Chapter 66 Farewell
In any case, the intermediate simulation training has on-site guidance, which not only points out Du Shaojie's problems, but also teaches by example. Except that he can't answer questions, it is like having a master who is a "super chef".

This way, he will have the opportunity to learn more dishes.

Eight hours later, the [Fish-flavored Shredded Pork] made by Du Shaojie finally received an overall evaluation of "poor", and he immediately exited the simulation training scene.

【Duration: 152 hours\330 hours】

After resting for a while, he began to summarize the gains and losses of this training.

This is a habit of his. Even when he is looking at recipes or watching chef training video materials after work, he will think about it carefully afterwards and review it in his mind from time to time.

"In the future, when I am not busy during the day on the farm, I can continue to study various materials and lay a more solid theoretical foundation. I will do simulation training at night, and I will also have to look for more opportunities for practical practice in reality."

Du Shaojie thinks that using [chef training video materials] together with [simulation training (intermediate)] will be more effective.

After all, the training time is limited. You can achieve twice the result with half the effort by first familiarizing yourself with the production process of a certain dish in theory and then conducting simulation training.

With a goal to strive for, he was no longer sleepy. He studied the [Food Identification Encyclopedia] for more than an hour before falling into a deep sleep.

The next day.

After getting up, Du Shaojie took the grain book to the grain store and bought grain and oil for his family. Now the family no longer needs to replace fine grains with coarse grains, and can buy according to the fixed quantity.

After he came back, he did not go out and continued to study [Food Identification Encyclopedia].

The quality of ingredients will directly affect the quality of the finished dish. Chefs need to develop a pair of "eagle eyes" to strictly control the ingredients and never let inferior ingredients reach the table.

In the afternoon, after Xiaomei and Xiaoya finished school, he took his two sisters to Liang Meiqin's house.

"Shaojie, Xiaomei, Xiaoya, please go sit inside first. Today, Auntie will show you some skills."

The one cooking tonight is Liang Meiqin's mother, and the one helping her is Liang Meiqin's father.

When you invite people to your house for dinner, you can't expect Du Shaojie to cook, right?
"Okay, then we'll wait to taste the food Auntie cooks."

Du Shaojie took his two younger sisters and greeted Liang Meiqin's parents, then went into the house.

Liang Meiqin was chatting with Qi Yan at this time. When she saw Du Shaojie and his two siblings, she quickly stood up.

"Sister Yanzi, Sister Mikoto."

Xiaomei and Xiaoya were very polite. After calling people, they sat down on the stools.

Qi Yan grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the table and gave them to the two little girls, then chatted with them intermittently.

Du Shaojie looked at Liang Meiqin and said, "I haven't prepared anything. I'll give you this pen. I hope you can use it."

Liang Meiqin took it and looked at it. It was a Hero pen, which was exactly the style she liked.

"Thanks, I like it very much. Shaojie, I will use this pen to write to you in the future, and you must write back to me."

Liang Meiqin blinked and looked at Du Shaojie, full of anticipation.

"Of course I will reply, but it may take a little longer for the letter to arrive at the farm, so you have to be patient."

Du Shaojie smiled slightly and gave the other party an affirmative answer.

Liang Meiqin felt very happy, and even the sadness of parting seemed to have eased a little.

Qi Yan heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help but brighten her eyes. She would be busy after work, and Du Shaojie didn't come home often, so could she write to him?

After a while, Su Dapeng arrived and Liang Meiqin's mother started cooking.

The dinner was sumptuous and filled a large table.

"Mikoto, I wish you a bright future!"

Several friends raised their glasses and wished Liang Meiqin well.

Her mother prepared a bottle of wine and asked everyone to be considerate and not to drink too much. But at the end of the meal, Liang Meiqin still shed tears. She was sad about leaving home and reluctant to leave her friends. As for whether there were other reasons, no one knew.

"Mikoto, your joining the army is something to be happy about. You should smile instead of crying. Three years will pass in a flash. Besides, we can still communicate, right?"

Du Shaojie tried to persuade him, but it was no use. Qi Yan was already crying with Liang Meiqin, and Su Dapeng was lowering his head in a bad mood. If he didn't say anything, his uncle and aunt would be dissatisfied.

"I know I know."

Liang Meiqin wiped away her tears, and Du Shaojie and others stood up and said goodbye.

They followed the advice of Liang Meiqin's mother and did not go to the station to see her off. Liang Meiqin boarded the train heading south, feeling half longing for the future and half worried about the unfamiliar environment.

Du Xiaomei and Du Xiaoya ended their summer vacation and returned to school.

Qi Yan became a glorious people's teacher (substitute teacher) and had a formal job.

Du Shaojie returned to the farm and continued his life along his original trajectory, going to work and coming home, practicing his knife skills, cooking skills, absorbing nutrition from various materials, and occasionally taking on some private goods.

This evening.

Zhao Dajun went to his house with a sad face.

"Master Du, is there anything to eat at home? Just make some snacks and have a few drinks with me."

"If you had told me earlier, I would have been prepared. Please sit down first. I'll go take a look."

Du Shaojie felt that the other party might have encountered difficulties, otherwise he would not have this expression.

He didn't bother to ask, he went to the kitchen to light a fire, fried a plate of peanuts and steamed a plate of bacon. When he returned to the house, he saw a bottle of Yanghe Daqu on the table.

"Wow, Director Zhao, you brought a bottle of good wine."

Du Shaojie doesn't drink much, but he is familiar with some of the popular liquors.

[Yanghe Daqu] is a pretty good wine nowadays. Zhao Dajun usually drinks bulk Laobai Gan. Why is he so generous today?

"My old boss gave me a few bottles, but I never drank them. Let's drink some today."

Zhao Dajun opened the bottle of wine, Du Shaojie reached out and grabbed it, then poured a full glass for himself and the other party.

Next, the two of them started drinking and eating.

"Director Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

"The bureau asked us to hand in live pigs. In the past, they kept some for the farm, but this year they asked us to hand in all of them. They also criticized me for not completing the production task well."

Zhao Dajun immediately started talking, saying that Wu Mingde was deliberately making fun of him.

Huang Yicheng did not favor Zhao Dajun in this matter. He also felt that the farm's production was not good. However, he still fought for some benefits for the farm, and the bureau finally agreed to keep two pigs for the farm.

There are so many people in the farm, and everyone works hard all year, what can one or two pigs do for them?

"I told Chu Xiaowei that no one is allowed to go fishing in the river anymore. The bureau said that no matter if it is individual fishing or group fishing, 90% of the catch must be handed over."

The fishery resources of Laolong River are actually managed by someone, but they just turn a blind eye to units like farms.

Chu Xiaowei and his friends occasionally fished for the benefit of the employees, and it was never excessive. But now, the bureau has also taken notice of this.

"Who reported it?"

It makes sense for Du Shaojie to ask this question. The farm is far away from the government and how would the bureau know if no one reports it?

“Who else could it be? It couldn’t be anyone else except that bastard Lin Zuo.”

Zhao Dajun put the wine glass on the table angrily. Fishing is a small matter, while pigs, cattle and grain are big matters.

(End of this chapter)

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