Chapter 82 Voyager 1

Zhu Yuanzhang and other so-called "ancients" looked at each other in bewilderment. All dynasties did explore and mine copper, iron and other mineral resources, but the blame for the small reserves and poor quality in China cannot be put on us.
Moreover, judging from the mining method shown on the sky screen, which uses "gunpowder" to blast the soil on the mountain into pieces, perhaps as what was said in the comments, the amount of mining today in a year is less than what will be mined in a day in the future.

How many people would it take to level such a high mountain? How long would it take? In later times, the entire mountain could be blown into tiny pieces of earth with a simple press of an unknown black object in one's hand. Then smoke and dust flew, and the tiny pieces of earth were thrown up to a height of ten inches.
Generals such as Xu Da were all shocked. They could see that the new mining method did not explode all at once, but a series of gunpowder explosions, evenly breaking and sliding the hilltops within the coverage area.

"Is this how gunpowder is used?"

There is a kind of fantasy that the emperor is working with a golden hoe, but in the end it is found that the emperor does not follow the routine and feels absurd.
"If we bury this gunpowder in a valley or a place where the enemy must pass, we can lure the enemy in."

Xu Da, Li Wenzhong, Deng Yu and others were stunned again when they heard this.
Xu Da looked up and down at the person who was speaking. He was a newly selected student in the Science Department of the Imperial College. He was tall, thin and frail. He didn't expect him to be so cruel when he opened his mouth. It turned out that scholars were more vicious.

This tactic is good and has a certain scope of application. Logically speaking, it is suitable for the defender to use, and it will be more effective in narrow terrain or on must-pass roads.

It is not very effective on a vast plain, as the enemy's movements are difficult to predict and it is easy to miss the target.

In addition, the lead needs to be improved to enhance concealment, etc.

Moreover, this tactic can only be used 1-2 times. After a few times, the enemy will become alert.

Xu Da and others were all famous generals who had fought in many battles, and gunpowder was not a new weapon, so they could understand it well with a little analysis.

Compared with this, Xu Da was more interested in the new tactics of using airplanes that could ignore terrain, move freely and combine with gunpowder.

He knew very well that airplanes, a means of transportation that had broken free from the constraints of terrain, would be extremely terrifying once they were used on the battlefield. The side without airplanes would be slaughtered one-sidedly without even the chance to fight back.

Whether it is reconnaissance, mobility, firepower, lethality, endurance, etc., the side without aircraft has no advantage. After all, you are facing a tireless machine that can fly as long as there is oil.

What's even better is that as long as you stay above a certain altitude, you can hit the opponent but the opponent can't do anything to you, so only one team is needed, and the side with the aircraft formation can bomb the other side without any damage.

Even if they managed to survive a few waves of bombing without losing morale, what followed would be the impact and harvest from the cavalry and infantry.

These methods are comparable to miracles.

The above...are the advantages and disadvantages of both sides that were analyzed on paper within the court, and the conclusions that were finally reached unanimously.

In real combat, the situation will be even more unstoppable, because... people are not cold numbers, everyone is afraid of death, and when casualties increase rapidly and when the enemy is invincible, then defeat is natural.


[Do you still remember this faint blue dot of only 0.12 pixels? This is what the Voyager 1 probe looked back at the Earth for the last time]

[On Valentine's Day, February 1990, 2, he turned his back to the Earth and was about to leave the solar system forever]

[Scientists sent him a command to turn the camera around so that he could take a last look at the Earth, his home planet to which he could never return, and took this family portrait of the solar system]

[In this photo, the dark blue dot only occupies 0.12 pixels. This is the Earth beneath our feet]

[There is no doubt that Voyager 1 is the farthest man-made probe in human history, but it is also the loneliest. It was born to explore the planets in the solar system.]

[On September 1977, 9, Voyager 5 set out from Cape Canaveral, USA. After more than two years of flight, it finally arrived at Jupiter, observed the aurora on Jupiter, discovered volcanic activities above Jupiter's moons, and took a series of precious photos and sent them back to Earth]

[After completing the mission of exploring Jupiter, it immediately flew towards Saturn with the help of Jupiter's gravity]

[He helped humans truly see the beautiful rings of Saturn and conducted in-depth exploration]

[However, Voyager 1 unexpectedly discovered that there may be an atmosphere on Titan]

[So scientists asked him to sail close to Titan for close observation, but he could not withstand Titan's strong gravity and was eventually thrown out of the original course. He was forced to terminate the mission of exploring Uranus and Neptune, and then embarked on a journey of no return to leave the solar system.]

In front of the Fengtian Palace in Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others were all shocked. In the huge picture displayed on the screen, if it wasn't specially marked, you wouldn't notice the dim little dot. And that little dot is the earth beneath our feet?
Zhu Yuanzhang knew that this was related to the distance. The farther the distance, the smaller the size.

So how far did Voyager 1 fly?
Liu Ji clenched his fists tightly, and he didn't even notice his nails digging into his palms. This was the entire starry sky!
Looking back at the Earth from the perspective of Voyager 1, it is an extremely inconspicuous "star", and there are countless such stars in the sky.

The view then cuts to Jupiter, a huge planet that completely occupies the sky. Several different color bands can be seen from north to south.

"Is this Jupiter? This big?"

"And Saturn! This is Saturn's true face!"

Liu Ji stood up silently. The orange star was undoubtedly Saturn, and there was a "ribbon" extending from its body that was as thin as a cicada's wing?
The stripes on it are still clearly visible, like silk woven with different colored threads, alternating between light and dark. Voyager 1 flew underneath it, and the scene was extremely shocking.

In the city of Jinling, countless people were stunned. In this era when the telescope had just been invented, how could one have the chance to see the true appearance of Jupiter and Saturn, not to mention the shock of close observation!
The photo of Voyager 1 looking back at the solar system makes people feel the ordinariness and insignificance of the Earth. I obviously have many questions, but they are all stuck in my throat.

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

Zhuge Liang stood there in a daze. Ever since the sky revealed that the ground beneath his feet was actually the Earth, he had had corresponding fantasies and guesses, and now they were all coming true one by one.

Logically he should be happy, but after seeing the truth of the night sky, he felt its vastness and his own insignificance.

The insignificance of Nanjun, Jingzhou, the Han Dynasty, the Earth, etc.


[Now Voyager 1 has passed the top of the solar envelope and is flying aimlessly towards the darker interstellar space]

[No one expected that the probe, which was originally expected to have a lifespan of only two years, has now been flying alone in space for 45 years]

[This is of course thanks to the nuclear-powered battery it carries, which uses the energy generated by the continuous decay of the radioactive isotope plutonium-38 to generate electricity]

[But even the most powerful batteries will eventually reach the end of their lifespan. It is estimated that Voyager 2025's nuclear-powered batteries will run out of energy in .]

[At that time, it will no longer hear the faint call of the earth, and become a real wandering space probe, without a goal, direction, or destination]

[As for the final fate of Voyager 1, it may continue to drift, or it may be captured by a celestial body and turned into ashes, or it may be picked up by an alien civilization]

[Even so, it is still meaningful. It carries a specially made metal record that can be preserved for hundreds of millions of years. It records in detail the location of the earth and the solar system, as well as greetings in dozens of different languages.]

[One day in the future, perhaps it will be picked up by an advanced alien civilization, and this record will tell them about the human world on this blue planet]

[After hundreds of millions of years, perhaps only Voyager 1 can prove the fact that humans existed briefly.]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Apart from the sound of writing, the hall was eerily quiet.

The video displayed on the sky screen contained a huge amount of information, and the scene of the probe quietly flying into deep space was engraved in everyone's mind.

Even Li Shimin, who stood at the pinnacle of power in the Tang Dynasty, was filled with awe at this moment.

Because this is a sea of ​​stars!
Without discussing the specific means of implementation, Voyager 1, which is forever wandering in the starry sea, is a big step for mankind to explore the universe and fly into the starry sky. It also carries a metal record that can communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Advanced alien civilization.

Li Shimin could not imagine their appearance, language, technology, etc., nor could he imagine the scene of future exchanges between the two great civilizations. All of this seemed distant and dreamy.

"The five planets of gold, wood, water, fire and earth plus Uranus and Neptune mentioned by Tianmu, what is the ground like?"

"Even more, what is it like on the moon? Is there really a fairy Chang'e?" someone asked curiously. Even though he knew he was asking a stupid question, he still asked it without giving up.

In fact, they probably won’t be able to see what it’s like up there in their lifetime, but deep down they still have a desire to see it for themselves.

Jinling City.

The tea stalls and restaurants everywhere have always been the place where people gather for fun, and the usually bustling gathering places are now quiet.

Everyone's attention is drawn to that lonely figure. No one knows what awaits Voyager 1 in the future. And precisely because it is unknown, it gives people endless room for imagination.

"If only I were up there, my life would be worth it." A man murmured.

The people around him imagined such a legendary experience and couldn't help but laugh and said, "You wish!"

"I wasn't born in 90, but they were already about to break through the solar system"

"It is impossible to leave the solar system. The solar system is 1 light year long, more than 9 trillion kilometers. Voyager 2 has flown more than 2 billion kilometers. If it continues to fly at this speed, it will probably take about years to fly out of the solar system."

"It ran out of power after decades and was destroyed when it hit a rock."

Aliens cracked Voyager 1's optical disc and threw a two-dimensional foil at Earth [covering face]

"Old Three-Body Man [Dog Head]"

(End of this chapter)

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