Chapter 178 Fusang Heart (Please subscribe~)

"This... this is impossible. I personally supervised the making of the coffin!"

Wang Xu was really shocked when he saw this.

When he was clearing the battlefield, he directly ordered some wood to be obtained and the coffin was made on the spot. He even personally watched how the rivets were nailed on.

How come there was a big hole down there in half a year?
Wu Fengdeng also frowned and said in a deep voice: "It must be the work of the Yin-Yang family. Most likely something has happened to the corpse inside. Open it up."

Two soldiers rushed forward to remove the nails, opened the lid, and after digging out some dirt inside, they revealed a skeleton.

It looked like the flesh and blood had already rotted away, leaving only bones. From the clothes, one could tell that it was the corpse of Nüba.

But Shaodian's body was not found nearby.

"One is missing? Pretend to be dead?!"

Listening to Wang Xu's disbelief, Wu Fengdeng said slowly: "It seems that Shao Ding inside is indeed not dead, or he has come back to life and sneaked away after breaking through the bottom of the coffin."

"There's never been any sign of someone breaking the ground here. Could it be that they dug a tunnel and escaped?"

"No, it should be from that well."

Wu Fengdeng looked at the well next to him and immediately fell into deep thought.

"It doesn't matter how he escaped. What matters is that Shao Dian has the ability to bring the dead back to life."

"That Dark Blood Arrow did kill Shao Dian, which can be seen from Nüba's reaction at the time. But now his body is gone. No matter how outrageous it is, it means that he is still alive."

"But if he is alive, why would the mountain ghost come here? All that is left is the remains of Nüba. Is this body still useful?"

"If it's useful, why doesn't Shaoding just take it away?"

Wu Fengdeng was filled with mysteries. He then approached the coffin, fiddled with it, and finally found some clues.

The ribs at the heart of Nüba's corpse were broken. Judging from the broken bones, it was not caused by him stabbing it with the tip of his gun, but was broken by someone.

Is Shaodian going to break open Nüba's body?
What do you want to get?

Wu Fengdeng continued to clean the dirt, and suddenly his fingers seemed to touch something soft.

A faint but real heartbeat sounded in his ears.


Wu Fengdeng's pupils trembled slightly, he reached forward and suddenly took out a gray heart!
In an instant, everyone present felt a bone-chilling chill.

Wang Xu and others took a deep breath.

heart? !
The body was rotten, but the heart was still intact!

Not only was it intact, the heart was beating continuously in Wu Fengdeng's hand. Although the amplitude was small, he could really feel it.

This is a living heart!
Wu Fengdeng was stunned for a moment, he clearly remembered that he had penetrated into Nüba's heart. Logically, the heart should have been the first to die, but why was it still intact?
Then he understood.

"What the mountain ghost wants must be the heart of Nüba!"

"This may be an important and special object for the Yin-Yang family, so they sent the mountain ghost to Hechi City to look for it."

"But why didn't Shaodian take it with him when he escaped? He is a powerful figure in the Yin-Yang family, so he should know the importance of this heart."

"Let me takes several months for a corpse to decay naturally, which means Shaodian may have resurrected not long after being put into the coffin, and then wanted to break open Nüba's corpse and get the heart."

"Then, perhaps because the cost of resurrection was too high and his strength was limited, he gave up after trying, at most breaking his ribs, and used all his strength to dig open the coffin and escape."

"This explanation is very likely. After all, people value their own lives the most. In comparison, saving one's own life is more important."

"Or maybe the heart would have caused a fluctuation in its aura when it was taken out, which could easily attract Wang Xu's attention. He was stationed here at the time, so this explanation is also reasonable."

"Anyway, he then returned to the Yin-Yang family and took advantage of the war to have the mountain ghost retrieve the heart."

Wu Fengdeng breathed a sigh of relief, finally figuring out the whole story. After briefly explaining it to Wang Xu, the latter also suddenly understood and asked, "Then what should we do with this heart?"

"The Taoists are the ones who know the most about the secrets of the Yin-Yang School, so it's best to keep this heart and let the Taoists take a look at it later."

"Well, that's fine."

Wu Fengdeng then placed the heart in the coffin, and the beating heartbeat in his ears gradually stopped.

It seems that this coffin is indeed prepared for this heart!

Wu Fengdeng closed the lid and then seemed to think of something.

Since Nüba’s heart is useful, can we say that the internal organs of all the gods of the Yin-Yang School may be useful?
Similar to inheritance!
Thinking of this, Wu Fengdeng quickly sent a carrier pigeon to Handan, Dai County. After all, He Bo and Shao Siming died there.

Especially the higher level Shao Siming is worthy of attention!

At the same time, in the snow.

The mountain ghost's hunched and dilapidated body stood quietly, with five corpses and a blood pit on the ground in front of him.

The mountain ghost looked at this scene in disbelief, his old teeth trembling with shock.

for a long time.

"Who did this!!!"


Late at night, Wu Fengdeng took a short rest in the room for half an hour before going out again.

"General Wu, the carriage you requested is ready!"

A groom came forward and bowed respectfully.

Behind him was a chariot drawn by three horses, all of which were red horses that could travel a thousand miles a day.

"Move this coffin up." Wu Fengdeng pointed to the black coffin next to him.


The soldiers nearby stepped forward and lifted the coffin onto the carriage together, then covered the thatched curtain as Wu Fengdeng instructed.

At this time, Wang Xu also stepped over and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? You have come from a long way, why don't you take a rest?"

It is more than 800 miles from Xuanyuan Pass to here. Even riding a horse would be bumpy and tiring, not to mention that he has not stopped yet.

Wu Fengdeng said slowly: "It will be a nuisance if this thing is left outside. I will go find someone to take a look and then make a decision."

"I don't think there will be any big problems here. The mountain ghost will soon find out that this thing is not in Hechi City and will definitely go to Xuanyuan Pass. By then, only Le Gan will be left. You can handle it."

Wang Xu smiled bitterly and said, "If that's the case, the mountain ghost will definitely come to trouble you."

"It doesn't matter. I'm waiting for him." Wu Fengdeng waved his hand, not caring much.

He had thought carefully about transporting the heart back to Xuanyuan Pass.

If this thing is left in Hechi City, the mountain ghost will certainly not give in. Add in Le Gan who is eager to avenge his brother, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

If it is transported out of Hechi City and sent to Xinzheng, it will inevitably attract the attention of the mountain ghost, and he will intercept it after he finds something wrong.

Hechi City is more than 2,000 miles away from Xinzheng, and I'm afraid that I will be intercepted by mountain ghosts before I even get there.

But it would be different if it was sent to Xuanyuan Pass. The two cities were only 800 miles apart. If it went smoothly, it could arrive before dawn, and it might even get there before the mountain ghost.

As for whether he would dare to break in alone in the future, Wu Fengdeng was not worried at all, and was even happy to see it. After all, if he joined forces with Jiang Qiyu, there was still a great possibility that he could keep him, and in this way the results of the battle would be expanded, and both sides would have the best of both worlds.

Seeing Wu Fengdeng so confident, Wang Xu didn't say anything more. He just took out a gourd from his waist, knocked it on his palm, and took out a pill the size of a red date.

"General Wu, this is a special spirit-gathering pill made by my Wang family. It can assist in the formation and cultivation of spirit pills. It is commonly used in the Qi-storing stage, but it can also be used in the later stages of the Tuodan stage, and the effect is better."

"Although this was a military order from Xinzheng, at least you saved my life. This medicine is my personal reward. Please accept it."

Wu Fengdeng's eyes lit up when he saw the Soul Gathering Pill.

What a good thing!

"Then I won't be polite."

"Haha, take it."

After putting the Spirit Gathering Pill in his pocket, Wu Fengdeng did not waste any more time. He got on the carriage and said goodbye to Wang Xu.

However, Hechi City was now surrounded, so Wu Fengdeng could only take the Qin army’s private corridor, bypassing the Wei army and heading east.

And in the Wei army camp.

The fire pit was burning with charcoal, filling the tent with warmth, but it was terribly cold around Le Gan and Shan Gui.

"Mr. Du, do you mean that the secret of your Yin-Yang family has been discovered?" Le Gan asked with a frown.

Shan Gui whispered, "It's not certain yet, but the wheel tracks on the road do lead to Hechi City, and Wu Fengdeng was the only one outside during that time period."

"Now that they have found and taken the coffin away, I wonder if they will find that place."

Having said this, he sighed deeply.

Still careless!
Having learned that there was only one Wang Xu stationed here, he set off first without waiting for the coffin to be completed.

Originally, I thought that there was only one Wang Xu, and no matter what he said, he could take over Hechi City within a few days. By then, the coffin could be completed and everything would be done smoothly.

But unexpectedly, when the mission was about to be accomplished today, something went wrong because of Wu Fengdeng. Not only did Wang Xu not die, but even the coffin was intercepted!
Le Gan asked, "Mr. Du, can you tell me what you want? Once I know, I can help you more clearly."

The mountain ghost turned around upon hearing this, his eyes suddenly becoming dangerously cold.

"General Le, it's better not to ask. This is a secret that Lord Dongjun and Lord Wei have agreed on."

"Okay, so what are you going to do?"

The mountain ghost paused and said, "Well, let's launch another attack in an hour and try to get it back before they find out, or kill them completely!"

"You...are not afraid of death?"

"What, what are you talking about!" the mountain ghost scolded quickly.

Le Gan sneered and said, "It's just a joke, Mr. Du, don't take it seriously."

"Huh, when are you joking?"

The mountain ghost curled his lips and rolled his eyes.

Of course he was scared to death!
After finally getting a chance to live forever, who would want to risk their life for the chance?

But now it seems that he has no choice but to fight, but he also has his own plans.

The first thing is to ensure that he does not die. Secondly, he does not care whether Le Gan dies or not. If it really comes to that kind of emergency, he can pull him over to block the disaster.

Shan Gui has been accumulating strength silently for so many years, so he can still do this.

Unexpectedly, Le Gan said, "Mr. Du, it's okay to attack again, but it has to be at dawn at the earliest. Now that the soldiers have just finished fighting, they have to leave some time to rest, right?"


Shan Gui subconsciously wanted to get angry, but when he thought that they were in the Wei army camp, he compromised.

"I hope Wu Fengdeng doesn't find out so early!"

However, at this moment, the Wu Fengdeng he mentioned was already driving a carriage, dragging his coffin and Nüba's heart across the vast snowfield.

Clack, clack~~
The wheels of the car made a clanging sound, and Wu Fengdeng found a comfortable sitting position and leaned against the coffin.

The loud cries of the red horse echoed under the night sky.


The journey was exactly as Wu Fengdeng had expected. When the first rays of dawn appeared through the clouds in the sky ahead, the familiar outline of Xuanyuan Pass gradually enlarged before his eyes.

Looking at the Qin army deployed in an orderly manner and the figures of the people walking back and forth inside the city gate, he felt relieved.

It seems that nothing happened during this period.

"General Wu is back!"

As the defenders on the city wall shouted excitedly, all the deputy generals gathered together, including Li Qun who had previously gone to Xinzheng.

After Wu Fengdeng exchanged a few pleasantries with them, he asked Li Qun, "Did you encounter any unexpected events along the way?"

The latter shook his head and said with a smile: "General, everything went well on the way. After handing Le Huang over to General Wang Ben in person, I hurried back."

"Ah That's good."

Wu Fengdeng waved his hand to disperse them and brought the coffin to the county government office.

After a moment, Jiang Qiyu looked at the dead and motionless heart and fell into deep thought, then took it in his hand again.

As soon as he left the coffin, his heart began to beat slowly and rhythmically.

"Did you see anything?" Wu Fengdeng asked.

Jiang Qiyu nodded slowly and explained: "Brother Fengdeng, there seems to be some breath of Fusang power in this heart."

"Because of its blessing, it can continue to survive when the physical body dies and decays."


Wu Fengdeng was slightly shocked.

She added: "It probably won't reach that level, but it should be able to last for a long time."

"I heard from my master before that the Yin-Yang School used the trunk of the Fusang tree to make many strange things. It is undeniable that their research on Fusang is even deeper than that of the Taoists. It is not impossible that such things exist."

Wu Fengdeng was relieved after hearing this: "If that's the case, then how should we deal with it? Since there is Fusang's power in it, it should be beneficial to you, right?"

Jiang Qiyu carefully sensed it for a moment, and then agreed: "Indeed, I seem to be able to absorb the power of Fusang."

As early as a year ago, after her body was transformed by the hibiscus bark, she had a very close connection with the hibiscus tree. There was no other such connection in the entire Shenzhou continent.

Therefore, it is reasonable for me to absorb the power of Fuso.

"That's great. Of course, the more things that are beneficial to cultivation, the better. Who knows, you might be able to advance to the Qi Conservation Realm with this."

Wu Fengdeng finally felt relieved and was very satisfied.

This time, not only did he help Wang Xu out of trouble, but he also obtained a Spirit Gathering Pill, which also brought an opportunity to Jiang Qiyu.

It seems that this trip was the right one!
(End of this chapter)

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