Chapter 189: Besieged City
Today, the territory of Wei State is very empty. In addition, it is the middle of winter in the first month of the year, and the grass and trees are withered, making it feel quite desolate to walk in.

In fact, compared with other vassal states, Wei State was already extremely decadent, and its population density was even lower than that of the small Wei State.

The root cause was the King of Wei's warlike nature. Faced with the country's declining national strength year after year, he not only did not try to find a way to rectify the situation, but instead wanted to place his hopes of regaining his strength on foreign wars.

To put it bluntly, they want to fill the domestic void through plunder.

But he didn't realize that the Wei State was now short of famous generals and its national strength was declining. Even with a strong army, it would be difficult to win a battle.

Moreover, the more they fight, the more food, fodder and military pay they consume, and the worse the domestic situation becomes. It's a vicious cycle.

Qin was also a warlike country, but it had sufficient national strength to support it, so it was able to win victory after victory. Wei obviously wanted to follow suit, but it didn't know that this would only make the situation worse.

Years of endless wars caused the situation of Wei, which was already lagging behind among the seven states, to take a sharp turn for the worse. It was now almost a situation where no roosters crowed for thousands of miles and the fields were barren and the land was in ruins.

At least when Wu Fengdeng and others were traveling through it, the villages they passed by were already deserted, with able-bodied men being conscripted into the army, women, children, the elderly and the young starving to death or freezing to death, and corpses everywhere.

Some civilians who were still surviving stood hunched on the roadside, wearing tattered clothes and looking extremely skinny, looking lifeless.

Even in a fairly large town, there is little smoke from cooking fires, and the air is filled with a deadly and depressing atmosphere.

"It seems that the State of Wei is really fighting a desperate battle this time, putting its entire national destiny on the line. If it succeeds, it will have a chance to turn the tide, but if it fails... it will probably perish without a fight."

Wu Fengdeng was sitting in the carriage with a little emotion. Jiang Qiyu, who was standing beside him, also felt sympathy and wanted to share some food with the hungry people outside, but after hesitating for a moment, he gave up and sighed heavily.

This is nothing like her original situation. In this world, even staying alive has become a luxury.

She wanted to save them, but she knew that her ability was far from enough, and these military rations were the food for their isolated army to survive and should not be used lightly.

After all, they had no support or supplies, and prey was scarce in this icy and snowy environment, making food even more precious.

Jiang Qiyu moved closer to Wu Fengdeng and held his arm, which seemed to make him feel more at ease.

Han Fei sat aside and smiled bitterly: "The State of Wei has long been riddled with holes. Its demise is only a matter of time. Perhaps if the Qin State takes over, this place can regain its vitality."

"This battle is to destroy Wei, right?"

He looked back at Wu Fengdeng and just nodded slightly without saying much.

Wu Fengdeng didn't ask any further questions. He just knew that Han Fei's high-profile attack on Daliang was definitely not just to relieve the pressure on Xinzheng.

It's just that things are accomplished through secrecy and ruined by disclosure. He must be afraid of something if he doesn't want to say more, so there's no point asking more questions.

After marching for a day and a night, they did meet some officers and soldiers along the way, but they seemed to be even more timid. When they saw them, they avoided them as much as possible, just like mice seeing a cat.

It's no wonder. The war is intense now and almost all the able-bodied men in the country have been captured. The next step must be to recruit private armies from local officials. So when they see the army, they will run away if they can, for fear of being caught and sent to the front line.

This made it very convenient for Wu Fengdeng and others, and they reached the vicinity of Daliang with almost no obstacles.

It was a slope. Wu Fengdeng stood on the rock and looked out at the city of Daliang on the flat ground below. This capital city was quite majestic, three times larger than Xianyang and Handan. It crawled on the snow like a prehistoric beast.

Their 30,000 people besieging the city...seems like it's not enough.

"You should have brought more people." Wu Fengdeng scratched his head and said.

Han Fei smiled calmly and said, "Don't worry, Brother Wu. It will definitely be enough. Here they come." The folding fan snapped shut, and Wu Fengdeng followed it and saw a figure running on the snow in the distance. It was the scout that Han Fei had sent in earlier.

"Master Han, General Wu, I have accomplished your mission!"

He was dressed in a linen shirt and a tattered hat, looking like a typical city poor.

"Tell me about the situation in the city."


The scout took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Han Fei, then said, "According to my observation, there are only 5,000 imperial guards in the city, and the private armies of various families add up to more than 10,000."

"Daliang has a lack of military forces and generals are also very rare. According to the information obtained by my subordinates, at least on the surface, there are only two generals from the Gongsun family and the Le family, and a eunuch in the palace who is at the Qi Conservation Realm."

"As for the masters of the Qi Conservation Realm from other royal families, such as the Gongsun family, the Le family, etc., they have basically all been sent out to attack Yingchuan County."

After listening to his brief report, Wu Fengdeng looked at the city defense map on the paper again. It turned out that the defense was very weak, especially at the southwest end.

"Looking at this, maybe we can take Daliang City in one fell swoop this time." He said thoughtfully.

Thirty thousand people attacked a city with fifteen thousand garrisons. The difference between them and the powerful men in the Qi Containment Realm was almost the same. Considering all aspects comprehensively, it can be said that they were evenly matched.

If we try our best, feint attacks on three sides while attacking from the main side, and use some tricks, we may be able to take it in one fell swoop.

Han Fei shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "It is better to be cautious. The scouts can only collect superficial information. There is no guarantee that there may be no hermits or masters in Daliang City."

"A centipede is still alive even after it dies, so it is better to be cautious."

Wu Fengdeng nodded when he heard this. It was indeed true: "Then let's siege the city as planned."

The 30,000-strong army put on the original Qin armor and flags on the spot, and then marched down the mountain road. Under the leadership of deputy generals from each department, they were divided into four waves as planned and surrounded Daliang City.

Boom boom boom!
The sound of war drums and horns suddenly rang out in this peaceful world. The iron horses, long spears, and black water dragon flags were truly like a divine army descending from the sky as the drummers and buglers did their best to create momentum.

“Qin Qin Qin…Qin Jun!”

The Wei army on the top of Daliang city were frightened, their eyes widened and they couldn't speak clearly.

"Hurry and report to the king, the Qin army is invading! The Qin army is invading!"

A hoarse shout resounded through the sky.

Da Da Da~
The war horses galloped through the city following the sound, and the Wei soldiers on them jumped off and stumbled into the palace gate. Faced with the guards who came forward to be alert after hearing the sound, they had no time to explain and just kept saying "Qin army, Qin army".

Then he pushed away the stunned guards in front of him and rushed into the hall in a hurry. However, he accidentally tripped over the threshold and fell to the ground, which surprised all the ministers.

"Why are you so panicked?"

An angry voice came from the throne.

"My lord, it's bad. The Qin army is invading! The Qin army is invading!"

 Sorry everyone, I have a backache these days and it is very uncomfortable to sit for a long time. Today I will start with 4k to adjust my condition. From tomorrow onwards, I will continue with 8k~
(End of this chapter)

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