Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 418: The Second Round Begins

"Honey, I have a competitor."

The sudden rain had just stopped, Qi Yan leaned on the man's shoulder and suddenly said something.

Du Shaojie was not surprised. After asking carefully, he realized that Qi Yan had met a real opponent.

With the advantage of being the first mover, Beichen Education Group did well, but what was supposed to come still came. The well-known teacher Yu in later generations was not completely overshadowed by Qi Yan's brilliance. Although he was a little late, he still stubbornly emerged.

"Then let's fight. Who's afraid of who? Yan Zi, the opponent's strength is far inferior to yours, but their individual abilities are very strong. You can consider poaching more people from the opponent's internal organization. Don't be stingy with the money."

Du Shaojie had long ago told Qi Yan about the business philosophy of "Teacher Yu" in his memory. But what he knew was limited, so he could only throw out some ideas.

He knew that Teacher Yu was very good at cultivating talents, which was actually a good thing. If he had talents he liked, he could use some means to poach them and bring them to work for him.

Competition is not necessarily a bad thing.

"But I still want to go public and raise funds. I don't want to take such a big risk alone, lest I work hard all my life to make wedding clothes for others."

Qi Yan nodded, thinking that Du Shaojie's idea was good.

Then, she talked about the issue of listing and financing. This might be her obsession. For example, Du Shaojie didn't have this idea, at least not now.

There are pros and cons to listing for financing, and companies listed in Hong Kong generally have low valuations and are not a good choice.

However, it is currently very difficult to list in the mainland, which is another multiple-choice question.

"If you want to try, just give it a try. You can ask Mikoto and the others to help you later, and you'll avoid taking detours. But don't rush into this matter. Lay a solid foundation first, and there will be hope."

Du Shaojie did not pour cold water on the other party, but was very proactive in preparing to help.

It is neither difficult nor easy to list in Hong Kong. It requires patience.

Qi Yan nodded, and the two of them talked about some family matters and then fell into a deep sleep.

The next day.

Du Shaojie accompanied Qi Yan to [Dingxin International]. He briefly explained the situation to Liang Meiqin, Winnie and others, and then let them talk on their own.

Back in the office, Luo Qin brought him a document and asked him to review it.

"This is what President Meng just sent me. Twelve chefs from various Xichuan Restaurant stores suddenly submitted their resignation applications."

Luo Qin knew what he should and shouldn't say, so he kept silent after saying this.

Du Shaojie immediately noticed the problem. It was not uncommon for some people to resign, but it was a bit strange for them to resign in groups.

He immediately picked up the phone and called Meng Gang.

"Boss Du, I suspect someone is behind this, so I mean that for some time to come, no resignation applications will be approved until we have investigated thoroughly."

Meng Gang also realized that there was something wrong with this matter and decided to launch an investigation.

Du Shaojie agreed to his solution and planned to go back as soon as possible.

To be honest, he didn't take the previous [Northwest Noodle House] crisis seriously, but this incident sounded a wake-up call for him.

[Xichuan Restaurant] is his foundation. If this foundation is shaken, the operation of the entire company will be affected.

He couldn't help but take it seriously.

After hanging up the phone, he asked Luo Qin to go and take a look to see if Qi Yan had finished talking with Liang Meiqin and Winnie.

Luo Qin came back and said that they were still discussing it and it would take quite some time.

Du Shaojie went to the conference room and called Qi Yan out: "Yanzi, there is a problem at the catering company. The problem is quite serious. We need to go back and deal with it."

"It's okay, just go do your thing, my mom will take good care of the little one here. I can't leave for a while, come and accompany my daughter when you are free."

Qi Yan was reasonable and did not drag Du Shaojie down.

Du Shaojie went home to pack up, took his daughter to the amusement park to play for half a day, and then crossed the border to Shenzhen.

It was already night, but the headquarters building was still brightly lit.

Many employees of the catering company were working overtime, and the branches were also working overtime, and information was soon fed back.

"Boss, these twelve employees were indeed tempted by the high salary and were ready to change jobs. The ones who offered the high price to poach them were the people from the copycat store, and Li Changsong was one of them."

There is no wall that is not ventilated. With the concerted efforts of everyone in the company, the basic information was quickly mastered.

Du Shaojie and Meng Gang guessed correctly. Someone was poaching people from various stores of [Xichuan Restaurant], and it was none other than the people from the copycat store that had just quieted down.

"Boss Meng, this Li Changsong and I have a conflict. He must be an agent pushed by someone else. This matter is related to the copycat store, so it's not a simple matter."

Du Shaojie thought more about it. He felt that someone wanted to bring him down, thus causing great turmoil in the catering industry.

Due to his early start and rapid development, he has now become one of the best in the catering industry.

No matter whether it is the previous copycat stores or the current poaching, everything they do has only one purpose, which is to pick peaches.

The copycat restaurant wants to replace the real one with a fake one and take all the hard-earned accumulation of [Northwest Noodle House] over the years. The current poaching action is the same, poaching the talents trained by [Xichuan Restaurant] in order to covet the core technology of [Xichuan Restaurant].

"Yes, it's not a coincidence when these things come together, but a conspiracy. I looked at the information of these employees who resigned, and they are basically younger employees who are in the third position in the restaurant.

But they have already mastered some of the restaurant's core technologies. If we let them go, it is very likely to cause the leakage of core technologies."

Not everyone is Du Shaojie, who is not only talented and a great cook, but also has a special talent.

It is a myth that you can perfectly replicate a dish just by tasting it a few times. It is basically impossible. Therefore, the seasoning and production process of many dishes need to be kept secret.

"Boss Meng, you should immediately issue a notice to transfer these twelve chefs to Yangcheng, ostensibly for training, for a period of three months."

Du Shaojie decided to transfer these people first, and then use the excuse of training to keep them.

If the company does not approve the resignation application, the other party generally will not leave forcefully.

After all, to be in Sanzao, one needs to sign a "confidentiality agreement", "non-competition agreement" and "long-term service agreement", etc. The huge compensation and subsequent legal troubles will discourage people.

These people were tempted by happiness, but they still honestly submitted their resignation applications first, which shows that they still have great concerns.

It would not be easy to turn against each other at this time, so Du Shaojie came up with this idea.

Delaying time will increase the other party's time cost, and at the same time keep these chefs who are about to resign away from key positions.

"Boss Du is really thoughtful. Let's do it this way!"

Meng Gang made a prompt decision and issued a notice in the name of the head office. The notice will be delivered to the parties tomorrow morning, requiring them to report to the training center within a week.

Du Shaojie left the company with a gloomy face and returned to his residence in Shenzhen.

He asked himself if he was worthy of his employees. The company treated them well, provided career advancement opportunities and offered vocational training. Would they just ignore all that for the so-called "high salary"?

These twelve people were cultivated bit by bit by the company's pouring resources into them. It's not that they are so capable, but that the company's resources are so capable.

"A bunch of pigs! No brains."

These people have signed various agreements with the company, and even if the poaching unit is willing to pay compensation, they still face many legal risks.

I really don't know what's going on in their brains.

Du Shaojie is not planning to deal with these people for the time being. He plans to keep them for a long time until he has "used them up".

It’s not that they are not allowed to have contact with the kitchen, but all the company’s resources will have nothing to do with them in the future.

the next day.

Du Shaojie returned to Hong Kong because he wanted to spend more time with his daughter.

It was not until a week later that he went to Guangzhou and personally presided over the opening ceremony at the training center and delivered a speech.

All twelve people showed up to report, and then there was endless theoretical study.

"You have to understand that although some things cannot directly improve your cooking skills, they will subtly influence you. Learning more knowledge in various aspects will only benefit you and not harm you."

Then he handed these people over to Chu Linlin and gave them instructions.

In addition to arranging a large number of theoretical classes for them, Chu Linlin also required them to practice in the restaurant of the training center.

They come to study and are paid, but the prerequisite is that they must obey management.

Anyone who disobeys management will have his salary deducted.

After suppressing these greedy guys, the company headquarters held a store manager meeting. At the meeting, Meng Gang asked each store to understand the employees' thoughts and be careful to prevent the other side from poaching employees.

Of course, nothing is absolute, and there may be employees who want to change jobs in the future.

The current method is only a temporary solution and not a fundamental solution. After this incident is over, Du Shaojie will discuss with Meng Gang about raising everyone's salary.

In recent years, the salaries of state-owned enterprises and employees within the system have been increasing slightly, a little bit this year and a little bit next year. After a few years, we can see that the salaries have increased a lot.

The catering company has not raised salaries for two years, and the originally advantageous income level does not seem to be so attractive anymore.

Du Shaojie felt that a wage increase was inevitable, it was just a matter of how much.

He temporarily stopped his opponent's poaching efforts, and Qi Yan also finished related matters, so the group came to Yangcheng.

Although there are quite a few people, the villas in Overseas Chinese New Village can definitely accommodate them.

"Honey, how are you handling your affairs?"

The first thing Qi Yan said when she met Du Shaojie was to ask him whether he had solved the problem.

In fact, poaching is a common occurrence, and it is unrealistic to completely stop it, but we cannot just ignore it.

This is a problem of attitude, otherwise how can we lead the team?
"Things are being dealt with. I think I should go meet Li Changsong. If he is not in a clear mind, I will help him to sober up. After all, we used to be colleagues in the association."

Du Shaojie plans to find an opportunity to contact Li Changsong and others, preferably to cut off some of their unrealistic delusions in person. (End of this chapter)

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