Chapter 36: The Midas Touch

The sky screen switched again.

[How is gold formed? Japanese scientists plan to make gold]

[On July 1997, 7, a Japanese scientist named Takaaki Matsumoto planned to do something serious]

[At that time, Japan had just recovered from the economic bubble. The impoverished Japanese scientists did not study how to boil water honestly, but instead thought about how to get rich every day.]

[There was no live streaming at that time, so how could one make money quickly? ]

[As the saying goes, robbing is worse than selling drugs, selling drugs is worse than opening a school, opening a school is worse than robbing a bank, robbing a bank is worse than robbing a vault. These are all clearly written in the Japanese Criminal Code.]

[But is there a way to get gold without robbing? ]

[Hey, it really exists. This guy actually plans to make gold. Yes, you heard it right. Mr. Matsumoto has a very creative mind and his idea is also very simple.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked. Huh???
Artificial gold?
Ministers: ???

Citizens of Jinling City: ???

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

"What?" Li Shimin almost bit his tongue in disbelief.

Turning stone into gold?

"Hehe, I'm rich, I'm rich!" Cheng Yaojin couldn't help rubbing his hands, his face full of anticipation.

Yuchi Gong, Qin Qiong and other generals couldn't help but laugh. This was truly a windfall.

"Is this the art of turning stone into gold?" Fang Xuanling could not help but exclaimed in shock, but turning stone into gold is just a fantasy after all!!!
“Isn’t this a ghost legend?”

"Who knows? Maybe we can really figure it out with the methods of the future!"

Du Ruhui and others standing by couldn't stop their shock and enthusiasm. They could even make gold. This so-called science in later generations was too weird.
"I didn't expect there really is such a magic trick?"

"Who says it's not?"

There was a lot of discussion in Chang'an City. Many people had already imagined that they could eat several big steamed buns in one meal after learning how to make gold. The smarter businessmen had already prepared paper money and were waiting to "learn from" the achievements of future generations.

[Gold is the 79th element and mercury is the 80th element. The order of the periodic table is based on the number of protons.]

[So this Japanese physicist with two doctoral degrees slapped his bald forehead and instantly came up with a second-grade math formula]

[80 minus 1 equals 79, right? Blast him with gamma rays]

In Nanjun at the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang felt like his head was going to explode. This young man's thinking was too jumpy, and his speech was always mixed with some strange sentences, coupled with all kinds of unfamiliar words. Even if he concentrated fully, he still couldn't understand.

First, it was about boiling water, then making gold, then gold was element 79, mercury was element 80, mercury was familiar, what was the periodic table, what was the number of protons, and what was a gamma ray?
Without further ado, Tianmu also said that the proton number of gold is 79 and that of mercury is 80?

He didn't have time to write down too much, he just simply wrote down some of what Tianmu mentioned.

Zhang Fei looked at his elder brother, second brother, military advisor and others who were frowning and thinking hard, and couldn't help but sigh that his elder brother and military advisors were so strong.

What is this talking about? I can't understand a word of it.

It's more troublesome than the mother-in-law's next life. At least he knows that the mother-in-law's next life is nonsense, which means population.

[From a normal perspective, it is difficult to accept his ideas, but the most amazing thing about this magical country of Japan is that there are not many normal people in it]

[His idea quickly received financial support, and even got approval from relevant departments without much effort]

[The Japanese government was almost going crazy with poverty at the time. When they heard someone say they were going to make gold, their eyes widened like cow eggs. They thought it was some mental hospital whose door was not closed tightly and let him escape.]

[But after a closer look, I realized that this guy actually has a scientist certificate. If he really succeeds, wouldn’t that be an achievement? Besides, he doesn’t have to take the blame. Everything will be easier with a certificate.]

[A certified mistress is called a superior, and a certified fool is called an expert]

[So the Japanese government slapped its thigh and really agreed. Someone invested money and someone approved it, so let’s do it.]

[On a dark and windy night, in the spirit of a great country's craftsmanship in a small country, Matsumoto began his two and a half year gold making plan]

[But this old man is very inspiring. After 70 days of hard work, he actually irradiated mercury with high-energy gamma rays and obtained real gold. At the press conference]

[The old man said with tears in his eyes that we succeeded. We used only less than one and a half tons of mercury and blasted out 744 grams of gold.]

"Did it really work? How much does 744 grams weigh?" Zhuge Liang tried hard to ignore some of the teasing and exaggerated language in the sky and caught this piece of information.

"You mean to say that if you can reduce the number of protons in mercury by one, it will turn into gold?" Pang Tong found it a little hard to believe. Is this the magic that can turn stone into gold?

How can it be unreliable?
Several people subconsciously wanted to refute, but if they really wanted to refute, they didn't know where to start. After all, they didn't even understand what the proton number in later generations meant.
"Let's assume it's true, what are mercury and gamma rays?" Liu Bei indicated that they should put aside this discussion which could not be resolved for the time being.

"I remember that Tianmu once called the elixir presented by the alchemist to the King of Qin mercury pills?" Ma Liang recalled carefully and said uncertainly.

Jian Yong was in charge of this part of the bamboo slips, and they archived them according to the video and the comments below. Several people immediately looked through the various bamboo slips.

So after several people searched, they finally confirmed it.

"So, as long as we know what gamma rays are, making gold is that easy?"


Everyone was ecstatic and looked up at the sky. The next sentence broke the defense of all time and space.

[The research cost only 1.5 million yuan, but the gold obtained was worth 28 yuan]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

"I knew it."

"I thought it was pie in the sky."

"Hey, there's no such good thing."

"It's all in vain."'

The enthusiasm of the people quickly faded, and they began to look at the sky dome with a recreational attitude.

In Taiji Hall, Li Shimin actually breathed a sigh of relief.

He still felt uneasy about this pie-in-the-sky thing.

"Your Majesty, although the Midas Touch is not reliable, the periodic table of elements has infinite uses!"

"That's right. When Tianmu was making fun of gold, he wasn't making fun of the fact that it couldn't be made. He was making fun of the high cost. It's really useless. The two situations are completely different. The whole thing can be attributed to the periodic table."

"If what the man behind the sky curtain said is true, I'm afraid iron can also turn into copper, copper can turn into iron, and even into gold." "Good." Li Shimin ordered people to record what the ministers said and put it into a book.

Periodic table!
This time, Tianmu's explanation was not like a teacher imparting knowledge, so various things were not explained clearly, but the amount of information it revealed was indeed enormous. Li Shimin vaguely felt that this periodic table of elements was extremely important.

Since gold is an element, copper and iron should also be elements. What about steel? What about stone?

It stands to reason that what Tianmu mentioned was definitely for future generations to see. Since Tianmu did not stop to introduce the periodic table, protons, etc., there is only one possibility, that the so-called periodic table, protons, etc. should be common sense in future generations.

[If the Japanese Ministry of Finance had any normal IQ, they would rush over and beat him up. The cost is enough to buy several baskets. This is not just a matter of picking up a watermelon or throwing away a sesame seed.]

[It was like picking up a firecracker and dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The human, material and financial resources spent far exceeded the value of gold itself, and the experimental conditions were very demanding.]

[If he continues to research this, he will probably have to pay for it with his pants down.]

[So it is not difficult to artificially create gold. Scientists have also tried every possible means to come up with many tricks. Isn't it stupid to only pursue the results without considering the process and cost?]

[Unless the hole in your brain is big enough to hold a river of water, who would use this thing to get gold?]

"That being said, could you please not be so abrupt when speaking next time?" Zhu Yuanzhang complained in his heart.

"Your Majesty, this periodic table must be an extremely important thing and should be paid special attention to!" Hu Weiyong stepped forward and made a reply.

"That's right!" Zhu Yuanzhang thought so too, although only two elements, gold and mercury, were known at present.

[From ancient times to the present, every civilization has used gold as hard currency and precious ornaments]

[So where does all this gold on Earth come from? Scientists speculate]

[About 46 billion years ago, when the Earth was just born, a celestial body with a huge mass ran out of energy because it could not withstand its own strong gravity]

[So it collapsed inwards extremely rapidly, and finally formed gold, which is heavier than iron, under ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure.]

[In fact, there is a lot of gold on Earth, but due to its high density, most of the gold has sunk deep into the Earth's core when the Earth was still molten.]

[So the old saying that good things are all down there is not without reason]

Xianyang Palace of Qin State.

Ying Zheng was obviously a little disapproving when he heard the exaggerated numbers.

If we go back another 1000 years, he didn't even know who his ancestors were. How could future generations know what happened 46 billion years ago? It's nothing but lies.

"46 billion years?" Xun Yu pulled out a few more strands of his beard and exclaimed in surprise, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

"If Tianmu releases a few more videos like this, Wen Ruo's beard won't be able to be saved." Cao Cao chuckled.

"Excuse me for making fun of you all." Xun Yu bowed to everyone, but still couldn't help asking, "Prime Minister, how much do you think Tianmu said is true and how much is false?"

"It's hard to say. What Tianmu said is true as we can verify. Many things happened too long ago and are difficult to verify." Cao Cao thought that he had no way of knowing many issues of later dynasties. For a king, the truth was not an important thing. Perhaps what Tianmu came into contact with in that era were not necessarily the facts.

"46 billion years is too long. We can hardly verify anything that happened 2000 years ago."

"46 billion years is too long. The so-called gold mine in the center of the earth is probably unrealistic and difficult to mine."

[In other words, there is gold underneath us, but it is difficult to mine with the current level of human technology]

[Experts counted on their fingers and found that the amount of gold stored on Earth exceeds 4 trillion tons, accounting for 1/150 of the total mass of the Earth]

[If the gold on earth is divided equally among everyone, each person will get about 500 million tons of gold]

[What does this mean? If we calculate based on the current gold price, each of us can get about 2 trillion RMB.]

[Assuming you win 1000 million lottery every day, you need to win for 2 million consecutive days, which is 54 years]

[You have to start buying lottery tickets since the year of the monkey to earn this much]

[Instead of learning how to synthesize gold, the Japanese should learn how to dig the earth from the Soviets. Otherwise, the Russians are the ones who know how to do it.]

Is there a possibility that the gold was bought, the experimental process was fake, and the money was put into one's own pocket [covering face]?

"I was wondering why this routine sounded so familiar"

You Know Scientific Research

You're a fucking genius

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he saw the comments, and then he glanced at his ministers vigilantly.

The ministers were so frightened that they dared not look at each other.

Some local officials disagreed. How could these fools in later generations understand the twists and turns?
How could someone who understands it open his mouth and yell everywhere? Isn't this like an old man eating arsenic? Are you sure he is the only one who took it?
Although the result is stupid, his spirit is worthy of recognition. After all, when the car was first invented, its speed was not as fast as walking. When Empress Dowager Cixi rode in it for the first time, she thought it was not as good as a horse-drawn carriage.

"Actually, if you think about it, even though he was stupid, he proposed a possibility, a direction. Gold can be manufactured. Isn't that what science is all about?"

"Isn't it funny? Wasn't it also ridiculous that people said water could be turned into gasoline?"

"Science." Zhuge Liang chewed on these two words. At some point he seemed to have grasped the result but couldn't put it into words, like seeing flowers in the fog.

This feeling was quite uncomfortable, like scratching something through a shoe, and there was always a layer of separation. He had no choice but to copy down these two sentences.

"Although the result is stupid, his spirit is worth affirming. After all, when the car was first invented, its speed was not as fast as walking."

"Although he is stupid, he proposed a possibility, a direction. Gold can be manufactured. Isn't that what science is all about?"

"I mean, is it possible that if we continue to research this technology, one day the cost can be reduced to less than the yield, and then we can make a profit?"

"Telling a joke, 30 years ago someone actually said that he wanted to invent a portable phone that could be used to chat face to face with people thousands of miles away, and everyone said it was impossible at the time. "

"Radio has existed since 1865, and battlefield mobile phones existed during World War II, but it was not until 1973 that Motorola began producing them for civilian use."

"I'm talking about a phone that allows face-to-face conversations. I'm not a so-called Japan-US fan, but the starting point of all scientific inventions is imagination. Without imagination, there will be no progress."

"The starting point of all science is imagination. Without imagination, there will be no progress." This spirit of not turning back until one hits a wall, and of blazing a trail to success even if outsiders do not look favorably upon it, moved even Li Shimin!
"A thing that you can carry with you and chat face to face with people thousands of miles away." Many ministers simply cannot imagine that scene. What a wonderful thing it would be if they could communicate with their parents, wives and children at home through the so-called mobile phones.

To be honest, they think it's nonsense, but Tianmu tells you clearly that it can be done, it can really be done.

Is it possible that something you think is impossible is something you haven’t done yet or you don’t dare to do?
"Is this science?" Li Shimin trembled slightly with excitement. He could feel that kind of loyalty, stubbornness and innocence, but the prosperity of later generations was created by this spirit that sounded unreliable.

This is what he wanted. After all, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

It would be fine if he had never seen this kind of magic, but once he saw it, there was no going back.
"Henan thought the same about bricks and stones at that time."

"Hasn't the price of artificial diamonds been driven down? If you live long enough, you can witness everything [covering face]"

(End of this chapter)

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