Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 458 Commercial Complex

Chapter 458 Commercial Complex

The remaining funds returned to the main account and were left to the successor.

Finally, Ye Weiming went through the procedures for retirement due to illness, officially left the unit, and founded a small trading company on his own.

Du Shaojie got back 2.4 million yuan of funds. Counting the previous dividends, the resort project has made a profit of more than 3 million yuan. In fact, it is not bad to exit now, which is equivalent to locking in profits for more than five years in advance.

Of course, he won't be able to enjoy the future appreciation of the real estate, but he can use the recovered funds to buy shops. The principle is the same.

After Tang Jie took control of the resort, he carried out drastic reforms. The business projects were not limited to the current ones, and some value-added services were added.

Although value-added services involve some risks, they make money quickly, and the resort has officially become a well-known "money-spending den".

Du Shaojie was not envious. He felt that that thing would cause endless troubles, and at least he himself was unwilling to take those risks.

Ye Weiming had been helping his company make money before, and he didn't have much money on his own. But fortunately, he had deep connections, and through Wuzhou Trade's guarantee for his small company, he borrowed 1000 million yuan from Jiang Dongyuan.

Although his small company did not have the right to import and export foreign trade, he was affiliated with a large company and successfully completed several large orders to Europe and the United States.

Manufacturers were also willing to give him credit, and he used 1000 million yuan to leverage business worth hundreds of millions of US dollars, which even Du Shaojie was dumbfounded.

Originally he wanted to help the other party, but now it seems that there is no need, as the other party is very unconventional.

"Boss Du, you have already withdrawn from the resort, so what about our store?"

Xiao Jianjun came to ask Du Shaojie for advice regarding the affairs of the [Seafood House] Baiyun Resort store.

It seems that Tang Jie has no intention of touching this area, and so far the store's operations are operating normally.

"As long as the other party is not targeting you intentionally, just keep doing it. After all, the business there is pretty good, and no one would have a grudge against money, right?"

[Seafood House] has nothing to do with the resort, it just rents a house in the resort to open a shop.

Du Shaojie told Xiao Jianjun not to think too much and just continue to run the business well, there shouldn't be any problems.

In fact, he was not wrong. Tang Jie would not make things difficult for these cooperating stores. After all, [Seafood House] had a very good reputation and the guests always had to have a place to eat.

After Du Shaojie solved the problems of the resort, he had some free time.

He called a group of senior chefs from Northwest Noodle House to the training center and began to study the replacement of new varieties. Such things were already easy for him, and it took him less than half a month to complete it completely.

The next step is piloting, and then promotion based on the results of the pilot.

In the catering industry, you can’t just rely on the same old business. You must have some changes, otherwise customers will get tired of it. However, the changes can’t be too abrupt. While keeping up with the trend, you must also maintain your fundamental characteristics.

Fortunately, these were not difficult for him at all.

"Boss Du, I want to register a company in Hong Kong. Do you have any connections?"

That day, Ye Weiming suddenly visited and wanted Du Shaojie to help him register a company in Hong Kong.

"It's nothing. I'm going to Hong Kong for vacation in a few days. Please prepare the information and we can go together then."

Du Shaojie agreed to help, but it would take a few days. After Qi Yan finished her work, the family would go to Hong Kong to live for a while.

Ye Weiming was very happy, and after a few days he came to Hong Kong with Du Shaojie.

Du Shaojie now has three floors of office buildings, and the other party’s company can be registered directly with him.

"You should rent me a place. It doesn't have to be too big. 50 square meters will be enough."

What he didn't expect was that the company registered by Ye Weiming was not a shell company, and there were seven or eight employees working there.

Du Shaojie rented an office space for Ye Weiming at a very favorable price, and then helped him complete all the procedures.

Then Ye Weiming started a dazzling operation, bringing in a large amount of funds from overseas. Then, in the name of Xiangjiang Company, he acquired the mainland's [Wuzhou Trade].

After a turn, part of the shares of [Huanyu Communications] returned to his hands.

"Old Ye, you are really cautious!"

Du Shaojie couldn't help but make a joke, but this part of the shares was also bought by others with money, not obtained out of thin air.

The original transfer price was also based on market conditions, with the premium at most excluded, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Even so, the other party took several turns.

"It's better to be cautious than to be safe."

Ye Weiming didn't take it seriously and let Du Shaojie tease him.

The resort was bound to have a lot of problems in the future, but Huanyu Communications would not have so many problems. In addition, he was very optimistic about the development of Heren Communications, so he tried to keep this part of the shares.

After the matter was settled, Ye Weiming returned to Yangcheng.

He still owes a lot of foreign debts and dares not rest for a moment, otherwise his creditors will not agree.

"This guy's financing ability is quite strong."

Du Shaojie knew that Ye Weiming didn't have much money when he left the unit.

As a result, in a short period of time, the other party not only acquired part of the shares of [Huanyu Communications], but also made its foreign trade business flourish, with most of the funds being borrowed.

After resting for a few days, Du Shaojie, Qi Yan and her daughter, as well as Liang Meiqin, Wang Yongli, Luo Qin and others went out to sea on a yacht and played on the sea for two days.

Qi Yan is now in high spirits. The share price of Neichen Education has recently reached HK$45 and still has potential to rise.

After the additional issuance, she continued to improve various educational projects, such as vocational training, English training, extracurricular training, etc. There is no doubt that [Beichen Education] has developed into the largest education group in China, with significantly improved profitability.

The stock market has high expectations for the company. Even if the Qin Group is secretly selling its shares, it cannot stop the enthusiasm of various funds.

Of course, the Qin Group will not sell too much at once, and what matters is steady and long-term.

After Du Shaojie and others returned from the sea, Qin Lu specially hosted a banquet for Du Shaojie's family, Liang Meiqin, Winnie and others.

This move not only turned the Qin Group around, but also increased its wealth.

Qin Mingcheng will not sell all the stocks in his hands. After cashing out part of them, he will hold the remaining shares for a long time.

"Ajie, the company plans to invest in building a commercial complex in Shenzhen. Are you interested in joining in?"

Qin Mingcheng, Qi Yan and Liang Meiqin had a lot of common topics, and Qin Lu and Du Shaojie talked about investment.

With the help of its investment in Beichen Education, Qin Group decided to continue to increase investment in the mainland.

This time, the project is not a hotel project, but a commercial complex project, integrating high-end office buildings, shopping, catering and entertainment, with a total investment of HK$17 billion.

"Boss Qin, how many shares do you plan to give up?"

Winnie also participated in the topic of Du Shaojie and Qin Lu. From a personal point of view, she is still very interested in the commercial complex project.

"We are willing to invest HK$10 billion in this project, and we need to find partners for the remaining HK$7 million."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Qin's Group investing HK$17 billion alone. However, from the perspective of risk sharing, joint investment is needed.

"Please show me the project plan later."

Du Shaojie did not continue the topic. Such a large investment project requires very rigorous argumentation, and he would not make a decision on a whim.

Winnie is looking forward to seeing the project plan as soon as possible.

"No problem, I'll have someone send it to you tomorrow."

Qin Lu stopped talking at the right time and then started chatting about lighter topics.

After dinner, Qi Yan took the children back home first. Du Shaojie, Qin Lu, Liang Meiqin, Winnie and others went to the karaoke bar to play for a while and returned home at 12 o'clock in the evening.

"Yanzi, do you have any remaining fundraising funds?"

After lying down on the bed, Du Shaojie asked Qi Yan.

A lot of funds were raised from this additional issuance, and there should be some left over.

"Yes, there is still a lot left. Why, do you want me to invest in Lulu's commercial complex project?"

Qi Yan heard the conversation between Du Shaojie and Qin Lu at the dinner table, so she immediately guessed their intentions.

"Yes, you can invest 2 million Hong Kong dollars in this project, and you will definitely not lose money."

Du Shaojie is confident and optimistic about the development of the commercial complex.

However, this is just my suggestion now. I have to wait until I read the project plan before making a decision.

The next day.

Du Shaojie got the project plan.

After reading it, he was a little disappointed. How should I put it? The project plan was quite satisfactory. In his opinion, there were still many areas that needed improvement.

So, he made an appointment to meet Qin Lu and listed all the questions he had in mind.

Qin Lu felt so enlightened after hearing what he said. What he said was so good, and every suggestion went straight to the point, which was beyond her imagination.

Are you kidding? After all, Du Shaojie has decades of experience in his head. Even if he hasn't eaten pork, has he seen a pig run?

It may not be possible for him to actually do it, but there is no problem for him to talk about it on paper.

The two discussed together for a full half day. After Qin Lu returned, she led the team to make comprehensive revisions to the plan.

After several repetitions, the book was finally finalized.

"Ajie, I have an unwelcome request. I hope you can participate in the early stage of the design bidding work."

With the plan, the remaining highlight is the design plan.

Du Shaojie did not refuse Qin Lu's invitation. He also hoped to incorporate many concepts of later generations into the design plan.

Next, Du Shaojie participated in the preliminary work of the commercial complex while accompanying his family on vacation.

According to the design plan, the total investment of the entire project is HK$16.80 billion, which is definitely a large project.

"Meiqin, Winnie, have you reached a conclusion on your investment in the commercial complex project?"

The feasibility study of the project was handed over to Liang Meiqin and Winnie, and Du Shaojie took the time to ask about it.

“We are considering HK$5 million. This is the feasibility study report of the project and the investment return forecast.”

Leung Mei-kam and others agreed that the investment was possible, with an investment amount of HK$5 million.

(End of this chapter)

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