Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 499 No good banquet

Du Shaojie naturally would not object. In fact, [Yuedong Entertainment] did not make much achievements in the entertainment industry, but instead made a big name in the gaming field.

In fact, Pang Weidong had thought about getting involved in the film and television industry, but he thought it was a difficult business and it was easy to capsize, so he decided not to do so.

He even gave up a cash cow like a KTV bar, so he has good self-control.

"Come, everyone, come here"

Pang Weidong waved to a few girls. None of them were big stars, but they were all young and pretty. Most importantly, they didn't have that worldly air of the girls in the circus.

They came over and gave massages to the three of them, and their techniques were pretty good.

"Dongzi, if you are interested in the film and television industry, you don't have to get too involved. It's fine to just do it for fun. If you come across a good TV series or movie, invest in it. As for the profit and loss, it's all up to you."

Du Shaojie knew Pang Weidong's problem. Even after getting married, this guy still had a lot of fun outside.

However, he himself was not very interested in entertainment stars, so he gave the other party an idea.

Isn't Pang Weidong very interested in female stars? He wants to be a sponsor. The authority of a sponsor is even greater than that of a director. What can't he do?

However, investing in film and television requires three parts of connections, three parts of vision, and three parts of luck, otherwise the probability of losing money is very high.

"Damn, you should have said so earlier. I've dealt with Wang Su, Feng Kuzi and the others. If I pay them to make a movie, wouldn't they rush over to help me?"

Pang Weidong's power is much higher than those kids from big courtyards. He used to look down on those artists, but they have been doing very well in recent years and they have had meals together a few times.

He thought that when he had time he would talk to Feng Kuazi and the others, and if there was a good script he could get involved.

I have money and connections, who dares not to play with me?
"Haha, as long as you know the answer."

Du Shaojie laughed. He had lived two lives, how could he not know what the entertainment industry was like?

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you’re just playing around. When you’re in a good mood, you might invest a little money.

When the girls who were massaging them heard this, they looked at each other and couldn't help but be eager to try. They were newcomers who had just debuted and had no resources, otherwise they wouldn't have flattered Pang Weidong and others.

"Brother Dong, if you are filming, you must take us with you. I will perform a solo for you later. I guarantee you will be satisfied."

They had to fight for the opportunity themselves, so the girls worked even harder to serve Pang Weidong and the others, wishing they could melt their hearts completely.

Du Shaojie laughed secretly. He really didn't like this, but he wouldn't spoil the fun for his brothers. When they were out having fun, the most important thing was to have fun, and they didn't care about anything else.

By the time the yacht returned to the Xiangjiang Pier, Pang Weidong had already reached an agreement with Xu Bo and Du Shaojie.

If the opportunity is right, you can try investing in movies and TV series and satisfy your desire to be a "sugar daddy".

After landing, Du Shaojie invited everyone to have a meal at Xichuan Restaurant, and then went to Liang Meiqin's residence.

In recent years, Liang Meiqin's enthusiasm for love affairs has obviously declined, but every time she sees Du Shaojie, she still serves him comfortably.

Most of the time, Liang Meiqin is devoted to work. In her spare time, she also goes to the gym and shopping, and her social circle is much larger than before.

[Dingxin International] was well-known in the circle. Even though she and Du Shaojie were both from the north, no one dared to look down on them.

"Shaojie, do you remember the North American stocks you bought before? Director Yang from the Securities Department told me the other day that the market value of those stocks has exceeded 5000 million US dollars."

Liang Meiqin is no longer a little girl, so even if she admires Du Shaojie very much, her eyes will not be filled with stars.

As she grew older, her emotions became more restrained, and she became more mellow, like a glass of aged wine.

"Great, leave it there for now. I'll let you know in advance if I want to sell it someday."

Du Shaojie will not sell the stocks for the time being. He will wait until the Olympic year to see what happens. Anyway, he is very proactive now. So far, the market value of these stocks has increased by almost 50 times, so he can do whatever he wants.

In addition, the stock prices of the three major portals have returned to above $10, and an average profit of ten times is no problem, so we can still wait.

I won’t say too much, but by the Olympic year, the stock prices of the three major portals will have at least dozens of times their profits.

The next day.

Du Shaojie, Pang Weidong and Xu Bo went to a cocktail party.

Many celebrities and business elites came to the cocktail party that night. The three of them were no longer the newbies they used to be. They were at ease among the crowd and could talk to many people with extraordinary family backgrounds.

As for the second generation present, most of them are not qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

Even Pang Weidong has long since gotten rid of the label of "second generation" and is now a successful person in his career.

But at this time, a high-spirited "second generation" came in front of them. This person is Li Huanggua's son Li Zekai, who has also been a prominent figure in Hong Kong in the past two years.

"Hello, Mr. Li!"

"Hello, Mr. Pang, Mr. Du, and Mr. Xu."

Pang Weidong was quite familiar with the other party and was the first to greet the two Li Zekais.

Li Zekai greeted the three people with a big smile, and his eyes stayed on Du Shaojie's face for a few seconds. Du Shaojie and Li Zekai had met before, but they didn't communicate much. Today, the other party was more proactive.

"Boss Du, I heard that you are the real Internet God of Wealth. Not only do you own stocks of the three major portal websites, but you have also invested in Boss Ma's Penguin. Your vision is really amazing!"

"No, no. Mr. Pang, Mr. Xu and I have always been interested in the Internet. By accident, we have gained some fame. I am ashamed."

The two men exchanged a few polite words, and Li Zekai chatted with Pang Weidong and Xu Bo before turning around and leaving.

Li Huanggua is now the richest Chinese. As his son, Li Zekai has always been strong. Pang Weidong couldn't understand why he was so polite to them today.

Du Shaojie whispered, "Penguin."

"I remember now. He also invested in Mr. Ma's Penguin in the first two years. Could it be that he has set his sights on the shares held by us brothers?"

"It doesn't matter who is targeting me. I will hold on to my stocks and never sell them. This is called long-term investment."

Du Shaojie clearly remembered that Li Zekai invested in Penguin, but he failed to stick with it and got out halfway. No matter what the story was, he was determined to hold it for a long time.

Pang Weidong and Xu Bo also invested in Penguin. They didn’t think too much about it before, but now seeing Du Shaojie’s attitude, they also have some ideas in their minds.

Previously, Du Shaojie sold SINA and SOHU stocks at high prices, and they followed suit. But then the Internet bubble burst, and the stock prices of the three major portals fell below $1. Du Shaojie covered his positions again, but they hesitated and did not dare to enter the market.

By the time they figured it out, the average stock price of the three portals had exceeded US$5.

Fortunately, they trusted Du Shaojie very much and bought back the stocks they had sold before at around US$6.

Now their profits have doubled, and we have to admire their vision.

Therefore, if Du Shaojie said that he wanted to invest for the long term, the two of them would naturally follow suit and invest for the long term, and neither of them would sell no matter who came.

After the cocktail party, Du Shaojie returned to the Repulse Bay Villa.

He was not very interested in these celebrities and elites in Hong Kong, but he had no choice in the world, after all, Dingxin International was here, and he could not ignore this kind of social activities.

Two days passed.

Pang Weidong called him and said that Li Zekai had invited the three of them to dinner.

Du Shaojie thought about it and decided to go. No matter what the other party was planning, he would know after he went there.
This evening.

Du Shaojie, Pang Weidong and Xu Bo went to a western restaurant together.

"Mr. Du, Mr. Xu, Mr. Pang, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Mapuwei, President of Cape Town Bank, Greater China."

When they entered the private room, the three saw Li Zekai chatting and laughing with a white man.

When he saw them, Li Zekai stood up and introduced both parties.

Ma Puwei has been in Hong Kong for more than ten years. He can speak Cantonese and Mandarin. If you don't look at his appearance, it would be hard to mistake him for a foreigner.

Afterwards, the guests and hosts took their seats and various classic French dishes were served, accompanied by 25-year-old wine.

After that, everyone ate and talked, not about business, but just some anecdotes. Du Shaojie and others found that Li Zekai was very talkative, so there was no need to worry about a dull moment.

"Mr. Du, I'll toast you a glass."

Li Zekai and Du Shaojie drank one alone, and Du Shaojie knew that the other party was ready to get to the point.

So he put on an attitude of listening attentively.

"Mr. Mapuwei values ​​the development potential of Penguin and is willing to pay a high price to purchase Penguin's shares from you. You are all my friends. I am just a matchmaker. Whether it succeeds or not is up to you to decide."

Li Zekai first put himself in the position of a middleman, saying that he was just a middleman.

Ma Puwei smiled gratefully at the other party and then stated his conditions.

He was willing to pay $500 million to buy the shares of the three people and allow them to retain 1% of the shares each to give them a thought.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mapuwei, I won't sell the Penguin shares I hold. It's not about the price, but I really want to hold them for a long time."

Du Shaojie directly refused, leaving no room for negotiation.

Later, Pang Weidong and Xu Bo expressed the same idea.

Ma Puwei's words were beautiful, but his deeds were not worth mentioning. The other party wanted to buy the Penguin shares held by the three people for $500 million. Did they think they were old-fashioned people who had never seen the world?

To put it bluntly, even if the other party offered 5000 million US dollars, Du Shaojie would not sell his shares in Penguin.

Pang Weidong and Xu Bo follow Du Shaojie's lead. If the other party says to hold the shares for a long time, they will also hold the shares for a long time. They will only follow Du Shaojie when he wants to sell.

"That's such a shame!"

Ma Puwei shrugged his shoulders and did not argue. (End of this chapter)

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