Chapter 80 Motor
During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

"Materials again!" Zhu Yuanzhang felt very unhappy. He first learned about materials science from the video about rebar.

From the tungsten filament of light bulbs, to the nickel-chromium-manganese alloy that heats up quickly, magnesium oxide powder, to today's lithium batteries, it can be said that a variety of materials are flooding people's lives.

With the advancement of science and technology, the requirements for various materials will certainly become higher and higher. Nowadays, the value of this knowledge that can only be learned in university is constantly increasing.

Judging from the name, it seems to be a very practical subject, but we haven't even begun to explore the door of this subject.

"It's a pity that there is no relevant technology for lithium batteries." Many people in the six departments sighed. From copper-zinc batteries to lead-acid batteries, and then to lithium batteries, this is the direction of technological advancement step by step. Now that they know there is a more advanced technology ahead, they are naturally itching to learn.

"Yes, the thief who breaks the chapter is very hateful!"

"The road must be taken step by step, and the meal must be eaten bite by bite. The principle is the basis." Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath, "Now that we know the principle, the innovation of batteries is nothing more than the advancement of materials."

"As long as we absorb this knowledge diligently, it will only be a matter of time before we can create lithium batteries."

From copper-zinc batteries to lead-acid batteries, he knew that he had already gotten a huge bargain. Even if Tianmu taught him lithium batteries, it would be difficult to make them in a short period of time.

The key is to absorb this knowledge diligently.

Now that His Majesty has spoken, everyone has no reason to complain. The content of this video is still a bit obscure, and one needs to think carefully if one wants to understand and infer something.

[Electric motors are commonly known as "motors". They are considered a great invention in human history and have a wide range of uses, such as electric fans, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, electric shavers, etc. Tools such as drilling, polishing, grooving, and cutting can be found almost everywhere, just like electricity.]

[A motor is actually an electromagnetic device that converts or transmits electrical energy based on the law of electromagnetic induction. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, thereby driving various mechanical movements. Let's take a look at the principle below. ]

[This is a magnet, with an N pole and an S pole. Like poles repel each other, and unlike poles attract each other. Now let's drill a hole in the middle of the magnet, insert a stick in the middle, and then bring another magnet close to it. The repulsive and attractive forces will make the magnet rotate half a circle.]

[If we change the direction of the magnet, the fixed magnet can rotate half a circle again. If we keep changing the direction, the magnet can rotate forever, right? This is the basic principle of the motor.]

[Now let's start solving the biggest problem, how to continuously change the direction of the magnet]

[This is an iron rod. It has irregularly arranged electrons. We wrap a wire around it a few times and then pass electricity through the wire.]

[At this time, the irregular electrons in the iron rod will line up neatly under the action of electric current, and then it will become an electromagnet. Moreover, if the direction of the input current is changed, the N and S poles of the electromagnet will change accordingly.]

[This feature can replace the manual rotation of the magnet. The next question becomes how to solve the problem of current direction.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Biao's eyes sparkled. Magnets have the properties of repulsion and attraction between each other. This is common knowledge that even a three-year-old child knows.

But what many people don't realize is that by drilling a hole in the middle of a magnet, they can drive it with another magnet.

There is also this coil that is wrapped around the iron rod and can generate a magnetic field when powered. The Science Department discovered this last month and reported it. But it was not taken seriously at the time.
"Wonderful, really wonderful!" Liu Ji stroked his beard and couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. Only by combining these two closely can an electric motor be made. Isn't this the same power device as a steam engine?
"What a brilliant idea!" Liu Ji praised it highly. Isn't it a simple matter to change the current? Doesn't the generator change the current every half a revolution? Isn't it enough to use the structure of the generator?

Hu Weiyong thought about it for a moment and realized that this was the same power device as a steam engine. Moreover, the principle sounded extremely simple, and there were no complex material restrictions!

"Your Majesty, this electric motor is probably a power device on par with the steam engine and the internal combustion engine!" Hu Weiyong couldn't help but said excitedly. The steam engine burns coal, the internal combustion engine burns oil, and this electric motor burns electricity.

All the ministers became excited all of a sudden. Just looking at the steam locomotive alone, anyone with a little bit of common sense could figure out what it was all about. This thing doesn't consume any manpower or animal power!
And coal, as the comments say, is almost inexhaustible!

Even if they run out, there is still oil and electricity!
The value of a steam engine alone is inestimable, let alone an electric motor in parallel!

From the perspective of the later world, the smoking steam engine has been eliminated, but the electric motor is still alive and well, which is enough to show its importance.

"Good stuff, have you all taken note of it?" Zhu Yuanzhang said happily. Combined with the corresponding demonstration screen on the skylight, he finally understood what it meant to convert electric energy into mechanical energy!
The electricity generated by the little eunuchs is finally useful!
The young eunuchs rubbed their wrists and cried with joy as they looked at each other. His Majesty no longer had to be upset about the electricity that was sent out but could not be stored.
Department of Science, Sun Chuanshi patted his own stupid head and wondered why he hadn’t thought of this?

It is clearly known that the copper coil with electricity can attract the magnet. It just needs the finishing touch!

Jinling City is boiling!
The principle of this generator is extremely simple and there is no material restriction, basically all you need is hands.

As a result, wealthy families and various businesses in the city all started manufacturing. Things were manufactured, and many people were fascinated by this invisible and intangible thing and tried hard to explore its uses. However, due to limited time, no object that could drive electricity was invented.

Now, Tianmu not only lists many uses, but even explains the principles. What’s even better is that it is also from the “all you need are hands” series.

"Washing machine, I want to make a washing machine!" "How does a refrigerator work?" Many people were discussing enthusiastically. Judging from the name, this is a machine for making artificial ice?
So can we eat ice cubes in summer from now on?
Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Shopkeeper Wan was very excited. He was one of the avid fans of "electricity". Although he was often electrocuted to death due to carelessness during his research, his enthusiasm remained unchanged.

"Electric fan, the principle of the electric fan is the motor!" Mr. Su also shed tears. This object, which appeared shortly after the sky fell, has haunted countless people because of the little boy who let the balloon hang in the air. Many people spend the whole day pondering over its structure diagram.

Now that we finally get a glimpse of its working principle, it’s only a matter of time before it is built!
[Let's continue to improve the equipment. To facilitate the magnetic field force, we replace the bar magnet with a ring magnet. To facilitate the rotation of the iron rod electromagnet, we also change it to a coil shape. Look carefully, does it look a bit like a generator? ]

[The most important improvement is how to continuously change the direction of the current. Smart scientists have cut it in the middle, called a commutator]

[It rotates synchronously with the electromagnet, and a brush is added. There is a spring inside that presses the commutator to keep it in close contact with the commutator.]

[Then after the power is turned on, the motor starts to rotate. After half a circle, the current automatically changes direction under the action of the commutator. The problem is solved and the motor can continue to rotate. This is the whole principle of the motor]

[But smart students may have discovered that the motor will get stuck at the intersection of the N pole and the S pole, which is the gap of the commutator]

[The solution is actually very simple, add more commutators and motors to make it have no critical point. A good quality motor will have more armatures (rotors, coils), so it will rotate more stably]

[A classmate asked again, if stability is a problem, how to increase the rotational force? The way is to increase the number of wound coils.]

[Take apart the motor. Generally, the motor with very long wires must be very powerful. Another method is to increase the voltage.]

[The above is the working principle of the motor. By connecting gears and other tools to the other end of the motor, we can use the motor to work for us.]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin asked someone to fetch the structural diagram of the generator, and after comparing them one by one, he found that the two were almost identical.
This made him laugh and cry, and he felt it was a bit of fate, starting with the generator and ending with the motor.

"Principle, the most important thing is the principle!" Li Shimin was still sober. The invention of the motor began with the two principles of mutual repulsion and attraction between magnets and electromagnetism.

Electric fans, washing machines, hair dryers, etc. are just applications based on motors.

Li Shimin had never seen items like washing machines and hair dryers, so he didn't know what they looked like for the time being, but he had seen electric fans!

"Duan Lun?"

"As long as I am here, I will make the electric fan within three days!" Duan Lun was in high spirits. Tianmu had said so much, if he still couldn't make it, then he would have to give up his position as the Minister of Works.

Li Shimin nodded, and the matter was settled. Now it was the dead of winter, and he actually had no use for it.

More importantly, verify!
If this is feasible, then the electrical age has arrived!
It’s really magical to think about it. The electric age came before the steam age even began. It’s the second industrial revolution!

Among the ranks of military generals, Li Jing couldn't help being a little dazed. As a minister of the Tang Dynasty, he could deeply feel the influence and transformation that the sky had exerted on the world. He could also deeply feel the rolling trend, the grandeur and magnificence of that mysterious electrical age!
"I've never seen such a thing before!" Li Jing sighed, imitating the language of later generations. When did even the language change unconsciously?
"Your Majesty, we should speed up the formulation of electricity standards and prohibit private electricity generation!" Fang Xuanling was a little worried at this moment. It only takes hands to generate electricity. After it is fully popularized, it will definitely become the most basic necessity of life like firewood, rice, oil and salt. The benefits are huge.
If it could be nationalized, it would generate a huge amount of income every year.

Li Shimin calmed down quickly after being poured with a basin of cold water. He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the handle of the dragon throne and finally made up his mind after a long while.

"The Ministry of Science should urgently formulate a series of standards for electricity. As for power generation, there is no need to worry too much. It is not a big deal for private workshops to generate some electricity on their own. The transmission of electricity requires the laying of large-scale brass wires, which cannot be done in a short time."

"I didn't learn it in three years of junior high school, you said you understood it in a few minutes [covering face]"

"Thanks to a certain audio, I feel like I'm going to school every day [picking nose]"

"The progress of science really requires an environment, a long-term environment that continuously improves and cultivates scientific culture. A civilization like the Ming and Qing dynasties with their imperial examination system would not be created even in a thousand or ten thousand years [laughing and crying]"

"If you look carefully at mathematics and physics since Newton's time, you will find that Chinese cultural research is not in this direction."

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang stood there in a daze. Is the Ming Dynasty really that bad?

He had seen this kind of comment more than once, the most common one being "The Ming and Qing dynasties misled us for three hundred years."

Besides, hasn’t the imperial examination system been in place since the Sui and Tang dynasties? Why was the Ming and Qing dynasties the most despised?
(End of this chapter)

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