Chapter 56 Let me tell you something
Let me tell you something. This book will be on the shelves tomorrow at noon.

It is everyone’s credit that this book was signed and put on the shelves. I am really grateful for your continued support and companionship, and I am very grateful to the editor for his support.

This is the second book I have written (the first one had 5 words). I have been reading the comments section. Many things people say are correct. I am also well aware of my own shortcomings, so most of the time I dare not say anything.

The reason for writing this book was that I had seen several similar articles on Qidian and Fanqie, most of which were serialized, with relatively few words and could be finished in a short time. Moreover, I was staying at home before the New Year and had a lot of free time, so I started writing without much thought.

I spent most of the New Year's holiday reading this book, and my family members were so busy staying at home that they couldn't bear to read it anymore.

When I had written 120,000 words without much effort, I suddenly realized the advantages and disadvantages of this type of subject matter and summed up some experience.

All along, I never dared to ask for tickets or anything.

The book will be on the shelves tomorrow. I hope everyone will give it a try. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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