Chapter 130 Steamship
[A research article written by six climate experts and published by Reuters, the largest news agency in the United States, said that in the past 6 years, due to the reduction of air pollution, the barrier created by polluted particles in the air has been reduced, which has led to direct sunlight to the ground, causing the global temperature to rise by an average of 10 degrees Celsius.]

[Finally, it warned that if India did the same, the global temperature would rise by more than 3 degrees Celsius]

[After reading this article, I have a more concrete understanding of serious nonsense, whose angles are so tricky that it is hard to guard against.]

[I remember that you didn’t say that more than 20 years ago. At that time, you said that my country’s serious pollution caused global temperature rise. Why did you change your words now? ]

[In fact, it is very simple. Because our technological strength was indeed poor more than 20 years ago, we took the path of exchanging environment for economy. Moreover, our energy source was oil. The lifeline of our industry was in the hands of others, and it was easy for them to control us. At this time, it was accurate to use environmental protection as an excuse to suppress my country. In recent years, my country has vigorously developed clean energy, such as hydropower, wind power, solar energy, nuclear energy, etc.]

[In addition, my country has achieved good results in various fields such as wind power, solar energy, ultra-high voltage transmission, and nuclear energy, which is why the above nonsense happened. The purpose is to create Y-theory pressure through these reports and tie our own hands. This routine has been seen so many times that everyone has become immune to it.]

[This reminds me of the words of a great man: Imperialism is unreasonable, and if it wants to be reasonable, it is because it has been forced into a corner.]

[So it was expected that they would seek endorsements in science, but I didn’t expect it to be so funny. ]

[According to this theory, before the Industrial Revolution, when there was no air pollution, there were very few pollution particles, and there was no so-called barrier. How high would the temperature of the earth be at that time?]

[Scientific development is like this. The academic circle only needs to talk nonsense according to the manuscript. The old antiques before the Industrial Revolution have too many things to consider.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The atmosphere just now was indeed too depressing, and the heinous crimes committed by Japan in Nanjing were like a slap in the face to them.

But it is obvious that I am disgusted by what this video says.

If pollution is reduced, the temperature will rise, then why hasn't the temperature in Jinling City risen now?
"What kind of bullshit academic circle is this? It's nothing more than a megaphone and a loudspeaker." Everyone couldn't help but scowl.

What is science? Science is about eliminating the false and retaining the true. Its value lies in revealing the truth. It is not a tool for a certain country to exclude dissidents.

What is the difference between this and the dark Middle Ages and the horrific church that burned Bruno to death?
"From the harm of sugar, academic fraud, to this so-called climate research, the authority of the academic circle has long been reduced to a means of suppressing dissidents and grabbing huge profits. It is ridiculous to abandon the foundation of science for one's own selfishness." Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sneer. Where is the authority after this? Can we still trust what they publish?
In the eyes of the public, science is about separating the true from the false and is a methodology for discovering the truth of the world.

If one day scientific institutions and academic circles become lackeys, what will be the difference between human beings and those who have returned to the geocentric medieval era?

What’s funny is that it took hundreds of years for humans to get to where they are now, but the collapse of credit only took a moment.

"What a great method." Liu Ji and others sighed. After hundreds of years of rapid scientific development, everyone has been full of respect and trust for authority and academia. They did not expect that they could use the power of discourse to suppress and mislead the development of other countries.

Especially when it comes to energy, if we are really misled and give up some clean energy, it will be a huge loss.

Moreover, this method is justified and really disgusting.

"Hearing what people say in later generations, this kind of thing probably happened more than once or twice, and he may have suffered a lot." Everyone suddenly realized that there were too many long-legged young ladies on the sky curtain, and they really mistakenly thought that this was a peaceful paradise. It must be understood that "those who lag behind will be beaten" is an unchanging truth.

[This is a steamship invented in Britain more than 200 years ago. It only needs to carry 650 tons of coal to cross the Atlantic Ocean, which is twice as fast as traditional wind-powered ships.]

[But because it was loaded with too much coal, the wooden ship had to be built larger, which would cause it to bend and twist and finally break after being hit by huge waves on the sea]

[In order to make the ship stronger, engineers reinforced the interior of the ship with bolts and iron beams. The reinforced ship is said to be able to safely cross the Atlantic in just 15 days]

[However, it encountered problems during its first voyage. When huge waves on the sea hit the hull, it tilted, causing one wheel to leave the water and rotate. This tilting back and forth would waste a lot of power.]

[So the engineers designed a new propeller. Its principle is like this screw pump. When it is started, the water at the bottom will be brought to a higher place. If this device is placed horizontally on the bottom of the ship, it becomes a propeller that can continuously provide power.]

[As the ship's speed increased, the wind and waves caused it to sway on the sea. This turbulence was unbearable for the passengers, so engineers installed a special gyroscope on the ship]

[Its principle is like this wheel. When it rotates, it moves in one direction. If you hold it and lie on the boat, you only need to change the front and back direction to make the boat shift left or right. The large gyroscope on the boat uses this principle to tilt the boat in the opposite direction to offset the force of wind and waves.]

[But this is not enough. In order to make the boat completely stable, fins need to be installed on both sides of the boat. Fins can adjust the draft of the boat by different tilt angles. In this way, even if there are strong winds and waves, the passengers on the boat will not be affected at all.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

"Copy it down quickly." Zhu Yuanzhang ordered a group of clerks to copy down the improvement measures for steamships mentioned.

It was only when he planned to go to America that he had some basic understanding of building a treasure ship and gained a one-sided understanding of the difficulties of ocean voyages.

Not to mention the language barriers and logistical difficulties in ocean voyages, maritime navigation alone is a big problem. This is why there are compasses and star-guiding boards, and why Zheng He chose to sail along the coastline when he sailed to the West.

The second is the power issue. The difference between today's treasure ships and later ships is that the power is different. Today's treasure ships are mainly powered by wind, so they have sails. If you sail on the sea without the corresponding wind, it is basically difficult to move forward. This is why the original sailing treasure ships need to be improved and steam engines are added.

Since the combustion efficiency of coal was not enough and it was too heavy, the Ministry of Industry suggested retaining the sail design and adding a steam engine to it, so that some coal could be saved when the wind direction was right.

But at the same time, a series of problems arose during the transformation process. For example, in order to load more coal, the treasure ship had to be expanded.

For example, for long-distance voyages, the materials of the treasure ships themselves used to be fir and nanmu, and people were not sure about the corrosion resistance of these two types of wood.

Most of the ministers in front of the Fengtian Hall knew nothing about the transformation of the treasure ship, so Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to hand it over to the Ministry of Works.

"I see." Some people in the Ministry of Industry had done some research on this. When they saw the propeller's power unit and the equipment to reduce shaking, they couldn't help but get excited. The waves on the sea were indeed very exaggerated. If they were not well-trained sailors who had been making a living on the sea all year round, even soldiers with good physical fitness would have their bile shaken out of them.

Simply put, the infantry is different from the navy, and the navy is different from the naval forces.

"But if this gyroscope can't rotate by itself, it seems to be of no use, right?" The man from the Ministry of Works frowned and said, they can't just leave someone to watch over it and wait for the waves to come before turning it.

That being said, everyone knew that it would be better to copy it down first. Perhaps the people from the Ministry of Industry could solve it.

"If we add steel plates inside, the weight of the ship will increase dramatically." Many people were helpless. If it was true as Tianmu said, and the power of the huge waves in the sea was so terrifying, then if the treasure ship wanted to cross the sea in the future, it would have to reinforce the hull.

The good news is that ships like the Tianmu are used for sightseeing, and the design of today's treasure ships can sacrifice some comfort, thus compressing space.

For most people, such as those in the Science Department, they were complete laymen in this regard, and the matter was fully handed over to the Ministry of Industry and Longjiang Shipyard for supervision, so everyone regarded it as "cold knowledge".

The design of this huge ship is extremely complex. If you have not worked in the relevant shipyard, you will definitely not be able to come up with any useful suggestions. Everyone in the Science Department is aware of this.

[When the ship is completely stable, we should think of ways to expand the interior and add entertainment facilities to attract more wealthy people to ride]

[So the engineers moved the boiler engines that were in the way to the top deck, but these equipment were too heavy and caused the ship to lose balance]

[For this reason, engineers divided the central exhaust duct into two, so that there is enough space for entertainment facilities]

[As the interior space of a ship continues to expand, its safety will be greatly reduced. Once it encounters huge winds and waves on the sea, the interior space will be squeezed and deformed, so engineers use heavy steel plates to increase the hardness of the room walls.]

[Steel columns are then used as load-bearing beams to support the interior of the ship. This design makes ship construction more difficult, so engineers use cranes on land to piece together the interior rooms layer by layer. These rooms are as strong as honeycombs and can withstand strong waves.]

[In this way, a perfect cruise ship was built]

Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Everyone couldn't help but marvel at it. Even though there was a river running for thousands of years outside the city of Jinling, sailing was an incredible thing for most people, let alone such a huge ship transformation.

"They are so rich." Shopkeeper Wan couldn't help but say with envy. Looking at the treasure ship transformed with the skylight, he didn't realize how big it was at first, until he saw the real-life picture. There were nearly a hundred rooms. There was also a large double-decker space on the ship for dancing. There was a huge chandelier hanging above it, and the lights were on with singing and dancing.

In the future, commercial trade exchanges with various countries will become more frequent. With the development of the economy, industries such as shipping and tourism will develop accordingly. The construction of this kind of treasure ship is also a big business. In addition to the Ming Dynasty, various countries in Southeast Asia also need it.

Tianmu had said before that the treasure ship technology during the Yongle period was decades ahead of European countries, not to mention the uncivilized barbaric countries in Southeast Asia.

Now that it has been transformed based on the ideas mentioned by Tianmu, the treasure ship is even more perfect.

So, this is almost a business where you can make money without doing anything.

The only downside is that it's too expensive.

"It's better to focus on technical research and sell electrical appliances." Manager Wan muttered to himself, this kind of electrical appliances is a small business.

He also copied some of the content that interested him, but he couldn't do so much by himself, and his thoughts might not be thoughtful enough.

"History moves forward with blood and tears. There is motivation only when there is demand~"

The good news is that the ship is finally built. The bad news is that it is called Titanic.

"jack, you jump i don't jump"

(End of this chapter)

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