Chapter 179 Good Times in College
Yang Chuchu is a man of action, she takes leave whenever she is asked to.

At 9:30 the next morning, she arrived at the office of Yixuan Studio - Yingdu Building.

Although the office buildings here look ordinary, the interior decoration of Yixuan Studio is unique and eye-catching.

After filling in her personal information on the first floor, Yang Chuchu easily passed the access control and took the elevator directly to Yixuan Studio.

In the elevator, she accidentally saw the information marked on the sign that next to Yixuan Studio was Heguang Technology, the new giant that was unrivaled on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, the branch of Heguang Technology is also hidden in this building.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Yang Chuchu walked out. She couldn't help but look at the unique LOGO of Heguang Technology a few more times, secretly admiring it in her heart, and then turned around and stepped into the door of Yixuan Studio.

The young lady at the front desk has outstanding looks and a friendly temperament. She looks about the same age as Yang Chuchu.

Yang Chuchu looked at her and couldn't help but feel a little curious: "Such a beautiful girl is only the front desk? How high are the employment standards here?"

With a little trepidation, she walked to the front desk and said softly, "Hello, I'm here to discuss the contract. My name is Yang Chuchu, and my introducer is Zhao Zixuan."

When the receptionist heard this, she immediately smiled professionally: "Hello, hello, please wait on the sofa over there for a moment. I'll go and inform them and be back soon."

Yang Chuchu nodded in thanks and walked to the sofa area and sat down.

Looking around, she found that there were many handsome men and beautiful women gathered here, all of them were filling out their information cards seriously.

She took a quick glance and was surprised to find that they were all students from the top art schools in the imperial capital. Some of them had already graduated, but all of them were outstanding.

Among them, one beauty is actually a graduate student at Beijing Film Academy!
All this made Yang Chuchu feel excited and nervous. She was looking forward to the upcoming signing, but she was also increasingly curious about how Yixuan Studio could attract so many high-quality talents.

"Miss, do you know anything about this studio? Do they have any particularly famous works?"

Yang Chuchu curiously asked the beautiful graduate student from Beijing Film Academy.

The other party looked at her and replied politely, "Well, they have a movie coming out during the National Day holiday called "Charlotte's Troubles". I've seen the trailer and it seems to be worth watching."

Yang Chuchu silently memorized the name of the movie in her mind, planning to search for it immediately after returning.

Seeing Yang Chuchu sitting down but not filling out the information, the other party couldn't help but feel curious: "You are so beautiful, are you here to interview for an actor too?"

Yang Chuchu nodded as a response.

The other party continued to ask: "Then why don't you fill in the information?"

Yang Chuchu was stunned for a moment, and replied: "She didn't let me fill it out, so she asked me to wait here."

The other party found it a little strange. Everyone who came here had to fill out information, so why didn't she have to?

"Who introduced you here?" the other party couldn't help but ask curiously.

At this moment, the lady at the front desk came back and called out Yang Chuchu.

"Ms. Yang, please follow me."

Upon hearing this, Yang Chuchu immediately stood up and followed the receptionist into the internal office area of ​​Yixuan Studio.

After coming in, Yang Chuchu suddenly felt that the gazes around her were like focused lights, making her feel as if she had mistakenly entered the Pansi Cave.

The beauties around in professional attire are like charming fairies in gorgeous attire, each one so beautiful that it's a feast for the eyes.

Fortunately, Yang Chuchu has no problem with her sexual orientation, otherwise she would most likely be unable to walk because of it.

She walked along the corridor of the office area and successfully arrived at the general manager's office.

The lady at the front desk smiled and guided her in. After entering the door, a charming urban beauty appeared in front of Yang Chuchu.

She was dressed in a professional outfit and looked to be in her thirties, but she exuded a mature and elegant charm.

"Boss Bai, Ms. Yang is here."

The lady at the front desk said softly.

Bai Jie nodded slightly and motioned for her to go out.

Then, she stood up and looked at Yang Chuchu with a sharp gaze, which contained both scrutiny and evaluation.

Yang Chuchu felt a little nervous, but fortunately the other person was a woman. If a man looked at her like this, she would probably be restless.

Bai Jie seemed to sense her discomfort, and said calmly: "Although it was Director Zhao who introduced you, the rules still apply. After signing with our studio, you will become an artist under Yixuan. In Yixuan, as long as you are willing to work hard, abide by the rules, and follow the arrangements, the opportunity to become a hit is right in front of you..."

Bai Jie's words flowed continuously like a stream.

Yang Chuchu listened patiently until the other party finished speaking, but she still didn't react to what the other party said specifically.

When she heard the words "Mr. Zhao", her mind was already in chaos.

She automatically filtered out almost all of the following content, and only vaguely remembered that the words "obey the rules and follow the arrangements" were mentioned repeatedly, as if this was the key point she needed to remember.

"Director Zhao? Could it be that Zhao Zixuan is that Director Zhao?!"

Yang Chuchu's heart was in turmoil.

"Could my guess be true? Is Yixuan Studio really the company invested by Zhao Zixuan behind the scenes?"

"This... this is too unbelievable! My college classmate is actually a big boss of a film and television company who spends lavishly!!!"

Yang Chuchu's thoughts were in a mess, and she didn't hear a word of the precautions that Bai Jie talked about in the next few minutes.

Bai Jie looked at her absent-mindedness, frowned slightly, and said with a hint of displeasure: "Ms. Yang, did you remember what I just said? If you decide to sign a contract to become an artist in our studio, you must strictly abide by the requirements I set."

"Once we discover any violation of the contract, we will impose appropriate penalties based on the circumstances. In serious cases, the user may even face being banned."

Yang Chuchu was shocked back to her senses by the word "banned", and she couldn't help but feel hesitant.

To sign the contract or not to sign the contract?
This put her in a dilemma.

But when she thought that Zhao Zixuan was her classmate and that it was he who strongly urged her to sign a contract with Yixuan Studio, she immediately felt more confident.

"Boss Bai, I want to know when we can sign the contract? I'm eager to become a member of Yixuan Studio."

There was a hint of urgency in Yang Chuchu's voice.

A friendly smile broke out on Bai Jie's face, and she gently handed over a contract that had been prepared long ago to the young and ignorant girl.

Yang Chuchu stared at the words on the contract, and her eyes gradually stopped at the column about liquidated damages.

The eight-digit penalty made her eyes widen. This number was simply astronomical to her.

"Boss Bai, isn't this penalty amount a bit too high?"

Yang Chuchu asked cautiously, with a hint of uneasiness in her voice.

Bai Jie's answer was like that of an experienced businessman. She said calmly, "Ms. Yang, you have to understand that the longer the contract period, the greater the company's investment and expectations of you. Correspondingly, if the contract is terminated midway, the loss the company needs to bear will also be greater."

"Therefore, the amount of liquidated damages will naturally increase accordingly. This is a common practice to protect the rights and interests of both parties. After all, it is impossible for a company to spend resources and time to train an artist in vain and get nothing in the end."

Yang Chuchu fell into deep thought.

Then, she mustered up her courage and made a request: "Boss Bai, can I choose to sign a four-year contract?"

There was anticipation in her eyes, as if she saw herself graduating from college four years later and entering a new stage of life.

However, Bai Jie shook her head.

"Ms. Yang, Yixuan's rule is that the minimum contract period for artists is eight years. But considering Mr. Zhao's recommendation of you, I have made an exception for you and reduced the period to seven years."

"If you really feel that it is not suitable, we will not force you. After all, the door of Yixuan is always open to people with dreams."

Bai Jie's words were full of understanding and respect.

Yang Chuchu was in a dilemma.

The eight-digit penalty fee was like a mountain pressing on her heart, making it difficult for her to make a decision.

Bai Jie continued patiently, "In fact, the existence of long-term contracts is to allow the company to invest more resources and energy in the early stages of artist training. These training and publicity costs are huge, and it often takes several years for an artist to truly bring profits to the company."

"We are willing to give opportunities and patience to newcomers like you. If you are an actor with a certain degree of fame, it would not be a problem to sign you a short-term contract of four years, but do you have experience in filming? Do you have any outstanding works and fan base?" Yang Chuchu was gradually moved by Bai Jie's words. She really wanted to become a professional actor, and the opportunity in front of her was undoubtedly a good opportunity.

This is most likely her first step towards her dream.
Seeing that the time was right, Bai Jie said softly, "Currently, Yixuan's second movie, The Richest Tomato, is entering the casting and filming stage. If you sign now, you are very likely to be selected to participate in the filming. If you still want to consider it, this opportunity may fall into the hands of others. I advise you not to miss this God-given opportunity."

Yang Chuchu's heartbeat quickened, she knew she couldn't hesitate any longer.

She took a deep breath and said firmly: "Boss Bai, I've made up my mind. I'm willing to sign the contract!"

Bai Jie smiled and handed her a pen, encouraging her: "Your choice is very wise, Ms. Yang. I believe that on the platform of Yixuan, you will shine with your own light."

Yang Chuchu signed her name on the contract quickly with a stroke of the pen.

Then, she gently pressed a handprint with red mud, as if sealing an important promise.

As soon as the contract was signed, she became an actor under Yixuan Studio, and a new star emerged in the vast sky of the film and television industry.

During a busy day at Yixuan Studio, Yang Chuchu learned about the preparations for the filming of "The Richest Tomato", and all the details made her excited.

Especially the investment amount of 200 million, which made her feel that this matter was not real for a while.


She also knew how valuable this opportunity was, so she decided to keep the signing a secret.

She longs to be the heroine of "The Richest Tomato", or at least a supporting actress.

But she also knew that once the news leaked out, the girls in the class would scramble for this opportunity, which was not the result she wanted to see.

Therefore, she decided to keep this rare opportunity to participate in the film deep in her heart, and she would never reveal a word even to her closest classmates.

After returning to school, Yang Chuchu anxiously sent several messages to Zhao Zixuan, hoping to invite him to dinner.

However, her message fell on deaf ears and received no response.

Since she didn't have Zhao Zixuan's phone number, Yang Chuchu could only wait helplessly, hoping that Zhao Zixuan would see the message as soon as possible and give her an accurate reply.

At that time, Zhao Zixuan did not see the message, because there were too many people sending him messages every day, and there were 99+ messages on the chat software almost non-stop.

He would only occasionally take the time to scan the messages above, and whether he could see many messages depended on fate.

Except for a few special people, such as his mother Wu Xianglian and his deskmate who are pinned at the top of the chat interface, whether he can see the messages sent by other people depends on fate.

Some people may just send a message, and the next second it is pushed down by someone else's message.

And Zhao Zixuan usually doesn't have the habit of manually scrolling down the chat interface and reading each message carefully.

That's such a waste of time.

If it’s urgent, call!

At this time, Zhao Zixuan was busy with a fierce battle on the basketball court. His sports jersey swayed with his dribbling movements. He was dominating the basketball court of Peking University and Tsinghua University.

Fighting alongside him was Lin Sijia, the soul of the Peking University and Tsinghua University women's basketball team.

Today, they were again divided into the same group and participated in a four-on-four basketball confrontation.

From the beginning to now, they have won three games in a row, with good cooperation and in good form.

With Zhao Zixuan's clever assists, Lin Sijia scored seven or eight goals in a row. Although she was tired and out of breath, the smile on her face became brighter and brighter, and she was obviously in a very good mood.

After Zhao Zixuan's accurate three-pointer put a perfect end to the fourth game, he waved his hand casually and decided to end the basketball game early.

Just as everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, Lin Sijia rushed over with excitement on her face and punched Zhao Zixuan on the shoulder:
"What are you doing? We finally won four games in a row, why are you withdrawing?"

Zhao Zixuan took the water from Cheng Yuyan, panting, and responded to Lin Sijia's doubts with a smile: "I really can't fight anymore. I haven't exercised for too long, and my physical strength can't keep up. You guys continue to have fun, I'll take a break first."

He was indeed tired.

Because he was busy with various affairs recently, he had almost no time to play basketball. The sudden fierce confrontation did make him a little exhausted.

Lin Sijia wanted to say that if you don’t play, I won’t play either, but when she saw Cheng Yuyan’s ambiguous look next to Zhao Zixuan, she suddenly changed her mind: “Then I won’t be a light bulb here. I’ll continue playing. Remember to shoot more video footage for me. I want to post it on Douyin!”

Cheng Yuyan agreed with a smile, and Lin Sijia turned around and returned to the basketball court.

Zhao Zixuan turned around and asked Cheng Yuyan, "Did you take a picture of that three-point buzzer-beater I just made?"

Cheng Yuyan nodded and smiled: "I took the photo. Do you want me to send it to you now?"

"No, just send it to me after you get your hair cut. Now, let me rest on the goddess's lap during this wonderful time on campus."

As Zhao Zixuan spoke, he had already rested his head on Cheng Yuyan's thighs, enjoying this rare moment of relaxation and comfort.

This is the life of college students, free and comfortable, with much more free time than high school students.

Cheng Yuyan stayed quietly beside Zhao Zixuan, with her mobile phone camera pointed at Lin Sijia who was fighting hard on the basketball court, recording every moment of her sweating.

At this moment, an indescribable feeling of joy surged in her heart.

The feeling of having close friends and loved ones by your side makes you feel extremely happy and wonderful.

Is there any better time in life than this?
"Little disciple, do you feel a murderous aura?"

Zhao Zixuan leaned on Cheng Yuyan's legs, looking up at her impeccable and beautiful face with a sly look, and was occasionally attracted by her graceful and curvaceous figure in front of her.

He suddenly discovered that no matter from which angle he looked at her, Cheng Yuyan was breathtakingly beautiful.

Her facial features are flawless, like a muse with no blind spots from all angles.

Moreover, her demeanor became more and more charming, adding a different kind of femininity compared to the ignorant girl before.

To put it simply.

It looks better.

If Cheng Yuyan could score 99 points in Zhao Zixuan's mind before, then she can definitely score more than 100 points now. He is not afraid that Cheng Yuyan will be proud of the extra points.

She really became beautiful!

Cheng Yuyan had no idea what he was thinking, and responded in confusion: "Murderous intent? Where does the murderous intent come from? Have you read too many novels recently, and your head is full of paranoia?"

Zhao Zixuan smiled slightly, narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course you can't see it if you look at it this way. If you bend down and kiss me now, I guarantee you will immediately feel the presence of that murderous aura. I felt it, very strongly."

Cheng Yuyan hit him coquettishly. There were boys all around, and many of them were her acquaintances.

How could she possibly take the initiative to kiss him in such a situation?

However, Zhao Zixuan's words made her suddenly realize something.

The "murderous intent" he mentioned actually refers more to the jealousy and envy in the hearts of those boys. Seeing him and Zhao Zixuan so close, they naturally felt uncomfortable.

Cheng Yuyan sighed softly, feeling a little sweet in her heart.

She knew that this was a warm moment between her and Zhao Zixuan, and an indispensable part of their relationship.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and she deliberately asked tentatively: "Then the question is, are you so nice to me because of their 'murderous intent'?"

Zhao Zixuan asked back: "What do you think?"

Looking at Cheng Yuyan, who is so smart but occasionally "silly", Zhao Zixuan can't help but feel a little doting in his heart.

He keenly realized that this goddess from Peking University and Tsinghua University had fallen deeply into the gentle trap he had carefully set.

She was really moved.

In the love game between men and women, whoever falls in love first will lose miserably.

But at this moment, Zhao Zixuan suddenly didn't want her to lose.

An inexplicable desire to protect surged in his heart, and he didn't know where this impulse came from.

(End of this chapter)

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