallions], and the third dish was his specialty [Spicy and Sour Shredded Potatoes].

The three dishes were ready and the two younger sisters just returned home from school.

"Brother, I like your cooking the most. Mom's cooking is not as delicious as yours."

Xiaomei concentrated on eating and gave her elder brother a thousand thumbs up in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out loud.

But Xiaoya couldn't hold back her words. She praised one and criticized another. It seemed like she was asking for a beating.

"Eat your meal. All these dishes can't stop you from eating."

Wang Yuxiu glared at her younger daughter. It was not because she was narrow-minded, but because she believed that one should not indulge the other's bad habits.

Everything is fine at home, but if you speak without restraint outside, you will suffer a great loss sooner or later.

Xiaomei smiled secretly. She was very smart. She would learn her lesson after suffering a loss once. Unlike her sister, she always remembered the food but not the beating.

At this moment, Du Shaojie was in a very good mood.

He liked this kind of atmosphere at home. The fatigue that had accumulated on the farm seemed to dissipate in an instant with the wind, and his whole body and mind were relaxed.

After finishing his meal and cleaning up, Du Shaojie returned to the room and opened the light curtain.

【Bound chef: Du Shaojie】

【Level: Apprentice (third year)】

【Current work: Spicy and sour potato shreds】

【Overall evaluation: medium to low】

[Bonus: Carving Techniques (Ingredients)]

【Reward: Chicken (3 kg)】

[Special rewards: rapeseed oil (5 kg), Bayi flour (5 kg), eggs (5 kg), peanuts (5 kg)]

Note: Breaking through the current work level will trigger special rewards.

After reading it, Du Shaojie couldn't help but sigh inwardly: It's not easy!

[Spicy and Sour Shredded Potato] This is the dish he makes most often. It looks very ordinary, but it is very difficult to cook it well.

The more ordinary you are, the harder it is to stand out. He has a deep understanding of this.

But this dish can be done well, which is of great benefit to his knife skills, control of heat, and subtle handling of seasoning, and it also benefits him a lot. In comparison, a little reward, well, he actually cares about it.

People in different eras have different pursuits. For many people nowadays, satisfying their appetite is the most practical thing.

Afterwards, Du Shaojie received the reward.

The three kilograms of chicken reward is two chickens, each weighing about one and a half kilograms.

Since the comprehensive evaluation of [Spicy and Sour Potato Shreds] reached the middle level and was rated as "lower than average", a special reward was triggered. The prize was similar to the previous one, except that the quality of the flour was lower and the rice was replaced by eggs.

When he was cooking today, he was in a particularly good mood, probably because he was relaxed physically and mentally after coming home from work. Of course, it was also because he cooked this dish so often that practice makes perfect.

in the afternoon.

He first went to find Qi Yan and Liang Meiqin. Coincidentally, they were both at home, so he told them that he would invite them to his house for dinner in the evening.

Qi Yan and Liang Meiqin both happily accepted the invitation, especially Qi Yan who specifically asked: "Shaojie, what kind of food do you have at home? I'll bring you a hairtail fish tonight."

"We have chicken and meat at home, so you should keep the hairtail fish for yourself."

Du Shaojie shook his head repeatedly. He invited people to his home for dinner, so how could he ask them to bring food to his door?
So he refused without hesitation.

Qi Yan rolled her eyes at him: "Is that what I want to say? I want to ask what dishes you prepared! Shaojie, I heard from Xiaomei that the Kung Pao Chicken you made is very delicious, let me try it too."

She wouldn't bother to be polite with Du Shaojie and ordered the dishes directly.

Du Shaojie couldn't help but smile: "Yanzi, you are a person who likes to beat around the bush, it's better to speak directly. You want to eat [Kung Pao Chicken], isn't it simple? I will fry one for you tonight."

He had originally planned to make a boiled chicken dish in the evening. In theory, he had learned how to make this dish a long time ago, but he had never had the opportunity to practice it.

But if Qi Yan wants to eat Kung Pao Chicken, then just change it, it's a piece of cake.

"You have a conscience! Shaojie, go ahead and do your work. I'll be there early in the evening."

Qi Yan smiled brightly, then kicked Du Shaojie out.

Du Shaojie notified the two of them, then went to buy some meat, two pieces of tofu, a pound of mung bean sprouts, and a bag of vermicelli, and returned home.

He first put the things he bought in the kitchen, and then went to his room to move out all the rewards he got today. He basically would not take these things away, and would leave most of them behind.

Wang Yuxiu walked around the kitchen and of course she could see all these new things.

After looking at his son, Du Shaojie grinned and gave him a look that said "you know what I mean".

Wang Yuxiu also smiled, and everything was said without words.

"Brother, are you cooking dinner? I'll come and help you right away."

When Xiaomei and Xiaoya came back from school, Du Shaojie was already busy in the kitchen.

Xiaomei put down her handbag, washed her hands and ran into the kitchen. Although Xiaoya couldn't help much, she also hung around outside the kitchen, what if her brother called her?

Du Shaojie actually called her: "Xiaoya, go to the door and see if Sister Yan Zi has arrived?"


When Xiaoya heard this, she ran out of the courtyard gate and stood by the door looking at the entrance of the alley.

You know what, after a while Qi Yan came over with a bag.

"Xiaoya, what are you doing standing at the door?"

"My brother told me to wait for you, and you came."

The little girl happily walked up to Qi Yan, grabbed her, and then dragged her into the yard.

Qi Yan walked directly into the kitchen and threw the hairtail in her hand to Du Shaojie: "Go ahead..."

Du Shaojie reached out and grabbed the bag. He didn't even need to open it to see. He knew it was hairtail by the smell. He knew Qi Yan's character well. Since she had brought it, she would never take it back, so he didn't say anything.

"The hairtail has been cleaned, just cook it."

Qi Yan also squeezed into the kitchen. Du Shaojie felt that he couldn't do anything there, so he asked her to go inside and rest first.

She looked around the kitchen, then pulled Xiaoya to the main room. Taking advantage of the time before dinner, Qi Yan planned to urge Xiaoya to finish her homework.

"Sister Yan Zi, there is no homework today."

"No homework? That's even better. I'll give you some study tasks."

When Du Shaojie heard the conversation between the two, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

 Please read on! It's not easy to read a new book, so please try to read to the end of the chapter, please!
(End of this chapter)

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