Du Shaojie then went to Hong Kong to inquire about the listing of [Huanyu Communications].

According to Liang Meiqin and Winnie, the company encountered some difficulties in its listing and it would take about half a year to get preliminary results.

after a few days.

Du Shaojie met with Liu Zijian and Sun Zhenguo in Shenzhen, and they discussed the future development direction of the paging business.

"Given the uncertainty of [Universal Communications]'s IPO, I plan to spread the word that the company is preparing to sell part of its paging business. We can't just wait for the IPO, we have to make some adjustments."

Du Shaojie expressed his thoughts that the competition in the industry will become increasingly fierce in the next few years. If the company continues to fight with Hongyan Paging, the scale of the company will not shrink but will expand further.

By then, even if the company is successfully listed, it will be difficult to get rid of the burden.

"Boss Du, if this happens, will outsiders think we've lost?"

Sun Zhenguo couldn't swallow this humiliation. He actually had the confidence to defeat his opponent fairly, it just took time.

Liu Zijian agreed with Du Shaojie's opinion. Since the strategy of gradual withdrawal had been decided, one should not care about the gains and losses of one city or one place.

"You can't say that. We beat Hongyan Paging in Fujian Province before. Who dares to deny our strength? However, we need to find a reasonable reason to sell the paging business, such as investing in a new project?"

"No reason can explain why we are withdrawing from the paging business. Instead, we might as well fight our opponents again. When the time is right, we can unite with a third party and use the sale of paging stations as a bargaining chip. What do you think?"

The three people argued fiercely and reached a consensus on the sale of assets, but there were huge differences in the specific operations.

During the debate, Du Shaojie's thoughts gradually became clear. Now everyone's decision not only affects the future development of the company, but also affects the opponent.

"I think we should take a long-term view and consider how to trip up our opponents while ensuring our own interests. We can pass the burden to them. It doesn't matter if we keep losing, as long as we have the last laugh."

After he finished speaking, Sun Zhenguo and Liu Zijian fell silent.

After a long while, Liu Zijian and Sun Zhenguo looked at each other and accepted Du Shaojie's proposal from the bottom of their hearts.

Paging stations are still hot and good assets, but they will become negative assets in a few years. Under Du Shaojie's guidance, they have seen this trend clearly, but most people have not yet realized it.

It's useless to explain the truth, but the problem is that no one has the ability to predict the future. Who could have imagined that in just a few years, PHS and mobile phones would become popular and quickly replace pagers.

Only Du Shaojie, who has lived two lives, has this kind of God's perspective and can use overt tactics to kill his opponents.

"I agree with this plan."

"I agree too."

The three of them reached a consensus and then began to discuss specific action steps.

Du Shaojie then returned to Guangzhou. On the surface, he seemed to have a lot of free time every day, but in fact, he was remotely controlling a big war behind the scenes.

At present, [Huanyu Communications] and [Hongyan Paging] have temporarily reached a stalemate, and the most important reason for this is the emergence of a paging alliance in the market.

The alliance might not be strong enough, and it would have no chance of winning against [Huanyu Communications] or [Hongyan Paging] alone. But whichever side the alliance sides with will win.

Therefore, the conflict between [Huanyu Communications] and [Hongyan Paging] was more restrained than before.

But this fragile balance did not last long, as news came out that Huanyu Communications was preparing to go public in Hong Kong. In order to meet performance targets, the company was preparing to launch a new round of offensive.

Magic City.

Wang Dongxu keenly realized that this was an opportunity, so he secretly contacted several bigwigs of the "Paging Alliance" and quietly held a meeting in Shanghai.

"I'm sure you've all seen that the situation was gradually stabilizing, but [Universal Communications] is not giving up and is planning to make a comeback. I hope to get your support, and at the same time, I promise you that I will not target you in the future."

The fight between Wang Dongxu and [Huanyu Communications] was a fight of consumption. After all, the strength of the two sides was not much different.

But if he can get foreign aid, he is sure to completely defeat the opponent, thus establishing his new dominant position in the industry. He does hate Du Shaojie, but the more important reason is for profit.

He believes that the paging business will still have great potential in the next ten years, and if done well, it will bring huge profits to him and the people behind him.

"How can we trust you? If you defeat [Universal Communications], who knows if they will raise their butcher knives against us?"

These big guys are not fools. Wang Dongxu is a very aggressive person. If they really help the other party to defeat [Huanyu Communications], will they be killed next?
"You guys didn't participate in the alliance's restructuring plan, so why would you go all the way with them? We can sign a secret agreement. After this is over, I will give you some of the shares of Hongyan Paging."

"If that's the case, there's still room for discussion."

The two sides bargained and finally reached an agreement.

Wang Dongxu plans to start again from Fujian Province and compete with Huanyu Communications for the market.

this day.

Du Shaojie received a call from Sun Zhenguo, saying that [Hongyan Paging] had a big move in Fujian Province, with all kinds of promotional activities everywhere, offering great discounts to customers who switched channels.

At the same time, Hongyan Paging is also working hard to connect to the national network. Huanyu Communications has already completed the national network and launched the national "roaming" service. From this point, it can be seen that the opponent's foundation is indeed inferior.

"Luo Qin, book a flight immediately. I need to rush to Fujian Province as soon as possible."

Du Shaojie didn't want to miss this big show, so he flew to the provincial capital of Fujian Province in person.

Sun Zhenguo never engaged in price wars. Although he organized some activities, he mostly tried to improve services. One competed on price, the other on service. Both sides invested heavily.

Market rumors are very important to Huanyu Communications at this stage, as they affect whether the company can successfully go public.

"No wonder they don't dare to start a price war. It seems that the performance data at this stage is indeed very important to them. Mr. Luo, Mr. Fang, Mr. Qi, the rest of you should start taking action as well."

Wang Dongxu also quietly came to Fujian Province. At present, the battle between the two sides is still limited to this province, but everyone knows that this is just a foreplay.

He asked his allies to work together to put more pressure on Universal Communications.

Then, the drama began, and several powerful paging stations in the paging alliance suddenly joined the battle. They launched preferential activities in Fujian Province, which was actually a price war.

[Global Communications] I can’t stand it any longer, but I’m still holding on.


Du Shaojie and Sun Zhenguo had lunch together. As soon as they came out of the private room, Sun Zhenguo's cell phone rang.

I took out my phone from my bag and answered it, and I heard my assistant's voice.

The assistant said that the owner of a medium-sized paging station called the company and wanted to meet with Sun Zhenguo.

"Tell him that I'm in the capital of Fujian Province. If he wants to see me, he can come here. When he arrives, tell him to call me on my cell phone."

Sun Jianguo did not refuse, but insisted on meeting in Fujian Province.

As a result, in the evening, Mr. Luo arrived at the place and met with Sun Zhenguo. The other party did not hide anything and said that he wanted to acquire the paging business of [Huanyu Communication] in Fujian Province.

"Mr. Sun, our entire alliance does not want to see a price war. You must have felt a lot of pressure. Instead of getting hurt, why not sell at a good price now?"

Mr. Luo made the threat without any concealment. He knew that [Huanyu Communications] needed performance now and it was impossible for it to fight [Hongyan Paging] to a point where both sides suffered losses.

Sun Zhenguo was very unhappy and their first meeting ended in a bad mood.

Paging stations are still very profitable nowadays, and there are many people who want to get involved in this industry. Even if you want to sell assets, you don’t have to sell them to the other party.

After returning, Mr. Luo told Wang Dongxu, "They are very hesitant now. If we work harder and find someone else to talk to them, we should be able to win them over."

"Thank you for your hard work! As long as we open a gap, they will have no choice but to retreat step by step."

A smile appeared on Wang Dongxu's face. Before, someone told him that there was a problem with the funding chain of [Huanyu Communications], but he didn't believe it. Now he believes it.

If the other party could still resist, Sun Zhenguo would not meet with Mr. Luo.

Next, [Hongyan Paging] continued to spend a lot of money to poach [Huanyu Communications]'s customers, and also increased investment in various advertising.

On the other hand, [Huanyu Communications] was slow to respond, as if something went wrong internally.

However, news soon came out that [Huanyu Communications] was preparing to sell assets to ensure stable performance.

However, the other party seems unwilling to sell to companies in the paging alliance, and is instead looking for new and powerful companies to enter the industry.

After Mr. Luo got the news, he quickly told Wang Dongxu.

"We need to find a glove company to help us. We have to take over the market in Fujian Province."

Wang Dongxu had previously been deeply involved in the Fujian market. If he could take over Huanyu Communications' share in the province, he would become the leader in the province's paging industry.

The benefits of this to him are self-evident, and there will be a steady stream of financial support in the future.

"I understand! [Huanyu Communications] said that the transformation of the pager business was not smooth, which dragged down the company's performance. Now they have to sell assets to improve their financial situation.
If we miss this opportunity, we will miss that store. Mr. Wang, I think we should raise the purchase price a little bit, so as not to make wedding dresses for others. "

Mr. Luo nodded and reminded Wang Dongxu.

He heard that the company that was preparing to take over [Huanyu Communications] was very powerful, and the other party had spread the word that it would acquire it at a substantial premium.

"Don't worry about them, we will win this game at all costs."

Wang Dongxu is very clear that the assets of [Huanyu Communications] are all high-quality assets, and he will give a higher premium.

If others insist on disrupting the situation, he doesn't mind using other means. (End of this chapter)

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