Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 21 Traditional Fertilizer Production Methods

Chapter 21 Traditional Fertilizer Production Methods

The sky curtain continued to roll down, and everyone saw questions about bullets.

Although I have no general idea about bullets, but seeing the answers, most of them pointed out that it is impossible for a single person to make it by hand, and even in later times, few countries can make it independently, so I know it is a good thing.

[From now on, homework tutoring must be done at noon, because I will be pissed off in the morning and evening]

In the skylight is a scene of tutoring homework, with questions in the lower left corner.

【Fill in the blank with the conjunction: He __lost his life, __betrayed his friend.】

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

At the beginning of the video, everyone laughed at the "clear stupidity" special effects in the sky, that is, the two people's papaya-shaped faces and big eyes.

【Child: He was afraid of losing his life, so he betrayed his friend. 】

The mother was stunned for 1 second and said in shock

【Mom: You wrote it like this? ? 】

[Mom: Besides, this is not a conjunction. Fill it in again.]

【Child: He.】

【Child: He would betray his friend even if it meant losing his life. 】

Outside the Liangyi Hall of the Taiji Palace, Li Shimin led the group in laughing, completely losing the dignity of a wise ruler. It was always funny to watch people helping others with their homework.

The child in the skylight looks younger than Cheng Qian, and the special effects are quite exaggerated. Coupled with the helpless and shocked expressions of the parents, it makes people laugh.

This is what is called "clear stupidity", what a vivid image.

The laughter of the generals rose to the sky, shaking the plaque on the palace.

The civil officials were slightly better and more polite, but they were also very noisy.

[Mom: How did his friend offend you? You have to betray your friend. Try again.]

It was obvious that the mother was speechless. The child lowered his head and thought hard, then came up with an answer and said loudly.

【Child: He lost his life while betraying his friends. 】

[Mom: He lost his life here, and he still betrayed his friends there? ]

Late Han Dynasty, Yecheng.

Cao Cao led the group in laughing. He had never worried about raising children, but his sons were quite smart.

The mother paused speechlessly and educated him.

【Mom: Probably. He would rather.】

[The child suddenly answered: "Oh, I know, Mom"]

【Child: He would rather lose his life than betray his friend. 】

[Mom: Oh my God, it should be: He would rather lose his life than betray his friends.]

[Mom: It’s not that this friend has a grudge against you, but you can’t get along with him.]

【Child: His friend is a traitor.】

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly and felt much happier, just like taking a vacation.

"This friend must die today!"

"It's better than mom having to eat shit [covering face]"

"Last time I watched Against the Heavens: Losing Life in Vain, Forgetting to Sell Out Friends"

"Its not as good as"

Late Han Dynasty, Nanjun.

Everyone laughed so hard that they pounded the table.

He lost his life in vain and forgot to betray his friend.

The scene on the sky curtain changed, and suddenly a melodious music came. It was Luo Dayou's "Story of Time", a harmonica version in C major.

The music flowed slowly like running water, and spread throughout Chang'an City like a casual conversation.

The picture is very simple, just a man and a woman standing on the roadside talking.

Li Shimin looked at the man and woman on the sky curtain. The azure sky through the sky curtain overlapped with the sky of Chang'an City. He was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but think of his carefree childhood.

This piece of music was so pure that all the civil and military officials present were speechless and slightly dazed.

What is there to say?

Because of talking to the monks in the bamboo courtyard, I stole my life for half a day.

In the closed Chun Manting, the courtesan Gan Tang was completely immersed in the melodious music, her three thousand strands of hair fluttering in the warm summer breeze.

Late Han Dynasty, Nanjun.

Looking at the scene which lasted only ten breaths, Liu Bei felt very melancholy.

Since I gathered my followers in Zhuo County, I have been busy for more than 30 years. There are very few days of leisure like this.

Even if I had two hectares of land in Luoyang, how could I wear the seals of six countries?

Liu Bei suddenly understood the irony in Su Qin's words.

When will this chaotic world end?
[My husband went back to the village to meet his classmates. I don’t know what they talked about. It’s been a few hours. Should I go over and show my face? #老同学]

The video on the sky screen is only about ten seconds long, so it plays back and forth.

In the video, the camera gradually zooms in to show two young men and women talking on the roadside. It can be seen that the two are having a very happy chat, and the girl is smiling shyly. Finally, the boy picks a pomelo from a roadside pomelo tree and gives it to her.

If people hadn’t learned to read titles, they would have thought they were being fed a bit of sweet love.

"It seems your husband is in love [狗头]"

《Be more confident and remove the "as if"》

《Female classmate: I haven’t seen you for so many years, are you married? Male: I got married and divorced.

Female classmate: Divorced? When? Male: Tomorrow morning.

《Female: Is the person taking the photo your wife? Male: We are just an ordinary couple, we are not familiar with each other.》

《Female: Are you married? Male: I met him on a blind date, but we don’t have any feelings for each other. How about you? Female: I’m married too, and he often beats me…》

"Just chat, why are you picking my grapefruits [狗头]"

"That is, I Love Yuzu!"

Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin was a bit awkward. Although we know that this is a joke from later generations, it also reflects the tough customs of later generations. Or is it that these young people are open-minded?

Ordinary couple? Divorced, tomorrow morning.

The Tang Dynasty did not prohibit divorce, but it did not allow it to be done casually.

Jinling City of the Ming Dynasty.

"Isn't this Xiangluan?" Zhu Biao said.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the place that was obviously a rural area in the suburbs of later generations, and the roads were so clean and spacious? And the materials were not bluestone slabs! It was better than Jinling City!
This is outside the city!!

Zhu Biao also focused on the two people at the beginning, but after playing it many times, he also noticed this problem.

Zhu Biao didn't understand why such a road would be paved in the countryside. Even in Jinling City, the roads outside the city gates were just dirt roads. It was really unthinkable to pave roads like this.
Extravagance and waste.

Well, considering the cost of weapons in later generations, it doesn't seem like a big deal. Having money is indeed a big deal.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang stared at the road in the sky as if he had discovered a treasure.

Is this a road? It's so clean and smooth? And it's divided into two rows. How are the materials made?

What is the purpose of the several-meter-high stone pillar standing next to it? Are there some wires on it?

It would be nice to have a private canopy
[Traditional fertilizer and crop rotation]

[If you travel through time, how to produce enough food will be a big problem you face]

[In addition to finding high-yield crops, a shortcut to increasing food production in a short period of time is fertilizer]

Liu Bei's hands trembled and he quickly grabbed the bamboo slips and started recording.

If you don't become a householder, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive.

No matter what regime, both ancient and modern, both in China and abroad, ensuring that the people under them have enough food is always the most important thing.

“Looking for high-yield crops!”

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin suppressed his emotions and quickly ordered people to record it.

Since ancient times, farming has meant relying on the weather and the land for a living.

Dependence on the weather for food refers to the climate, while dependence on the land refers to the difference in land fertility, such as fertile farmland and ordinary paddy fields.

Since ancient times, there have been very few agricultural books. Just like he only knew about "Qimin Yaoshu", but had never read its content, let alone the people who had read it among the people.

Throughout thousands of years of history, there have been countless people who claimed to be serving the people, but few actually did anything for the people.

Li Shimin had a vague understanding in his heart that the foundation of a country lies in its people, and the way to enrich the people lies in agriculture.

From now on, the focus of policy will still have to be on grain planting.

[Since the production technology cost of modern fertilizers is extremely high, it is difficult to produce them without a complete industrial system]

[So I recommend only doing two aspects in the early stage]

【Making soil, fertilizer and crop rotation】

[Several simple methods recommended for making soil fertilizer]

[First soil ammonia fertilizer can promote the growth of crops]

[Take 50 kg of fresh cow dung, 50 g of soybean powder, and 5 kg of gypsum powder]

[After mixing them evenly according to this ratio, seal them in an earthen kiln for 3 days. When applying fertilizer, add 3 times the weight of water and pour it on the roots of crops.]

"Second soil sulfur fertilizer, prevent and control crop diseases and pests"

"Take 50 kg of human urine, 5 kg of plaster of Paris, and 25 kg of water and mix them evenly according to the proportions."

"Seal the earth kiln for 10 days, add twice its weight of water and spray it on the surface of crops"

Li Shimin directly took the paper and pen and started writing himself, reading and writing, and simplified the words so that he could remember them faster.

As the video played, Li Shimin became more and more delighted. It was too detailed.

To promote growth, prevent and control pests and diseases, and enhance crops' resistance to cold and frost, etc.

Not only the function of the fertilizer, its preparation method, and the ratio of adding water to it, but even the precautions for fertilizing are clearly explained.

Moreover, the required materials are readily available and extremely cheap, and will not be a burden to the people.

Li Shimin was lost in thought for a moment, thinking whether he should let this person travel through time as soon as possible. If there were ten or eight more talented people like him, it would be hard to imagine how powerful the Tang Dynasty would be!
Well, eight or ten is a bit greedy. Then three or five is not too much.

Li Shimin's eyes were profound.

Father, please look, the prosperous Tang Dynasty is not far away.

Late Han Dynasty, Nanjun.

Everyone was writing furiously.

In this era, books on agriculture were unheard of, and all planting was based on experience.

However, the war caused people to be displaced, and many planting experiences were lost without being passed down.

During the Han Dynasty, the average rice yield per mu was about 3 dan, which is about 360 jin in later generations.

The best fertile land yields only about 10 shi.

Therefore, the knowledge on this subject is very limited and precious.

Moreover, in this era, those who study and become officials do not regard those who farm as human beings. The prejudice and the spread of knowledge alone are big problems.

Those who can govern a county well are considered rare talents who can assist the king.

This technique can benefit all people and bring blessings to future generations, so it is worth erecting a monument to commemorate it!
Tianmu spoke a little too fast, but fortunately the young people in later generations listened carefully, listening to it twice and watching other people's discussions for a long time, so everyone was able to copy it completely.

Everyone looked up and saw the solemnity on each other's faces.

Liu Bei stood up and bowed solemnly three times towards the sky.

The others followed suit.

With this agricultural technique, even if crop yields are increased by only 10%, it will save countless lives and be a great achievement that will be remembered for generations to come.

Liu Bei shed tears, as the people finally had a way to survive.

During the Yuanshou period, Emperor Liu Che laughed out loud when he got the copied farming techniques.

God bless me, my great man!
This time, not only the Huns will be destroyed, but Europe, Africa, and Central Asia will also be incorporated into the territory.

Liu Che is no longer the Liu Che whose vision is limited to one area.

This matter needs to be handled slowly and gradually.

(End of this chapter)

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