From a small soldier in the frontier army, an immortal god of war was born

Chapter 118: The Land of Yue, the Crimson Pearl Jade Grass Appears

Chapter 118: The Land of Baiyue, the Crimson Pearl Yao Grass Appears (Please Subscribe~)

The blood of princes and kings has become numerous and complicated today, but thousands of years ago, they all led to the same result.

It still exists today, but only its shell remains; the real Great Zhou Dynasty has long been lost in history.

The King of Han knew very little about the emperor's bloodline, and there was not even a single record of it in the entire country of Korea. All the information was stored in the State of Jin hundreds of years ago, which is now the capital of the State of Zhao.

Although King Han An was shocked and full of regret, he had no choice but to face the danger of war.


Finally, he bowed his head before the black dragon.

Ying Zheng sneered, then raised his head to face the officials and said loudly: "I once promised Han Fei that Han could be destroyed, but its people should not be harmed or enslaved."

"From today on, the territory of South Korea will be incorporated into Daqin, counties will be established, the people of South Korea will be included in Daqin's nationality, the royal calendar will be promulgated, and laws will be added."

"My great Qin dragon flag will protect you from the dangers of war."

The sound spread throughout the palace, and then spread throughout the city with the wind and the spiritual energy of the seniors in the air.

"Long live my king!"

All the Qin generals and soldiers knelt down one after another, with a sound like thunder, and the former Han personnel present also knelt down.

Even the entire city of Xinzheng was kneeling in worship.

"Long live my king!"


"My child, you died so tragically for your mother~"

Somehow, Wu Fengdeng was awakened by the resentful voice. Before he opened his eyes, he saw the pale face of Nüba in the darkness.

If before she only had skin like a dead person, her face still had a human look, but now her eyes were empty and crawling with maggots, her face was covered with rotten flesh and sores, her broken teeth were exposed, and she was extremely creepy.

He saw her holding him tightly and shaking him, with her pus-filled tongue dangling in front of him.

"Unfilial son, unfilial son, I will drag you to hell with me!"

Wu Fengdeng's body shuddered instantly, and hazy chaos flashed before his eyes at a rapid speed.

I opened my eyes and vaguely saw a ray of sunlight hanging above me.

Feel the body.

Then I felt indescribably weak, as if a mountain was pressing down on every inch of my skin, making it difficult to move.


He spoke, but it was a hoarse cry.

Then a pretty face popped out from above, with a long and thick pigtail shaking.

"Hey, you finally woke up!"

She used her two small hands to pry open Wu Fengdeng's eyes, and his vision became much clearer. Then she took a wet handkerchief and wiped Wu Fengdeng's face. After wiping away the eye boogers, he finally felt much more comfortable.

"Where am I...?"

He felt his body shaking, and the sunlight hitting his face was also breaking and shaking.

"In the car! We are on our way back to Xianyang now."

"Did you win?"

"Yeah, the Wei State withdrew its troops, and..."

With Qingdai's brief narration, Wu Fengdeng also understood what happened during the two days he was unconscious.

In the last battle of Hechi City, one of the two main generals of the Wei army died and the other was seriously injured. Coincidentally, Xinzheng was captured at this time and the King of Han was captured. The war between Qin and Han was completely over.

Therefore, the Wei army had to return without success, with less than 8,000 remaining soldiers.

In this way, the territory of Han was completely incorporated into the Qin State, and Ying Zheng fulfilled his promise to Han Fei. He did not carry out any massacres of cities or villages, and sent a large number of military officials to reorganize and reshape various places.

This included Hechi City, so they were able to return to Xianyang so confidently, as their mission was successfully completed.

Wu Fengdeng blinked his eyes instead of nodding, and then asked, "Where is General Zhang Ping?"

In the battle with Nüba, Han Ping was seriously injured, exhausted all his blood and energy, and in his last vision, he was pierced by a wooden stake. His condition was extremely serious.

As expected, when talking about Zhang Ping, Qing Dai sighed deeply: "General Zhang Ping was seriously injured and died."

Hearing this, Wu Fengdeng's eyes flashed with a hint of loneliness and his breathing became heavy.

Still couldn't make it through.

Wu Fengdeng felt quite guilty towards his savior in times of crisis. After all, he sacrificed himself to save him, and he could only make up for this favor to the Zhang family in the future.

"Where are Han Fei, Jing Ke and the others?"

"The two young masters are not seriously injured, they are just exhausted. However, after Young Master Jing Ke woke up, he said he had something important to do in the Kingdom of Yan."

"Oh, by the way, he also asked me to tell you something. He has also made great contributions in defending the city this time. He doesn't want any gold or silver. You just need to ask the king for a glass of wine on his behalf. I will have the opportunity to meet you for wine in the future."

Wu Fengdeng smiled helplessly. Jing Ke was really impetuous and even refused to go to Xianyang with him.

In this way, his idea of ​​bringing him to meet Ying Zheng, so that they could get acquainted and have a good relationship, and perhaps there would not be the tragedy of Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, was completely shattered.

Maybe, I really can't change anything?

The phantom of Nüba hung above his head, grinning grimly: "Although I failed to kill you, I have seen your future, hahaha!"

"What good will it do if you live? In the future, you will definitely see your brothers killing each other and becoming enemies!"

"Life is worse than death. I'll make you live a life worse than death. Hahahaha!"

Wu Fengdeng frowned and tilted his head, and asked, "Does that old witch have an antidote?"

When she said this, the distress on Qingdai's face became even more intense. She took out a leather bag from the ground and poured out everything.

"Sir, it stands to reason that the person who poisoned the body would put the antidote on the body when refining the poison, but I searched the body and couldn't find the antidote. I really don't know where she got this poison from!"

Looking at the sundries scattered on the table, Wu Fengdeng felt a little heavier.

He fought desperately with Nuba in order to get the antidote to the poison, but in the end, it was all in vain.

Could it be that I really won’t survive the three months?
"Huh? What is this?"

At this moment, Qingdai suddenly screamed, and saw that the green bamboo in her hand suddenly split into two halves, and a bamboo leaf with red spots fell out from it.

"This bamboo leaf is so strange. Why are there so many red spots? It looks like it was splashed with blood."

"That's not right. Blood should be black and red after it's splashed, but it's too bright. It looks like it just splashed there."

Qingdai held the bamboo leaf and looked at it carefully, with a look of confusion on her face.

"Let me see it." Wu Fengdeng's eyes lit up instantly when he saw this strange thing.

Now that the antidote cannot be found on Nüba, any strange thing may be related to the antidote.

The blood-spattered bamboo leaves were held in the air by Wu Fengdeng. When he got closer, he could see that the red dots were bright, the green was rich, and there was a faint scent of an unknown medicine.

"This thing..."

Wu Fengdeng couldn't see any clues at first.

However, when a little sunlight flashed through the car window, some fine lines suddenly appeared on the blood-spattered bamboo leaves!
"Open the window."

Wu Fengdeng understood instantly. After Qingdai opened all the car curtains, the blood-spattered bamboo leaves finally changed under the large swathe of sunlight.

The translucent and glowing patterns on it are actually a large number of tiny handwritings!

Wu Fengdeng squinted and saw the words written on it: [Shang Li, this hysterical Gu was implanted not long ago. It will take three months for it to fully exert its effect. Use it with caution. In addition, I have heard rumors that the Crimson Pearl Yao Grass has appeared in the land of Baiyue in the south. I hope you can go to Baiyue to find out.]

"Hysterical Gu... So this is its name, the land of Baiyue, the red pearl grass..."

Wu Fengdeng muttered in his heart, and then his head suddenly shook, and he said in surprise: "Jiangzhu Yaocao!"

"Qingdai, did you say before that the Red Pearl Herb is a herb that has been recorded but never appeared?!"

Qingdai was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "That's right, until now, the Crimson Pearl Yaocao has never really appeared in the eyes of doctors."

She held the blood-spattered bamboo leaf in front of her doubtfully, looked at it against the light with wide eyes, and was suddenly surprised.

"The Land of Baiyue!"

In addition to these vassal states near the Central Plains, there are other national tribes in the north and south of China.

Outside the Great Wall in the north, they were collectively called Rongdi; to the south of the Chu border, they were collectively called Baiyue.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the land of Baiyue was still a complete and powerful Yue State, and its king Gou Jian was also the last overlord to attend the alliance.

However, the Yue Kingdom was defeated in the war and split into many tribes, which were called the Baiyue.

I didn’t expect that there was a rumor that there was a red pearl herb in this place!
Qing Dai said excitedly: "Master Wu, Baiyue is full of wetland fog and miasma, which is quite consistent with the water nature of the Crimson Pearl Yao Grass. This rumor is probably true!"

Although he didn't find the antidote from Nüba, Wu Fengdeng's trip was not in vain with this clue.

As long as he can successfully find the Crimson Pearl Herb, he can go to the doctor's house to exchange it for the Jingxin Lake Water, which can also wash away the hysteria in his body.

Mountain darkly, vista!
Wu Fengdeng's hope, which had been dormant, was rekindled. He smiled calmly and said, "Return to Xianyang to rest for a few days and then leave for Baiyue. Help me up first."

"it is good!"

Under Qingdai's careful care, Wu Fengdeng was able to regain some mobility by the evening of this day. Although he still could not get out of bed, he could still move his arms.

When it is quiet, the Mirror of Victory will be opened.

He had been busy with the battles these days and had not yet properly sorted out his gains.

First of all, after the spearman is perfected, the domineering spear intent is condensed. After the last battle with Nüba, it can be found that it can also be attached to the spear and used, which can greatly increase the power, break the dimensional confinement of spiritual energy, and the consumption is not large.

If used continuously, half an hour should be fine. When necessary, it can be used as a killer move to kill Tuodan in the early stages.

The next step is the martial art "Underworld Blood Arrow" that is acquired after the "Guaranteed Hit" skill is perfected. It truly elevates the skill of "Guaranteed Hit" to the conceptual level, which means that you can hit the target even in the sky or in the underworld.

However, although its power is great, it also consumes a lot of energy. Using it once can consume all his energy and blood, making it difficult for him to maintain subsequent actions.

Just like the domineering spear intent, it should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

The next day, Wu Fengdeng's injuries stabilized and he was able to get out of bed and move around. He rode a horse and strolled around during the march, gaining a brief understanding of the post-war situation.

After Han Ping's death, Ding Teng temporarily took over the position of commander-in-chief and led the entire army to retreat.

There were only 7,000 Qin troops left, and 4,000 of them were Black Dragon Riders. Only 3,000 of the 60,000 troops were left.

Wu Fengdeng had 800 people in three battalions, and less than 400 were left. The overall loss was heavy, and almost all of them were killed.

Fortunately, the results achieved at such a painful cost were very gratifying. They blocked a full 150,000 Wei troops from supporting South Korea and annihilated more than 100,000 enemies. The main force of the Qin army was able to open the front line without any worries and push forward all the way.

If merit is counted, the military achievement of the battle of Hechi City is comparable to that of conquering Xinzheng, and promotions to higher positions are inevitable for those who survived.

Sure enough, not long after they returned to Xianyang, Ying Zheng set up a military merit meeting and rewarded all the Qin troops who went on the expedition according to their merits.

There were twenty levels of military merit in total. All the quartermasters and eunuchs in Xianyang worked all night and for three days to list them one by one.

The rewards varied. Most of the troops in the three battalions of Chen, Si and Wu led by Wu Fengdeng were awarded the eighth level of military merit, and each of them was awarded 100 taels of silver and three acres of land.

After the ordinary soldiers were rewarded, it was the turn of the generals to give personal rewards. Wu Fengdeng, as the vanguard captain of the Fire Armor Army, was also among them as an exception.

"Wu Fengdeng, the captain of the third battalion of the Fire Armor Army, fought bravely in the attack on Nanyang and the defense of Hechi City. He repeatedly broke through the enemy's positions and achieved three achievements in being the first to reach the city."

"Also, he killed two Wei Wuzu at the Tongjing realm and two deputy generals at the Tuodan realm. One of them was a Wei Wuzu at the Tuodan realm. His combat record is second to none at the school lieutenant level, and he is also among the best at the deputy general level!"

"Therefore, with the king's permission, I have made an exception and granted you the 14th-level Right Guard title, promoted you to the position of Vanguard Lieutenant General, awarded you a thousand taels of silver, and granted you a fief of five hundred households!"

Wu Fengdeng's battle report is the longest and most detailed so far, even some generals' reports are more concise than his.

However, apart from a few people like Lao Ai, no one had any dissatisfaction or criticism about this. After all, Wu Fengdeng had made great military achievements, and everyone who saw him would be convinced.

It was unprecedented to kill a Wei Wuzu of the same level with the cultivation level of the middle stage of Tongjing, not to mention killing the deputy general of Tuodan realm alone and working together with others to kill the Wei Wuzu of Tuodan realm.

With such a record in the entire army, basically no one dared to look down on him. After all, those generals and commanders did not have such brilliant achievements when they were in the Tongjing realm.

When the figure in red and black armor from the Fire Armor Army walked up the stairs to the stage, the generals below exclaimed in admiration at his young and handsome face.

"He's only twenty years old. Tsk tsk, the young are really formidable!"

"No wonder the king values ​​him so much. It is a great fortune for Great Qin to have such a talent!"

"Great talent! He is truly a great talent! Even better than Wu Anjun back then."

"Master Wang is so lucky to have such a subordinate!"


If their previous respectful attitude towards Wu Fengdeng was still due to the influence of Ying Zheng, their current respect was completely out of admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

After the meeting.

Wu Fengdeng still went to the military camp first, one to inspect the new recruits who had just arrived, and the other to hand over the post of deputy general.

As the deputy general, he commanded seven battalions with more than 2,000 men, and had three colonels and seven generals. When they stood together, they formed a fairly large army.

After a brief lecture, it was already night and Wu Fengdeng was able to return to the courtyard he had been away from for a long time.

"Brother Fengdeng!"

As soon as he opened the door, Jiang Qiyu appeared in the small courtyard under the sparse silver moonlight. She excitedly threw herself into his arms and rubbed her delicate little face against his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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