Chapter 91 Hotel Robot

Sun Chuanshi and others put away their relaxed attitude at this moment. They originally thought that physics was the easiest subject among the four subjects. Only then did they realize that it was not that physics was easy, but that they had not been exposed to the difficult part.

Now think about it, the induction of electricity from magnetism and the induction of magnetism from electricity are enough for them to study for a long time, not to mention mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, etc.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang tried his best to understand, many concepts were new to him after all, and there were only a few words in the comment section without corresponding demonstration pictures, so it was still difficult for him to understand.

It was only because he refused to admit defeat and wanted to understand everything that he was able to keep up.

The situation of some old ministers in the court was not optimistic. Glancing at the ministers from his position, he could see that some old ministers had already become drowsy, like Song Lian, Wang Guangyang and others.

Song Lian is now over 60 years old. In the eyes of the public, he is considered an elderly man enjoying his retirement. It is too difficult for him to learn physics.

In comparison, our Biaoer and others from the Science Department, such as Du Ping and Sun Chuanshi, are young enough, so they are more energetic and focused.

The sky curtain changes again, this time at night, with the first floor of the building brightly lit.

[Something really weird happened in this hotel just now. I think I saw a robot. Let’s go find him.]

Look, it’s right there.

The foreigner speaking nonsense pushed open a transparent door and walked into the building.

From the picture on the skylight, one could only see a square cabinet and a black and white bucket, which was two sizes larger than the one used in the imperial kitchen to fetch water.

Bucket? Robot?

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others held their breath and ignored the incomprehensible words coming from the sky. Looking at the text above, they felt a little magical for a moment. Robot?

What the hell is a robot?

That cabinet? Or that round black and white bucket?
Wang Guangyang, Song Lian and others who were just drowsy all widened their eyes. Machine, human? How did these two words come together? And it seemed that these so-called robots had already been mass-produced and put into use, and were widely used.

Song Lian suppressed his anxiety and waited patiently for the man in the sky to slowly approach the bucket and the cabinet.

Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Manager Wan, Mr. Su and others held their breath. The videos they had seen on Tianmu before were all of these buildings from afar, but now they could see the internal structure. Those glowing things must be light bulbs.

It’s really bright, just like daytime.

And this black and white, round robot really looks like the bucket we use to fetch water every day.

[It seems like this robot is buying something from a vending machine? ]

[What's going on? Why is the robot using a vending machine? What does it want to drink? ]

[Is it planning to have some wine? ]

As the view gradually moves forward, what stands in front of me is a square cabinet. The front of the cabinet is arranged on the left and right. On the left are rows of shelves, on which are placed various snacks and wines? And some messy things.

On the right side of the cabinet is something similar to a skylight, which displays the same goods as those in the cabinet. Is this cabinet called a vending machine?

The round bucket in front of it is the robot, and there is a piece of thing like a canopy on the top of it. No one knows what it is doing at this moment.

Then, in full view of everyone, the robot turned around on the spot, opened the back cover, and a can of wine fell out of the vending machine.

In the city of Jinling, not only the ordinary people were stunned, but even the dignitaries in front of the Fengtian Hall were like this.

This... is totally incomprehensible.

"Don't we have to pay for the things we buy?" The generals' eyes lit up. Looking at the bottles and jars inside, they were probably all bars.

"Probably." Xu Da was not sure. Logically, they had to pay, but they didn't see the payment process. Or maybe there should be a step of paying, but they didn't understand it.

"Didn't you see the money?"

“They are all robots, where is the money?”

"It's only natural that you have to pay for the goods. Even robots have to pay."

"Maybe. It gave it to him." Du Ping said weakly, but was automatically ignored.

Didn’t see it = didn’t exist, at least that’s what the generals thought.

"By the way, the key point is whether or not the money is given?"

"Isn't the key point the transaction process between the robot and the cabinet? How did they bargain? How did the robot know the price? How did it get the cabinet to give it something?"

These words brought the people in the Science Department back to their senses. They glanced at His Majesty cautiously, and seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's shining eyes, everyone thought that they were doomed.

[Hahaha, look, it even has a bow tie. ]

[So strange, this robot is walking around in the hotel and buying beer, where is it going? ]

【I want to see how it gets into the elevator. 】

[How does it press the elevator button without hands? ]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin had already stood up from his chair, staring straight at the robot in the sky.

Can this robot really buy things, turn around, and press the elevator button?
Moreover, he wore a bow tie in front of him, which was an exotic style not seen in this era and looked full of technology.

Let alone him, hasn’t he also seen the foreign man in front of the sky curtain?

Fang Xuanling did figure out some clues. First, there was a disc at the bottom, which was used for walking. The heel part was separated from the top, so when the part used to hold things rotated, the disc at the bottom did not rotate with it.

The upper floor should not be important. What is important is the lower floor, which is responsible for walking and shopping. Are those who turn the floor below?
This is Fang Xuanling's guess, but that's all he had to say.

If you want a machine to move forward continuously, he knows how to do it. Just use a battery to drive the motor to move forward.

But he was a complete layman when it came to how to turn, buy things, or press the elevator button.

"So, this elevator goes up?" Cheng Yaojin was deeply impressed by the tall buildings of later generations. The lights that blinded people even at a distance of hundreds of steps in the dark night, the various moving words and graphics on them, and the tall and upright figures, made it hard not to remember them.

“No need to take the stairs.”

There was already a lot of discussion in Chang'an City.

Many people were jealous and could only pout: "You have to take the elevator for such a short distance? How lazy!"

[Is this opened with the mind? ]

[Hahaha, I'm taking the elevator with a robot. Xiaoji, which floor are you going to?] [What the hell, how did he press the floor buttons? Why do you live on the same floor as me?]

Why is this robot spinning around and enjoying a beer?

[We have arrived. Continue tracking.]

In the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City, everyone also immersed themselves in the experience with the foreign man, and had no fewer questions in their minds than he did.

He was fine, he could still see and touch the robot, and ask others about it.

Everyone watched the camera on the sky screen turn around and around, and the picture followed it, and soon the man followed the robot out of the elevator.

This... is really convenient!
Li Shimin really liked this robot more and more the more he looked at it. It has a funny body, the color of a giant panda, and it can walk. It would be great if it could talk to people and relieve their boredom.

Well, it would be good to change the way you walk to a swaying style.

His liking for this is very pure, just like his initial liking for electric fans.

Li Shimin thought for a moment and said, "Gao Ming must like this robot very much."

Wei Zheng turned around quickly, his eyes full of disbelief. No, it was obviously you who liked her, how come it became His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who liked her?
How shameless!

Not only him, but everyone else also looked weird when they heard it.
Wei Zheng became serious. How could a ruler indulge in external things? Didn't he know that playing with things would ruin his ambition?
Just as he was about to stand up and give his advice, he was interrupted by two coughs. It was Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling put his hand to his mouth and coughed twice to interrupt Wei Zheng's spell, and his eyes kept hinting: Don't spoil the fun on such a happy day.

Everyone in the Science Department watched with their eyes and pretended not to notice His Majesty's vague, seemingly indifferent but very earnest gaze, but they were already trembling in their hearts.
The same goes for the Ministry of Industry. Duan Lun is helpless. There are not even principles or design drawings, so who knows how it is made.

Although it appears that this robot is divided into two layers, the upper layer is mainly used to hold cargo, but the lower layer, which is the real core, is a complete black box. I don't know what the principle is inside.

Li Shimin was helpless. Of course he knew that this was difficult, but he was not asking you to really do it. Was it really that difficult for you to express your opinion?
Do I look like such an unreasonable person?
[It looks so weird, have robots replaced humans? ]

[Oh, where is it going? Why is it looking for me? ]

[Wait a minute, the phone in my room is ringing. ]

[Is it really the phone calling? It said it was waiting for me at the door? ]

[I know it's at the door, hahaha]

Ming, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others looked at the sky. The man was talking to himself, then followed the robot out of the elevator. The doorbell rang, he opened the door and answered the phone.

He couldn't help but think of Ji Kick Pit, but looking at the comment section that had already been opened, there were all kinds of comments rolling on it, but there was no mention of Ji Kick Pit.

It looks like another thing similar to the machine-kicking-butt thing, just like there are several different principles of power generation.

This hotel is now the inn.

Robots, machine butt kicks, etc. are the direction of the future. Machines will replace humans to do simple tasks and run errands.

Zhu Yuanzhang certainly wanted to see more information about the robot, its principles, etc., but the foreign man in the sky did not mention anything from beginning to end, so he could only see with his eyes.

"What do you think?" Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the servants to refill the tea. "Please speak freely!"

"It's not good for this guy not to talk. Last time, my foot was stepped on by a robot in the elevator, but Xiaoguai apologized to me and told jokes. He is definitely a smart joke teller and talks a lot. The humor is doubled and I'm very impressed!"

"Last time I went to a hotel, I took an elevator with a robot, and it told me not to touch it, which scared me."

I always thought it was put in manually.

"You can also put it in manually. Some hotels don't allow takeout in. Just ask the takeout guy to put it in here and press the house number, and the robot will deliver it to your room."

This robot has social apathy [laughing and crying]

"Who will be in a good mood and chat with you when working the night shift [狗头]"

"There is a robot that can cut noodles downstairs in my house. Do you want to come and see it [covering face]"

"There is also a knife-cut noodle shop in our school, and our classmates complained that the noodles he cut were not tasty [covering face]"

Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Shopkeeper Wan looked at what was mentioned in the comments section of Tianmu and saw that robots have become very popular.

There are actually robots that can make noodles?
Is there a robot that can cook?
"If the robot is shaving noodles, what will the cook do?" Mr. Su pinched the mole on his chin, feeling very confused.

"This world of the afterlife is as fantastic as a dream." Shopkeeper Wan sighed.

"Mr. Su, how did you do this?" the child opposite Mr. Su asked curiously. Mr. Su could see the blazing joy in his eyes.

In Jinling City, the same question was asked by countless children, which planted countless seeds of curiosity.

Countless teachers and parents were left speechless by the questions, and finally they had an idea and attributed everything to science. If they want to make a robot, they have to study physics, chemistry, and biology hard.

In front of the Fengtian Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang listened to the speeches of his ministers from time to time, and sometimes added some of his own opinions. There were special clerks who would record these discussions. He was unaware of some subtle changes that had taken place among the people.

We can probably guess that this is the application of physics, because chemistry mainly looks at the reactions between substances, biology does not do this, only physics corresponds to it.

Besides, robots also use electricity, which is the subject of physics.

Also, for example, a telegraph transmits information by switching on and off electric current. This information is invisible and intangible but is transmitted nonetheless.

The telegraph is a wired information transmission, while the telephone on the skylight is obviously a wireless information transmission.

Well, if robots can transmit information to vending machines, elevators, etc., it can explain a lot of things.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt somewhat relieved. People still need to be pushed, otherwise how can they analyze things so quickly.

After all this unraveling, this robot is not that mysterious. It is like an elevator. If it is only responsible for going up and down, and pressing the floor buttons represents which floor you want to go to, then the pressed buttons represent information.

Then it is entirely possible to use a wireless method to transmit this information, so it is natural that we cannot see the robot pressing the elevator button, because it does not need to "press" in such a laborious way.

There are also vending machines, whose principles may be much more complicated, but can also be simply understood as information is transmitted between the robot and it, and then the vending machine takes the money and spits out the goods.

"Sun Chuanshi, Du Ping and others are talented indeed. Their analysis has really cleared up the fog." Zhu Yuanzhang remained calm and had already thought of promoting a few people. Now the Ministry of Science needs a group of people who can see through the surface.

Just like in this video, the robot's behavioral logic, etc., if you don't have a deep understanding of the telegraph, you won't be able to connect it with the robot.

Logically speaking, this analysis is correct.

(End of this chapter)

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