Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 492: Won in one fell swoop

"Boss Du, I'm here to apologize. This is a violation of the county's rules, but I've been transferred to the Qingshui government office and have no say in the matter."

Director Wang was previously the office director and now works for the trade union.

He was very angry as he saw that the property he and others had worked so hard to build was about to be completely destroyed.

"The new leader wanted to reap the benefits, and the big boss just happened to want to squeeze you out, so they put on this show together. I have evidence that many farmers were forced by them to sell their good products to that boss and sell the inferior products to you."

Director Wang also took the risk and handed over the evidence he had to Du Shaojie.

"Thank you, Director Wang. I will remember your kindness. However, please don't get involved in the rest of the matter. I will find a way to handle it."

Du Shaojie's previous anger was greatly alleviated because of Director Wang's visit.

Director Wang knew that the other party was only doing this for his own good, so he did not insist and left quietly soon.

After he left, local people came to visit Du Shaojie one after another. These people also hated that someone wanted to destroy the existing situation. Picking peaches is fine, but you can't dig up the peach trees, right?
"Lawsuit? Who would sue them? Mr. Yu, take the evidence to the higher-level city to report the situation, and I'll go to the provincial government."

Du Shaojie doesn't want to stir up public opinion for the time being. This is something that was done by a small group of greedy people. There is no need to condemn all the local people.

To resolve a contradiction, we must grasp the main aspects of the contradiction and make as few enemies as possible.

There are many knowledgeable people in the county who are dissatisfied with the current situation, and they have given Du Shaojie support in various forms. Just based on this, he cannot do anything foolish.

For some people, we can only use other means, such as reporting the situation to our superiors.

Yu Jianxin and others then went to the city, while Du Shaojie took Wang Yongli and others to Xingcheng. He arranged the way in advance, and went directly to meet Luo Hansheng when he arrived in Xingcheng.

Luo Hansheng's status in Hunan Province is equivalent to Feng Qingsong's status in Guangdong Province. If it weren't for Jiang Cheng's introduction, he wouldn't even be able to see him.

Jiang Cheng had worked with Luo Hansheng before, and they had a good relationship.

After listening to what Du Shaojie said and taking a general look at the relevant evidence, Luo Hansheng immediately called the head of the relevant department and instructed him to investigate the matter.

"This is simply crazy!"

Luo Hansheng found it hard to believe that someone could be so bold. Didn’t the other party know the status of [Bailian Catering Management Company] in the industry?

Now, the lawsuit has been brought directly to the provincial level, and he has to try his best to appease Du Shaojie.

If this matter gets out of hand, it will have a very bad impact on the local area.

Du Shaojie expressed his gratitude to Luo Hansheng and went back to wait for news.

He and Yu Jianxin met at the agreed location. Yu Jianxin said that he successfully met with the city leaders, who said they would investigate the matter thoroughly.

"Boss Yu, we always feel that something is wrong with this matter. The person who was newly transferred to the county must have no problem with his IQ, so why would he carry out such a barbaric operation?"

"Yeah, I feel the same way. But we are the victims, can we still confuse right and wrong?"

"It's better to be cautious. Call the company's legal counsel and prepare to sue the local government for breach of contract. Fortunately, I was careful when signing the contract and specified the jurisdiction for breach of contract cases."

Du Shaojie and Yu Jianxin both had a bad feeling, so they couldn't take it lightly.

Moreover, the breach of contract case did not need to be brought to court in the county, and the designated court for litigation was the court in Shenzhen. This was to avoid having no place to appeal in the event of a dispute in the local area, but it came in handy now.

"Okay, I'll do it right away. In addition, I have arranged for people to send away all the raw materials from the supply base, and I will not purchase any goods in the near future."

Yu Jianxin feels very fortunate that the company has more than one [raw material supply base].

If there is a problem here, other supply bases can take over, but the time cannot be too long, otherwise the production will not keep up.

After this incident, the company will definitely add new raw material bases.

But distant water cannot quench immediate thirst, and this incident will definitely have a series of impacts on the normal operation of the company.

Du Shaojie did not return to the county. While waiting for news from the province and the city, he visited many places to investigate the site selection for the new raw material supply base.

"Boss Du, the current situation is not good. Let's talk about it when we meet."

Du Shaojie took a fancy to several places and had preliminary discussions with the locals, and the results were good.

Just when he was about to finalize the new supply base, Yu Jianxin called and said that things had changed again.

He immediately terminated the inspection and met with Yu Jianxin in the city.

"Boss Du, the inspection teams from the city and the province did not find any financial problems with that person. The reason he gave was that someone was willing to purchase a large amount of raw materials, about twice as much as we do."

Yu Jianxin said that the county was well prepared to breach the contract.

The so-called businessman who interfered was none other than the Wang family and Yin Qiang.

They responded by lowering the purchase standard and increasing the purchase quantity. Although the price has dropped, the overall profit has increased.

The two parties have signed the contract quietly and don't even care about paying the penalty for breach of contract.

"Wang family? Yin Qiang?"

Du Shaojie's guess unfortunately became a reality. No wonder the other party started a fast food chain in addition to the buffet, and the flavor of the fast food is mainly Hunan style.

Although the price of high-quality ingredients is higher, the requirements are very strict, and farmers have to work harder, so it is better to lower the standards and make money with cheap goods. Fast food uses low-quality ingredients, and as long as they can pass the inspection, there is naturally no problem.

But the other party chose the raw material supply base of [Bailian Catering] as a breakthrough point, which was absolutely full of malicious intent.

The most hateful person is the man who had just been transferred to this impoverished county and acted as an accomplice of the Wang family and Yin Qiang.

No wonder the investigation team has not reached a conclusion after such a long time. They must be under a lot of pressure.

"Mr. Yu, you are having illusions. Go ahead and sue me."

Du Shaojie immediately called Luo Hansheng's secretary and told him that Bailian Catering was in trouble due to supply issues and had to file a lawsuit.

When Luo Hansheng heard the secretary's report, he knew exactly what was going on.

Although he repeatedly demanded that the matter must be thoroughly investigated, the Wang family and Yin Qiang were very powerful, and not only the investigation team, but even he felt the pressure.

"It's fine to prosecute. Let's relax our tensions first and wait until the time is right to take some people down in one fell swoop."

Luo Hansheng was very angry, but he didn't intend to force it.

Since Du Shaojie intends to sue, let him go. Once the lawsuit attracts everyone's attention, he will find an opportunity to strike fast.

Luo Hansheng had no good feelings towards the playboy Yin Qiang and the Wang family who repeatedly crossed the red line.

Yu Jianxin received Du Shaojie's order and immediately returned to Shenzhen to sue the county for breach of contract.

Du Shaojie did not leave Hunan Province, but continued his inspection without stopping, and finally signed a cooperation agreement with Liufeng County.

Under the powerful monetary offensive, new raw material supply bases have sprung up.

Currently, we can only purchase the inventory from our fellow villagers. Not many of them can meet the standards, but it will be of some benefit to the company's inventory.

Next, we will sign a purchase contract with the farmers. The company will send someone to provide guidance throughout the process to prevent everyone from being confused about the purchase standards and causing unnecessary losses.

All the company's personnel from the impoverished counties were transferred to "Liufeng County".

As for whether the base in the impoverished county will be reopened after the lawsuit, it depends on the situation at the time.

From his personal point of view, he really doesn't want to cooperate with any place that has a history of breach of contract.

A fly never bites an egg without a crack. Why did nothing happen to other raw material supply bases, but this poor county defaulted?

After building a new raw material supply base, Du Shaojie did not leave immediately.

He has been living in the city recently, but information about the county has been coming to him continuously.

After the catering company filed the lawsuit, the court has held two hearings. The progress was much faster than expected, which may be the benefit of the designated court.

This clause also appeared in the new contract. Liufeng County was a little worried at first, but later, after hearing about the catering company's experience in the poor county, the other party no longer objected to this clause.

If they insist on harping on this point, Du Shaojie would rather not cooperate with the other party.

A few days passed quickly.

As the investigation team's conclusions came out, that person quickly moved to another position.

The successor cleared up the bad influence and took the initiative to propose a settlement agreement to Bailian Catering.

Du Shaojie accepted appropriate compensation, and the contract that the farmers and the county later signed with the Wang family and Yin Qiang was ruled invalid.

At the same time, the county and farmers need to give him certain compensation.

The purpose of doing this is not just for the penalty, but to teach a lesson to some people who are greedy for money.

Only after everything returned to normal did Du Shaojie restart the supply base in the poor counties.

Before restarting, he even hired a lawyer to modify the terms of the contract to prevent another idiot from causing losses to the company in the future.

Du Shaojie then returned to Yangcheng, thinking about how to make things difficult for the Wang family and Yin Qiang.

A few days later, Zhong Qing received news from Hong Kong that the Wang family's [Longsheng Trading] imported a batch of special medicines.

This drug has all the necessary procedures in Hong Kong, but is not allowed to be sold in the mainland.

"Now it depends on what means the Wang family will use to ensure that these imported drugs can enter the mainland safely and be sold at the same time."

Du Shaojie asked Zhong Qing to keep an eye on Longsheng Trading, and today he finally got the chance.

It is impossible for the medicines imported by Longsheng Trading to remain in the warehouse and gather dust forever. They must be secretly taken to the mainland for sale.

This drug has very high profits, and the Wang family attaches great importance to it, probably also to make some money back.

"Boss, I have already sent enough people here. I will know as soon as the goods in their warehouse move."

Zhong Qing said that he had made all the preparations and was just waiting for the other party to take action. (End of this chapter)

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