From a small soldier in the frontier army, an immortal god of war was born

Chapter 54: Torturing prisoners of war; amazing archery skills

Chapter 54: Torturing prisoners of war; amazing archery skills (please read on~)

Another thing worth worrying about is the morale of the Wei army!
At the beginning, they were well prepared and their morale was high, but as Yang Jianwen's vanguard troops laid siege to the city below, built fortifications, and conducted drills in an orderly manner.

There are even bonfires at night, singing and dancing!
Such a confident look made the soldiers in the city panic, and their morale became lower and lower.

"General Le, the lowly people of Wei State are too timid. If this continues, it will be disadvantageous to us. What do you think..."

Wang Qi frowned and wiped the sweat from his forehead.


The stone in Le Ji's hand shattered!

"Since they won't attack the city, let's give them some excitement!"

He turned to ask Wang Qi: "How many of the prisoners of war are Wei people?"

"There are about... 1,200 people still alive!"

"Pick up all those who were previously high-ranking or high-ranking and bring them to the city wall. Also, take as many torture instruments as you can find from the death row!"

Looking at Le Ji's cruel and ferocious eyes, Wang Qi suddenly trembled all over and shuddered.

He is truly worthy of being the descendant of Lingshou Jun Leyang, who ate his own children and cooked their meat.


The sun is scorching at noon.

Wu Fengdeng tried several times, but he still couldn't pull the Wind-Tearing Bow in his hands with both arms.

This bow is cyan in color and more than four feet long. It is a bow that is worth a thousand pounds. It was once used by Yang Jianwen, but later he put it in the army's armory to collect dust when he focused on spears.

Wu Fengdeng wanted to test his limits, but it turned out that relying on the strength of his arms was too much. He estimated that he would have to be in the late stage of the Strong Bone Realm to reach his full potential.

"At present, the weight of 700 to 800 kilograms is more suitable. Let's put the Wind-tearing Bow aside for now."

Suddenly, a dull horn sound pierced the sky, shaking the clouds in the sky into pieces.

Wu Fengdeng subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and many soldiers in the camp also stood up and looked around in confusion.

"Who blew the trumpet?"

"The rhythm is not like our Weiguo's."

"It's Chuqiu's side!"

"That's... God!"

Many people noticed the unusual phenomenon on the top of Chuqiu City, and Wu Fengdeng also climbed onto the carriage to look over.

There were a lot of people on the city wall. In addition to the soldiers in armor, there was also a large group of people wearing white prison uniforms and tied to wooden stakes!
They were men and women, young and old, all covered in scars and blood, and tortured beyond recognition.

Is this... a prisoner?
While Wu Fengdeng was frowning in confusion, Wang Qi, dressed in a blue official robe, stood in the center, rolled up his sleeves, gathered all the energy and blood in his body, and spoke.

"The guards below!"

The sound rolled away, drifting downwards with endless echoes.

"To surround without attacking is like being a turtle hiding in the water!"

"And you still call yourself the vanguard army!"

"I think you are the dung beetle army!"

Wang Qi put his hands on his hips, his face flushed red, looking like a shrew.

But it feels so good to curse.


"Did you see them?!!!"

Wang Qi took the whip from the subordinate next to him and lashed it hard at the nearest patriotic prisoner of war. Blood splattered everywhere and a large piece of flesh was torn off.

The prisoners howled in pain and convulsed all over.

"Ah hahaha!"

Wang Qi laughed grimly and said, "These are all prisoners of war defending the country!"

"Your brothers!"

“Relatives and close friends!”

"Everyone is finally here!"

"I'll open your eyes today!"

"Look at our Wei's torture instruments!"

After Wang Qi finished speaking, the jailers next to the prisoners of war picked up iron hooks, branding shovels, gouges and other torture instruments and tortured them madly.

In an instant, hysterical howls of pain rose one after another in the vast world.

The prisoners' faces were distorted, their teeth were broken, and a mixture of blood and tears flowed down their bodies.


It hurts so much!
They had tried all kinds of torture instruments in prison, so they shouldn't have had such a strong reaction.

But at this moment and in this place, he was suffering this punishment in front of countless of his former comrades-in-arms.

Compared to physical torture, the pain in the heart is the most deadly.

The sad wind brought misery into the eyes of the guards below, and countless soldiers quickly turned red-eyed and gnashed their teeth. Watching their former comrades being tortured like this, this heart-wrenching pain made it difficult to breathe, blocked the anger in their hearts, and almost drove them crazy!

The sounds of clenching fists and gritting teeth continued.

"We must kill these bastards!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Archers! Archers!"

At that moment, a large number of archers drew their bows and drew their arrows, using all their strength to shoot arrows, which gathered into a black sky in an instant.

However, they only flew to the upper half of the city wall and then had no strength to land. None of them could fly up, let alone kill the enemy.

There was no way. There was a moat between them, and the city wall was extremely high, at least 500 meters in a straight line. An ordinary bow could not shoot that far.

And even if they could reach it, the winds in the air were huge, and the Wei army was no bigger than rice grains in the naked eye, so they would be impossible to aim at.

The two natural barriers could only make them more sad and angry.

"Hahaha! Didn't you guys eat?!"

Wang Qi ridiculed him even more unscrupulously upon seeing this, and the Wei soldiers around him also laughed and joked.

It is more heart-wrenching than the wailing of prisoners of war.

"Brother down there!"

"Leave us alone!"

"Don't attack a siege, don't attack a siege!"

Among the prisoners of war, a former general had his limbs nailed to wooden stakes, his meridians were destroyed, and even though he was being tortured, he was still screaming at the top of his lungs.

As the former general of the Wei Army, he naturally understood the purpose of the Wei Army.

"That, that's General Zhao Tianshun!"

In the vanguard army, some soldiers who originally served in the Zhao family immediately recognized the voice.

Zhao Tianshun was originally the cousin of the current Zhao Tiande. He had made great military achievements, but unfortunately he was captured by the Wei State in the last war and has never been released.

Now the State of Wei is actually targeting him!

The vanguard troops were filled with righteous indignation, and some of the soldiers who were originally under Zhao Tianshun's command were even ready to charge with red eyes.


"I want Wei to die!"

"Release General Zhao!"

"Someone can shoot them to death! Someone can shoot them to death!"



Wang Qi listened to the roar below, and immediately grinned with disdain. Then he walked to Zhao Tianshun and raised his hand to whip him!

The deep scars revealed the bones.

Zhao Tianshun didn't say a word.

"General Zhao, why are you so stubborn? It's been three years. Tell me what you want?"

Wang Qi smacked his lips and sneered, "It would have been great if you had surrendered earlier. Now you are enjoying the good life, and even I have to be respectful to you."

"Unfortunately, you are just a stone in the toilet, smelly and hard!"

"Do you regret being so embarrassed today in front of your former subordinates?"

The wrinkles on his face twisted, and then he raised his hand and whipped again!
"Hahaha! Cool!"

Wang Qi had blood on his face and laughed at the guards below: "You bastards!"

"Surrender as soon as possible!"

"Or I'll do it to your faces!"

"Piece by piece, piece by piece!"

“Cut it into pieces with a thousand knives! Hahahaha!”

call out!
As he leaned back and laughed wildly, an imperceptible sound suddenly sounded in the air, and a black dot quickly enlarged in Wang Qi's eyes!
It was an arrow, but strangely, there was a pitch-black blade wrapped around the tip of the arrow.

As fast as thunder, breaking through the air silently.

A big hole was pierced in his neck in an instant, and the remaining force nailed him to the wall.

"Why, how can..."

Wang Qi's eyes were bloodshot and he was still confused before he died.

Where did the arrow come from!
At this time, on the carriage in the camp below.

Wu Fengdeng stood on one leg, with his other foot on the Wind-Tearing Bow suspended in the air. He pulled the string with both arms, and the thick and long arrow was placed on it, quickly shooting full moon.

A breeze blew, the red clothes fluttered, and the figure gradually became blurred in the scorching sun.

Another arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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