Chapter 119 Europa

In front of the Fengtian Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang and others had many questions that remained unanswered and could only place their hopes in the comment section.

However, to everyone's disappointment, the discussions in the comment section were just superficial ideas, and many people did not even quite understand the theory, so not many people discussed it.

[There are about 2000-4000 billion stars in the Milky Way, and the total number of stars in the universe is far beyond our understanding]

[If the birth of life is the result of an extremely small probability, then among such a large number of stars, even if the probability is very small, once multiplied by a very large number, then extraterrestrial life should be ubiquitous, but why can't we observe it? This is the famous Fermi paradox]

[Generally speaking, suitable temperature and liquid water are the basis for the existence of life. In the solar system, people believe that the conditions on Mars are the most likely place for life to exist, so humans have sent many probes there to look for signs of life.]

[However, there is only indirect evidence as to whether there is liquid water on Mars]

[Later, scientists discovered that there is more liquid water on Jupiter's two satellites, Europa and Ganymede, than on Earth. In other words, this is the most likely place in the solar system for life to exist besides Earth.]

[Let's first look at the specific information of Europa. The surface temperature of Europa is extremely low, about minus 160 degrees Celsius near the equator and minus 223 degrees Celsius near the poles. In my country, the coldest place in winter, Mohe, is only minus 52 degrees Celsius.]

[So the surface of Europa is covered by a thick layer of ice, with an estimated thickness of more than 100 kilometers, and there is a thin atmosphere, the main component of which is oxygen, but this oxygen is not a sign of life activity]

[It is produced when charged particles or solar wind hit the water molecules in the ice layer on the surface of Europa, ionizing them. The hydrogen in them escapes, and the oxygen, which is very heavy, remains on the surface of the moon.]

In front of the Fengtian Hall, the topic of exploring the starry sky was mentioned again. Even though Zhu Yuanzhang was mentally prepared and had become much calmer, a ripple could not help but form.

This is what later generations often refer to as the "sea of ​​stars". Since ancient times, which emperor of a unified country could refuse such a great undertaking, or at least make a little progress in technology, which is enough to be recorded in human history forever.

This is a mysterious field, which has been deeply tied to the rise and fall of nations and the studies of emperors since ancient times.

Even though we have guessed some basic information about outer space, such as the temperature and gravity, through the sky and speculation, we have no idea about other stars.

Like the moon. Who could have imagined such a "desolate" scene? There is not only no Guanghan Palace and Chang'e, but also no Jade Rabbit.

As for whether there is life on the stars, that is something no one has ever thought about. According to human cognition, there must be chickens, ducks, cows, sheep or immortals there, otherwise where would the gods such as Haotian and Jade Emperor live?
"Fermi Paradox." Everyone carefully thought about the two conflicting points Tianmu mentioned, sorted out the meaning and recorded them down. There was actually not much to discuss about this point, because everyone was looking at this issue from the shoulders of future generations, and the views they reached were basically the same.

"Could it be that it's too far away? How can a telescope see it?"

When everyone heard this, they hesitated and did not dare to express their opinions, because they did not know how future generations would detect extraterrestrial life.

Just looking at the solar system, the initial screening is mainly based on liquid water and temperature. This step alone is very stumbling, which shows that it is normal that it cannot be detected because the distance is too far.

Zhu Biao frowned and said, "According to the theory of evolution, the fittest survive. Could it be that the species on each star are completely different from what we imagined, so we haven't found them?"

This statement shocked everyone. If the theory of evolution is also applied to extraterrestrial life (logically speaking, extraterrestrial life should also conform to this theory), then its shape or habits should be very different from those on Earth.

This is the first time that people have heard of a star like Europa, whose entire surface is covered with ice.

"If we follow the experience of creatures on Earth, if we want to survive on the surface, we must have thick fur to keep warm."

"That's right. If there really is liquid water, maybe there will be fish?"

"Even if there are fish, if they don't see the sun for a long time, they may not have eyes or look like fish on Earth at all."


Zhu Yuanzhang listened to their discussion. Although many of the ideas were fanciful and unfounded, they argued purely for academic purposes, which was rare and uncommon.

[Life is definitely not able to survive in such a harsh environment, but through the exploration of heating satellites]

[We found that Europa also has a metallic iron core and a weak magnetic field, which is very similar to the composition of rocky planets]

[And its surface is very smooth, with very few craters and is covered with criss-crossing dark stripes, which means that the ice layer that makes up the outer surface of the wood has cracked and moved relatively.]

[All this evidence shows that the interior of the satellite is very active and convection is occurring, which also provides evidence for the existence of a liquid water ocean under the outer surface of the moon]

[In 2016, NASA announced that the Hubble telescope had observed geysers erupting on the surface of Europa, reaching a height of 200 kilometers. This is strong evidence of the existence of liquid water under the thick ice layer of Europa.]

[According to estimates, the depth of the ocean under Europa's ice layer can reach 80-170 kilometers. Although Europa is only 3100 kilometers in diameter, slightly smaller than the moon, it is a global liquid water ocean. If all this water is gathered together, it will form a water ball with a diameter of more than 800 kilometers, which is more than all the liquid water on Earth.]

[Then why can liquid water exist under the ice outside the wood?]

[First, the thick ice layer provides tremendous pressure for the ocean below. Secondly, because of the pull of Jupiter's tidal gravity, the core of Jupiter has a very high temperature.] [And hydrothermal fountains similar to those deep in the Earth's oceans have formed on the seabed. Because we have discovered a self-sufficient life cycle system near the Earth's deep-sea hydrothermal fountains, there are bacteria that can use temperature to convert inorganic matter into organic matter, and there are also fish that rely on these organic matter to survive.]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin was excited when he saw this, because these were data obtained through actual detection, not just something he imagined.

Each conclusion is explained and is logical.

So he ordered people to record this information. This is reliable data about Europa. If the Tang Dynasty really develops to that day, it will definitely be useful.

"The temperature of Europa is so low, probably because it is far away from the sun. Shouldn't the temperature of Ganymede be similar?" Fang Xuanling and others have long known that the Earth's energy comes from the sun, and so does its temperature.

It's the same principle as when you're warming yourself by a fire. If you get too close, you'll get burned; if you're too far, you'll freeze to death.

Therefore, it is logical that Europa should be so cold.

Du Ruhui quickly followed the train of thought and said, "According to the distribution map of the solar system planets given by later generations, the position of Mars is similar to that of the Earth, and the temperature is probably similar as well?"

"So that's how it is," everyone's eyes lit up and they stroked their beards in admiration of this impeccable reasoning. At the same time, they also felt a sense of accomplishment because they could finally follow the thinking of later generations.

If you tell others about it, you won't be afraid of being embarrassed and saying that you can't even learn it even if someone teaches you step by step. There is also great wisdom in the heads of us "ancients".

"That is to say, every star that emits light and heat like the sun will have a certain range of temperatures that change from hot to cold, and only within a certain range will it be suitable for life to survive. By detecting whether the stars in these areas have liquid water, we can quickly screen out the stars that are most likely to have life."

"Impeccable logic. But the situation on Europa seems different."

"Water, the temperature of liquid water is above 0 degrees!"

The group of people became more and more excited as they talked. Based on this line of thought, they put forward a number of guesses and recorded the logical guesses to form a file.

[Therefore, scientists firmly believe that in the deep ocean of Europa, although there is no sunlight, it is very likely that there is a life cycle system similar to the deep ocean of the earth]

[This is also the most likely place for life to exist in the solar system, or even in the entire universe, as far as we know.]

[In the future, we will also launch a special probe to Europa to explore the life there]

[The situation of Ganymede is roughly the same as that of Europa. It is the largest satellite in the solar system, larger than Mercury, and has a liquid ocean under its thick ice layer.]

[Ganymede is also the only satellite with its own magnetic field, but unfortunately we do not have the ability to enter the interior of these liquid oceans to explore]

[If it is true as mentioned above, then there is a high possibility that life exists here. After all, the laws of physics are the same everywhere.]

"As expected, our guess is correct, the surface of Ganymede is also covered with ice!" Fang Xuanling and others were quite excited. This kind of logical reasoning, reaching a state similar to "foreknowledge", is fascinating.

It is only when entering this state that people understand how great Newton's three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation are. This is a universal truth and is the "Tao" mentioned in the Tao Te Ching.

"There is no light in the sea. Yes, such a thick layer of ice naturally blocks out all the light."

"The underwater visibility is extremely poor. On weekdays, it is difficult to see clearly if you dive less than ten feet. I dare not even think about the 100-kilometer-thick ice surface. It is probably halfway from Chang'an to Tongguan."

Everyone tilted their heads and tried their best to imagine this scene, but they still felt it was extremely abstract.
"The power of nature is so terrifying." Wei Zheng sighed. On ordinary days, seeing the sudden thunder in spring and the torrential rain is so shocking, but to see this kind of ice layer spanning hundreds of kilometers is simply unimaginable.

Jinling City, in front of Fengtian Palace.

Seeing that their guess about the lack of sunlight underwater was successful, everyone became excited, and many people thought that they could "travel through time" to the future to do scientific research.

Why do we use the environment in which humans live to infer that there is no unknown life?

Aliens: This blue planet has a lot of oxygen and plants, but the average temperature is only 25 degrees, so there is definitely no life on it.

《Take these two planets away from Jupiter, let them crash into Mars or Venus and merge. Then Mars and Venus will also have magnetic fields and water.》

"The King of Hell Must Have Your Name Tattooed on His Back"

(End of this chapter)

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