Chapter 169 Ashikaga Shogunate
The skylight went out again, and everyone saw His Majesty rushing towards the harem without even saying hello. This day was a holiday, so everyone went their separate ways, and some people in the Science Department returned to the laboratory (an independent building next to the Literature Building) to continue their experiments.

Liu Ji stopped Zhu Biao and wanted to look at the written records of the sky curtain, and told him everything he remembered.

"So greasy?" Zhu Biao scratched his head. This was a word he saw in the comment section. He also noticed it because Tianmu was a little secretive about what he said.

"I haven't heard of how to make it. Does Earl Chengyi have any ideas?"

"In my opinion, we can directly exclude records of physics, biology, food production, biographies, and history. Specifically, it should be in the records of chemistry." Liu Ji was prepared. "And since the word oil is related to oil, we can first search for it in the records related to oil."

The written records about the sky curtain are composed of title, content and comment area, and the content includes text, pictures and other information.

Afterwards, the contents of each issue were compiled into a separate volume.

Then create a separate title index.

"Well, I'll go with you." Zhu Biao asked the eunuchs to put down the written records and not move them back yet, then picked up the index catalog booklet and started flipping through it.

Others such as Hu Weiyong, Wang Guangyang, Song Lian and others also joined in.

"Hmm, soap?" Soon, everyone's eyes were fixed on the word soap. This was a record from early last year. As soaps with various perfumes were produced, soaps became popular all over the country and even in Southeast Asia, becoming a common toiletries in people's lives and becoming less and less noticeable.

"Soap? I remember it was made by boiling pig pancreas to extract oil and mixing it with wood ash and water, right?"

Everyone looked at each other, then turned to the corresponding book and found the corresponding chapter.

"Just look at the content in the comment section." Liu Ji reminded from the side that so many people knew nothing about this word, and it was very likely that Tianmu didn't even mention it.

The content of the comments section was extremely messy, and the writing style at that time was from top to bottom. Everyone could only scan through them one by one, and finally found those three comments in the corner. "Who would have thought that this was how oil was made?"

"Everyone is searching for how to make xxx oil. What? Do you want to revive the Han Dynasty?"

"You guys are really cruel."

Since there is no limit to the number of comments to copy, the clerks only copy what they can see, and filter out comments that they think are valuable, such as "@xxxx is so funny" and other comments that are obviously worthless.

Zhu Biao asked everyone to read it, and with a childish face, he pretended to be serious and asked, "What do you think, gentlemen?"

"In my opinion, why don't we move to the laboratory and let Sun Chuanshi and the others give us some advice?"

"Okay, let's go to the lab." Zhu Biao nodded and agreed, and walked towards the Wen Building. Sun Chuanshi is now in charge of the petroleum analysis and chemistry department, and now this situation should be discussed with him.

When everyone moved to the laboratory, Sun Chuanshi and others were all wearing white coats, with a pile of bottles and jars in front of them, obviously doing some experiments.

"Maybe it's because the purity is not high enough?" Sun Chuanshi read through the comments, but there were only a few random sentences, and he had no idea for the moment. Like chemical experiments, many things can only be guessed.
So he couldn't give any better ideas.

"The purity is not enough." Everyone thought for a while. Many of the experiments mentioned by Tianmu did have certain requirements for purity, such as medical alcohol disinfection, so they were also skeptical.

"Let me help." Du Ping said. He had actually made soap by boiling pig pancreas. He also contributed to the first osmanthus-flavored soap sold on the market.

"Wait a moment, we still need to prepare the reaction reagents. Let's split up. Du Ping, you lead the team to purify the lard and wood ash aqueous solution, and the rest of us will get the three acids first." Sun Chuanshi said
After thinking about it, they realized that this was the truth, so they nodded and went their separate ways.

Zhu Biao, Song Lian, Liu Ji and others did not feel left out when they saw that everyone was doing their own thing.

In fact, the Science Department has autonomy over everything in the laboratory and is not controlled by anyone else at all.

Moreover, chemical experiments have always been dangerous. For example, they have all seen a video in which a foreign female teacher took a small piece of metallic sodium out of "kerosene" and put it into a test tube filled with water.
Since then, he has been forbidden to touch any unverified experiments or experiments that cannot be guaranteed to be safe.

So, several people waited quietly outside the door, and from time to time they smelled a pungent smell in their noses. They all knew that it was the smell of a gas called sulfur dioxide.

Because there is no such mineral as "vanadium pentoxide", people can only use the laboratory method to produce sulfuric acid. Fortunately, electricity is no longer rare nowadays, and the byproduct of electrolyzing water to produce hydrogen is oxygen, which makes the laboratory method of producing sulfur dioxide possible.

From time to time, one or two conversations could be heard.

"Tianmu said that acids are corrosive."

"Try and see if a drop is hissing!"

"Quick, get some water! Hisss!!!"

Zhu Biao and the others only heard the sound of people sucking in air, so they walked in and saw a drop of liquid on the wooden table, bubbling with bubbles. The tabletop had turned black and started to burn.
"Your Highness, please issue an order prohibiting the three acids from being taken out of the laboratory." Liu Ji and others were deeply afraid, so they asked for an order.

Zhu Biao swallowed his saliva. This was just one drop of solution. If the concentration was higher or the amount was larger, it would be a disaster.

"This matter still needs to be reported to my father. Before that, it is strictly forbidden to take the three acids out of the laboratory. If you need to take them out, you must report it in advance."

"Yes." Sun Chuanshi glared at the two of them. Fortunately, these two idiots were not stupid enough to hurt him.
"Let's clean up." Zhu Biao and the others lost interest and went back outside to wait.

After the two hurriedly cleaned up, they set about making the other two acids. It was done in a short while. After waiting for a long time, Du Ping finally brought the boiled mixed solution over. Because they didn't know the specific production process, they only knew the word "purification", so it took a particularly long time to boil.

Looking at the hot and steaming 1:1 blended oil, everyone felt awkward.

"What to do next?"

"Since it is a reaction, they should be added together. Mix the two acids first, and then drop in the mixed oil." Sun Chuanshi quickly made up his mind, because the other two acids are made from sulfuric acid, which means that sulfuric acid will not react with them at all and can coexist.

Only then, the mixed solution and the mixed oil react.

After realizing this, Sun Chuanshi asked Zhu Biao to go outside and wait.

I thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect that Zhu Biao would leave without objecting, considering the previous incident of concentrated sulfuric acid corroding the wooden tabletop. Hu Weiyong, Liu Ji and others didn't want to take any risks at all, as the gunpowder test outside the Wen Building last year was so scary that people's hearts almost jumped out.

With that ratio, in the subsequent campaign to recapture Sichuan, they could really hit anyone they pointed at, and anyone who dared not surrender would be hit directly. The power of the artillery resounded throughout the southwest.

Therefore, in subsequent chemical experiments, normal people stayed away.

Zhu Biao, his teacher, Hu Xiang, Liu Ji and others were waiting outside the laboratory. There was silence for a while as everyone was busy digesting the news from Tianmu.

Zhu Biao was thinking, he didn't know what was going on with his father and mother. He had planned to go back to the palace directly, but Liu Ji stopped him.

Looking at the sky, it's already afternoon. Looking at the secrecy in the comments section, I don't know how effective the research is.

Just as I was daydreaming, there was a sudden "boom" explosion, and a heat wave rushed in from the laboratory, breaking the window paper on the door. Then there was the sound of glass falling to the ground and breaking, and the miserable screams of several people.

"Oh no!" Zhu Biao and others' faces changed drastically. They saw at a glance that the laboratory was in a mess. Sun Chuanshi and his two assistants all fell out and rolled on the ground with blood on their faces.

"Hurry up and save people!" Zhu Biao shouted with gritted teeth and rushed in.

"Your Highness, be careful!" Song Lian and his group had no time to hold him back, so they could only rush in.

"What's wrong!" Several people came to help Sun Chuanshi, who was still rolling around. His condition was less serious because he had consciously taken precautions during the experiment, so only a small part of his face was splashed by the mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

But even though there were only a few, a rash quickly broke out on his face, then turned yellow, and was corroded by a "sizzling" sound, with a tendency to ulcerate.

The other two people's faces quickly developed rashes and blisters, which were obviously the precursors to ulceration.
"Water, water, water!" Du Ping and others were not seriously hurt because they were far away from the attack and had nothing to do with it. But they were also affected. At this time, he still endured the burning pain and handed water to Sun Chuanshi.

"Water!" Zhu Biao took the water and poured it on Sun Chuanshi's face, but it was still not enough, so he had to ask for water again.

"Get out first!" Liu Ji shouted, his heart trembling. God knew what these people had done. If it affected His Highness, the families of everyone present would probably be exterminated.

Everyone understood the seriousness of the situation, so they worked together to lift the three people out.

"Your Highness, please take a rest first." Song Lian and others also advised.

"I'm fine, save people first!" Zhu Biao had seen more dangerous scenes than this, so he decisively rejected everyone's suggestions.

The laboratory was in a mess, and no one had time to care about the broken bottles and cans and the liquids that were spilled all over the floor.
Several people worked together to pour water on the three people, but it still didn't work. As soon as the water stopped, the burning sensation would return more violently.

Some guards came upon hearing the news, and then each of them performed their duties, fetching more water from other places, and some guards quickly reported the matter.
At the same time, in Kyoto, Japan, a grand surrender ceremony was held.

The party accepting surrender was Emperor Chokei of the Northern Dynasty, and the party surrendering was Emperor Go-En'yū of the Southern Dynasty.

One was an emperor who was less than four feet tall and only twelve years old, and the other was an emperor who had just ascended the throne and was twenty-eight years old.

Emperor Chokei took the jade box handed over by Emperor Go-En'yū, which contained the three sacred artifacts that Emperor Go-Daigo carried with him when he fled Kyoto: the Sword of Ame-no-Kami, the Yasakani no Magatama, and the Eight-foot Mirror.

At this point, the North and South Dynasties, which had been divided for more than 30 years, were finally unified again after more than a month of negotiations.

The rebellion of the Northern and Southern Dynasties originated from another rebellion of the Ashikaga family more than 30 years ago. Ashikaga Takauji rebelled against Emperor Go-Daigo and made the abdicated Emperor (Emperor Go-Murakami, who was appointed by the Kamakura shogunate) the emperor again. Emperor Go-Daigo was imprisoned, and later fled with the three sacred treasures and established the Southern Dynasty, and the North and South have been in opposition since then.

According to the sky curtain that appeared in the Ming Dynasty's Jinling City, this confrontation should have lasted for another twenty years or so.

After Emperor Chokei took over the three sacred treasures, he saw that there was no further instruction, and an unnatural look appeared on his young face. He looked eagerly at the actual ruler of the Northern Dynasty - Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu winked and his own ministers continued to preside over the ceremony. He was full of pride for a moment. Yamato had been a nominal monarchy since ancient times, and the samurai were the fundamental force that ruled a country.

From his grandfather Ashikaga Takauji, to his father Ashikaga Yoshiakira, and then to himself, in just over thirty years, the foundation of the Ashikaga shogunate was established. This achievement is enough to make people proud.

What's more, he is very young. And his ambition is obviously not to be satisfied with the Yamato mainland. His vision is raised by the sky across the sea. The world is vast, and with the national strength of our Yamato, we should not be confined to a corner!
At that time, he learned from wandering warriors and merchants traveling between Yamato and Ming that when the Ming Dynasty was about to fall, immortals would teach them the secrets of the universe.

At that time, the sky had not yet been exposed. The Yamato Kingdom would invade and harass the Ming Dynasty for more than two hundred years in the future, nor had it been exposed to invade Kyushu in the future, massacre hundreds of thousands of people in Nanjing City, and massacre most of China. Therefore, he sent people to investigate, and unexpectedly took the lead and obtained the artillery technology.

This technology also brought an early end to the war, which was supposed to continue in chaos for another twenty years.

Afterwards, a series of events were revealed. The Ming Dynasty first expelled the wandering samurai and merchants who traded what they had with each other, and then rejected Yamato's request for friendship and expelled Yamato's envoys. After that, they simply ordered the coastal prefectures and counties to arrest the samurai and merchants who continued to exist despite repeated bans, and beheaded them after interrogation.

Deceiving too much!

Considering the hostility of the Ming Emperor towards our country, this matter will never be let go.

Given the gap in national power between the two countries, they could either start fighting now or wait for Ming to accumulate strength and then beg for mercy. But Ashikaga Yoshimitsu would never beg for mercy and allow himself to be slaughtered!
The same thing also happened in the Northern Yuan Dynasty, Jianzhou Jurchen and other tribes.

Despite various restrictions, as long as other countries were not prohibited from entering, the Ashikaga shogunate went through many twists and turns and still got the information it needed.

Therefore, it also united with many tribes such as the Northern Yuan Dynasty and Jianzhou.

"Either don't do it, or do it to the best of your ability! Aren't you, Zhu Yuanzhang, proud? Let me crush your pride with my own hands!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu sneered in his heart. If future generations can do it, why can't I?
Moreover, the Ming Dynasty thought it had a great advantage and wanted to wait for the fisherman to benefit while the snipe and the clam fought.

If they had accepted the Southern Dynasty's request at the beginning and sent troops to intervene in the war between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, perhaps given the weakness of the Southern Dynasty's rulers and ministers, they might have been able to achieve great things.

"What a Zhu Yuanzhang are too arrogant!"

"It's just a small country like Yamato, but it's all thanks to these country bumpkins fighting each other to the death. How hopeless!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu looked at the handover ceremony in front of him coldly and couldn't help but complain in his heart. Even his confidants knew about the Ming Dynasty, but he still couldn't help laughing.

The land is divided and life is wonderful.

"According to the time, the envoys who were sent to the Northern Yuan Dynasty and Jianzhou tribes should be back." Ashikaga Yoshimitsu calculated the days in his mind. If correct, then New Year's Eve would be the day when the rebellion broke out in the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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