Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 42 Why was the Song Dynasty's economy so prosperous?

Chapter 42 Why was the Song Dynasty's economy so prosperous?

During the Zhenguan period, in front of Taiji Hall in Chang'an City.

Li Shimin closed his eyes and deduced that the end of the Tang Dynasty was also a Little Ice Age.

This deadlock can be seen at a glance, and it should be unsolvable.

First of all, it is the population. When a dynasty grows from weak to strong, it will inevitably be accompanied by a rapid expansion of population, and its population limit is the limit of the country's food supply.

So when the Little Ice Age came, it caused less rainfall, which led to crop failure.

The first thing to solve is the food problem.

Because the population has reached the limit of food supply, when crops fail, large-scale famine will inevitably break out and cause countless people to starve to death.

Moreover, the per capita land ownership by then will certainly be far less than it is today. One reason is that the rapid population expansion has diluted the per capita land ownership, and the other is that land mergers will lead to a large amount of land being concentrated in the hands of a few people, and the situation will be extremely serious.

If land annexation happens to the Little Glacier Area, conflicts will be rapidly intensified, and refugees will emerge from all over the place. In order to survive, these people will definitely plunder everywhere.

Therefore, in order to resolve this deadlock, the first thing to solve is the food problem. However, it is extremely difficult to increase food production. The only way is probably the high-yield crops mentioned in Tianmu.

The second is extreme climate conditions. The cold weather will freeze countless people to death, and this situation may be even more unsolvable.

"Your Majesty, do you remember the honeycomb coal and chimneys mentioned by Tianmu?" Fang Xuanling suddenly said.

"Honeycomb coal?" Li Shimin frowned.

"Yes, is it possible to use this coal instead of charcoal for heating?" Fang Xuanling pondered. He was powerless to solve the food problem, and who knows where the so-called sweet potatoes are. So in the face of cold weather, coal is the only solution he can think of to replace charcoal and firewood.

This point was mentioned in the comments section when Tianmu mentioned carbon monoxide poisoning. Later generations joked that it was because coal was burned in the house without installing a chimney.

Coal can indeed burn, and poor families in some areas use this black stuff instead of firewood, but it is not very convenient to use.

"Maybe it's a direction!" Li Shimin said after thinking for a while, and then ordered someone to bring the relevant comment records.

The relevant records were soon presented to him. Li Shimin read through the ten lines at a glance and finally fixed his eyes on that comment.

All the ministers stretched their necks to look at Li Shimin, and Fang Xuanling's heart was hanging as the emperor frowned.

". Later, when I arrived in the Central Plains, I saw some coal stoves that burned honeycomb coal without chimneys. They burned and exhausted directly in the house. When I saw it for the first time, I wondered if there would be carbon monoxide poisoning? As a result, I heard many cases over the years [covering face]"

It is true that people in later generations actually used coal instead of firewood, so there must be a way to improve coal.

Li Shimin's eyes lit up, this was a surprise!

No, no, no, we can't rely on the sky curtain alone. What if the sky curtain is not mentioned? Will we not improve the coal?
"Okay, okay!" Li Shimin, who had made up his mind, smiled heartily and said to Fang Xuanling, "Mr. Fang should be credited with great merit!"

Fang Xuanling did not dare to take credit for it and said that it was Tianmu's achievement.

What Fang Xuanling said was also right, but it was also thanks to his reminder that Li Shimin was now thinking about who to let do this, Duan Lun?
The sky curtain switched again.

[Why was the economy of the Song Dynasty so prosperous? #SongChao#Land annexation]

[Why was the business so prosperous in the Song Dynasty? Because the agricultural tax revenue was not high enough, so the only way to make up for it was to use the commercial tax. ]

[This is somewhat similar to our current society, but the difference is: one is to actively cancel the agricultural tax, and the other is really unable to collect it]

[Under normal circumstances, the establishment of a new dynasty itself is a process of redistribution of land resources, with the old landlords being eliminated and new landlords taking the stage]

[Since everything is new, a new round of land construction will take decades to complete]

[However, the Song Dynasty carried out the transfer of power very gently, so when Zhao Kuangyin took over the Later Zhou Dynasty, he also took over the bureaucratic system of the Later Zhou Dynasty.]

[In order to maintain the legitimacy of his fragile regime, Zhao Kuangyin had to retain the land that the old bureaucrats had already annexed, and even give more. In this way, almost all the land went to the homes of the gentry and landlords of the Song Dynasty.]

[We all know that it is very difficult to collect taxes from the rich and powerful in any era. The experience of Emperor Yongzheng is a good example.]

[The reason why the emperor is the emperor is because the benefits you can bring are worth everyone working for you]

[So the Song Dynasty became the only dynasty that clearly stated that there would be no restrictions on land annexation at the beginning of its founding.]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

"Did the future generations in Tianmu abolish the agricultural tax?" A group of ministers discussed it in disbelief.

This news was undoubtedly a bombshell, leaving everyone dizzy.

"Impossible. Without agricultural taxes, where would the government's tax revenue come from?"

"How is the court's expenses maintained?"

"So where does the money for such a huge army and armaments come from?"

“Where will the funds for such a large-scale construction come from?”

The four questions in a row left people speechless, especially the last one, because that was what they had been longing for. The roads that were paved even in the countryside and mountains were cleaner than Suzaku Street, which made people jealous!

"Is it business tax?" someone asked hesitantly.

“Can commercial taxes be so high that agricultural taxes can be abolished?”

"I don't have much education, so don't lie to me!"

Not to mention them, even Li Shimin was shocked. Such a huge agricultural tax was cancelled.
is that true?

But when has Tianmu ever told a lie?
Although they may be crazy sometimes, some basic information should not be false.

Although the civil and military officials were aggressive, judging from their gloomy faces, it was obvious that they were just greatly shocked!

But when he thought that Tianmu had never broken his promise, he hesitated again.

During the Hongwu period, in front of the Wuying Palace in Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang has quietly put away his emotions. As a man who built such a huge empire from scratch, how could he be defeated by such distant difficulties? As long as he is still here, he will definitely find a corresponding solution.

As long as the sky dome exists, there is a chance!
At this time, I suddenly heard that the agricultural tax was abolished in the future. My mind was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that the future was horrified. You know, that was the food that fed more than one billion people.
The grain collected from the annual taxes alone is probably an unimaginable source of income.
"Someone come slap me in the face and tell me this isn't true!" a civil servant muttered.

“Is this really not a dream?”



"Huh!" Zhu Biao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, but his tone was still trembling: "Dad, the future generations in Tianmu may have other sources of tax revenue, and their income is much higher than agricultural tax, so they decided to cancel agricultural tax."


Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes narrowed and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

When Hu Weiyong, Wang Guangyang, Song Lian and other old officials heard Zhu Biao's analysis, their scalps felt numb, their eyes widened in astonishment, and they swallowed subconsciously.
No way?
But apart from this, there is no other more reasonable explanation.

You have to know that taxation is a major national issue and it cannot be abolished easily. It must be a decision made after careful consideration.

How much more? What is the proportion of total tax revenue? 70% to 30%? 80% to 20%?

"No, no, no, even if it's 80:20, we can't bear to cancel the agricultural tax!" Zhu Yuanzhang said to himself.

Everyone looked up at the sky, could it be?

[Since it is difficult to collect taxes from landlords, excessive oppression of the lower classes will lead to refugees and uprisings]

[Under such circumstances, the Song Dynasty, which did not value agriculture, naturally also had to take the lead in not suppressing commerce.]

[Faced with the situation where the land across the country was plundered by bureaucrats and the people lost their livelihoods, the Zhao Song court came up with a clear plan]

[Or you can join the army, you can earn a living with the government’s system]

[If you don't want to join the government, then you can go out to work, find a job as a captain or work in a kiln factory. If you have the chance to save some money, you can donate money to become an official.]

[Or you can study and take the imperial examination. The court will still not refuse you from joining the bureaucracy just because you are a merchant.]

[This is equivalent to giving unemployed farmers a chance to survive, and it also gives you the opportunity to achieve class leap]

[This is just like the enclosure movement in the history textbooks of middle schools. The migration of farmers into cities in Britain stimulated the development of the textile industry, which eventually led to the Industrial Revolution.]

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

In fact, after hearing that the agricultural tax was abolished in later generations, people's minds were no longer on the sky.

Liu Bei and others made relevant speculations about the military expenses of future generations. However, the more they calculated the numbers, the more exaggerated they became, to the point that people could no longer distinguish the truth from the false, and finally had to give up.

They were also mentally prepared for taxation in the future, but they never thought that things would unfold in this way.

The agricultural tax, which has lasted for thousands of years since ancient times, has been abolished.
This is probably the reason why they distinguish their country from the dynasty empire of more than two thousand years.

Zhuge Liang managed to calm himself down and listened carefully, not daring to be careless. In fact, as the person in charge of internal affairs, he faced much more shocks than anyone else. One who does not manage the household does not know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are.

"Industrial Revolution, this term is related to the industrial civilization mentioned before, my lord!" Zhuge Liang caught this key word and looked at Liu Bei.

"Ah?" Liu Bei came back to his senses when he heard someone calling him. He scratched his head and pulled himself together: "What did you just say?"

[The migration of Zhao Song people into the city stimulated the development of the Song Dynasty's handicraft industry. The textile and manufacturing industries in cities such as Kaifeng, Xiangyang and Luoyang developed rapidly.]

[These continuously influx of population gradually became China's earliest citizen class]

[Why Kaifeng in the Qingming Shanghe Tu looks like this? The fundamental reason is that the added value brought by commerce is definitely higher than that of agriculture, and the court is well aware of this.]

[So the government of the Song Dynasty not only did not suppress business, but took the lead in stimulating consumption. The government took the initiative to purchase porcelain, and the five famous kilns came into being.]

[With the surge in commodity production, the Song Dynasty had a production chain for handicraft products that were sufficient to be sold to overseas countries, and Quanzhou and Guangzhou were almost full of large ships that could go to sea.]

[During the Southern Song Dynasty, the government could meet 1/10 of its income needs just by collecting taxes from ships docked at ports.]

[The huge wealth brought by overseas export trade also greatly improved the living standards of the urban class in the Song Dynasty]

[So the commercial development in the Song Dynasty was entirely due to the failure of traditional agricultural taxation, which led to the development of business that no one had done before]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

The Song Dynasty was the dynasty that came after them, and all the civil and military officials knew this.

At this time, the Zhao Song Dynasty's taxation and development ideas that relied entirely on commercial taxes were completely new and unfamiliar to them.

When I heard that the first-tier income needs could be met just by collecting taxes from ships docked at the port,
I was just shocked for a moment.

After all, the afterlife in the sky.
"No, didn't Zhao Song prove that the court could survive well without relying on agricultural taxes?" "Yes, since Zhao Song could meet the court's needs by relying on commercial taxes, with the level of prosperity in the future, it is only natural to abolish agricultural taxes!"

After these two sentences, everyone was shocked again. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that what Tianmu said should be true.

But it was all too horrific!

"Everyone, isn't it better for us if Tianmu becomes stronger in the future? What is there to argue about?" Du Ruhui stood up and hit the nail on the head.

He sorted out his thoughts and continued, "The stronger the future generations become, the more we will learn. For our Tang Dynasty, this will bring us a hundred benefits and no harm."

"If the business of our Tang Dynasty prospers in the future, it would be a great merit if the commercial tax could replace the agricultural tax; if not, it would also reduce the burden on the people."

“Therefore, this debate is unnecessary.”

Everyone calmed down at this point, and after careful thought they felt that it made sense. Their previous rebuttal was just an instinctive rebuttal. After all, this matter was too scary, and who would be willing to tell it to others over thousands of years?

Cheng Yaojin watched the two sides slowly calm down. In fact, he didn't understand what these people were arguing about. If they believed it, they didn't believe it. Why were they so angry? After listening to Du Ruhui's analysis, he also knew the prosperity of Zhao Song and later commerce. He muttered, "Is business so profitable?"

He looked at the generals again and commented on them one by one: "I have to choose an honest person to partner with. This one won't do. She has big breasts and no brains and can't do delicate work."

“This brain isn’t very good.”

"This stinginess is not to my taste."

Li Jing, Yuchi Jingde and other generals were speechless. It's not that you are not smart enough, who are you looking at? Do you want to fight?
He thought his voice was quiet, but everyone heard it, looked at him, and remained silent.

This is probably a new direction of development.

There are two examples here. Even Li Shimin couldn't help but be tempted by such huge tax revenue.

The development of the world in later generations undoubtedly proved that developing business was correct, and Li Shimin's hands trembled a little.

[But as we mentioned earlier, the business of the Song Dynasty was completely stimulated by allowing the displaced people who lost their land to move into the city, which is why many cities prospered.]

[But think about it, if all the rural population moved to the cities, who would take care of the land? As a result, the cities in the Song Dynasty were very prosperous, but the countryside, which was the foundation of the country's agriculture, was somewhat desolate.]

[Also because the harvesting of peasants stimulated commerce, the Song Dynasty also exploited the peasants, who still made up the majority of the population, particularly harshly. Therefore, the Song Dynasty became the dynasty with the most peasant uprisings.]

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed in his heart again. It turned out that later generations were following the old path of Zhao and Song. Was the national policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce wrong again?

But if commerce develops, what will happen to agriculture? Who will grow food?
And of course he knew the history of Zhao Song, which was a rare example of cowardice.

No, no!

Although business was extremely prosperous, its strength in later generations was unheard of.

Why do both rely on business taxes, with one being strong and the other weak?
"In today's terms, the primary industry in the Song Dynasty was weak, the secondary industry was basically zero, and the tertiary industry was super developed, just like South America."

Why didn't the Ming Dynasty focus on business?

"In the middle and late period, the Ming Dynasty was still okay"

"What does the material production of agricultural society rely on? Relying on agriculture, the foundation of commerce can only prosper with a huge material guarantee. What can everyone use to exchange if they don't have surplus materials? Today, China's commercial development also depends on China's huge industrial and agricultural production. Without a large amount of industrial products and agricultural products, what can you use to do business?"

Land annexation and the emergence of capitalism

There is no industrial revolution, so it is just the embryo

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered people to copy down some of the meaningful comments in the sky curtain so that he could study them one by one after the sky curtain ended.

There is no doubt that he supports the view that the basis of commerce is agriculture.

Industrial Revolution is a term that appears very frequently, and Zhu Yuanzhang silently kept it in his mind.

The sky repeated itself and then flashed again, showing a scene of a traffic jam in the evening.

【Don’t get road rage while driving#Male Psychology】

[The man said dissatisfiedly: What are you doing? Why are you cutting in line? ]

[Female voice sounds a little hoarse: “Oops, sorry, sorry handsome, I’m a newbie, I just didn’t do it by accident]

During the Zhenguan period, the city of Chang'an was filled with spring.

The names used in later generations are somewhat different from those used today, so it always sounds strange, but the girls roughly understood it and knew that the two women were begging for mercy.

The two women did not show up, so we can only guess based on their voices. Judging from their voices, they should be quite young, soft, charming and delicate, giving people a feeling of being swaying in the wind and being pitiful.

The usually carefree girl Hongmian got goosebumps from being pinched, and said bluntly: "This woman is not a good person!"

The other girls rolled their eyes at her, and Qingsha added, “You’re just jealous of others!”

Others were carefully savoring the words of the two women who had not appeared, their tone, their attitude, their voices.
It’s so professional. You’re almost as professional as me.

[The man is still dissatisfied: You can’t cut in line, just queue up at the back!]

[Female 1: Mainly because I just saw this car and it looks so cool~]

[Female 2: So I wanted to overtake the car in front to see if the owner is handsome too~]

【Male: So what do you think? 】

[Female (chorus, very loud): Very handsome~~!! ]

As expected by several people, after just two or three sentences, the corners of the man's mouth in the sky were raised to the sky.

"Oh, men!" The red cotton girl was speechless. How could men be so easily controlled?

"Is 'handsome' an exaggeration for someone's good looks?" Miss Qingsha has already started taking notes in her little notebook. These two women are really ruthless. When they praise people, it doesn't seem like they are being fake. Although they didn't appear on camera, but listening to their excited tone, it was so real.

Her voice was soft and sticky, and with her excited tone, there was also a hint of coquettishness.

Not only the men in Tianmu, but many girls in Chunmanting all had auntie smiles on their faces.

【Male: All right, then you guys go first! 】

Then there was a bang, as if something had crashed together.

【Male: Hey, why did you hit my car? 】

【Female 1: Ah, we didn’t mean it】

[Female 2: Just now my attention was focused on my brother’s handsome appearance]

【Female (chorus, very loud): So we are ~distracted~~!!】

[Man: This is my new car. If you cut in and bump into me, you’ll have to pay for it.]

[Female 1: Oh, brother, we just want to create an opportunity]

【Male: What opportunity? 】

[Female 2: If you accidentally hit your brother's car, you can get his]

[Female (chorus, very loud): Contact information~~!! ]

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

The soldiers in the military camp looked at each other, their lips curled up unconsciously, and their faces turned a little red.

The common people of Jiangling City couldn't help but smile.

[The man was embarrassed by the compliments and stared at the camera: Can you please earn some energy and smile here? They have to pay for the new car.]

[Man rolls down car window: Pay me back]

[Female (chorus): Wow, so handsome, so handsome, how can he be so handsome when he is angry! ]

[Female One: I was fascinated by him~]

[Female 2: Fainted]

[Male: Forget it, forget it. No need to pay.]

【Female (chorus): Wow~~~】

【Male: Let’s add WeChat.】

In Chang'an City, the lady of the Xie family in Yonghefang also looked unhappy. So the seductive woman that her husband met outside was the one who seduced people in this way?

My dear husband, how can I resist him?
She was not the only one who thought so. Yonghe, Chang'an and other districts were already in chaos.

"I used to think that men are not fools, how could they fall for this? They knew it was fake the moment they heard it. Until one time I taught him something in a weird way, he really fell for it."

"Ever since I acted like a spoiled child once and saw my husband's mouth corners which were harder to hold down than AK, I've been doing this kind of thing often. Men really fall for it [dog head]"

"Two girls: playing with you like a dog, controlling you.jpg"

You Can't Slander Them

How can I let my girlfriend see this video?

Many men also think about how to let their wives see their attitude. Women are like this. They are good in every way before marriage, but their true nature is exposed after marriage.

That's not right, they can see the sky too.
"I'm here to learn the fox spirit's words, why do you always put yourself in his perspective? I'm so embarrassed to hear that"

"I've tried this before. I scratched someone's car, got out and acted like a spoiled brat. His wife called the police to check if I was drunk driving, and said something was wrong with me [covering my face]]"

"Don't blame him. I can plow two miles of land all night long just by listening to him."

"As a woman, I put myself in the man's perspective. The smile on my face is harder to suppress than AK [covering my face]"

"My three-year-old son also falls for this. When he finishes his bottle, I praise him for being so awesome [covering face]"

The sky screen is still playing.

During the Hongwu period, at the Hexing Tea and Snack Shop in Jinling City, although people knew it was fake and that the story was not about boasting, they still felt very happy drinking tea, chatting and gossiping. Many people laughed continuously, which was a bit obscene.

"Little kids also buy into this?"

"The son follows his father, so don't blame him"

(End of this chapter)

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