Chapter 78 Typhoon
During the Hongwu period, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

"What do the crew members of this treasure ship usually eat when they are sailing to the West? What should they do if they need to relieve themselves?"

"What do people in Africa say? What if I don't understand?"

"What is the name of the emperor in Europe? Do the people there also eat porridge?"

"Can you see the sky over there?"

Manager Wan enjoyed seeing the diners talking and chatting, but the topics they discussed were mostly childish.

For the common people who have never left Yingtian Prefecture, or the eight counties under its jurisdiction, what the sea is like is something that needs to be imagined, not to mention life while sailing.

The only thing they knew was that the world outside was huge, hundreds of times bigger than Shangyuan, Jiangning and other places where they had lived all their lives, and life on the sea was even more unimaginable and exciting.

It might take two to three years to go back and forth. What kind of books do people in Africa usually read?

Questions popped up from time to time, and everyone dreamed that one day they would be able to see and understand the lives of ordinary people over there.

[This is the scene of typhoons ravaging the southeast coast every summer]

[The earliest record of typhoons in ancient my country can be found in Lüshi Chunqiu Youshilan. At that time, it was not called "typhoon", but "eight winds", which means winds from the eight directions of southeast, northwest and northeast.]

[However, it was not until the Southern Song Dynasty that more and clear records of typhoons began to appear. The main reason for this was that typhoons often occurred in the southeast, and the country's economic and political centers before the Southern Song Dynasty had always been in the north. Historical books mainly recorded the emperor and central affairs, so there were almost no records of typhoons.]

[After the Southern Song Dynasty, the economic center began to move south, and there were more and more records about typhoons.]

[For example, records from the Ming Dynasty: In the 23rd year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, on the first day of July, a hurricane swept through three states, blowing up sand and uprooting trees. 1,700 families were buried by fish. All the houses along the Chongming coast were submerged, and 70 to 80 percent of the people drowned. More than 20,000 people drowned in Songjiang Prefecture.]

[On July 18, the 19th year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty, a hurricane caused the sea to overflow, and the water level reached 14 to 15 feet, submerging thousands of houses and houses, killing more than 20,000 people and countless livestock.]

[To this day, every year typhoons cause serious economic losses to residents and businesses along the southeast coast. In ancient times, when advance forecasts and preventive measures were not perfect, the economic and human casualties caused were unimaginable.]

【So do you know how typhoons are formed? 】

At the beginning, the video showed a scene of a typhoon passing through. There was heavy rain pouring down from the sky and strong winds sweeping through. Electric poles were torn down, trees were uprooted, and balconies and glass in the community were blown down and shattered into pieces.

It's a scene of devastating destruction.

In Jinling City, many people were stunned.

Jinling City is located upstream of the river, and the sea is not far away. It is naturally affected by typhoons (hurricanes) every summer, but they have never seen such a fierce and raging typhoon scene.

"If we hadn't evacuated people in advance, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Will there be a big typhoon in the 23rd year of Hongwu?" Shopkeeper Wan looked serious as he looked at the historical data provided by the sky curtain. Those few light words meant the lives of tens of thousands of people.

In front of the Fengtian Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang looked solemn. In the face of such a natural disaster, human power was really insignificant.

Looking at the scene when the typhoon passed by, the only measure taken was to evacuate people. Is there no way to deal with such bad weather?
Liu Ji had a stern look on his face. He had been well-versed in classics, history, astronomy, calendar, military strategy, and ethics since he was young. He was particularly proficient in astronomy and meteorology. He also served as the director of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory, so his ability was evident.

However, even he knew very little about typhoons, let alone the general public.

He knew that later generations had a set of methodologies for understanding the world, which would surely be much more precise and profound in the study and understanding of typhoons. Therefore, he did not dare to be negligent and listened attentively.

[Typhoons are caused by the sea water temperature in tropical or subtropical waters near the equator, which causes warm air masses to rise. The density and pressure of warm air masses are low, forming low-pressure areas, which suck in the surrounding air and maintain the upward airflow.]

[But the air coming from all around cannot arrive in a straight line, because the earth is rotating. As the southward airflow moves forward, the ground in front moves eastward faster and faster, and the low-pressure area keeps moving to the left side of the airflow, so the airflow deflects and arrives in an arc.]

[As the northward airflow moves eastward at a slower and slower speed, the low-pressure area still shifts to the left side of the airflow, causing the airflow to continuously deflect into an arc. Therefore, the airflow that should have arrived in a straight line actually deviates to the right side of the line connecting the two points due to the rotation of the earth.]

[It forms a favorable couple with the low-pressure area, pushing the rising air flow to rotate counterclockwise. This is a tropical cyclone]

[Generally speaking, typhoons can only form when the sea temperature exceeds 26.5 degrees, which is why typhoons are concentrated in the summer.]

[If the wind speed in the central and western parts exceeds 17.2 meters per second, it is called a typhoon in the western Pacific Ocean and a hurricane in the eastern Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean, which is like calling a cat "mi"]

[From the cloud map, a typhoon is a vortex with a diameter of several hundred to thousands of kilometers, with a small hole in the middle. This is because the spiraling upward airflow carries a large amount of water vapor.] [As it rises, the temperature drops and condenses into a cylindrical cloud wall. When it reaches the top, it becomes a cold air mass, which accumulates to form a cold high pressure.]

[Then the air is pushed vertically downward to the low-pressure area at the bottom, and the temperature continues to rise, so a circular hole-shaped clear area with a diameter of 30 to 40 kilometers appears, which is called the eye of the typhoon.]

[The cold high pressure around the eye of the storm continuously pushes the water vapor around. As the water vapor moves forward, it continues to deflect to the right due to the rotation of the earth, forming a spiral condensation track, and thus a huge white vortex appears.]


During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

The commentary on the sky screen is equipped with corresponding animation, and it starts from the calm sea level at the beginning, and then starts with the rising sea level and the evaporation of water vapor.

Due to a series of reasons such as air flow disturbance caused by pressure imbalance, the Coriolis force, etc., a huge and spectacular white cyclone that can be seen rotating at high speed from space is formed.

The fearless Cheng Yaojin had a complicated expression. In the face of such a disaster, human beings are small and powerless and can only struggle to survive. Just look at the historical records and you will know that it is a history of blood and tears.

The so-called natural disasters are not the anger of God at all, but just a natural phenomenon. This is more difficult to accept than God's warning/punishment for the emperor's immorality. It is like an ant on the roadside being stepped on to death one day not because it has done anything against the will of God, but simply because I walked this road.

Cheng Yaojin was not the kind of person who would be dejected when faced with setbacks, but in the face of such a natural disaster, he was truly deeply shocked by the magnificence of natural forces, and he also had a deeper understanding of the heavenly means used by later generations.

"Is it true that the means used in future generations cannot prevent the damage caused by typhoons?" Someone in the Censorate did not believe it. It was not that he was unaware of the power gap, but he had a belief in his heart that even if he could not completely control and disperse the typhoon, he could at least slightly pull and divert it to minimize the damage.

Li Shimin naturally listened to these discussions, and deep down he hoped that future generations would be able to defeat typhoons, even if only once.

But the next second, I smiled bitterly in my heart. How high my hopes were for future generations.
From Tianmu's explanation, he knew that a typhoon was just a cyclone, carrying a large amount of rain, with a huge size and moving at an extremely fast speed. He was really confused when he drew his sword and looked around. He really couldn't think of any way to defeat it or guide it.

Isn’t this really something that only God can do?
During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought thoughtfully that typhoons were inevitable and the only thing he could do was to take strict precautions along the coastal areas in the summer.

Judging from the sky, typhoons generally originate in the sea a little south of Luzon, and are most likely to occur in summer and autumn every year. So the "divine wind" that the Yuan army encountered during their eastern expedition was just a typhoon. There was no such thing as God's blessing!
"It's really a blind cat catching a dead mouse!" Zhu Yuanzhang had to admit that Japan did have a little bit of national fortune, but this little bit of national fortune no longer exists.
Moreover, Japan is still in a dog-eat-dog situation. According to history, it will take more than 20 years for the war to end.
The Japanese pirates were not a big problem, but they were disgusting. Zhu Yuanzhang did not intend to take action rashly, but as long as he made a gesture, he would solve the problem once and for all.

The composition of the Japanese pirates was extremely complex, and this was due to the one-size-fits-all maritime ban policy. But it is undeniable that on the other side of the sea, the wandering warriors of Japan continued to invade the southeastern border of the Ming Dynasty for the next few hundred years.

These are two different problems, and the solutions to different problems are naturally different.

On the military general's side, Xu Da opened his mouth but finally closed it.

Although there is the help of Tianmu, the Ming Dynasty is still weak after all and cannot support fighting on two fronts. After weighing the two evils, it is better to go north to deal with the Yuan army first.

[Some netizens have come up with the idea of ​​whether it is possible to artificially create typhoons and control their movement trajectory. However, with the current half-baked technology of mankind, it is impossible to artificially create typhoons.]

[Regarding the path of the typhoon, since it is formed in the equatorial belt, it is pushed by the easterly airflow on the south side of the subtropical high pressure, so it will move westward.]

[At the same time, it is pushed by the surrounding high pressure and attracted by the low pressure, making its whereabouts impossible to accurately predict. It can be roughly divided into suction type landing type and parabolic type.]

[Once a typhoon makes landfall, it will lose the necessary heat and moisture, weakening to a tropical cyclone until it disappears.]

[Some people say that it is possible to heat the sea water and artificially create low-pressure areas to attract typhoons and control their paths]

[But this requires tens to hundreds of gigawatts of power to heat the ocean, so several power plants must be built next to the typhoon.]

[Therefore, it is much more difficult for humans to control the path of the wind than for a group of ants to control the path of an elephant.]

"At present, with the weak power of human beings in the face of natural forces, we should think of ways to deal with them ourselves, especially in this kind of explosive confrontation. It is better to use this energy on monitoring, early warning and urban flood prevention."

"When I saw the controlled wind, I remembered the scene in Liu Cixin's ball lightning where the temperature was lowered to control the formation of a tornado. It was very impressive."

"When I was a kid, I watched Blue Cat's Naughty Three Thousand Questions. There was an episode where a rocket launcher was used to launch something called silver iodide or something, which could destroy a tornado or a typhoon. It felt so high-end. I have almost forgotten it over the years, and I don't know if it is true. It feels so awesome [covering face]"

"A typhoon can be hundreds of kilometers in diameter, sometimes even thousands of kilometers. How much silver iodide do you need to spread [covering face]"

"Weather weapons? Liu Cixin calls himself an expert [dog head]"

(End of this chapter)

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