Chapter 75 Steam Train
After that, the sky quickly went out, and more than twenty days passed in a hurry.

Zhu Yuanzhang was not idle during this half month. On the one hand, he ordered people to collect treatment methods for back abscess and the therapeutic effects of allicin from the public. On the other hand, he again transferred personnel from the Imperial College to strengthen the Science Department.

The short-term goal of this transfer of personnel is mainly to carry out seed selection and breeding work across the country, while the long-term goal is to carry out hybrid rice and hybrid wheat work.

Of course, this arduous task cannot be separated from the support of more than a dozen provinces. It can be said that this is the beginning of the Ming Dynasty’s grain production increase plan.

In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang also took the time to preside over the gooseneck bottle bacterial experiment. Due to technological problems, it was temporarily impossible to produce a seamless gooseneck bottle, so only bottles with lids (gooseneck part) could be used for experiments. The corresponding bottles were glass bottles without lids.

Both of them were filled with boiling broth. The broth in the uncovered glass bottle went bad after just three days. If it was in the middle of summer, it would probably go bad even faster.

The broth in the gooseneck bottle has been there for nineteen days now. From the outside of the bottle, the broth is still clear, and when you smell it carefully from the bottle, there is no sign of sourness.

In addition to the experiments within the court, many pharmacies in Jinling City also joined together to conduct this experiment, but it would be several days later.

In order to ensure fairness, we invited prestigious elders from Jinling City to witness the event, and the elders and randomly selected passers-by would verify it every day.

Also, because bacteria are everywhere and are even related to serious diseases such as back carbuncle, which concerns everyone, the people in Jinling City are very concerned, and every day boys and children spread the results throughout the streets and alleys.

Three days, five days, seven days, ten days passed like this.

It was not until the thirteenth day that the broth in the gooseneck bottle began to change its taste. Of course, they did not know that this was caused by the insufficient sealing of the device and the lack of rigor in the daily verification process. Although it was a far cry from the two years preached by Tianmu, it was still more durable than normally stored food.

Zhu Yuanzhang also knew the result in the palace, and the conditions in the palace were obviously much better than those outside, so the broth did not seem to have gone bad at the moment.

All in all, the germ theory became famous overnight!
From the elderly in their eighties to children as young as three or four, everyone knows that there is a kind of invisible bug called bacteria, which causes many diseases.

This result also caused many people to become frightened birds for several days, feeling that eating anything was like seeking death.
In addition to the extremely busy Science Department, the Engineering Department is also under tremendous pressure.

As the reputation of the germ theory spread throughout the streets and alleys, the microscope was naturally put on the agenda.
Of course, the Ministry of Industry cannot make it.
It’s not that it cannot be made at all, but the precision cannot be achieved.

The Minister of Works An Ran was in fear and tread on thin ice every day. Fortunately, although the microscope could not be made, the eyepiece and objective lens could be combined together to see people and objects in the distance very clearly!

The farthest you can see is 3-4 miles away!

If you look down from a high vantage point, you can see farther.

Even Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked by this thing. This is a clairvoyance! !
Although the effect is not that exaggerated yet, it has already taken shape.

Such a good thing, the sky curtain is not even mentioned! !
Then the microscope project was temporarily shelved, and the Ministry of Science allocated some manpower to work with the Ministry of Industry to secretly develop a telescope that could see farther.

In order to keep it secret, only a few people in the court knew about the existence of the "telescope", namely a few dukes and some earls. In his opinion, the final destination of this thing would be the battlefield.

However, the purpose of gathering all the ministers at Fengtian Gate today was not for these matters.

The ministers waited here for an hour but did not receive any order from His Majesty. They became a little impatient and started talking to each other in low voices.

"Why did your majesty summon us?"

"I do not know"

"Could it be that there is some new progress in the Science Department?"

"It's also possible that the Ministry of Industry built the microscope."

But before they could say anything more, a loud "wu" sound came from the direction of the Meridian Gate, followed by a "clang clang" sound and thick smoke.

Hu Weiyong was not aware of this in advance. When he saw this scene, it was obviously the "steam locomotive" he had seen on the sky screen. At that time, there was a demonstration of the outer wheels of this train turning on the sky screen.

"Could it be a steam engine?" Liu Ji's eyes lit up, and the others also thought of something and their faces changed drastically.

“Is it really made?”

"Let's go and take a look!" Hu Weiyong, Wang Guangyang and others glanced at An Ran, and without caring about etiquette, they took the lead and ran towards the Meridian Gate. The others also chased after them in a noisy manner.

Fengtian Gate is not far from Wumen Gate. Through Wumen Gate is the long Imperial Road. Liu Ji was the first to be shocked by the tall "train" coming from the distance. It was probably about two people tall, but its length was not as exaggerated as shown in the sky curtain. Apart from the front of the train, there was only one carriage.

"This is not a train, it's clearly a smoke train." Many people were stunned.

At this time, the unique "stench" of burning coal came from the air, accompanied by a series of "puff" and "clang" sounds, slowly coming at a not fast speed.

"Look, that's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Many people had already seen someone sticking his head out of the carriage to say hello, but due to the thick smoke and the noise, they could not see or hear clearly.

When he saw who was coming, he couldn't help but move closer.

"Ah???" Song Lian's mind twitched. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has always been steady. Why is he acting like this?

Without caring about the accusations, Song Lian also hurried forward. When they were about to meet the train, there was no sign of the train stopping. He only heard His Highness' voice, almost hoarse, shouting: "Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly."


Then, accompanied by a sound of metallic friction, the "smoke car" barely stopped in front of the Meridian Gate.

Zhu Biao wiped the sweat off his forehead and jumped off the carriage. The two young eunuchs in the carriage had already vomited all over the carriage. They were responsible for supporting the prince when he jumped off the carriage at the critical moment.

"Come on, carry them away!" Zhu Biao couldn't help but frown. The two young eunuchs were too useless.
"It's really a train, am I dreaming?" Liu Ji looked at the train that seemed to have come out of the sky, and walked around it. This thing, except for the lack of doors, was exactly like a train.

"Your Highness, how many miles can this train travel in a day?"

"No rush. Would you gentlemen be willing to take another ride with me?" Zhu Biao smiled mysteriously, and then invited a group of ministers to go with him.

"I am willing to go."

"Okay, come on, turn around"

"." Among the people in the Science Department, Sun Chuanshi was numb. Why did he feel that turning around was so stupid? Not elegant at all.
Could it be that the dozen or so carriages of Tianmu and his group were turned around in the same way?
Time has come again for the day when the sky brightens.

[Speaking of the capital of the Ming Dynasty, everyone would think of Zhu Yuanzhang's capital in Nanjing and Zhu Di's move to Beijing. In fact, at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang also planned to build another capital, which was Zhongdu Fengyang]

[According to Emperor Hongwu's idea, Fengyang would become the final capital of the Ming Dynasty. However, within a few years, the Zhongdu Fengyang became an unfinished project and was stopped.]

[As for the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang abandoned Zhongdu City, historians believe that the official explanation of the so-called "labor cost" given in the official history "Ming Shilu" is not credible]

[Because Zhu Yuanzhang stopped the construction of Zhongdu in the eighth year of Hongwu, Zhongdu was about to be completed, and the people who should have worked had already worked, so this statement is not credible. So why did Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly stop the construction? ]

[In the history book "Ming History. Biography of Xue Xiang", historians found another clue, saying that in 1375, Zhu Yuanzhang received a report that the Ming capital was about to be completed, and he was very happy and went to inspect it.]

[However, during his inspection, he encountered something that made him very unhappy. According to historical records, if someone holding a weapon hit the ridge of the palace while the emperor was sitting in the palace,

[After discovering this, Li Shanchang reported to him that it was a few craftsmen who used the nightmare method to resolve their hatred]

[The so-called nightmare is a superstitious activity passed down from ancient times. For example, everyone has heard of pricking a villain with a needle, or placing something on the ridge of the roof to curse the person you hate and make him restless.]

[Is this statement credible? Experts believe that the so-called nightmare town may be true, because in order to build the Ming Zhongdu, Zhu Yuanzhang mobilized a large number of manpower from all over the country to invest in this project]

[He built this Zhongdu, and the number of craftsmen, common people, and criminals working there was estimated to be 200,000 to 300,000 people]

[In addition, Fengyang had a large number of immigrants from outside at that time. The largest recorded migration was 14 people from the south.]

[So many people gather here and work hard from morning till night every day, and are often whipped and punished. Under such circumstances, it is understandable that some people would create the Nightmare Town to vent their dissatisfaction.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

When they heard the word "Nightmare Town", the faces of the ministers changed instantly, and then they were shocked again.

Zhongdu, has the construction been stopped?

Xu Da and Deng Yu looked at each other, both confused. Why?

Even if there was Yan Town, Zhongdu had already been under construction for 6 years. Given Your Majesty's character, there is no way he would stop the construction.

Is it a terrain problem?
Xu Da had a series of guesses in his mind, among which the biggest shortcoming of Haozhou must be that it had no strategic location to defend.
Zhu Yuanzhang's face was somewhat gloomy. Although he almost didn't believe in this stuff since the sky fell, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he suddenly heard the word "nightmare town".

When I heard that the construction of Zhongdu would be stopped in the future, I felt even more depressed. Is it really as Liu Bowen said?

This is consistent with what Tianmu said before, that in the 25th year of Hongwu, Biaoer was sent to Guanzhong and Luoyang to investigate the relocation of the capital.

Yingtian is not an ideal place to establish a capital. None of the dynasties that established their capitals here have enjoyed long-term peace and stability.
Liu Ji and others did not say anything. The people from the south of the Yangtze River who moved here were naturally the wealthy families and common people from the south of the Yangtze River who had supported Zhang Shicheng in the past. Although he had also opposed the construction of Zhongdu, seeing the expression of His Majesty, it was better not to be the first to do so.

[Even if the Ming Dynasty was still relatively feudal and superstitious, it was impossible for Zhu Yuanzhang to give up Zhongdu City just because of this, right?
[If he had given up six years of investment because of a single attempt to cover the enemy’s position, he would not have rebuilt Nanjing City, nor would he have rebuilt the Ming Emperor’s Mausoleum. He would not have done anything else, because there would have been so many people who hated him at that time.]

[So what other reasons made Zhu Yuanzhang so determined to stop building Zhongdu?]

Through the study of Fengyang’s history and geography, some people have proposed a possibility, that is, Fengyang at that time was not the ideal place for building a capital as Zhu Yuanzhang said, “with its strategic location and water resources”.

[The main problem with Fengyang is that it is extremely poor, and most of the place is barren. This mountain is not very tall, nor is it very strategic, so it has no strategic location to defend.]

[The Huai River used to be flooded every year, and it was impossible to transport goods through the river.]

[So this place does not meet the conditions for building a capital. If this is the case, as a native of Fengyang, Zhu Yuanzhang should be very clear about the situation in Fengyang. But why did he insist on making Fengyang the capital in the first place?]

[Some people think that Zhu Yuanzhang was determined to make Fengyang his capital in the beginning, hoping to return home in glory.]

[However, some ministers with foresight later insisted on opposing it. For example, Liu Ji, the most capable adviser of Zhu Yuanzhang at that time, was recorded in historical records that he strongly opposed the capital being moved to Fengyang. He said that Zhongdu Manyan was not a place for the emperor to live. Manyan referred to the geographical situation of Fengyang, which was not easy to defend.]

[So some people think that it might be because of these people's persistent opposition that Zhu Yuanzhang finally decided to give up the middle way]

"If they say they won't build it, then they won't build it. What should those who have bought houses in Zhongdu do?"

"Just consider it as a donation to Lao Zhu [covering face]"

"Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to move the capital to Xi'an, but due to the death of his crown prince Zhu Biao and the grief of losing his son, Zhu Yuanzhang was in no mood to move the capital."

"How magnificent it would be if it were built."

You can watch CCTV documentary "Ming Zhongdu"

(End of this chapter)

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