From a small soldier in the frontier army, an immortal god of war was born

Chapter 101: Massacre in the city; Lu Fu seizes the credit

Chapter 101: Massacre in the city; Lu's Mansion seizes the credit (Please subscribe~)

The city gate was broken.

It can be said that the defenders are desperate and the attackers are crazy.

Chaos at Ximen!

In the county government office in the city, Ding Teng looked at the huge map with a frown on his face. His eyes, deeply sunken in wrinkles, revealed deep despair.

For a moment, his already hunched body bent even further and he sighed continuously.


At this time, a soldier covered in blood stumbled in. He was in such a hurry that he tripped over the threshold and fell heavily, and he had to crawl over.

"Master Ding! It's bad, the west gate has been breached! The brothers can't hold on any longer!"


Ding Teng turned around in astonishment: "It's been less than an hour and you've already lost the city gate!"

The soldier shouted at the top of his voice: "Sir, there is really no way. The Qin army's battering ram is too heavy. Our city gate can't hold it at all."

Ding Teng was so angry that his beard stood on end, but he still forced himself to calm down at this critical moment.

"Where is the brave captain?"

"My subordinate is here!"

A two-meter-tall sturdy man came out in response, with two snowflake axes on his waist polished to a shine.

"I order you to lead 400 elite soldiers to block the west gate and stop the Qin army outside! If there is any mistake, kill them without mercy!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the brave captain Zhang Chuang.


Ding Teng had used up the little mobility he had left in his hands, and suddenly he felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and slowly sat down, holding onto a wooden stake.

He took a deep breath, then slammed the table beside him into pieces!
"Stupid! Confused! Border troops are the top priority of national defense, and you, a bunch of extravagant and lustful people, actually transferred 30,000 troops to build a crappy summer resort!"

"If it weren't for the lack of troops, how could the tyrannical Qin be defeated like this!"

"...Sir, I really tried my best."

Ding Teng looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling very melancholy.

It was mid-June, the height of summer, and the heat was unbearable. At the instigation of his ministers, King Han of Xinzheng planned to spend a month building a summer resort.

Such a short construction period would certainly require a large amount of manpower, so 30,000 border defense forces from Nanyang County were directly mobilized. Master Han Fei was furious and wrote a letter to refute it, saying bluntly that border defense is so important, how can it be used for enjoyment?

However, he did not expect that because he had offended so many people, this time he was used as a handle and was arrested and imprisoned on the charge of "spreading evil words to confuse the public and having no respect for the king".

In their words, the new king of Qin had just ascended the throne and the country was not stable yet, so he would not provoke disputes within two or three years. Other vassal states had already signed alliances with Han and would not attack at this time.

Therefore, since the border guards are idle anyway, it would be better to transfer them to build villas and make the best use of their manpower.

But who would have thought that Ying Zheng, who had only been on the throne for less than half a month, would suddenly send troops to attack Nanyang, and the remaining 20,000 to 30,000 elite troops were simply unable to resist.

But Ding Teng had no choice but to hold on, hoping to redeem Han Fei by defending the city.

However, the battle had just begun and the rapidly collapsing situation shattered all his hopes.

This small town is definitely not going to be able to be defended. Ding Teng only hopes to hold on a little longer to give the truly critical Nanyang City in the rear enough time to deploy defenses. As for what happens after that, he can only leave it to fate.

Ding Teng only hopes that the letter for help he sent can attract reinforcements as soon as possible...

West gate.

Wu Fengdeng's spears were raging, and within half a minute he led the soldiers of the Chen Camp and other troops to strangle the Korean army, and their momentum was unstoppable.

At this time, a large number of Korean soldiers poured into the streets, most of them holding iron shields and long spears, pushing forward in a horizontal manner.

Wu Fengdeng understood their purpose instantly and shouted, "Form a spike formation! Block the city gates. Anyone who dares to leave the city gates will be killed immediately!"

The Korean army's overwhelming posture was obviously intended to force them out of the west gate and re-occupy it. It was a good idea, but how could Wu Fengdeng let them do as they wished?

We finally broke into the city gate, how can we just give it up?

He was in the front row, and the tip of his red glass spear kept buzzing, as if a dragon was tumbling madly, and then it let out a long roar of anger!

【Dragon Roar Spear】!
The spear tip stabbed out a torrent of force, like a wild bull, instantly knocking over the five iron shields at the front of the Korean army.

In an instant, a red shadow rushed through the Korean army like lightning, and many of them were killed by Wu Fengdeng's spear before they could react!

Broken limbs, armors, weapons, and even heavy shields were flying in the air, and people and horses were thrown to the ground!
When the Qin soldiers saw that their captain had torn through the shield and armor defense line so fiercely, their heartbeats suddenly accelerated.


Following a loud shout from Commander-in-Chief Li Qun, the two torrents finally collided with each other, interweaving in chaos. The narrow streets suddenly became a meat grinder.


The tip of Wu Fengdeng's gun was warmed by the blood when he suddenly became aware of the sharp wind in front of him, as well as the heavy roar.

Two Xuanhua axes swung in a circle, and the large area of ​​white light was frightening.

Wu Fengdeng immediately took two steps back, and then swept his spear across!

The brave captain seemed to be pulled hard by someone. He staggered for a moment while holding the axe before he could steady himself.

Then the pair of copper bell eyes stared at Wu Fengdeng with a slightly solemn expression.

This seemingly weak boy actually has such great strength. If he had not held the axe firmly, the axe would have been knocked away.

He is a powerful enemy!

"Hehe, it's been a while since I've met someone whose strength can be compared to mine. Now I can finally stretch my muscles!"

He opened his mouth wide and laughed hideously with drooling mouth.

Clang! Clang!
The two axes made a sound as they rubbed against each other, and the look in his eyes became more and more fiery!

A real man has to fight with strength!

"Let's do something big!!!"

After two breaths.

Wu Fengdeng pulled the spear out from his heart, and blood spurted out immediately, spilling onto the axe with many gaps.

"You have strong limbs but a simple mind. Your death is not unjust."

Then the spear lifted the head high into the air.

"Your leader has been beheaded! Those who surrender can live, those who resist will die!"

Focus on the heart.

The wisest move would be to take the head of their leader to undermine their morale.

As expected, the head with its eyes open was floating in the air. The Korean soldiers who saw it were all stunned and couldn't believe it.

The lord who was once known for his invincibility was beheaded by the red-armored Qin soldiers at the very beginning? ! !
Looking at the tall and upright man with fierce eyes, all the Korean soldiers felt despair and helplessness in their hearts...

The defeat was like a landslide. The remaining 200-odd Korean soldiers had no choice but to accept their fate and surrender without any support. Wu Fengdeng's side also avoided heavy casualties.

Except for the West Gate which had been breached, good news also came from other directions. Only the North Gate had not been breached due to its stubborn resistance.

"Captain Wu!"

At this moment, Wu Fengdeng had just ordered his men to tie up all the prisoners of war when he saw a messenger riding a horse galloping towards him.

"The north gate has been breached, the Han army is strong, General Zhang ordered your men to go and reinforce them."

"it is good."

Wu Fengdeng nodded, mounted his horse, and led the Chen Camp to the north city gate.

This time, the troops sent out to attack Nanyang County in South Korea, the vanguard consisted of 50,000 elite soldiers, 1,000 Fire Armor Army, 1,000 Iron Eagle Hundred Machine Battalion, and 3,000 private troops organized by aristocratic families.

Most of the soldiers at the north gate were ordinary soldiers who lacked the strength to attack. Therefore, even if the gate was broken, it would take a long time to attack and the battle situation was tense.

However, as five hundred fire armor soldiers were deployed into the battlefield, they quickly tore through the Han army's defense line like a sharp blade and broke the deadlock.

It's only a matter of time before we win.

On the chaotic battlefield, a team of hundreds of people came running.

They were all wearing expensive armor, and the horses they rode were fat and strong, and they were obviously well-fed. But what was special was that compared to the other soldiers who were covered in blood and dirt, they looked much cleaner, and even the horses' hooves were not stained with much burnt mud.

This is Lu Fu’s private army.

Lao Ai rushed to the front and couldn't help but sneer at the west gate guarded by only a dozen Qin soldiers.

Not only him, but also the many guests from the Lu Mansion and the privately-funded soldiers behind him were all overjoyed.

"Come in!"

It's time to pick fruit!

At midnight, the sounds of fighting gradually stopped. As Ding Teng and a few others retreated to Nanyang City, this frontier city was completely occupied by the Qin army in less than two hours.

At that time, the air was full of gunpowder smoke and the smell of burning. Flames were burning on the corpses, making it look like hell on earth.

Amid corpses strewn all over the ground, the Qin army filed in from the four city gates, leaving only the clanging of iron horses in the city.

"Military discipline will be lifted for two hours. Soldiers will take what they need. I want to see order restored in the city before dawn."

As the voice of Commander Zhang Ping rang out under the night sky, it was like awakening a sleeping beast and also sounding the death knell for ordinary people.

Woo! ! ! !

Wu Fengdeng stood at the city gate. The soldiers around him were howling as if they were injected with chicken blood. They were excited and crazy, and rushed into the streets one after another.

Everyone, except Wu Fengdeng's men, even his Chen Camp, joined the raging army without any permission.

For a moment, the nightmare of the people in the city began.

Burn, kill, rob, and rape.

There were screams and wails, the sound of clothes being torn, and hideous laughs and screams.

Wu Fengdeng walked on the street, leading his horse, with an expressionless face and his eyes straight ahead. His quietness was out of place with the chaotic scenes on both sides.

Can you bear to watch it?

To be honest, Wu Fengdeng couldn't bear it. As a young man who had received education in the 21st century, this kind of scene was really contrary to his values.

But how?
This world has its own rules of operation. If you are here, you have to find a way to integrate or adapt.

In short, until there is enough power to change the rules, we still have to follow the rules and respect their fate.

Perhaps these people, their fathers, brothers and children have also treated people from other countries in this way?

Wu Fengdeng could only comfort himself in this way, and at the same time he felt more and more how idealistic and naive the Jing Ke he had met before was.

But I still recognize him. This kindness is rare and precious.

The wind is whistling and the Yi River is cold, the hero will never return once he leaves, which is the best evaluation of his desire to save all living beings.

"Mr. Wu, why... don't you go?"

Qingdai followed him silently, looking at the person walking upright and quietly in front of her, and finally couldn't help but ask.


Wu Fengdeng replied indifferently, Qingdai clenched the fists hidden in his sleeves, unable to bear the torture in his ears.

"That's not a good idea. Can you go and talk to ..."

"say what?"


Qingdai wanted to say something but stopped herself. After hesitating for a while, she finally sighed deeply.

As a doctor, she hated to see this kind of scene, but she was powerless to do anything.

"Don't think too much. This is war. If the Qin State is conquered one day, the fathers, brothers and sons of these people will do the same to us."

"Don't look, just follow me."

Qingdai nodded slightly, hesitated for a moment, then reached out and grasped the hem of Wu Fengdeng's clothes, lowering her head in silence.

After the city was broken, the original Korean military camp, granary, and county government office could be used to garrison troops, and Wu Fengdeng was arranged to temporarily settle in the military camp.

Qingdai took out the medical kit and began to treat his minor injuries. Wu Fengdeng let her move him and just sat on a millstone with his eyes closed to rest.

Then, as daylight gradually rose, the riots in the city quickly ceased. Zhang Ping arranged soldiers to distribute wartime regulations in different blocks, and managed to maintain order with difficulty.

"Master Wu!"

Just then, Li Qun came running over in a hurry, and his expression seemed to indicate that he had something urgent to do.


"Just now, the army was calculating the military merits. The credit for breaking through the west gate and capturing 200 Korean soldiers all fell on someone else's head!"

Wu Fengdeng slowly opened his eyes: "Others?"

"It is... the private army of the Lu family, and the captain is called Lao Ai."

“Why did it fall back on them?”

Li Qun had a very bitter look on his face and said, "When we turned to the north gate, Lao Ai and his men took over the west gate and brought the captives out, so the military supply department believed that it was their achievement."

Wu Fengdeng just nodded silently when he heard this.

"Go and bring a prisoner here."

"it is good!"

There was already quite a commotion there, and the argument sounded quite intense.

"Brother, don't be stubborn. This guy saw that it was our Lu Mansion that brought those prisoners back. You can't say that he saw it wrong."

A swordsman's retainer crossed his arms and looked at him with a slightly teasing expression, which immediately aroused the tempers of everyone in the Chen Camp.

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

"It was Captain Wu who led us to capture the West City Gate. How did it become your achievement?"

"You're taking over the magpie's nest, huh? You shameless thing!"

"You are a bunch of good-for-nothings who only know how to hide in the back and pick fruits. I am ashamed for you!"


Their anger not only failed to make the guests in Lu's mansion angry, but instead made them burst into laughter, which was very sarcastic.

The man who was recording the military merits nearby looked extremely unhappy. He slapped the table and shouted to the people in the Chen Camp, "Don't think that just because you are the elite soldiers of the Great Qin, you can plunder military merits and break the law."

"I saw it clearly. When did the private soldiers of the Lu Mansion who came out of the west city gate see your Chen Camp?"

"Leave quickly, you have already taken the credit for attacking the North Gate, don't be greedy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the members of Chen Camp were about to retort, but they all gave way with respectful expressions.

"Master Wu!"

Wu Fengdeng's face was as cold as ice. He glanced around at the guests in Lu's mansion. His grim gaze made them all more or less frightened.

Then he grabbed a prisoner by the neck and threw him in front of everyone.

"Tell me, who was the man who killed the captain of the Twin Axe Army and occupied the west gate?"

The prisoner was surrounded by so many Qin soldiers that he was so frightened that orange-yellow liquid flowed out of his trouser legs. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Wu Fengdeng.

"It's you! It's you! Please spare my life, sir!"

How could Han Bing not remember that the young man in red armor had penetrated their defense with just one shot? He had already regarded him as a devil and did not dare to disobey him.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet. Wu Fengdeng looked at the quartermaster and said, "Change it."

 This chapter begins the battle, and I have to reveal that this stage is the main focus of the protagonists Ying Zheng and Han Fei.

  The recommended resources after listing are based on average. The author is begging the big guys to subscribe here. As I said before, I promise that there will be no spam and continuous updates, with a lot of practical information and exciting points.

  From the beginning of the book to now, the author has updated it every day. He has never taken a leave or missed an update, and there have never been any padded chapters. This is my small gift to the brothers and sisters who support genuine reading.

  I wish you all good health and a successful career~~~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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