Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 155 Yellow Mud Water Sugaring Method and Activated Carbon Decolorization Method

Chapter 155 Yellow Mud Water Sugaring Method and Activated Carbon Decolorization Method

[Why does the aquarium feed ice cubes to killer whales in daily care? 】

[Killer whales belong to the dolphin family and usually live in waters below 50 meters in the deep sea. The optimal temperature is 6 to 8 degrees Celsius. When they eat a lot, the food goes directly into the intestines and abdomen for digestion, which generates a lot of heat in the body, making the killer whales feel uncomfortable.]

[In order to regulate body temperature and maintain their digestive system, keepers will let the killer whales swallow a certain amount of ice cubes when they eat. The ice cubes flow deep into the killer whales' bodies to help them maintain a suitable body temperature and promote digestion.]

[This not only helps orcas maintain a healthy body, but also allows them to enjoy food better]

[In fact, in addition to killer whales, dolphins and beluga whales also like to eat ice. Ice can help them regulate their body temperature and replenish fresh water. If you feed them water directly, they may mistake it for sea water.]

[The high salt content of seawater is not suitable for direct drinking. After spending a long time in the sea, killer whales need to replenish fresh water to maintain the body's water balance, and ice is an excellent way to provide killer whales with fresh water.]

[The keepers feed the killer whales ice cubes not only to lower their body temperature and replenish water, but also out of concern for their digestion and absorption]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Many people in the city were startled as four exotic women and four whales appeared in the sky. They were mainly black, with milky white colors from the chin to the abdomen to the tail?
"Is it a killer whale?" Some knowledgeable people also recognized its current name.

There were audience seats set up in the skylight, and it was obvious that there were performances going on, just like the monkey and snake shows that appeared from time to time on Zhuque Street.

Following the orders of the four women, the killer whales immediately dived into the water, then jumped out of the water one after another, and then slammed heavily into the water, splashing a lot of water, causing cheers from the audience in the front row.

Afterwards, they formed groups of two and performed the movements of diving, jumping out, falling into the water, and diving again. They even did 360-degree turns in the air and hit the water with their backs.

After the two rounds of performances, the killer whales immediately came to the trainer's feet, grinning like puppies, waiting for the trainer's reward.

In the palace.

Li Shimin and others' eyes lit up. Chang'an City is located inland and information is relatively isolated, so even they have never seen such marine animals, let alone such performances.

What's more, it is black on top and white on the bottom, with a white feather where its eyes are, which is exactly the opposite of the main and secondary colors of the panda.

"It starts again!"

Four killer whales were seen lined up in a long snake formation, circling the pool and performing a "dragon's tail swing" for the audience. Water splashed towards the audience, and the audience in raincoats and rain boots burst into cheers again.

Next, the killer whale and the trainer performed again. The killer whale lifted the trainer into the air, the trainer rode the killer whale in a parade, and the killer whale even held the trainer in its mouth and spun around in circles.
People have no resistance to this kind of docile, honest, but also a little bit mean killer whale.

So I don't feel anything about the copywriting. I don't think eating ice cream is a luxury.
Jinling City.

It was the first time for most people to hear the name killer whale, and when they saw the killer whale carrying the trainer through the waves, they burst into enthusiastic cheers.

The killer whale's bulky, honest, and docile character, shiny and delicate skin, and black and white color scheme all appeal to the aesthetic tastes of the city dwellers.

Even if you don't like it, you won't hate it.

Moreover, riding on the waves of a killer whale is the dream of many young boys and girls.
In the palace, the young Zhu Di smiled like an aunt for the first time in a long time, but the smile also showed some sadness. This palace, like the pool, was also a cage.

But his situation might be better, and he wouldn't need to please anyone.

Ever since Tianmu exposed everything, he might just be a rich man in Jinling City for the rest of his life.

So where does it eat ice when it is in the sea?

"There will be wild people feeding [dog heads] in the wild"

"Yes, I testify that I am the bucket of ice"

"Will eating too much ice cause pain to the whale?"

[The yellow mud water sugar pouring method in "The Exploitation of the Works of Nature" cannot be reproduced. Is there any simple method to make white sugar? 】

[Sugar-making technology has a history of thousands of years. The method of making sugar has existed since the Western Zhou Dynasty in my country. During the Tang Dynasty, Wang Xuance brought back the local sugar-making method from India, but for a long time, the sugar produced was only brown sugar, and there was also white sugar sporadically, but no relevant production method was passed down.]

[The process of making sugar in ancient times was roughly as follows: first, juice extraction (the main raw material was sugarcane); second, boiling and clarifying, that is, using plant ash or lime milk or shell powder (one thousandth of the amount) to clarify and remove some impurities, and then boiling. Third, stirring and shaping during heating, this is brown sugar. On this basis, the boiled brown sugar is decolorized to become white sugar. ]

[The Tiangong Kaiwu says: Use fire to boil sugarcane juice into yellow-black syrup, pour it into another jar to solidify into black sugar; prepare another jar, place a tile funnel on it, plug the hole of the tile funnel with straw, pour the black sugar into the tile funnel, wait for the black sand to solidify, remove the straw, and pour the black sugar in the funnel with yellow mud water. The black residue flows from the funnel into the jar below, leaving white sugar in the funnel]

[But this method has not been reproduced until now. Some people say it is normal that it cannot be done. This technology was a secret of each workshop at that time. What is recorded in the book is just a simple method. ]

[Some people say that the name "yellow mud" is wrong. The yellow mud used in sugar making is kaolin from Guangdong and Guangxi, also known as bentonite.]

[And the steps are wrong. The correct steps are to take the upper part of the sugar cane juice and pour it into the "yellow mud water" prepared by kaolin (also called bentonite) after the sugar cane juice is squeezed out and stirred. The kaolin with strong adsorption capacity absorbs the impurities in the sugar cane juice. After precipitation, take the upper part of the sugar juice and repeat this operation two or three times. Finally, boil the clear water into white sugar (block-shaped rock sugar). ]

[The 'yellow mud water' here is the clear liquid above after clarification, and it replaces clarifiers such as wood ash]

[The reason why the kaolin used is called "yellow mud" is that the natural soil color in Guangdong and Guangxi is mainly red soil, and the yellow-white kaolin is naturally called yellow soil. The kaolin adsorption method is still used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. ]

[It is not known whether this statement is true or not, as no netizens have posted relevant videos to prove or disprove it.]

Jinling City. Many merchants began to copy relevant content, especially those from Lingnan, Fujian and other places. The sugarcane mentioned by Tianmu just likes a humid and hot environment and grows very vigorously in the Lingnan area.

Since the method of "The Exploitation of the Works of Nature" didn't work, they stopped copying it.

It’s just that the ‘corrected version’ method mentioned here seems to be more detailed than the original one, and even the ingredients, steps, effects, seasons, etc. are clearly explained. Unfortunately, this secret recipe has not been verified.

With frosting sugar in short supply these days, it never hurts to give it a try.

In front of Fengtian Hall.

"This Exploitation of the Works of Nature was published during the Chongzhen reign. It recorded the oil yields and functions of various crops. The comments section once said that this was a masterpiece involving all walks of life. It's a pity that I have no chance to see it." Liu Ji said, stroking his beard. It even contains the secret recipe for making white sugar. Although the record is wrong, it also shows how wide the scope is and how valuable the content is.

You should know that except for later generations, these secret recipes have been kept secret throughout the dynasties.

Nowadays, people in Fujian, Hangzhou and other places can also make snow-white frosting sugar. Although the quality is not as good as the one Tianmu casually took a picture of in the supermarket, it is also a rare and precious product that only wealthy families can see.

"Maybe what Tianmu mentioned is even more powerful than the method in 'The Exploitation of the Works of Nature'." Hu Weiyong said with a smile. He is also a fanatical fan of Tianmu.


Zhu Yuanzhang was also tempted. White sugar was too profitable. The Ming Dynasty was in a state of disrepair and the court's income and expenditure were flowing like water. If this method could really produce white sugar, it would create unimaginable profits.

It’s a pity that this secret recipe cannot be kept secret, otherwise it would be exported to other places, such as Southeast Asia, the Western Regions and other regions, and it would really be a lot of money to make without doing anything.

"How will white sugar be produced in later generations?" Zhu Yuanzhang was a little expectant. There is no one who doesn't like sugar.

When you are too tired to walk after marching or fighting, a cup of sugar water can help you quickly restore your strength.

And the role of sugar is far more than that, especially the jingle that has always been on his mind: "., add some sugar, big Ivan."

Maybe there are more functions that we just haven't discovered yet.

[Some people have also examined books such as "Nanchanzhi", "Xinghuafuzhi", and "Danshuitingzhi" and found that their steps are similar to those in "Tiangongkaiwu", except for the decolorization step. Similarly, in Hainan's traditional sugar making, the decolorization step does not match the record in "Tiangongkaiwu"]

[In Hainan’s traditional method, the sugar-making master seals the sugar colander (a funnel similar to “Walui”) with grass, puts it in the soil, pours the syrup in, and then seals it with mud. After one day, the syrup cools down, the sugar colander is taken out, the grass seal under the funnel is removed, and bamboo strips are inserted from the bottom into the syrup to form a conduit, and “sugar” will slowly flow out with impurities. After a month, the “sugar” will drip dry, and crystallized sugar will appear on the inner wall of the sugar colander, with the whitest part at the top near the mud seal.]

[However, in addition to the many traditional methods mentioned above, there is a simple modern method for decolorization, which is the activated carbon adsorption method. Activated carbon is also easy to make. Just heat fruit shells, coal, wood, etc. in an airtight environment to completely carbonize them. ]

[For example, dissolve brown sugar in water, add activated carbon, wait for a while, and filter to get white sugar water. Evaporation and crystallization of sugar water can produce white sugar crystals, but I don't know whether this is rock sugar or white sugar. ]

[In addition, during the sugar boiling process, the temperature should be controlled. When the temperature exceeds 140-165 degrees, the Maillard reaction will occur, causing the syrup to change color and the high-temperature reducing sugar to break and dehydrate. It becomes dark brown caramel. This is why the cane juice is light yellow, but suddenly turns red and black during boiling.]

[If white sugar looks ordinary, but it has a wide range of uses, if it is wartime, it will soon become a controlled commodity. For example, in some countries, even cigarettes can be released, but only sugar is controlled. ]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin and others watched Tianmu's demonstration. A piece of brown sugar was dissolved in water, and the water immediately turned reddish brown. Then Tianmu added some activated carbon, stirred it, and let it stand for a while, and filtered it to get transparent sugar water.

"It's incredible." Everyone felt like magic was happening. After adding the activated carbon, the liquid in the cup was still black, but after standing still, the filtered sugar water became clear.

"In other words, during the boiling process, the sugar juice turns reddish brown mainly because the temperature is too high? How can the temperature be controlled?" Fang Xuanling and others were puzzled. If it is cane juice, it contains water, so the boiling temperature is estimated to be around 100 degrees. However, as the water gradually evaporates, the temperature of the sugar juice after the juice is collected will definitely rise slowly, and it is really not that easy to control.

"Or use activated carbon to decolorize brown sugar? Will there be any reaction during the evaporation and crystallization process?"

“It’s hard to say, I can only try.”

The group could only record them down first, including four methods: yellow mud water sugar sprinkling method, detailed version, Hainan traditional method version, activated carbon decolorization crystallization method.

Tianmu was not sure about the results of these methods, which was enough to prove that later generations did not use these methods. Everyone was very worried, but they could only try them one by one. It couldn't be that all of them were ineffective, right?

"Activated carbon is easy to make. You will know the result after one try. If it doesn't work, try the rest." Li Shimin said. He preferred to believe in the methods of later generations because they were more scientific.

"The yellow mud water sugar method is not reliable, at least I have never seen anyone successfully replicate it. If you travel through time, of course charcoal bleaching is reliable, but unfortunately there are few sources of animal bones in high-yield agricultural areas like China, otherwise bone charcoal would be more effective."

"Similar technical processes in ancient times would not be fully written in books. In order to keep it confidential, the key links were usually passed on by word of mouth by specialized personnel, so there is a high probability that a step was missed."

"It's the same in every era. In any era, only obsolete technologies will be circulated. For cutting-edge technologies, only the general process is disclosed, and the core details will not be disclosed. "

"The copyright protection of modern papers is to break the embarrassing situation of technology being lost at any time. It's the same thing you say. The popularity of Indian pharmaceutical companies means that the so-called core has not been hidden. The problem is not the technology, but the industry itself, like the atomic bomb, the principle is very simple. "

"Is it possible that the yellow mud is not yellow mud, but sulfur ore, which has the same oxidative decolorization effect as sulfuric acid, and the principle is exactly the same as modern white sugar. In addition, I remember that when I was a child, there was homemade rock sugar for sale, but no homemade white sugar. Perhaps the ancient method should be the cotton thread crystallization method, which produced rock sugar and crushed it into granulated sugar, rather than directly producing white granulated sugar. "

In front of the Fengtian Hall, a group of clerks once again copied down the potentially useful information mentioned in the comment section.

"Oxidative decolorization? Cotton thread crystallization method?" Another possibility was mentioned in the comments section, and everyone looked puzzled, as they had never heard of it.
Some people also cited the example that some steps were deliberately omitted from the ancient books. Everyone here agrees with this, but there is nothing we can do about it.
Today's era (as it was in the past) is really not like later generations. Even the synthesis of various powerful weapons and drugs is protected by patent law, so technology will not be easily leaked.

This is a secret family recipe, a secure job for future generations. How could someone be so kind as to make it public?

If the methods mentioned by Ru Tianmu come true, it will be equivalent to cutting off people's money and destroying their jobs.
(End of this chapter)

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