Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 488 Eliminate hidden dangers, time is not forgiving

Fortunately, Huang Yong reminded us, and Du Shaojie would not use the same method twice, as it would be too conspicuous.

Due to various coincidences, he realized that he had managed to escape danger and had not taken any extreme measures so far.

The next day.

Du Shaojie asked Zhong Qing to withdraw all the surveillance personnel and no longer respond to Wang Dongxu.

He immediately returned to Yangcheng and asked people to write anonymous letters to multiple departments to report Wang Dongxu's whereabouts. After all, the other party had been put on the wanted list after running away with the money, which would definitely attract attention from all sides.

At the same time, Liang Meiqin also disclosed a piece of news through the media, saying that the former boss of [Hongyan Paging] Wang Dong was suspected to be hiding in Hong Kong.

Public opinion has not yet fermented, but Du Shaojie has welcomed a "special guest".

This person was sent by the Wang family and said that he was very interested in [Bailian Catering Management Company] and wanted to acquire the entire catering company.

Du Shaojie refused without a second thought and asked the visitor to leave.

No matter how difficult the time is, he will not give up Bailian Catering, this company is his foundation.

The visitor did not bother, nor did he say a harsh word, he just left.

Not long after, Du Shaojie was investigated by the relevant authorities because they suspected that he had used illegal means when he established Bailian Catering.

It is fake foreign capital, but it enjoys local tax preferential policies and is also suspected of illegal foreign exchange arbitrage.


"do not know!"

"I don't know!"

Du Shaojie refused to cooperate with the investigation at all. He denied all accusations and even asked others for evidence when he got anxious.

The staff investigating the matter were also speechless. Real and fake joint ventures, real and fake foreign investment, are very common in places that have undergone reform and opening up. As long as the company is operating legally, who would bring up the past?

Besides, Hong Kong is also uncooperative, so it is difficult for them to find out the details of Dingxin International.

"Boss Du, since you are so uncooperative, we will apply to freeze the accounts of Bailian Catering and the assets under your name. According to the report, you are also suspected of tax evasion. If it is confirmed, the crime will be serious."

Although the staff didn't take it seriously in their hearts, they still had to appear to be impartial on the surface.

Du Shaojie ignored it and refused to admit it or cooperate. You can do whatever you want.

The other party had no choice but to let him go back. As for the so-called "frozen account", it was a figment of the imagination, so there was nothing to worry about.

He already knew the Wang family's wishful thinking. The other party actually wanted to take over his [Bailian Catering].

This is equivalent to touching his core interests. There will be no room for compromise between the two sides and they will definitely fight to the end.

The problem is that although he took some remedial measures, the traces of what had happened could not be erased.

In other words, it is inconvenient for the mainland to go to Hong Kong for investigation, otherwise he would definitely be in trouble.

In fact, the investigators were even more worried than he was. The incident was originally caused by a letter of complaint, and no one took it seriously at first, but eventually the pressure came from above.

They had no choice but to initiate an investigation, only to find that it was difficult to find a breakthrough.

There was also a certain degree of assistance from Hong Kong, but the actual controller of [Dingxin International] was an offshore company and it was impossible to find out.

In addition, they were not cooperative at all at that time, so they could only drag it out.

Du Shaojie was also busy and started raising funds.

For example, [Shuweixiang Hotpot] is under his name. After he greeted the shareholders, he transferred the money directly.

In addition, companies like [Yuedong Entertainment] also provided great financial support.

Next, [Huaxin Investment] acquired [Bailian Catering] in full, [Dingxin International] completely withdrew, and [Bailian Catering] also transformed from a Hong Kong-funded enterprise into a domestic-funded enterprise.

The process went smoothly without encountering any resistance.

During this period, he met Zhong Qing again. According to Zhong Qing, Wang Dongxu had already left Hong Kong and the relevant departments' efforts to persuade him to return had failed.

Perhaps it has something to do with public opinion. This matter started well but ended badly, leaving many parties very dissatisfied.

"Wang Dongxu went to North America. He must have been hiding there in the past few years."

Du Shaojie learned of Wang Dongxu's whereabouts and had no other ideas for the time being. He couldn't send people to North America to kidnap him back, right?
Besides, the other party is now a stray dog ​​and poses no threat.

He estimated that the most likely reason why Wang Dongxu went to Hong Kong to deal with people from relevant departments was to set a trap for himself.

If he didn't fall for it, there would be no point in him staying there any longer.

The key to the problem is the Wang family. The Wang family has already revealed their greed and has set their sights on Du Shaojie's [Bailian Catering].

However, Du Shaojie is definitely not a pushover to achieve what he has today, and it is impossible for the Wang family to directly take over [Bailian Catering].

We have to find solutions from other aspects.

Du Shaojie basically solved the hidden dangers and through a series of equity operations, he completely brought [Bailian Catering Management Company] under his own name.

Now, anyone who brings up the Hong Kong-funded enterprises back then will have no basis at all.

After Du Shaojie finished all these things, he couldn't help but feel relieved. It's not that he hadn't thought of such a solution before, but he just thought it was unnecessary. Who knew that some people would actually bring up the past. "Mr. Yu, there is a poor county where our raw materials are supplied. Please donate a [Hope Primary School] to that poor county on my behalf."

Du Shaojie decided to do some more good deeds to shut some people up in the future.

Over the years, he has donated a lot of money, but he has always kept a low profile. This time, he will no longer keep a low profile when donating to the Hope Primary School, and there will definitely be a wave of publicity.

With Lin Zhiyuan's personal attention, the donation was widely reported in both Guangdong and Hunan provinces, and even the national media sent reporters to conduct interviews.

Lin Zhiyuan told Du Shaojie that the boss was unwilling to look into some old matters any further because the information provided by the Wang family was wrong, so the investigation was dropped.

However, he also reminded Du Shaojie that the Wang family was not a pushover. If the other party's goal was not achieved this time, he would most likely come back in the future.

"Of course, you don't have to be afraid of them. The Wang family's eating habits are too ugly. Someone has already warned them."

When Lin Zhiyuan heard that Feng Qingsong was in Beijing, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the Wang family's actions.

He also sent a message to the Wang family through an intermediary, hoping that the other party would not do it again, otherwise no one would have an easy life.

The Wang family felt tremendous pressure and had to stop for the time being.

"thanks, thanks!"

A friend in need is a friend indeed. The statements made by Lin Zhiyuan and Feng Qingsong are the fundamental reasons for the current boss's change of attitude.

Although someone doesn't like Du Shaojie, he doesn't want to be used as a gun.

The Wang family has many industries in Shanghai. Jiang Cheng learned about the Wang family's treatment of Du Shaojie and warned them.

It was only then that Du Shaojie realized that the Wang family's industries all revolved around medicine and medical devices. God knew why Wang Dongxu got involved in the paging industry in the first place.

Du Shaojie's business just doesn't involve these two areas, so he is a little powerless to fight back commercially.

Just write it down in your little notebook and retaliate when you find the chance.

Next, Du Shaojie began to manage Shuweixiang Hotpot with all his heart. He used to be a hands-off boss, but this time he almost lost the business, which made him realize the importance of the company.

It's been a few years.

Du Shaojie once again took out a new recipe for hot pot base.

This is not a plagiarism of the version he made for Zhong Zhengjun, but an improvement on the original base of [Shuweixiang Hotpot], which can be regarded as a version upgrade.

Nowadays, the two most profitable brands under Du Shaojie are [Xichuan Restaurant] and [Shuweixiang Hotpot].

The timing of this upgrade was just right, further consolidating the booming business of each store.

Afterwards, he went to the capital to reunite with his wife and children.

"Hubby, you advised me not to work too hard before, and now I want to do the same to you. Don't think too much. When you find the chance, you can slap the Wang family to death."

Qi Yan knew the whole story and got angry, which was rare for him.

Du Shaojie smiled and waved his hands. Some things are not suitable for discussion. The right answer is to just do it without saying anything and make a fortune quietly.

"I won't think too much about it. I don't even bother to think about the Wang family's affairs."

The couple ran out of topics to talk about after chatting for a while, and since their child was not around, they went outside for a walk.

It's the weekend.

Du Shaojie went to pick up his daughter immediately, and then the family went to the Seafood Restaurant for dinner.

This is a regular feature of his family. Whenever his daughter comes home on the weekend, they will definitely go out for a meal that night.

Two days later, when his daughter went to school, Du Shaojie took some things to see Chen Jizhou. Chen Jizhou had retired, but did not return to Xijiang, but settled in Beijing.

When they arrived at the family compound, Du Shaojie took Wang Yongli upstairs, while everyone else was waiting in the car.

After knocking on the door, he first saw Chen Jizhou's aging face. This is the mark of time, and no one can escape it.

"Come if you want to. Why bring these things? Don't do it again next time."

Chen Jizhou was a little unhappy. He was not interested in any nutritional or health products.

"Uncle Chen, I didn't bring any goodies. I only have the [Beef in Soy Sauce] and [Dried Meat] that I made myself. I brought them for you to try."

Du Shaojie knew the other person's character and didn't take it seriously.

He smiled and showed what he had in his hand. It was indeed [Beef with Marinated Sauce] and [Dried Meat].

Chen Jizhou then became happy, pulled the other person into the house to sit down, and asked his family to prepare some dishes as he wanted to have a few drinks with Du Shaojie.

"Alas, time is merciless. Last month, my old friend Zhai Yucheng died in a car accident."

After a few drinks, Chen Jizhou's face showed a nostalgic expression.

Du Shaojie was shocked. He and Zhai Yucheng had a good relationship on the farm back then, but he didn't expect that the person would suddenly disappear.

"Uncle Chen, what's the situation with Uncle Zhai?"

Du Shaojie asked about the car accident at that time. He had no other intention, just asked casually. (End of this chapter)

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