Chapter 69 Getting Hot

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking in his mind that in his eyes, the power of physics, chemistry and biology in later generations was indeed much greater.

It just so happened that the imperial court was recently discussing the establishment of the imperial examination. Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a moment and decided that now was a good time to include these subjects in the imperial examination.

In his opinion, the several subjects currently involved in Tianmu are not profound, but they are extremely practical. Adding these subjects to the examination scope and selecting talents will meet the development needs of the Ming Dynasty.

The talents that the Ming Dynasty will urgently need in the future are definitely those who can study these subjects and transform them into corresponding results. Naturally, he will look down on those nerds who only know how to study hard.

[This type of immersion water heater is called a hot water heater. I believe that even if you haven't seen it, you must have heard of its name or a joke, such as: My house is so hot that it's about to explode.]

[The hot water heater is a simple and effective tool that can heat water quickly. It is very popular in some construction site dormitories, factory dormitories, ordinary rental houses, etc. Its main part is the winding conduit in the middle.]

[Its working principle is actually the use of the thermal effect of electric current. Since the conductor has a certain resistance, the current will be converted into heat energy. This phenomenon can also be described by Joule-Lenz's law]

[That is, the heat generated by the current passing through the conductor is proportional to the square of the current, and is proportional to the resistance value of the conductor and the time the current passes through. In other words, the greater the resistance of the conductor material, the better the heating effect]

[The thermal effect of electric current has extremely wide applications in life and industry, such as electric heaters for heating in winter, rice cookers for cooking, electric water heaters, and light bulbs for lighting, etc.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

As soon as Hu Weiyong heard the vivid name, he knew that the winding copper tube was used for heating, and it utilized "electricity".

Can you heat water without burning coal or hay or firewood?

Hu Weiyong has become a little numb. Up to now, he still doesn't know where the boundaries of future physics will be. From the current perspective, it seems endless.

It is true that the more you know, the more you understand the profoundness of that knowledge, just as it is said in "Zhuangzi: Autumn Water", you can't help but sigh in despair.

Zhu Biao raised his eyebrows. This little thing can boil water using only electricity?

Can it also be used for heating? Cooking? Lighting?

Forget about boiling water and heating, but can this thing cook?
That doesn't sound reliable. And if the rice cooker is cooking, what will the cook do?

Sun Chuanshi, who insisted on finishing the last shift among the clerks, was copying and thinking at the same time. He felt that his brain was not enough. This thing had no consciousness, so how could it know whether the rice was cooked or not? Could it taste whether it was cooked or not?

Sun Chuanshi naturally substituted the scenes he saw in life into the story, but of course he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Among the military generals, Duke of Wei Xu Da showed a look of joy. Since the day he returned to the court, there was discussion about the sky curtain everywhere, among which the most miraculous ones were power generation and rainfall.

In the mansion, Xu Da often heard the young boy Yun Gong asking questions about all sorts of things, and many of his questions left him confused.

Electricity is indeed mysterious, invisible and intangible.
Xu Da shuddered and felt goosebumps all over his body. The imperial court had not yet figured out the corresponding use of this product of the Second Industrial Revolution, so Tianmu's move was undoubtedly a timely help and saved the Ministry of Science a lot of time.

Everyone in the Science Department breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was on par with the six ministries, everyone knew that the Science Department did not have much real power, so they were all eager to produce some results to prove their worth.

Now I know some specific applications of "electricity" from the sky. Although it is not my credit, at least I have a research direction. It will be a great achievement to develop these things according to this direction.

At the Hexing Tea and Snack Shop, everyone started talking.

Mainly rice cookers and electric water heaters
The guys who usually help out in the kitchen are extremely envious. If the food could be heated this quickly, wouldn’t they have to do a lot less work?

Many women inside and outside Jinling City were also filled with envy.

"There are things like things for boiling water, cooking, heating, and lighting. It would be great if one day we could invent something that can wash clothes." Someone said with a smile while a group of women were washing clothes by the river.

"Oh, I don't know if I can see him in this life." Huang, who was washing clothes by the river, wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"I see, it's not far away." Chen, who was a little upstream, stopped what he was doing, stood up, patted his waist and added, "I went to the city a few days ago and saw that someone in the city had already made a generator. I went to see it. The scene was amazing."

"What about electricity biting people?"

Huang was stunned when she heard this, and immediately asked why Dian looked so strange and why he would bite people.

Of course Chen didn't see the electricity. In fact, she just stood on tiptoe and stretched her neck to look around for a few times. She had only heard about electric shock bites, but she obviously couldn't tell the truth at this time.

So he smiled and responded, and immediately made up a story, which was true and false. The truth was that there were indeed a lot of people that day, and the squeeze was so tight that my toes were almost stepped on, and the lecher took the opportunity to touch me a few times. The false part was my own imagination about electricity.

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin's eyes also lit up. This electrical energy can be converted into thermal energy?
When using the generator in the palace to generate electricity, the copper wire tubes would indeed become a little hot after a long time. I didn’t expect that this characteristic could be utilized!

"Your Majesty, the key lies in the material of the conduit!" Fang Xuanling said with a folded hand. "When Tianmu mentioned rebar before, the comments section mentioned that universities would have a subject called materials science."

Li Shimin knew that the school system in later generations would be divided into small, medium and large schools, and that what is learned in university should be more difficult knowledge. At this time, Fang Qing mentioned that there is a subject of materials science in university, which shows that it should be very important and relatively difficult to learn.

Li Shimin nodded and then asked, "What kind of metal is this catheter made of?"

Of course no one can answer this question, and in fact it wouldn't be of much use even if someone could answer it.

Li Shimin smiled bitterly in his heart, and thought further. This so-called materials science is really not something that the Tang Dynasty can come up with now. After all, the court has not even figured out the first twenty elements of the periodic table.
Even if you know the name of the metal, as long as it is not copper, iron, aluminum, gold or silver, you probably won't recognize it because these names were created by the princes of the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years later, and even the princes who created the names don't know what metals these words represent.
"I finally understand why Tianmu said that it is difficult to rebuild the chemical system." Fang Xuanling smiled bitterly. This thing made those arrogant young people complain.

They were tortured just trying to identify the first twenty elements in the periodic table, and it was a shame that they hadn't figured it out yet.

What's more, various minerals in this world are not pure. For example, coal mines contain many impurities, and so does iron ore. Just trying to remove these impurities makes the process very complicated.

Fang Xuanling didn't know what the chemical industry system of later generations would be, but it was obviously a very large thing. As Tianmu had said before, this was not a feat that could be accomplished by one person alone.

And this is indeed the case. Tianmu never mentioned this part of the content and almost no one mentioned it in the comment section.

[The history of the hotplate can be traced back to the last century. Its structure is relatively simple. The internal resistance wire is the core heating element, usually made of nickel scraps]

[It is an alloy material with high resistivity, of which 75% is manganese, 20% is chromium, nickel accounts for only 1.5%, and a small amount of iron is also mixed]

[The resistance wire is usually curled to increase its heating area, and then placed in a protective tube]

[The protection tube is usually made of stainless steel with excellent thermal conductivity and strong corrosion resistance. Magnesium oxide powder is also filled between the protection tube and the resistance wire]

[Magnesium oxide is a ceramic material that acts as an insulator under normal circumstances and has no conductivity]

[Then connect the neutral wire and the live wire to both ends of the resistor wire. Of course, the metal casing must have a ground wire to discharge excess static current, and then make a hook for easy use]

[For safety and aesthetics, thermosetting plastics are used as packaging materials. Of course, some advanced ones are faster and have thermostats to control the water temperature. When the temperature is reached, the heating function will be automatically turned off.]

[When it is powered on, the current will flow through the nickel-chromium-manganese alloy along the wire. The resistance wire converts electrical energy into heat energy through the resistance effect]

[Finally, to answer the question of whether it will leak electricity, under normal circumstances, qualified products will not leak electricity when it is working, but for safety reasons, do not touch the water with your hands, because the leakage protection will always fail, and the water will contain electricity at this time]

Chang'an City during the Hongwu period.

"Nickel-chromium-manganese alloy, magnesium oxide, insulator" Zhu Yuanzhang read out these very strange names one by one, and at this time he calmed down a little.

The principle is quite simple, but the materials are hard to get.

Zhu Yuanzhang certainly knew that there would be a subject called materials science in universities in later generations. After all, it was mentioned in conjunction with the Hongwu case.

In fact, he has figured out some clues about the Hongwu case. It is very simple. Biao'er died young and the throne was passed to the crown prince → the ruler is young and the country is in doubt.

If someone insists on making trouble at this sensitive moment of power transfer, he will naturally not be polite.

Zhu Biao tried hard for a while before he memorized the proportions of the various materials in the nickel-chromium-manganese alloy. Tianmu was right, physics is still simple.

This electromagnetic theory is physics, how interesting!
《Cold knowledge: Larger water heaters heat up faster》

"Yes, the water storage type heats up quickly and keeps warm [grin]"

"I just wanted to test whether the water was hot or not, and it gave me an electric shock [covering my face]"

"As a professional electrician with more than ten years of experience, I can tell if there is a leakage just by touching it with my hand [grin]"

(End of this chapter)

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