Chapter 144 Intelligent Magic Wand

Jinling City.

Everyone saw the sky curtain was still turning up, and they also learned the story of how malaria was discovered to be transmitted through mosquitoes. It turned out that a British doctor named Ronald Ross counted the cases of malaria at the time and found that malaria was more common in humid and hot areas. However, he checked the soil, air, water and other factors in malaria-prone areas but found nothing. Finally, he turned his attention to mosquitoes.

The third one is more interesting. The Nobel Prize for malaria was actually won. Malaria can treat paralysis and dementia caused by syphilis (venereal disease). In fact, the disease is treated with fever therapy, and malaria happens to cause periodic fever. However, this practice has aroused opposition from many people because it is easy to cause the spread of malaria.

Later, the farce ended because of the emergence of penicillin.
The fourth is that cinchona can also treat malaria.

"Malaria and syphilis, is this a way of fighting poison with poison?" After all, the people in front of the hall were scholars, and they were all trying to hold back their laughter. No matter how wild their ideas were, they could not imagine that these two diseases could be connected together.
"This man is so bold that he actually thought of using the high fever caused by malaria to treat it." Zhu Yuanzhang was a little ashamed. This Austrian psychiatrist was simply like a madman. Even if there were drugs to treat malaria, it would be a disaster if malaria was spread through mosquitoes.

The more we know about microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, the more we fear them. If malaria were to spread on a large scale, the consequences would be disastrous.

As if thinking of something, Liu Ji stepped forward and said solemnly: "The popularization of bacterial and viral theories is not all good things."

"What's the explanation?"

"The fear is that some criminals will learn this subject and maliciously release all kinds of highly contagious bacteria and viruses into the water source."

Everyone was a little confused at first, but their faces changed drastically after hearing this sentence.
In the past, people's concept of "poison" was chemical substances such as arsenic and thiamine. Although these poisons were highly effective, they would be quickly diluted when put into water, and their lethality was very limited, so they were not considered a hazard.

At this time, I was reminded that there was such a big time bomb around me.
What's even more terrifying is that even with the knowledge of microorganisms and the knowledge of virus transmission, a yellow-haired boy can easily cause extremely horrific casualties. What's the difference between this and streaking?
Everyone was so scared that they were sweating profusely. The water source in the palace was fine, as it was guarded by someone. Many people in the city shared a well, but the water was not flowing. It could be said that if they wanted to cause trouble, they would be successful.
Zhu Yuanzhang's expression remained unchanged. After everyone had been in a commotion for a while, he said, "I had anticipated this, but it is not appropriate to make it public."

"It is easy to solve this problem. We can just build a unified water supply system and perform unified disinfection and sterilization like in later generations."

Everyone agreed that this made sense. Before this, the best way to prevent it is to boil and disinfect the water to be consumed.

It is a bit troublesome, but there are also people who hate trouble and are hoping for the best. At least few people in the city are aware of this, so it shouldn't be that serious.
Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

After all, Jinling City is a place where beautiful women, talented men and merchants gather. When it comes to syphilis, those who linger in such places of pleasure are more or less infected.

The man surnamed Chen from Fujian was in his forties. He had a fat face and looked a little weak. His expression moved slightly, but then he forced himself to calm down, fearing that others would notice something.

He had tried allicin, which was known as a miracle drug, but it had no effect on this disease. His symptoms were relatively stubborn, and he had tried many prescriptions, but they only treated the symptoms and not the root cause, and the symptoms kept coming back. When he heard that penicillin was effective for syphilis, he was very excited and praised it repeatedly in his heart, saying that it was worthy of being Tianmu!

But it stands to reason that the production process of penicillin has been exposed for so long, someone should have developed it. I immediately made up my mind to buy all the penicillin on the market tomorrow to try it out.
[Smart Home #Technology Revelation #Harry Potter Electronic Smart Wand]

[My house has a very strange design. The bedroom light has to be turned on in the study, and a fake switch is placed on the bedroom wall to cover up the ugliness.]

[At that time, I was foolish enough to hire a roadside renovation team, but they made the wrong connection. Now, every day before bed, I have to run to the next door to turn off the lights, and then run back in the dark, often stubbing my toes.]

[The smart speaker I bought always breaks down. When I ask it to turn off the lights, it is always offline. I still have to turn it off myself from time to time]

[The other day my friend gave me a robe. When I was wearing it to amuse myself, I suddenly thought of a good way to turn off the lights, which is to use magic to turn off the lights]

[If you want to become a magician, you must first make a magic wand. The principle of the magic wand is very simple. The gyroscope can sense the trajectory of the swing. Different swinging methods can send different signals.]

[So as long as you combine the gyroscope, development board, transmitter, voltage regulator, battery, light strip and magic wand, you can make a Guan Ni Lantern 3000. In order to make it look better when waved, I installed a row of light beads, wrote the control code, installed it in the shell, and finally added a magnetic seal, and the magic weapon was completed]

【Try the effect. Switch it on.】

[Many electrical appliances can be controlled by signals, so I made some smart homes myself. I transformed everything in this house, except this dog]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

What caught everyone's eyes was an ordinary family room with a minimalist decoration style. There was only a bed without a mosquito net in the room, and a cabinet next to the bed. It was simple and clean. Then came the living room.
"This is too small." Cheng Yaojin frowned. Although the room in the skylight was very clean and the decoration style inside was elegant, the space was really not good. The two rooms plus the "yard", kitchen, toilet, etc., to be honest, were not as big as his two houses combined.
Not to mention the nobles, even the wealthy families in Chang'an City, big and small, had their mansions calculated according to their income, divided into outer courtyards and inner courtyards. The richer ones even had gardens, pavilions, pools and so on.

Everyone nodded, it seemed that this should be considered a scene in the inner courtyard, generally people were not allowed to enter or see it. However, later generations did not seem to care about these things.

Next it was the turn of the young man from Tianmu to tinker. Everyone watched as he took out a bunch of things they had never seen before, stuffed them into the magic wand, and then waved it in a complicated pattern in a mysterious way. The light in the magic wand first lit up from the bottom, then paused for a moment and flowed towards the thin end, and then the light came on!

Then he made a different gesture and the lights turned off naturally.

"There really is magic!!" Wei Zheng was shocked, and many people stood there in a daze, as if they were watching a magic show in Chang'an City.

"No, it's a signal. It's battery-powered, recognizes gestures through that gyroscope, and then sends out different signals!" Fang Xuanling grasped the key point at once. After all, the sky curtain was not hiding anything.

“It’s just like controlling the flight of a drone!”

"It still feels magical!" everyone sighed. In fact, they were deceived by the magic apprentice's robe and magic wand. He was dressed in ancient-looking clothes and doing the coolest things.

"The last time I controlled the flight of a drone, I didn't know its internal principles. Now I finally understand something about it." Li Shimin was also dazzled. If this robe was replaced with the Taoist robe he was familiar with, and the magic wand was replaced with a peach wood sword, it would be like a banished immortal in the world.

"Is this the technological level of the future?" Many people were envious and wondered what the so-called smart home actually includes.
Air conditioning? Fan? And a phone?

They had heard of these three, so they were the first ones that came to their mind.

[I don't want to open the toilet lid manually, so I added a motor and I don't have to. The kitchen door is hard to open without a handle, so I added an electric push rod and it's easy to open. I can't find the remote control when I turn on the air conditioner, so I write the signal into the magic wand and I don't have to look for it anymore, and I can also adjust the temperature. ]

[Same as turning on and off the TV, controlling the opening and closing of curtains, etc.]

[I always forget to bring my electric car key, so I write the signal in the same way. Of course, I always forget to bring my magic wand, so I made a base for it with a human body sensor inside. As long as I get close to it, the magic wand will jump, as if it can sense its owner and try to remind me to bring it.]

[Sometimes I lie at home all day and regret not having a good day, so I modified the clock in my house so that it will turn in reverse when I wave a magic wand. It feels like time is going backwards, as if I can live today all over again]

[My favorite is a painting. On the surface, it looks no different from an ordinary painting, but when you put a T in front of it, it will automatically grab the most frequently used words on the Internet today and recreate a painting with it as the theme] [My favorite painting these days is the college entrance examination on June 6th. The efforts in the dark are full of our imagination and expectations for a better future. I hope that the students will be admitted to their ideal universities]

[Even if it’s not so ideal, college life is still worth looking forward to. You can learn to play drums during the holidays, form a band in college, and be confused for a few years after graduation when the band disbands.]

[At the same time, I worked hard until one day I accidentally found something I liked to do. Then I resolutely chased the stars and the sun]

Jinling City.

Everyone stared intently, it all seemed unbelievable like magic.

But they have seen the same way of controlling drones and the even more incomprehensible robot hotels, and Tianmu also explained the principle.

It is to convert different gestures into different signals and transmit them, and then the corresponding machine will respond accordingly.

It's simple and unpretentious, but I don't know where to start.

"All of this evolved from the vacuum triode." Sun Chuanshi said in the Science Department. To be honest, he felt that Daming's technical capabilities were already very strong. Although there were still many things he didn't understand about what Tianmu said, he felt that it was a problem of materials and these could be solved sooner or later.

There should not be much difference in technology between the Ming Dynasty and later generations.

Now it seems that he is still far from it. At least he can't understand the signal conversion, transmission and machine response at all.

It is like everyone is practicing the same martial arts with three levels. The Ming Dynasty is at the first level of "seeing mountains as mountains", while later generations are at the third level of "seeing mountains as mountains again".

They look similar, but they are far from being as easy and convenient to use, not to mention that the two are essentially different.

"The product of the third industrial revolution!" Song Lian was also very excited. Ever since he had 'untied' the knot in his heart, he had been very curious about how far the so-called science could go. At present, the knowledge of various disciplines has brought unimaginable benefits to mankind in all aspects.

Most of the things that the Ming Dynasty can successfully produce are simple machines. The most complex ones are internal combustion engines, electric motors, and other items.

In other words, most of the content is still knowledge of the first and second industrial revolutions. Now it is the product of the third industrial revolution, and it really shocked many people when it came out.

"This painting was drawn by Jitipi, right?" Liu Ji had an excellent memory. He remembered that it was Tmall Genie and Jitipi who really amazed him at that time. Now, he had made up so much knowledge in the past year or so, and he gradually understood some things even if Tianmu didn't say anything.

So he added: "This Tmall Genie is similar to a magic wand to a certain extent. The principle is to recognize and transform signals and send them out."

The eyes of the people in the Science Department lit up. "Yes, since gestures are signals, sounds are also signals, and this is how the phone is converted into signals."

"It's still a little different. Tmall Genie can understand what people say. It can find the corresponding answer based on the question people ask. The phone just transmits the signal. It doesn't need to understand what people say."

It has been such a long time since the incident was brought up again that many people need others to remind them before they vaguely remember that such an incident happened.

"In other words, the Tmall Genie is similar to a butler, while the Robot is more like a servant? One is responsible for passing messages, and the other is responsible for doing things."

This metaphor is quite vivid. So, Tmall Genie is actually easier?
"Amazing." Zhu Yuanzhang was completely impressed when he heard these words.

There were also many comments expressing surprise on the screen. But what surprised them was not the Tmall Genie and the Robot Kick that everyone was talking about, but that someone could actually make these with their bare hands.
"Judging from the comments, these seem difficult?" Zhu Biao pondered to himself. If one only looked at the visual effects and not the principles behind the scenes displayed on the dome, they would be simply amazing. So he wanted to learn.

"Nothing is clear yet. What do you think, Minister?" Many people began to discuss and exchange ideas with those around them.

Jinling City.

Many children in the alleys looked at it and their eyes lit up.

Who at this age could refuse a magic wand or a mahogany sword with magical powers? Especially since it recognized its owner and jumped for joy when the owner left the house, and it was almost ready to speak.

There is also time rewinding, a god-level skill!
"Brother, I want it!" In Bajiao Alley, a 15- or 16-year-old child pulled his brother's pants and stared at the sky, not noticing his brother's hands tightly grasping his pants and the throbbing veins on his forehead.
The same scene appeared in every alley. They were throwing tantrums and rolling around, but they became more obedient after being whipped a few times.
Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Shopkeeper Wan was also itching to try it. Although he didn't throw a tantrum like a child, he was eager to try it. This modern system was so convenient that he couldn't imagine how enjoyable it would be to eat iced watermelon in the hot weather with air conditioning.

Are there bulbs that can switch colors? The atmosphere is full
The 'TV' in the hall not only doesn't require one to raise their head to watch it like they do now, causing a sore neck, but they even put a soft-looking leather couch where one can lie down and watch the show?
Not only is the environment dozens of times cleaner when you use the toilet, but you can also sit down to relieve yourself?

There are also cabinets that emit cold air when opened, pots that can cook automatically, and various kitchen utensils that have never been displayed.

"There are so many good things." The diners present were all from wealthy families, and many of them had seen the world, but none of them were as astonished as they are now.

"Except for the lack of slaves and the small house, they lack everything else." Many people summed it up quietly, and even fantasized more than once that it would be great if they could buy Tianmu's things.

"Before watching: What can a mere Muggle do? After watching: ? . ? "

"So exaggerated, so outrageous, so abstract, so desirable."

"My diagnosis is: I will be obedient after learning C language for two days."

"This is the first time I feel that the knowledge of science students can be applied so explosively in life"

"My cerebellum atrophied when the staff started to move on its own"

"He could consider embedding magnetic levitation so that the wand can fly."

(End of this chapter)

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