Chapter 73 Isochronic Theory

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

The ministers fell silent again.

From rice cookers and electric fans to sweeping robots, machines for boiling water, washing clothes and washing dishes.

How many jobs have been taken over by machines?

It's okay to say that the machine can heat up quickly and use electric fans, but are the rice and porridge cooked by the machine really edible? How does it taste? Are the clothes washed cleanly?
One question after another lingered in the minds of Hu Weiyong, Wang Guangyang, Liu Ji and others. It was not that they had never seen these lives, but because that was another kind of life, and that kind of life was much more attractive than Xiao Taohong and Xiao Fengxian on the Qinhuai River pleasure boat.

Moreover, if all the work is done by machines, what will the servants do?

The group thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a good place to go. They could only sigh that it was no wonder that people in later generations seemed so idle and could argue in the comment section for a long time over a trivial matter.

Zhu Biao tilted his head and thought, from daily life to mining machines, long trains, cars, etc., machines have replaced human and animal power in all aspects, which undoubtedly makes more manpower free. What will these people do? To do farm work?
No, there are definitely corresponding machines in this regard, there is no doubt about that.

Using machines to replace manpower would be much more efficient.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the comment section without saying a word. From the comments section, he also learned a lot of information that was not mentioned in the video. For example, Alpha 2 only input the corresponding rules of Go, and after about 40 hours of self-training, it developed a large number of patterns summarized by humans, and then abandoned these patterns and developed more sophisticated patterns.

Later generations called these terrifying abilities calculation ability and learning ability.

Although Alpha 2 is currently unable to exhaust all moves, its terrifying computing ability can calculate dozens or even hundreds of moves after the opponent makes a move and choose the one with the greatest chance of winning. This ability has exceeded his imagination.

Go is the activity that tests one's intelligence the most.

At this time, his eyes fell on the machine kicking butt on the table, and Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly realized that even he could not tell whether this thing was a real person or a dummy, and its learning and calculation abilities were stronger than those of humans. So... did it mean that the machine kicking butt could take over most of the work and do it better?
Zhu Yuanzhang broke out in a cold sweat, and he finally understood why some comments in the comment section were so disgusted with AI.

Not to mention other things, just looking at the cumbersome tax calculation and management of the Ministry of Revenue, is it possible to avoid human errors and improve efficiency?
You know, the clerks who can read and do some math are rare talents among hundreds...

A machine with learning and computing abilities far exceeding those of most humans and a loyal heart can certainly do what ordinary people can do, and do it better.

"So that's how it is!" Zhu Yuanzhang was not at ease with the people under him. If he could get someone to take over these trivial yet important tasks, it would undoubtedly be a great thing for the court.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the clerks were still in a daze. Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed his excitement and calmly reminded them: "Don't be in a daze."

After being reminded, the clerks came to their senses and began to write furiously, copying down potentially useful information from the comment section.

"It feels really good to cross the river by feeling the future." Zhu Yuanzhang thought with some pride in his heart. Although the Ming Dynasty is still a long way from being able to defeat machines, it has a direction, and with the occasional technical popularization from Tianmu, it is expected that the Ming Dynasty will be able to accomplish things that took hundreds of years for future generations to achieve in 200 years, or even less.

This estimated time takes into account the fact that there are too few professional talents (almost none), otherwise the time can be accelerated.

By then, there is a much greater chance that we will be able to survive any small ice age.


[When talking about the human dream of flying, we have to mention a man named Tao Chengdao in the early Ming Dynasty]

[It is said that he was once granted the title of Wan Hu by Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, and he was also the first person in history to attempt to fly]

[So how did he fly? According to records, in the 47rd year of Hongwu, Tao Chengdao tied 2 homemade rockets to a chair, sat on it, held two large kites in both hands, and then asked someone to ignite and launch them.]

[He wanted to use the thrust of the rocket and the power of the kite to fly, but unfortunately, the rocket exploded in the sky and Tao Chengdao also sacrificed his life.]

[In fact, we learned Newton's third law in junior high school, which is: the action and reaction between two objects are always equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and act on the same straight line. ]

[From this law, Tao Chengdao's feat of ascending to the sky actually has a little scientific reason, although not much...]


During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang recalled carefully and had some impression of Tao Chengdao. He seemed to be from Wuzhou.
"Flying to the sky!" Zhu Biao's eyes sparkled with excitement. He had long coveted this magical skill. It was flying to the sky! !
It is different from a hot air balloon. Although a hot air balloon can also fly, it cannot control the direction very well. However, even with all its shortcomings, hot air balloon flying is still the most popular activity in Jinling City.

"Is it that simple?" Everyone in the Science Department was dumbfounded.

"Oh, what is action? What is reaction?"

"That's easy. The force is... just like, like me pushing you?" Although Tianmu's words were not easy to understand, there were examples to help, so he could roughly understand what he was saying.

Hu Weiyong also said: "Tianmu said before that physics is the study of light, heat, force, and electromagnetism, and also mentioned Newton's three laws. I didn't expect that Newton's third law is so simple!"

"There is also the law of universal gravitation. Could it be that these three laws and the law of universal gravitation are all about the study of force?" Liu Ji also began to ponder.

"That's right. According to the rules of naming in later generations, the first, second and third ones should all be the study of mechanics."

"According to Tianmu, if you understand mechanics and electromagnetic theory, you have basically learned classical physics."

Zhu Yuanzhang listened to these remarks one by one and found them very reasonable.

"Is this the second way to fly?"

"Tianmu said that Tao Chengdao's feat of flying has certain scientific reasons, so can we improve it in this direction?"

People from the Science Department were also in heated discussions, and they knew that specific details would definitely be discussed next.


During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Cheng Yaojin was a little confused for a moment, so was Tao Chengdao right or wrong?
In my peripheral vision, I saw His Majesty suddenly stand up again, his face flushed, pacing back and forth, the corners of his mouth more difficult to suppress than AK.

Although Cheng Yaojin didn't know what AK was, it was obviously appropriate to describe His Majesty at that time.

"Another amazing way of flying." Fang Xuanling sighed. He had discovered that the principle of flying this time was different from that of the hot air balloon.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and they couldn't help but wonder in their hearts: "Could Tianmu have other flying magic and principles?"

This... is really hard to say...

No one stipulates that there is only one way to fly. Just like in balloon flying, there are hot air balloons and hydrogen balloons.

"No, the rocket displayed on the sky screen is different from the iron bird we saw..." After saying this, Li Shimin also remembered that the iron bird was very fast, like an eagle flying over the ground, and it quickly retreated after dropping gunpowder.

This iron bird has incredible destructive power, and is unstoppable.


[You thought I was going to talk about rockets, no no no, this time we are going to talk about how airplanes take off]

[It should be noted that there are many explanations for why airplanes can fly, such as the isochronic theory, the boulder theory, etc. Today we will mainly talk about the isochronic theory. ]

[The isochronous theory states that the oncoming airflow will be divided into two parts by the wing, and finally converge behind the wing]

[The wing is convex on top and flat on the bottom, which means the airflow above has to travel a longer distance. If the two meet at the back of the wing at the same time, the speed of the airflow above must be faster.]

[According to Bernoulli's principle, in a fluid system, the pressure is low where the flow rate is fast]

[When an airplane is flying, the airflow above is fast and the pressure is low, while the airflow below is slow and the pressure is high. It is this pressure difference that provides the upward lift for the airplane and lifts it up.]

[The isochronic theory sounds reasonable, clear and easy to understand, and has been widely circulated. Even today, many textbooks still use this statement.]

[But its premise is problematic, that is, the separated airflows must converge behind the wing]

[In 2012, a professor of aerodynamics at Cambridge University conducted an experiment using smoke, and the results showed that the airflow does not converge behind the wing, and the airflow above will reach the back of the wing faster.]

[In short, the isochronism theory is bankrupt. The boulder theory is also problematic.]

[For now, science cannot explain clearly why airplanes can fly, but this does not prevent us from making airplanes, because inventions and scientific discoveries are not tied together.]


During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

The painters had to draw the structure of the aircraft first.

The latter sentence is easy to understand. Just like a compass, no one understands how it works, but that doesn’t stop it from being very practical.

As the explanation continued, a video of an airplane taking off was played on the sky screen.

From it we can see that, accompanied by a deafening roar, the huge plane accelerated on the track, and then, under the incredible gaze of everyone, it slowly raised its head until it completely took off!

"It can really fly!" Zhu Yuanzhang also widened his eyes, watching the plane slowly rise into the sky, getting smaller and smaller, and the roar gradually became smaller, and then could no longer be heard.

"... "

In front of Wuying Palace, the silence was deafening once again.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others certainly saw the evacuation of ground personnel, and from this they realized how huge the plane was.

Such a heavy thing actually flew up...

Just like Tianmu said, there are no fancy tricks, it’s just the power that makes miracles happen…

“Is this physics?”

"...Tianmu said it was aerodynamics"


It’s another new subject, but from the name you can tell that it’s about the study of flight.

"It's not that the principle of lift has not been studied clearly, but there is no simple explanation in one sentence that can make the public understand it."

"It's just that I didn't explain it clearly [picking nose] There's always something missing when using various existing theories to explain it"

The Wright brothers' first flight was only 66 years away from the moon landing

"But the principles are very different. One is a huge force that makes bricks fly, and the other is aerodynamic [covering face]"


"Does the force that makes bricks fly refer to Newton's third law?"

"Be confident!"

“Is there really a Chang’e on the moon?”



This was the second time Zhu Yuanzhang heard about the moon landing. Last time, he had no way of communicating and couldn’t even tell whether it was true or not. Now, he knew the principles of the moon landing…

Science is indeed powerful.

Zhu Yuanzhang listened patiently and did not participate, although he also wanted to know the answer.

Reason told him that there was no Chang'e up there, but there might be something he didn't know about.


Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

"Landing on the moon, what a lofty ambition..." Zhuge Liang looked across the sky, trying to find the bright moon in the clear sky.

Many of the things done in later generations can be called earth-shaking, such as flying into space and landing on the moon, and such as the management of the Yellow River, sand drainage and the Three North Shelterbelt Project.

Zhuge Liang felt an infinite yearning in his heart.

Liu Bei looked at the military advisor's expression and naturally knew what he was thinking. He felt a little guilty for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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