Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 135 The Periodic Table and Atomic Structure

Chapter 135 The Periodic Table and Atomic Structure
[I was wondering why I haven’t seen any porcelain-opening stuff recently. It turns out that I’m on TT, bringing the warmth of Chinese people to foreigners.]

[If you give him a chance to open porcelain live, he can sell tea bowls at 9 yuan per pound to foreigners, and each bowl costs 9 dollars]

[If you give him another chance to find a tiny flaw, he will smash it on the spot. The foreigner is so anxious that he chops like crazy. No no no]

[And when he said he was giving away free benefits, he could drive thousands of foreigners in the live broadcast room crazy, me me me]

[Sure enough, Chinese business thinking is a dimensionality reduction attack wherever it goes. I think this broken bowl is only 2.5 yuan and free shipping, but it takes up too much space at home. But when it is exported abroad, it is transformed into Chinese porcelain.]

[They were scrambling to buy the 2000 yuan that the foreigners tricked them into selling. It was fine that they could burn such neat patterns during the live broadcast, but when I saw the four big words "Dragon and Horse Spirit" at night, I really couldn't hold it anymore. They really didn't treat foreigners as human beings.]

[Until a netizen entered the live broadcast room and sent a message saying "321 link", he was kicked out of the live broadcast room instantly. Then I realized: Chinese people don't cheat Chinese people. My family members were moved to tears.]

[The up master wants to say that if you lose money, you can earn it again. If you lose your conscience, you can earn more.]

Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

All the diners almost bit their tongues.
"Wow, a broken bowl is sold for 1 dollars." Shopkeeper Wan was stunned. Although the patterns and styles of these bowls did look gorgeous, they were mainly black and purple, and had a mysterious luster under the light. Compared with the daily bowls and plates, it was hard to say which one looked more beautiful.

But even if the bowl in the live broadcast room looks better, it is just a broken bowl. It is extremely despised in China, and no matter how much it is praised, it cannot change the fact that it is just a bowl.

"It should be an exaggeration." Others were somewhat skeptical about the price. An item like a gorgeous-looking bowl or plate does not have much collectible value. At most, it can be sold for two dollars. Those foreigners are similar to us. They are all thrifty and want to get the best deal every day. How could they spend hundreds of dollars to buy a bowl?

But even if it's only sold for $2, because of the exchange rate, minus the costs of manufacturing, advertising, and transportation, it may make more money than selling it domestically.

"More than two thousand years have passed, and foreigners still like our porcelain." Many people are too tired to complain. At the same time, some envy the live broadcast room, a "magic weapon" that can face the whole country and even the world. They have seen the live broadcast process and routines many times. Generally, one person is responsible for explaining and selling goods, and someone will be hired to act as a stand-in.

He first complained that the market price was ridiculously high, and then, accompanied by waves of shouts of "no no no", he cut the price in half and then in half again, before finally giving a final price. He then acted out a scene in which he quarreled with his colleagues for the sake of his family in the live broadcast room.

You keep saying that I'm doing this for the benefit of my family. Even if I quit this job, I still have to think about my family. The price you offer is simply that of a heartless capitalist, like Grandet!

99Pound? Family who knows that's ridiculous (Family who knows this is too outrageous)

50 Pounds?

5 Pounds?

I give you 2 Pounds.
Wait, what'll lose money.

Shut up, bitch.

Not to mention the little foreigner, the families in Jinling City were all a little shocked. Although they didn't know who Grandet and Bitch were, they guessed that it was not a good thing.

Don’t you see, the city of Jinling is slowly becoming filled with this kind of exaggerated style, the main point of which is that I can’t understand it but I can copy it.

For example, electrical appliance stores, having made a lot of money, were eager to expand their business again, so they followed the new trend and made a small change, only hiring beautiful women as servants. This caused heated discussions again, and even if they didn't buy anything, many people would choose to go and take a look.

This is amazing. So many people came to visit, including locals, non-locals, and people from the countryside.

"I think if I can learn the Hu language, I can do it too."

"No need to feel. You can get on now!" Someone said with a smile. Although there was a maritime ban policy, the imperial court seemed to have changed its mind slowly. It did not ban trade with Southeast Asian countries, and many fleets were traveling normally.

At the same time, in coastal areas such as Guangzhou and Fujian, customs are operating normally and collecting entry fees.

In front of Fengtian Hall.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Ji, the Ministry of Science and others once again heatedly discussed the live broadcast technology, and finally speculated that this might be similar to the principle of telephone calls.

They all use some technology to convert images into electrical signals and then transmit them out.

However, people have not yet found a device or method to convert images into electrical signals, so they have temporarily recorded their ideas.

[This is the periodic table of elements, with a total of 118 elements, first arranged by the Russian scientist Mendeleev. It is divided into 7 periods and 16 groups]

[Why can the properties of an element be completely different just by adding or subtracting a proton from an atom? ]

[In the periodic table, we find that all elements are different only in atomic number, and the atomic number depends on the number of protons in the nucleus. Every time a proton is added to the nucleus, the element will change, and this change may even cause a major change in the properties of the element.]

[For example, element 19, potassium, has 19 protons. In a greenhouse, it is a silvery-white metal with a soft texture that can be easily cut with a knife. However, it is chemically very active and will catch fire if placed in water because it produces hydrogen and a lot of heat. When hydrogen and oxygen combine, they will ignite.]

[But if only one proton of potassium is removed, it becomes an 18-proton nucleus. At this time, the element will become argon, which is an inert gas with very stable properties. It almost does not react chemically with other substances.]

[But if we add a proton to the potassium atom, the element becomes calcium]

[Among the three elements of argon, potassium, and calcium, the composition of the atomic nuclei is almost the same, all of which are a combination of protons and neutrons. It's just that the number of protons increases or decreases by one, but the chemical properties are completely changed? ]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

From Zhu Yuanzhang to the Ministry of Science, everyone was extremely excited. This was the complete appearance of the periodic table, its three arrangement principles, and related details.

"It turns out that each row represents the number of electron shells of an atom, and each column represents the number of electrons in the outermost layer. The chemical properties of different elements in each column are almost the same."

Everyone in the Science Department was excited. They roughly assigned tasks to each person, with each person only copying 1-2 lines. They quickly finished copying it down, and when combined they formed a complete periodic table.

With this thing, my chemical research in the Ming Dynasty can save decades of detours, and even Zhu Yuanzhang would be delighted.

The problem at this moment is how to determine what elements are contained in everyday substances and what their properties are. These may require a series of experiments to verify. For example, potassium does not go against intuition.

"Potassium is a metal, how can it burn in water?" Many people felt that their worldviews were blown away. Metal, water, burning.

Three seemingly impossible phrases were put together. If it weren't for the video of the experiment, the light blue flame, the phenomenon of hydrogen combustion, and the chemical equation, everyone would have really doubted their lives.

2K + 2H2O = 2KOH + H2↑

"Then why does changing the protons in the nucleus change the chemical properties so drastically?"

"It's electrically neutral! The nucleus is positively charged, and the electrons are negatively charged. Under normal circumstances, matter generally maintains electrical neutrality, that is, it is uncharged." Du Ping said quickly. This knowledge point was mentioned when talking about batteries.

"This is the content of physics." Everyone understood that the world is not black and white, and there are intersections among various disciplines.

[This is what we often say that structure determines properties. First of all, all atoms must maintain electrical neutrality. The nucleus is positively charged because the protons are positively charged. In order to maintain electrical neutrality, there is a group of electrons outside the nucleus that are negatively charged, and the number must match the number of protons. In this way, the positive and negative charges can be offset.]

[Therefore, the change in the number of protons essentially changes the number of electrons outside the nucleus, and the electrons outside the nucleus are the key factor in determining the chemical properties of elements]

[If this is the case, then why is it said that the type of atom is determined by the protons rather than directly by the number of electrons? ]

[This is because the electrons outside the nucleus of many elements are not stable. For example, potassium has only one electron in its outermost layer. According to the Pauli exclusion principle, the same energy level in the same energy layer can only accommodate two electrons. Therefore, the single electron in the outermost layer of the potassium atom can easily share the same energy level with the electrons outside the nucleus of other elements.]

[For example, when potassium and chlorine meet, the outer electrons of potassium are easily attracted by the outer electrons of chlorine, thus forming potassium chloride.]

[So potassium usually exists in the form of positively charged ions in nature. At this time, the potassium ion has only 18 electrons outside the nucleus. The number of electrons outside the nucleus is the same as that of the argon atom, but the chemical properties are completely different from those of the argon element. This is the fundamental reason why protons determine the type of atoms.]

[It is said that potassium and chlorine will react, so why is it not the other way around, with the potassium atom absorbing the electrons from the chlorine atom? ]

[The principle of minimum energy is at work here, which means that electrons outside the nucleus will generally occupy the lowest energy level first. If the lowest energy level is full, they will be forced to move to a higher energy level.]

[Generally speaking, the closer the energy layer is to the nucleus, the lower its energy is. The outermost single electron of the potassium atom is in the fourth energy layer, and the outermost electron of the chlorine atom is in the third energy layer. Therefore, according to the principle of minimum energy, the single electron of the potassium element will be attracted by the chlorine element.]

"Is this quantum mechanics?" Zhu Yuanzhang scratched his head expressionlessly. He was too embarrassed to say that he didn't understand it at all, especially at the end, when new words like energy levels, energy interleaving principle, beta decay, up quarks and down quarks, alpha decay, etc. popped up one by one, and they were particularly abstract.
Fortunately, looking at the expressions of the people in the Science Department, did they understand? Hmm, why did their faces turn pale?

"How come beta decay came up again? What can protons be further subdivided into up quarks? Can up quarks decay into down quarks?!"

"Wait, why is there another alpha decay? After losing the alpha particles (2 protons and 2 neutrons), wouldn't the structure change drastically?"

Seeing the dull eyes of Zhu Biao and others, and the comments on the sky screen saying "I don't understand, I'm leaving now", and then looking at the generals yawning, Zhu Yuanzhang became a little anxious.

"Did you understand, everyone?"

However, everyone in the Science Department seemed to have not yet come to their senses. Zhu Yuanzhang already knew the answer without asking.

"What a sin! I finally understand why physics is so difficult." Zhu Yuanzhang, no matter how bad he is, has some basic knowledge. Talking about the structure of atoms should only be an introductory content, right? !

Especially this kind of explanation, without the appropriate equipment and without seeing it with one's own eyes, people are kept out based on their imagination.

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

A group of people have completely given up thinking. This has nothing to do with most people.
"It was said before that physics is the stage for geniuses and talent is just the admission ticket. It turns out there is some truth to this." Li Shimin sighed. He was a little disappointed with the performance of his ministers, but this kind of thing cannot be accomplished by hard work alone.

Talent is just an entry ticket.
Similarly, there were many parts that he himself could not understand at all. Fortunately, the sky curtain did not move, so he listened to it again.

"This is more difficult to understand than the scriptures recited by the Master." Cheng Yaojin said in a muffled voice. He thought his voice was very soft, but it still resonated with everyone.

"That's right. At least I didn't feel that sleepy when the Master was reciting the sutras. Oh no."

"what happened?"

"I forgot to record it on the phonograph. I'll use it tonight." The general paused for a moment when he felt the death gaze from His Majesty.

Without the generals' noise, Li Shimin and others listened carefully to Tianmu's explanation again and were able to understand some of it.

"It mainly talks about the various decays of atoms that lead to a decrease in protons, which in turn causes the increase or decrease of outer electrons."

"There are probably two ways to cause the reduction of protons, one caused by β decay and the other caused by α decay, and the number of proton reductions is different."

Everyone looked at the paper in front of them, roughly browsed through the recorded contents, and summarized them into the content mentioned above.

Everyone found themselves to be very smart, but because they had been crammed with a lot of new words and concepts, their brains were a little confused, and it was all a false alarm.
"This is the logic that fundamentally explains chemical reactions. Everything is a change in the structure between the outer electrons." Someone summarized this part of the content very well.

"Structure determines properties. So this is what they mean."

The Pauli Exclusion Principle is the cornerstone of the differences in chemical properties of various elements.

"Alchemy Basics"

"Is this alchemy? It turns out that Qin Shihuang blamed the alchemist wrongly. This is the earliest chemist."

"The outermost layer of chlorine has seven electrons, because eight electrons are a stable state. If you take one electron from K's outer layer, it will become a stable state. K loses one electron, and the second outer layer also has eight electrons, and after it becomes KCl. The outer layers of both elements are stable."

Li Shimin and others looked at the discussion about energy levels and energy layers in the comment area and were surprised to find that Tianmu did not explain it in detail. In addition, the electronic structure of each element was also
Many people felt their scalps tingling. A tiny atomic structure can cause so many pitfalls. If I lose my hair because of this, will it be considered a work-related injury?

Many officials from the six ministries felt their scalps tingling. No wonder such experimental instruments and equipment are ridiculously expensive. This kind of work is really not something that ordinary people can do. Just to understand the content that Tianmu said, a lot of brain cells will be wasted.

Not to mention the discoverers of these laws, who have put in countless efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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