Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 44 Is the Yellow River going to say goodbye to being a river on the ground?

Chapter 44 Is the Yellow River going to say goodbye to being a river on the ground?

The influx of population will inevitably occupy arable land, leading to a decrease in grain production. At the same time, the demand for housing will lead to large-scale felling of trees and excessive use of water resources. It can be said that the decline of Guanzhong is due to many reasons, and this is the thorny problem.

Li Shimin had no choice but to place his hopes in the comment section of Tianmu, where there were many insightful comments.

"Yes, the Guanzhong region was once a land of abundance, but climate change and over-exploitation have made it unable to sustain the population's survival needs."

"The core issue is global temperature decline. The farming-nomadic line has shifted eastward and southward, precipitation in the northwest has decreased significantly, and output in Guanzhong has dropped significantly."

"It should be caused by global climate change. The temperature during the Han and Tang dynasties was much higher than it is now, and the Guanzhong Plain had a pleasant climate and could support a large population. Later, the overall climate became colder, and the Guanzhong Plain could no longer support so many people."

Fang Xuanling nodded. The climate problem mentioned here corresponds to the previous Little Ice Age. The lower temperature led to less rainfall, which in turn led to less grain production and a shift in the economic center of gravity to the east and south. This was also the reason for the developed economy of the southeastern coastal areas in later generations.

"The water resources are scarce. I'm afraid it's not due to over-exploitation. Eight rivers surround Chang'an, and it's not drinking water that can cause the water to dry up. It should be caused by climate change. There was no industrialization at that time, so even if there were ten times more people, it wouldn't be that serious [covering face]"

"There are two reasons. One is that the population is increasing and the pressure on Guanzhong is high. The second is climate change, the southward shift of the precipitation line and the arrival of the Little Ice Age. Anyway, the current climate is different from the ancient times."

Industrialization is another word related to industry. Similar words include industrial revolution and industrial civilization.

What does this mean?

Li Shimin had a headache, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

No, no!

More than one billion people in later generations.
It was not food. Li Shimin tried his best to eliminate the interference of food factors. Some fragments flashed through his mind and finally froze on the skyscrapers of later generations.

Their houses are not built with trees!

Not only residential houses, but also schools and paved roads everywhere.

The materials are different!
Moreover, their houses are built layer by layer, so they can accommodate a large population. The occupation of arable land will be greatly alleviated, and there is no need to destroy forest vegetation. All problems are almost solved, except for the food problem.

"The materials are different. The houses of later generations were not built with wood!"

Fang Xuanling looked at His Majesty's excited expression. After a moment of hesitation, a similar picture flashed through his mind, and then an excited look appeared on his face.

I actually forgot such an important thing!
The others were still in a confused state, so Li Shimin gave a rough explanation again, and everyone was shocked.


Can the various reasons for Guanzhong's decline be solved so easily?
Well, for now I don’t know what materials will be used in later generations!

But at least the problem is half solved.

[Is the Yellow River going to say goodbye to being a river on the ground? 】

[A long section of the lower reaches of the Yellow River is an above-ground river. The so-called above-ground river means that the silt carried by the river water is deposited in large quantities in the lower reaches, making the riverbed higher.]

[In order to prevent the river from overflowing, embankments were built on both sides, which caused the river to be much higher than the ground on both sides]

[For example, in the section from Zhengzhou East to Kaifeng in Henan Province, the Yellow River bed is about 7 meters higher than the horizontal reference level on both banks, which is higher than a two-story building.]

[Imagine how it feels like when you stand on the first floor and look up and see only the bottom of a river]

[If the Yellow River bursts its banks, the consequences are unimaginable. But the Yellow River bursting its banks is not uncommon in history.]

[According to historical records, the Yellow River has undergone 8 large-scale diversions, 18 small-scale diversions, and 1593 breaches, making it one of the most difficult rivers to manage in the world]

[The middle reaches of the Yellow River cause a large amount of sediment from the Loess Plateau to flow into the river. Every year, the Yellow River carries 16 billion tons of sediment, of which 12 billion tons flow into the sea, and the remaining 4 million tons remain in the lower reaches of the Yellow River all year round.]

[For example, the protruding area at the mouth of the Yellow River is formed by the continuous accumulation of silt from the Yellow River]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Hearing Tianmu mention the Yellow River issue, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart couldn't help but hang in his arms. However, what was even more frustrating was why the lower reaches of the Yellow River were so different from what they are today!

The Yellow River has changed its course!

The faces of the ministers turned pale instantly.
As Tianmu mentioned the Yellow River's course changes throughout the ages, he also marked them on the map in a timely manner.

[Moreover, new land has continued to grow at the mouth of the Yellow River from 1984 to today]

[Of course, these silts also have a good side. They are rich in nutrients and make the soil fertile, which can increase crop yields.]

[In order to completely solve the Yellow River sediment problem, China built two hydropower stations in Henan, Sanmenxia and Xiaolangdi]

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei took a deep breath. On the one hand, he was shocked by the number of disasters in the Yellow River, and on the other hand, he was shocked by the generosity of later generations.

That is the Yellow River.
Everything is too shocking!

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin's eyes were bright and his face showed an eager expression.

It is a great cause that will benefit hundreds of millions of people, and is destined to be an unprecedented Yellow River management action that will be recorded in history books!
Damn it, I can't even participate in this!!
"Pa!" A civil servant slapped himself in the face, obviously unable to believe it.

[Among them, Sanmenxia is not considered a successful dam. After its completion in 1961, Sanmenxia did solve the problem of flood control, water supply and irrigation in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.]

[However, due to lack of experience, the design experts did not realize the contradiction between the water and sand in the Yellow River. In other words, the Yellow River has less water and more sand, and the relationship is very inconsistent.]

[Three years after the dam was built, the elevation of Tongguan, west of Sanmenxia, ​​continued to rise, from 323 meters to about 328 meters, which eventually threatened the flood safety of the Wei River, the largest tributary of the Yellow River.]

[When there are extreme rainstorms, the river water will flow back to the Guanzhong Plain, which is why Xiaolangdi was formed later.]

During the Zhenguan period, everyone in Chang'an City, from civil and military officials to ordinary people, broke out in a cold sweat.

After all, they lived in Chang'an and naturally recognized everything in Chang'an and Guanzhong.

The so-called Sanmenxia Dam raised the riverbed by 5 meters in just three years, and there is a danger of backflow into Guanzhong.

If this really happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

Many people swallowed their saliva and looked forward to seeing how future generations would solve this problem.

[Xiaolangdi is more than 100 kilometers away from Sanmenxia. This is a great project]

【After learning from the failure of Sanmenxia, ​​Xiaolangdi has taken the sand removal function to the extreme】

[Xiaolangdi can not only store water, but also artificially create flood peaks to flush the middle and lower reaches of the river]

[A large amount of water flow stirs the riverbed so that silt is not easy to accumulate, which is equivalent to installing a silt propeller here in the Yellow River, constantly pushing silt into the sea]

[If you have time, you can come and see the sand-draining scene at Xiaolangdi, which is very spectacular. What is being drained is not sand, but hope.]

[Since 2002, in 22 years, the lower reaches of the Yellow River have cut down an average of 3.1 meters, which not only solved the problem of the lower reaches of the Yellow River bed rising, but also made the riverbed lower in many places]

[Due to the increase of sediment, some saline-alkali lands in Shandong have been transformed into farmland, and the average per-acre yield can be increased by more than 20%]

From the image corresponding to the sky, we can see that Xiaolangdi stretches across the Yellow River bed, and the outlet discharges a lot of muddy water. The river water rises up to the sky due to the artificial control of Xiaolangdi, and the river water overlaps one after another, which is very magnificent.

The sky screen also took relevant images from various angles, and its strong scouring ability can be seen from every angle.

"In 22 years, the lower reaches of the Yellow River have been cut down by more than 3 meters!" Li Shimin caught this information and a look of joy flashed across his face!
Perhaps future generations will be able to solve the problem of the elevated riverbed in the lower reaches of the Yellow River!
[In addition, China's Junhe 007 has also joined the Yellow River management operation. The Junhe 007 can pump 4500 cubic meters of sediment per hour and remove 40 cubic meters of sediment per month.]

[The extracted silt can be used to fill the surrounding mines, improve the land and create new arable land]

[In the middle and upper reaches, another great project: the Three North Shelterbelt Project]

[It is reducing soil erosion on the Loess Plateau, while the Sanjiangyuan Ecological Protection Area is improving the water conservation capacity of the upper reaches]

[Sand removal in the downstream, sand fixation in the middle, and water increase in the upstream]

【With this complete water conservancy system】

[In the future, the Yellow River may really say goodbye to being a river on the ground]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

"Sand fixation in central China." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the Three North Shelterbelt Project that spanned tens of thousands of miles from east to west, and could not help but admire the strong national strength and determination of future generations to control the Yellow River.

Zhu Biao stared at the marked area of ​​protective forest project with his eyes wide open.

The area covered by the Three North Shelterbelt Project is almost 20% of the country's land area, and most of it is desert and sparsely populated area.

"It is very easy to manage. Just dig an artificial river from Lanzhou to Tongguan to straighten it and bypass the Loess Plateau."

This is the legendary nonsense

In Nanjun at the end of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bei looked at the sky and made some comments, but he didn't think it was funny. Because he really had the ability.

As I thought about it, I couldn't help but simulate this situation in my mind.
"In this way, Shandong is getting bigger and bigger"

"The seeds sown by the people of Gansu blossomed and bore fruit in Shandong [covering face]"

"The Yellow River has begun to cut downwards, and it is expected to cut downwards another 7-2 meters in seven years, eventually making it navigable."

"With Xiaolangdi, the Yellow River flood problem has been basically solved"

"If there was Douyin back then, I wouldn't have gotten such a high score in geography"

[In ancient times, due to relatively limited medical conditions, many wounds were prone to festering and inflammation]

[Many powerful figures lost their lives or suffered torture because of this, such as Emperor Taizong of Song Zhao Guangyi who was shot in the buttocks, King Helu of Wu who was injured in the toes, Zhang He who was shot in the knee, etc.]

[You have to know that in ancient times there was no penicillin and alcohol. Without these things, wounds would easily fester.]

[And there will be treatment, I don't know what to give you, just apply some plant ash or something on the wound.]

[Anyway, we don’t know how to disinfect and stop bleeding]

[In modern times, we generally use medical alcohol, iodine or hydrogen peroxide to disinfect small wounds. If the patient's wound is very deep, the wound area is large, and the affected area is red, swollen, hot, feverish, or high fever, penicillin and other anti-inflammatory drugs will be taken to relieve the infection.]

[If you really travel through time by accident, you must keep this guide on how to make alcohol]

[We know that alcohol has two major functions: making strong liquor and disinfecting supplies]

[High-proof liquor is needless to say. Purified alcohol can be used to disinfect external injuries, and the combination of alcohol and penicillin can be called a life-saving magic weapon, especially on the battlefield.]

[Therefore, it is recommended to purchase ordinary wine to purify alcohol. Alcohol purification is actually very simple, as shown in the picture]

[That is, just heat the wine to drain the condensate, and this is strong liquor]

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

Zhang Zhongjing was delighted to find that penicillin/allicin can also treat wound ulcers and inflammation.

According to Tianmu, using alcohol for external disinfection and taking allicin internally can heal the wound and prevent the wound from ulcerating and worsening of the condition.

This point was mentioned before when allicin was produced, and Zhang Zhongjing remembered it.

But I didn't know the difference between alcohol and wine, so I kept it in my mind and never put it into practice.

The pattern displayed on the backdrop today is the process of making alcohol by heating wine. Many of the strange bottles and jars are ones we have seen before.

Therefore, a group of painters quickly copied the pattern using simple lines.

"Hu~Hu~" Zhang Zhongjing carefully blew dry the ink and brush, feeling very happy. This was a life-saving technique summarized by later generations.

It is conceivable how many lives will be saved with it.

"My Lord, since alcohol has such a great effect, we should prepare some for emergency use."

"Kong Ming is right!"

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Many doctors and medical practitioners were stunned for a moment, and then copied it down with joy.

This is a life-saving technique!

In front of the Taiji Hall, Li Shimin also ordered people to record the few words on the sky curtain.

[It should be noted that because the boiling point of alcohol is 78 degrees, it is best to control the temperature a little higher than 78 degrees during distillation]

[After about three distillations, you can get alcohol with a purity of 95%]

[After mixing it with distilled water in a ratio of 3:1, you can get medical alcohol that can be used to disinfect external injuries]

[The principle of alcohol sterilization is that alcohol can make proteins coagulate and lose their activity, thus leading to the death of bacteria]

[If the concentration is too low, the effect will not be obvious. If the concentration is too high, the protein on the surface of the bacteria will coagulate and form a membrane that prevents the alcohol from further acting, which means that the bacteria will not die completely.]

[The effective concentration of alcohol disinfection is 70% to 80% for best results]

[So it can be used as a surgical disinfectant in ancient times. It is strongly recommended to make it. It makes more money than selling alcohol.]

During the Hongwu period, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

A group of diners also wrote down the steps in detail, and it became a family-passed life-saving technique.

Not only them, the tea shop owner, the waiter and other people in Jinling City were either writing furiously or memorizing everything in their hearts.

In the future, if I get a minor injury, I’ll be able to handle it myself.

(End of this chapter)

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